r/Mildlyinfuriating | how does that even happen?

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I thought I had the perfect shot until I realized too late that I didn't oh no poor guy that see for me I'm a simple man I'll just move my thing out of the way take it again but for you the moments ruined forever and I feel free [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash mod Lee infuriating I like that actually that's funny if I had a mall all the escalators would be just stairs with the glass slides that's funny so due to technical difficulties menu items with burgers aren't available we're closing what we're saying we've ran out of stock thank you for eating at Burger King for the last time Android equals like iOS equals comment personally I like Android sorry edit a hundred likes thank you edit to 200 H and at 3 300 edit for 400 y'all bug it when Android edit 5 oh wait 500 and at 6 Oh what and it's seven seven hundred seven hundred eight Wow can't even believe it edit 9 I didn't even get to oh my god what boys have a gay edit dead ok thank you so much you're the worst Jenner I get you're excited but one edit saying thanks for the likes is enough you know gotta keep updating your your post 89 degree angle oh you know it's not until you look at it real hard that you realize it's 89 degrees you got to really put your eyes on it to realize hey this isn't right and I don't like it very much the way my aunt / uncle stores games and DVDs oh oh come on please tell me Santa Claus twos at least in the case you can't do that to Tim Allen I'll care about the rest of them just make sure Tim Allen's sacred he he's even organized in a semi appropriate way do that okay I know ask the surgeon I see stuff with the road but everything else is appropriately lined why is that the one funky line what happened there it's like a cartoon where they just grabbed it and moved it askew and ran away like a like a little villain the wily coyote chasing the woodpecker whatever its name is it's not the woodpecker wily coyote and what's his name the roadrunner the caption to this picture goodbye Mufasa I'm the king now okay I mean it's just a funny little caption I don't care I don't remember the Lion King whines so oh no IIIi don't know maybe I'm just weird in this sense but I know a lot of people like rewatch all the Disney movies and stuff I haven't really I think the only movie I've watched over and over again was the Jungle Book and even then I don't remember much from and I just kind of live life vicariously the movies are momentary enjoyments in life I don't remember much honest I'm just vibing dude this is cute I like this cat image man whoa okay I mean if it works it works I guess I think that's a little strange mention of each of those creaked individually the chorus that would play yucky yucky yucky teacher sorry the printer messed up a bit label the parts of the cell the cell it's a stick and poke tattoo now I ordered a grilled cheese and the cheese came separate from the bread no way this what a burger what is this I know okay who what place is this even my dogs mad about it do you hear him bark ah how do you do that I swear these posts make my sinuses act up for real how do you do that how do you manage that Oh get it chief the way my wife cuts butter oh no your Dasher Madhusudan had trouble finding you and has left your order at I don't see any house number dropped at Random House well I mean clearly you have access to text why didn't you just text the customer instead being like they'll find it maybe just dropping it off my guy Halloween in four days uh yeah that's my favorite Halloween costume pre-emptive Christmas I see up my potato is only to find dirt instead oh oh man a grainy surprise do not get ready for work in total darkness I thought I brought air pods what I brought was my bath and Bodyworks cucumber melon hand gel so now here I am applying my hand gel regretting life d'Or in Brussels doesn't line up with the buildings oh it doesn't but everything else lines up how do you mess that up how do you mess that everything else is lining up but that's the only one that isn't you've lost your living room privileges whoever designed that hand them over you get them back at the end of class first first first first I mean the technically all are all the same 27 minute time frame house it's infuriating they're all first that's a four-way tie hmm hey chief my Harlequin pattern is not right one of these is transition to the wrong way it is positioned at what is it hamburger hotdog so this is hamburger style it's not hot dog style so and I'm not I'm not a fan fifty dollars for a premium pillow and all that's inside is mattress foam scraps I mean it's a memory foam am i resting my head on some memory foam coz if that's memory foam then zoo-wee mama I'm gonna do it this is the worst thing I've ever seen my entire life I've never been more disgusted ashamed to be a gamer these keycaps it's like a Dali paint get him out of my face I'm in Copenhagen trying to take a picture with my tripod an iPhone slash watch and this happens I look back at the live photo and couldn't help but crack up there is plenty of room behind the tripod it happens all the time go ahead oh you see his face go come on people just don't want to I think you will just don't look and like I don't want to get behind what if I knock it over that's what I think I just wait until the pictures taken like hey can I go now can I come through this guy just has no manners that's all ordering protection glass for our iPad this just came in the mail nice it protected something all right the wallets of a company you've bought it from because that's a faulty product now they're made off with your money you protected their wallet good job screen I spent $6,000 in over 40 hours building my 100% movie accurate Groot costume and yet all the idiots in my office can't stop emailing