r/Crappydesign | pissin with the boys

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oh right thicket you I choose you pika pika [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to Ma my name is Zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash crappy design one of my favorites whoo we're starting it off with a banger one of the classic oh no I split this person's face in half designs yeah these are great they never consider the buildings with them you know paneled windows butter dish but alright alright who's the sucker that put the pole in the middle or up come on shoot I tell you what I don't love leave some American food brought to you by the United Kingdom I'm sorry does that say anus and AB day I see the ab exercises but um where are the anus exercises alright yeah it's an F you know that you could automatically say oh it's a crab you design because it's math but um where their arms or what happened to them the shirts ate them ah yes my favorite type of favorite type of shelf in a shower one that gets wet and it's a slope good thinking there hmm I feel like this is like a like a last-second decision like all right we're gonna put in a really nice stairway up here you know what not just just put an escalator in there hey buddy you want to play some b-ball down to the gravel court come on seriously let it matter go down to the grass and play some vivo what how do these get approved you know all right I want to maybe give this door the person who designed it the benefit of the doubt maybe they were supposed to be like white where the wave is or like maybe fogged glass I'm not sure but yeah that doesn't quite look right hey quit queen bee from super mario galaxy is looking pretty look pretty weird these days hasn't been the same since the incident it looks like we got a trash can here one they open up with the pedal on the bottom and it doesn't open up it would see it kind of opened up out on the fall but uh not quite what I'm looking for that trashcan belongs in the trash a Braille map covered with perspex so you can't touch it oh yeah know that yeah that makes sense you know you don't way you don't people getting their greasy fingers on it what what do you think it when I on the stairs I cut my arm on these things and continued to fall down the stairs there supposedly meant to stop people from sliding down the rails but instead it prevents you from grabbing on to it I'm the fifth victim this week oh my god what's up that's awful that is the worst I'm surprised it's not just like a streak of blood going down the railing alright next image I being me is that is it like supposed to be a heart it doesn't cuz it doesn't look like one that's for sure oh there's carpet in this bathroom I mean I get it like you know maybe like a little mat to put on the ground but usually you do that for like a tiled floor like you know most bathrooms Oh God just imagine the toilet overflowing and like water everywhere bye-bye carpet mmm how can we make this chair give anyone who uses it a heart attack oh no oh man that is like one of my worst fears ever is sitting down on a chair and having it rock backwards that is certified crappy design well what do you want a beverage with a taste of hot chocolate beverage with a taste of chocolate and milk or milk and chocolate it's a very hard decision took my wheelchair-bound mother to send her link today but couldn't get her up the slope because the wheelchair parks blocked them infuriating yeah what the heck that doesn't make any sense make that corner a slope yeesh hey I mean I don't see what's the problem here it's it's a bathroom for you and your two buds you can go together oh yeah sorry about that you're gonna have to take a detour through the bushes you're not allowed to go around though because there's not a slope to get up sorry this new starting block for runners has a built-in camera to give the audience a crotch shot of the athletes yes yeah that's that's a bit weird come Brys excuse me what stolen design but that's not stolen a sign that says part of it that's that's the aesthetic you know stolen characters do you know those are those aren't stolen also there's minions there I remember them in Toy Story what's making this just gave up it just didn't even care they were like you know what I found some cheap numbers at Hobby Lobby I'll just put them on there perfect mmm fart rugs I don't want to know what that store smells like what's this mad lad doing oh that's a fire door [Music] yeah I mean yeah that's the safe exit you're not allowed to just go down the stairs the lefty idiot imagine mmm imagine parallel parking right in that little spot with the pole that that'd be one way to get a first sure parking spot but I would recommend it in fact you'd probably have to have a little baby smart cardigan in there if you stay go stay do it no fever today bring a tear to my eye welcome to Bravo's menu what would you like void void void slightly void chicken stay Bork 1 eat g-spot what no what is this thing what what the heck is that a knob oh and there's water in there oh no that is just screaming to be filled with mold like yeah it looks cool at first but I mean think about the long run ah yes leonardo was house key looking a little different these days an ad for a heated blanket yeah no no things I don't think I want my blanket to be on fire whoo I've seen some like this before that better that better be carpet designed like that and not like a stripped floor that it looks so bad well you got two options haunted to the right and a house to the left your choice can't have both sorry sorry parents we don't want your filthy children here it's theirs stupid little babies rolling around get lost just bruised my hand it's not a twist-off oh no what that's so confusing why wouldn't it be a twist-off I mean I think the first sign that it's probably not one is that the arrows going clockwise like not counterclockwise but how do you open it all right we got a car lighter here just push that in all right uh yeah oh there it goes that's my favorite feature in a car how'd you know was lock out of the job site till I figured out the combination lines up at the top instead of the middle like every other lock on the planet oh that's really weird that that's super odd also this photo is very very detailed you can see all the grooves and bumps on that thing this window is visible from a major highway oh yeah I I would love for everyone to just see me taking a dump while they're driving by Black Widow is a part of which universe hmm I would have never guessed that it was Marshall only children's sizes pajamas okay well that's that's not quite right but uh if you ever get sad just