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the crumbs in my bed exfoliate my skin I hope not I sure hope what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash make me suffer okay right off the bat that's just unsafe I'm not suffering I'm just concerned for your medical well-being you're an idiot and I hope you're okay human touch artificial skin will now allow you to tickle or pinch your smartphone did we need to though did we need to do that did I need a tickler pinched my smartphone cuz I don't think I needed that at all I don't think this was a product that I needed on the market come on now that's not you can't just do that you're a real person with feelings and emotions you can't just do that you did that come on man when you want your dinner and dessert at the same time my hands look like this because of this to get an F in the comments for a soldier a fallen soldier psycho bad for him assorted toe and fingernail clippings comes with over 1,000 finger antonio clippings from the past 186 approximate years of my family's history that's a hundred and eighty-six years of nails get down to the bottom of the barrel and you'll get back to 186 years feel a nail of a dead person if gota logs tried three beds the mama bear and daddy bear slipped separately baby bear is probably the only thing keeping the family together and that's an emotional suffering yes summon Robert Ross let him bestow his wisdom upon me dude that that that's a multitasking body I like that I like that in a woman we bought mattli flavored lip balm and now we just tape saying bro Ollie it's of gamer feel and kissing each other lacy is in a cute relationship post weight or four grown men are supposed to be working right now bro I think you got three boyfriend's hell yeah sir V books are not a real currency I beg to differ for one I think that's a that's insulting my vendor tech bucks are valid in any place any place any time Shaggy and Scooby my favorite cartoon characters Hey look it there he is mr. Caleb Henshaw which isn't making me suffer I love this guy we love you in fact I'm gonna fall right now I like this guy this guy's making me smile you made a good man I'm gonna follow him right now you think you could stop me I'm doing it I'm opening it uh it's crams up and Caleb and shove my giant thumbs could spell his name right I'm getting angry bro Instagram doesn't want to load it's dead to me but Caleb Henshaw you're a work of art without going out on a hot date when I want to be my best what do I do I put on my cool ranch Dorito fragrance that way she knows that not only am ia gamer but I'm sophisticated well she gets one with my cheesy Ranchi goodness she's gonna be all over me like crumbs on my gamer keyboard I did a push-up today well actually I push my grandmother down the stairs close enough naughty chocolate funny minion meme thanks grandma come a little closer it's an ad for a frickin funeral service all right that's clever advertising yucky bro I'll like that one bit but at the same time I can't get enough of it hmm creeper feet crystal cave demon ruins Darkroot garden Nulato ruins are you lonely don't be demodex is a type of mite that lives on your face friends forever you tell me that little guys on my face right now I hope he's cozy I've died everyday waiting for you thanks man we're waiting just for me mom don't worry the food's not that hot the food what's up it's me dong eater doing another sweet old video Oh Lord deep fake circuiting curse I don't like that at all that's yucky that's icky he's got long teeth in weird eyes Oh his face looks like a horse transforming back into a man like the Animorphs looks like the halfway point between horse and man men will live off Taco Bell and bang energy and so ask for a blow job as if they're coming to got a burning man we'll live off of Taco Bell and bang energy and still ask for a blow job as if there comes our gonna burn a hole straight through my esophagus I'm still gonna do it though come here Ultra Nobel mutation and that's love that's love hey buddy no I might just be an eyeball but eyeball and bones like if you're cold they're cold put them inside of your foreskin I'm circumcised baby what'd it do I ain't got none for Halloween somebody dumped in my bunkie oh that's great man I hate Halloween my jacquelina just became a shadow lantern you're cute huh friend of the year oh okay whoa the fruit of crocodiles which lived one hundred million years ago which won t feed long and used to have long legs allowing them to emerge from water galloping other animals at full speed that's called a dinosaur the name you're looking for is dinosaur creature even would suffice whoa he had a little friend hanging around around them a runaway bouncy castle blew 50 feet into the air with three children it's way way way way what I'm sorry goodbye children yeah that's true but why did you not have the bouncy castle tied down and how is it still inflated hmm unvaccinated kid trying the new grandpa face ad get it because he's