about Shannon's dumb toddler bullcrap baby Groot costume it honestly looks like a turd in a marshmallow it's a baby calm down ASA babe your Groot costumes sick it's a baby yes which four I needed to go to nice oh how do you lose a button I don't think I've ever seen an elevator without a button how do you do that how do you do that handle Oh what kind of bat you got chief what is that what is that bat oh my god like it very much freakin squirrels happy all the way I mean at least the constant I mean I'm all for animals getting they're getting their lunch on and this is after Halloween right you put this jackal in and out on Halloween I would assume so that's after Halloween than a nice he gave them a lunch they were on a night Parral and the trick-or-treated right at your house and I'm gonna nominate that pumpkin baby what'd it do when the teacher puts up a hoop it makes you use your real name I've never played good I don't get the the hype behind Kahoot is it just a trivia game someone informed me please my entire kit kat bar has no wafer Oh yum yum yum it's all chocolate eat up so this happened just wanted to lean back oh I'm so sorry Wow oh man chief you will win the lottery like to activate that's two point five thousand winners dude we all get enriched thanks exotic kept only enough but wiped away just enough snow to wear your road safe huh I mean just go through a carwash right go through a carwash and the car washes operate I don't live in snow I don't know like this might be obvious people who in snow areas I live in Florida for now until I move I just don't know how snow works man can you go through a car wash and get it all off for the car wash does not operate this just seems like a non-issue I trained for a month for this trophy and it's not even centered hey it's not that sucks what did you train for though for a month what'd you do I mean congratulations I'm sorry the trophies out in Center but what you trained for man it's what I want to know I don't know about the church I want to about the trophy not why the trophies off center oh sweet lord oh good morrow don't just take a picture clean it clean it off please clean it don't just take a photo when it fogs up your glasses and that's how you know you got the good news buddy dem noodles Wow magnifique nothing over a dollar yeah that Ryan's go inside let's see what we got here oh what's the price what's the price show me $5.99 I've been lied to only this October we have 9 15 16 20 24 hey what's going on hold on am I not seeing the full count oh the thirty-ninth yeah that's not that's not a date buddy how this one row is 1 millimeter longer that's really a non-issue come on come on who's gonna notice that you're a nerd you're a big nerd I bet you got a protractor and a pocket protector you big nerd you stupid nerd sorry for insulting you so I'm a dad drove three hours to Six Flags in Lake George but it was closed so then we went to our favorite ice-cream place Martha's and it was closed and now we're sad this really just seems like something that could be fixed with a simple like I don't know just color the brick in new just colored the bricks grab some markers color than bricks and now you're fine then you're happy again got pencils for you to cover in those bricks now I can see the problem here the Lambos an are mismatched and you know it's all like bumply and weigh me something's just not right place that cup in Oh feels bad the amount of plastic this small knife needs take our tiny knife at all 85% plastic we're contributing to the problem remember to check your kids candy for poison like this oh you may go to heaven without health without wealth without Fame a great name without learning without big earning without culture what is it big earning the same as wealth without culture without beauty without friends without ten thousand other things you can never go to heaven without Christ but you know where I can go I can go to almost heaven without Christ and that's where you could find me Blue Ridge Mountains baby how my mom makes ramen okay fun fact time I've grown up and I've always done this and I don't think I'll ever stop doing this but I ground up my ramen so that way it's like individual ramen pieces before I cook it and I don't know why I've done this but I've always done this and I then strain the water when it's top ramen so I just have just noodles and then if it's chicken ramen I mix in like a buffalo sauce that's wait like a hot romp am i weird I feel like this is a weird thing I'm just sympathetic towards this mother like I get it I do though I do weird stuff too Oh No the rats be chewed up my remote and now I can't watch my favorite TV show because these dang rats came in and ruined my remote control now the future oppose from mono ho banner of Thanos Damian because I couldn't do anything else for Halloween and we heard a twitch brime okay so bruh for context during Halloween I I had my brother paint my face as best he could as the twitch crime logo that is pretty accurate of the result because he did not know how to do the dip that the curve on the logo so just look like I a window to Thanos but this is pretty accurate I love it thank you so much and that's gonna do it for our slash mildly infuriating if you guys like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and if you want to see more me you could catch me live at twitch.tv slash Damian lean line and as always obesity [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,113,338
Rating: 4.9226575 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, mildlyinfuriating, infuriating, annoying, cringe, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating top posts, r/extremelyinfuriating best posts, extremely infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: TkXCmDL4c-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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