imagine a t-rex trying to masturbate I mean yeah that is pretty sad but I he wouldn't recommend putting down a children's shirt this metal piece in the handle gets too hot to touch oh no that's so dumb I I've never understood like pots are like lids of two pots that are like made of metal excuse me ah yes thank you giant bubble for showing me literally no more information than the map already is very cool the hand is a foot oh my god it is the hand is a foot what the heck tell me your kisses magical and we'll fix that or something Jesus daytime nighttime I mean yeah that's a cool design but you kind of you know can't see what time it is cool idea but poor execution the pause button is off centered and I'm getting annoyed that'll do it for me I mean as long as they his long as they know it's kind of a pause button yep dad checks out uh yes the swash three-in-one petty file come on always remember quality is not an option oh my god it's the floating concrete path wait this is awful it's like a video game glitch in real life I found this random ad for nerf club that's so random XD photoshopped on the guy on the far left is not casting a shadow the big girl in the middle is just flat and the guy on the far right well he just looks confused he's like come on me what do you have that camera out get it out of my face please reflective stripe on a high-visibility shirt that heats up in direct sunlight oh no that's the worst whoo is it like you know they didn't maybe put a cloth on the inside and not to the reflective material on both sides that is so dumb there must be an easier way to say we don't discount for multiple rides no that's how you have to do that that is the law I should know I'm a lawmen yes sidewalk dips lower than the streets so where does the water go when it overflows the curb that's right folks under the door I mean yeah duh where I mean where else is supposed to go how in the sewer no you've got to put it somewhere this hummus restaurant maybe shouldn't include their slogan in the context of toilet paper or in hummus rip scoop eat please help us maintain healthy plumbing use toilet paper sparingly Owens management yeah you might want to rework that just a little bit maybe mmm I see no problem here just roll down the stairs duh oh and it looks like the doors open towards the stairs that might be a little problematic you know what this whole thing is problem little gremlins they look like the kid on the front of the mad magazines you know is my favorite videogame consoles the Wii U Nintendo 3ds Xbox one PlayStation 3 and The Sims this looks awful but imagine how it feels imagine you're going up the stairs or down and maybe the sides aren't like smooth and out so if you're weighing short so you don't have like really tall socks your calves are just gonna get absolutely scuffed though god I saw this one a couple days ago yeah this infuriates me still yeah it was on mildly infuriating and I guess what it still is is this some sort of challenge can you swing with your friend without kicking your other friend in the back of the head this tablecloth that looks like a hair carpet oh that is yeah now that my stomach is getting queasy just looking at this also it looks like a particular part of the body's hair which doesn't help by the way all right we got a sink here no it's one of those yeah sorry if you have if you just need one hand washed uh no problem but if you need it struggling so bad I can't I can't help it I can't oh but laughs that's three more weeks of lotion that the pump can't reach ooh yeah that's that's how it is it's the dumbest thing in the world and this is the dumbest parkings fun the world I mean if you need a park like a I don't know a bike on this side of the building sure maybe another one it literally just anything will do but a car the door stopped at my hotel I present the tow Buster 5000 Oh yep that'll bust your toes alright um you might wanna maybe wear some hood steel toed boots come on you've gotta be kidding me right this is this isn't real I want to know who has the balls to go to that bathroom and just take a dump for the world to see they don't care they don't care at all advocate Children's Hospital too bad it was just my arm Christmas family matching pajamas PJs set plaid Christmas pajamas set for family okay not only is that title awful but this is the worst photo shop I've ever seen it looks like someone cut their heads out of a magazine and just like glue them on that's fine no or if they were warped or anything I booked the Train two hours later because I thought there was no way I was gonna get from platform 1 to platform 12 in three minutes with my giant suitcase this bloody train station only has those two platforms yeah just put 12 right next to one who no one's gonna care you see that the yellow stairs that's that's the the chumps way to go up right that's the easy way the challenge is to jump over the railing on the sides Fox's new logo what that's not real that's not real is it oh my god I just looked it up it is real that is that's awful it makes me think it's like Vox or something what what I have no words I actually don't know how to explain this it's just hey if you want to get real secluded hop on over there yeah you can eat your sandwich by yourself thank goodness I have a place for all my different shapes and sizes of waist thank you Tim Hortons trying to figure out what this sign means for the past five years no no idea honestly could not tell you just know just know it's there for whenever you're sitting there in traffic and you're just thinking about breaking the law just to know Lola is this like is I guess does this doesn't amaze think it's funny do you think you're funny because you're not it's so easy it's so easy oh yes windy and weapon my favorite Disney character windy and mom Anna us tall guys we yeah we got it rough sometimes but um you should be fine also there's a window there just noticed um his junks gonna be right in view too and well that brings us to the end of our slash crappy design painful as always thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell see you notified every time m'kay uploads and well until the next one I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,486,781
Rating: 4.9401379 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign best posts, r/crappydesign top posts, crappy design, r/assholedesign top posts, bad design, r/diwhy, r/diwhy top posts, r/diwhy best posts, diwhy, bad diy, diy, life hacks, dumb life hacks, bad life hacks, r/crappydesign emkay, reddit funny, emkay, r/assholedesign
Id: pA3Y8zexEh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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