r/Facepalm | h- how?

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bro-bro already already oh wait I'm texting myself forgot to change the last digit nice what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash facepalm what a chauffeur alright let's see what you got buddy did you tweet wait a hundred and sixty miles an hour this is not this does not look like that holy crap I was slowly starting to realize once the hand went off the wheels like that's not good a hundred and sixty miles an hour just to jump that curb no clearance on that car and just eat they're gone the uploaded that that's the last thing B saw in life was that sign good god I hope they're okay though that's just not hey alright show us what you got baby exactly how it's supposed to be done little did you know that that's actually give you more buoyancy in the water and overall make your kayaking experience more entertaining you're welcome for the advice don't have a bookmark try using a Tonka actual photo of an actual book found the book drop at my library in Indiana a few years back man really did just use a whole taco to just I can only imagine the satisfying crunch that was made when he closed that book you ever think about that because he used a taco it's very clean see the lettuce the meat was it a hard taco or a soft hug because it was hard he crunched it just that satisfying crunch of tortilla hmm please give me an example of something someone said to you that was so astonishingly stupid that you can never forget it all right I want you guys to do this in the comment section if I see anything about me in there I'm gonna cry I'm gonna be completely honest with you if I go into the comments section it's Damian said this in an MK video I'm gonna start just Cheers straight tears down my face well you know I wrote an article about poverty on the Native American reservation and someone sent me an article titled 10 Indian billionaires and said then explain this and there were all people from India nice nice I accidentally hit the language button on my remote last night and watched Family Guy in Spanish for 10 minutes thinking it was a weird joke see that seems plausible is the thing is why I don't even blame I don't call this a facepalm it seems like something family guy would do like Seth MacFarlane and then booth is like hey guys wanna be funny and Peter Griffin said Ola the state vegetable of Oklahoma is a watermelon which is a fruit hey don't you worry about it I wouldn't even worry about it can you name the game console from a photo of the controller no no I can't I need to see the logo customer said she wanted to return this because the air pods were in here $3.50 I'm tired wait what's up next strap oh okay I see I was like what I'm gonna be honest with you I saw the cord here like the little strap and I thought straight up the people we're adding like a headphone cord to their air pots and I was like come on now you already bought so he bought it Bluetooth what are you going through the trouble to add some sort of strap or cord to it for I like the way it feels [Laughter] avocados and onions I don't think those are avocados hey yo Yolanda your dumb says the person who misspelled your says the person of this spelled says says the person who misspelled says that's niya spell says yeah well you stink bro it's the Avengers and everyone's here we got a Hulk we got Iron Man we got Captain America we got a bat man we got ways Batman's supposed to be vision on this why is vision on the box set that's funny ah see no that's 200 IQ to use the thing you can slide up over the pole to attach your bike to little did you know that that's a pro strat and I appreciate that this guy noticed you know exactly what it's all about he noticed it I said hey the convenient supporting on the pole is just too good I like this guy he's going places but he's gonna have to walk cuz I stole his bike ah yes look through the binoculars and tell me what you see is it an idiot are you using the binoculars on the mirror because you should be now they're on the wrong way stupid safety padding to prevent kids from hitting sharp corners well let's draw a bolt through the top that'll help them my boss said the teachers had a poop today please stay seated during the performance yes no tell me that's not the right way every time I go to the bathroom I drop trou been in a perfect 90 degree angle and just let it fly you saying I've been doing it wrong I think you're just a coward how technology can help various disabled the groups a universal phone yeah but see that that's not a no just not at all actually that's not gonna help any group take it after trying to message my number neighbor is that what I think it is the get boo house war the bloodiest war oh man quote of the week don't feel bad for making decisions that upset other people you're not responsible for their happiness you're responsible for yours see I get that and that's like that's endearing at all but what if I want to do meth what if it's what if it's method that I want to do in my mom and pop or like a well I'll do that and I'm like I'm not gonna feel bad for making decisions that upset other people goodbye California hello San Francisco how the hell you gettin a card with a caption like that you just do you hit the books kid can't review this item yet I cannot review this item because I bought it for my grandson in Australia for his birthday who receive it on August 9th I'll be able to let you know then okay but you're not even the one receiving it your grandson is so what are you reviewing the fields you got going on buddy door open cuz you can't see out your mirror but that's not gonna stop you which truck month baby drive that forward ride to the game you've got it let's go baby truck Mon you can do it it's not even a truck uh well it's not even like a classic pickup is what I'm trying to say he's got that big hatch on the back wait no it is a pickup it's gonna he's please put a hatch on the back for what it's truck month get that hatch off the back of your pickup bud okay I'm not sure if this is a facepalm because I'm not sure how it happened cuz it looks to me chief it looks to me like it just kind of sorta you know collapsed from the sky like you know those Looney tune cartoons where the anvil the Acme anvil will fall from the sky same idea just with a giant truck is that what happened here that was so implying the Sims in real life and used a truck but put it a little too up in the too far up in the sky what's going on there's so many questions I have for that image and I don't think I'm gonna get an answer for any of them like it's not even an incline for it to have gone up this thing had to have gotten a hell of a jump somewhere and I don't know how child draws on dads passport dad gets stuck in South Korea well he's done it now ain't got a beat up a little kid guy ground by the collar or shirt and go did you do this he's gonna go and that's you know you did it do not write on circuit breaker door because my writings already on it so please just don't don't write over it just because you went to college doesn't make you smarter than me common sense doesn't come with a degree but I don't know how to spell then tha n all I know is you're not smarter than me hey quick question is