unvaccinated that's as old as he's gonna get it's 11:00 go to sleep uh mom it's actually 1058 I'll go to sleep when it's exactly 11:00 holy crap mom got owned aah aah mom my hero walking up the stairs wait no that's dad why is he taking his belt off dad no son got owned that's what I would do if I was a dad I'll be like that's it son that's it you want to put me on smartphone calm you want to say that I got owned on the Internet I'll show you what for it's time for the belt son he only picks ticks off my dog and throws them into an Ikea and that's disgusting everything and that was disgusting to set up the reveal the amount of ticks really the amount of ticks why do you have an ikea candle specifically for throwing ticks into that's what I want to know you're weird nobody rides for free and big bird van it's either grass gasser well you know what thanks for providing the third option mm-hmm I don't know how I feel about red egg right egg has given me some vibes that I don't agree with when you're single on Valentine's Day jerked off 37 times and you're done literally falls off comes alive and runs away seeking a better life shriveled wrinkled and afraid this man is a king that's 200 IQ I love this man please urinate with precision and elegance adjust scotch monocle this is a very fancy pea mukbang time today I'll be eating you know does this sound there's not man saves his nail clippings for a year and turns them into engagement ring why is this the second nail clipping related post in this subreddit that's not romantic at all if I'm giving my damn if I'm giving my girlfriend a ring why would I why would I be like hmm you know it should like my clipped nails hey baby happy Anniversary will you be my sweet sniff the ring go on go on I've trimmed these bad boys for 365 days and booted my love essence tears and sweat that's right there's no adhesive holding these together it's all sweat baby this is just an Oreo this is a reverse Oreo why would I this is I'm not suffering from this it's unsanitary and I hope you don't eat the bottom part of that cookie but I'm not grossed out what brought you to Florida I like to tickle old people they're so cute and helpless sometimes I'll go into a retirement community and just see how many other lis people I can tickle before they kick me out anyway there's a lot of old folks in Florida so that's why I'm here thanks Peter let's take a bath onii-chan yeah you wanna take a bath with me toaster CIN be a shocking encounter girl riding Pinocchio's face Pinocchio oh yeah my penis a picture of I have sent you [Laughter] open it you me yes you think I am yeah I guess you could call me a top terrible at opening up to people minion time yeah you caught me peeping in their room oh ah ha ha you got a message from mr. agency he says I put the peanut butter and jelly in the but I call it peanut butter and jelly but sandwich but you're gonna be caught yet watch hey look they're taking it to the police station where you belong you weeaboo go on and confess your crimes Tom the weird lolly stuff you've been looking up on your computer I know you sweat in there watching this video I know you're sweating shy sweaty mommy's sorry sweaty mommies posted right now what kind of posting crap posted I'm [ __ ] posting why do you do that to your hair to make it look longer me explaining when my peepee burn to the nurse my Flatiron make it look longer you ever read a post before you say it out loud you just have us have to sigh like a you two apology video here's mine I love with my boyfriend finishes in Maine so I can drag my coochie across the floor and pretend I'm a snail gun from Chernobyl pulls out dong girl is that it guy from Chernobyl leo want the other one it's purple oh yeah this is the sonic design we deserve for the live action movie size of the donut hole throughout the years 1927 1937 1948 huh interesting reverse the turn it's my foothold through the years really nice bro you pissed me off so I'm gonna end your virginity right here and now I'd like to see you try I play Minecraft and fortnight yeah protip user were bands to cosplay as Thanos protip circulation is important and I'll pose from saleman attic is this a banner or more of an edit never here's the picture of Damien as a hero my hero Academy and hey that's me one mic work B I know they have superpowers called quirks what would mine be it's what I want to know and thank you I love it now do it for our slash make me suffer if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv ford slash damien lean line and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,450,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/makemesuffer, r/makemesuffer top posts, makemesuffer, makemesuffer best posts, thanksihateit, thanks i hate it, tihi, thanksihateit top posts, tihi top posts, cursed, cursed images, makemesuffer emkay, thanksihateit emkay, cursedimages emkay
Id: iJgEASr3YxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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