this mousepad Windows 10 compatible oh brother you know it's a piece of cloth right you got a brand in there is it rocks is it a sack of potatoes is it corn is it some sort of produce what's in you what's in your head buddy I refuse to believe you got a brain in there that produced that question a mouse that's running a little wheel maybe I know the possibilities are endless an organism is dead what it is no longer alive really sure your show your work I joined this group in error I will have nothing to contribute please delete many thanks my apologies for the inconvenience no that's okay John the hottest places on earth are deserts what do you notice about deserts no trees if we reduce co2 we will have less trees making earth hotter not cooler nature uses co2 to cool the earth not warm it well I can tell from your profile picture that you got an awfully large brain you see that he's smiling he smiled with an index finger to his temple he's thinking he's a thinking man he's ready to spit facts knowledge and reliable legitimate statements hey what disease did jacob grimm die from he died from disease yeah but what kind you know doubts you want the hurting one Tide Pods and vaccines share 15 of the same ingredients yeah we sure like 80% of our DNA with banana peels what's your point I'm just sayin well that's the elite battery protector I get 200% now AHA baby now when I use snapchat of the only dye half as fast my dad opened his salad upside-down and his exact quote was effing I didn't want to sell it anyways I give up I'm going back to bed to start the day over free p.m. now starting the day over you still fancy that cup of soup now yes because I'm fully aware that liquid starts to solidify when you reduce their temperature you buffoon this doesn't this doesn't disturb me you froze them fire extinguisher don't you dare touch that door handle unless it's an emergency that's an entire room of extinguishers but this van is optimized being a prick in public he has taken up four parking spaces he's cracked the code woman nearly dies after injecting herself with fruit juice well what do you think is gonna happen you can't grab a cup of freshly squeezed oh dang go yum right into the femoral artery it's not gonna like I'd do anything for you at that point when someone else is in charge of putting the groceries in the fridge that is a two on one shampoo listen I like it cold Sarah problem with that take it up with me parks and only how you had one job it couldn't even get that one right does anyone else only get it a bed at multiples of zero or five like it gets to 721 and I'm like now I've missed it I'll get up at 7:25 zero doesn't multiply you idiot PSA Holy's you're not parked like this that is my car on the right I was contemplating having to crawl across the passenger seat when the woman who owned the car on the Left came back I pointed out calmly that she needs to be more aware of the cars around her when parking Hey the thing is she's in the lines and you aren't an idiot oh no it's a forest fire but um fun fact Ernests of Vanna Mufasa and Simba they're not in the forest system error Japan's cybersecurity Minister admits he's never used a computer sick he was also confused by the concept of a USB Drive when asked in Parliament so you may well have put a block of cheese in the in the seat this app doesn't work after convened a jpg image to JPEG it still stayed JPEG what gives fun fact it's fun fact time that's the same format coffee and donuts they just go together but that's the wrong puzzle piece sweet Lord baby Jesus have mercy on my soul that is not what I wanted to see you today stuff that's wrong with mr. Krabs keyboard disconnected please reconnect a keyboard I'm on a laptop oh yeah what are you doing you playing soccer sick then that's a soccer game right there well he's just broke he's playing a football that's the football game well either way he's just practicing for what he gets to be on the field he's making sure his catch and hands are ready just cuz you don't understand sports training the interaction I had with my landlord really let my natural charm and intelligence shine sorry I totally missed that text must have read it and then brain farted it straight out of my head oh wait I send that text to you not the other way around ignore that lol you getting evicted a special offer lesson I'm saving no money on this bag of lemons but who that red label makes them look more enticing alright show me what you got baby what do we got here Oh huh what oh he lifted the leg up just a little bit I was like wait what's going on I thought he just like swiped it right under the leg so blank said he took some pills while he was there yeah it took my epilepsy medication I prefer to be conscious instead of on the floor okay I don't appreciate you doing drugs in front of my child you know medication is just a crutch you need to show blank that being well it's just mind over matter you need to not have children that is that is the important thing to get here I hope none of your children ever have a seizure because you'll just look at it go get up you're that kind of parent walk it off these comments are scaring me I'm gonna uninstall' this game immediately and I advise you all to do the same some kind of mind-control software's going on here okay you where the negative influences just cuz your body may be a vessel doesn't mean it's disposable especially not by your own doing righteousness overcomes the wicked bro it's just super hot woman complained her shoes were hurting but she was wearing them on the wrong feet she moaned all night that she couldn't walk in the shoes well how do you do that how do you mistake you know what I'm not gonna ask I don't wear high heels so I'm I might not know you know so I'm just gonna let that exist when your parents ask where all your money went right in my belly he ate the money no you idiot dude this just kicks me out of the amp I have an iPhone 7 hello contact us through the app please I'll try to help you but we need more additional information he takes me out of the app cuing Cole just hit himself in the nuts oh he did you good buddy so I'm watching oh yeah he was he just dragged himself in the nads that's great The Joker movie in theaters October 4th why is only in the theaters for one day why would I go I'm busy the fourth come on Joker movie am i older than my older sister okay so she's born in 1992 and I was born in 1998 am i older than her not since my year I was born in is bigger but hers is longer I'm a girl if that helps it's not your gender that is of the question is of your brain size your brain is that of peanut walnut maybe and that brings us to the end of our slash face moment if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,430,730
Rating: 4.9132323 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/facepalm, r/facepalm best posts, r/facepalm top posts, facepalm, reddit facepalm, r/therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt best posts, r/therewasanattempt top posts, there was an attempt, reddit there was an attempt, r/therewasanattempt emkay, reddit fail, r/facepalm emkay, reddit funny, facepalm emkay, emkay
Id: xT_ulTmEsZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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