r/Facepalm | uh,.... that's not a dog....

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could deaf people here oh no you tell me ask him how about you go ask him what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash facepalm state population in a double by 2040 babies to blame yeah but this girl rescued a coyote thinking it was a dog his WTF face is priceless he's letting her better though that's cute living in Canada there's no need to do a second job do these things instead 9 legal ways to make extra money in Canada okay what's number one cross guy statue on south side of the church he's the ultimate gym leader this poor guy he's in Portugal man that's a cool looking car though waterproof makeup is a must 12 strict rules secret eyes swimmers have to follow well yeah I would assume that that's a must here in the water me calling out her name trying to correct an older mistake Leslie yes so we are suddenly at a raspberry can i I didn't order that are you Leslie i order that is your name Leslie no well then why'd you come up y'all do know that PC stands for a portable computer now stands for pretty cool homicide featuring Eminem logic and Eminem rap very quickly on homicide well that is something they do yes and your boyfriend's that was shot with self a girl I'm following them I'll keep you updated actually it's me with him I'm so sorry the zambia have internet no we don't have internet in Zambia has a Zambian living in Zambia I must flying out daily to Europe to access internet then fly back home to read all the offline pages I say I've got my laptop you idiot this is not gonna work out well this is gonna this is gonna suck why why is he doing this what's the point I want to see the aftermath big aunty backs crowd showing up to protest a bill to remove religious exemptions to vaccines but the went to a wrong room and they won't leave they think they're doing something good honestly there's kind of being a nuisance right now my wife and I are expecting our firstborn child two months and well we don't have a name oh you should name him Jack well we're hoping for a girl Butterfield boy that'd be a strong contender for his name because reducing L&I his firstborn child Jack in Gough for kid yo is that a Kia dealership sick oh not sick so yesterday I said to myself that I wasn't gonna go play video games to my grades are up so far so good it's a gamer struggle dude you're online right now what do you think you're fooling myself 90 year-old Florida man arrested for a second time in a week after feeding the homeless again believed that there was a reason for that though that he was like a sanitation issue or something just safety for the public and at large I don't agree with it I think it sucks that that's something he can get arrested for but it's good intentions but you know honey where are you waiting for a bus well hurry up no okay I'll be waiting a little bit faster honey a Bible store in Kansas really didn't understand the meaning of the quote the best gift for Christianity is reading the Bible Mark Twain come shop at our store get yourself cured hey tell me no joke hey what do you call a bear with no teeth what what do you mean that's stupid oh you weren't a stop being poor shirt nice you know it's easier said than done you know that but keep living off daddy's money thanks hey yo pass me the Ox okay but you better not play any trash now do don't play important the aux cord everyone got off everyone got a boner with it what I'm what with knuckles it says you're next but you misspelled you're idiot so my next what my next what what is spunk it's sock pajamas underwear for needy kids and I'm proud to help my daughter with her collection of spunk no no you're not no you're not not single yet look of us at the serious and long-term more importantly it's such a man who doesn't cheat but you're long you're not you're not single okay so I guess it's that you know whoever you're seeing can't cheat but you can love that toxic mindset shovel your coins should be your coins from 20 up to 40 that's not tripling but I'll take it I guess why is there no flat Mars society hi Elon thanks for the question unlike the Earth Mars has been observed to be round hope you have a fantastic day hey yeah Flat Earth Society you know another planet that's possible to sustain life is found to be round that's right the earth will you work with iPhones sorry I stopped my haven't tried oh okay what we see well Adams will the color range larger than our see there's no difference yes cuz they have it okay you know let him it's okay he doesn't understand marine arrested at airport after bomb Joe could security line no one laughed Air Wing marine lance corporal Joseph simcha s-- must have never heard the old adage about shouting fire in a crowded theater apparently not Kenyan official homosexual lions learned it from cook recopying gay tourists and personally I say hats off to the gay tourists who are willing to screw in front of lions that takes balls which the coincidence ID of the US celebrate the American Independence Day fourth of July why would they I mean do you guys celebrate Red October Revolution no what's that exactly shut your mouth USP driver was murdered by reckless police says step dad seeking driver helpers in blank area at $18 an hour license not required from ups thanks job well I wonder why there's an opening sure what was it with a murder or something Jim has a bandage degree in philosophy has a hundred thousand dollars in student debt can't find a philosopher job but believes people without college degrees are stupid Joe has a four year paid apprenticeship with no student debt earns eighty thousand dollars annually and disconnected Jim's electricity for non-payment good crap they do why would you post this stuff when you do nothing to collect checks stupid and film blast screen protector for Samsung Galaxy hey we'll help up my screens already cracked do you really have to ask that question no no it won't help it won't all are welcome here but sorry it's a restricted area so no entry unless authorized go ahead and pick which one of the signs you want to follow say no to waste 101 easy ways to create less waste apparently wrapping that entire thing in plastic is not an easy way to create less waste here yet where were you in this huge storm came through Denver 106 years ago today the biggest snowfall in Denver history the blizzard of 1913 totaled forty five point seven inches were you run in 1913 let us know in the comments boomer I was born at a very young age that's nice to know that means I was born younger one customer view one star from Roger it fits really good in high quality the live one star ROG can you guess where this is China Japan oh no let me guess schoolgirls being an advent calendar she's been eating for days was actually meant for cats how'd she not know how many catches did she eat before she realized those meant for cats Co the Sun has changed in 15 years see for yourself of the shape and color of the sun's changed the photo on the left was taken back in 2004 the one on the right was taken on November 30th 2019 see the difference yeah the world started churning brother that happens over time its distance white potatoes but chief that's a golf-ball I can't eat that I mean I could try the cringe is unbearable in the cancer this fortnight must die don't mind my profile pic though because you joined our slash insane parents our slash age gap relationship I hope that's like maybe by one or two years so cuz I don't want to see the thing of the age gap it's a very sticky thing you're both over the age of 18 it's like you know like a 20 year old and a 23 year old go for it you know it's it's it's all with reasonability I think it's really weird when it's like you know I know this is it's a sticky topic that I'm not the the kind of person to talk about it I'll have any I don't have any uh I'll have any footing in this kind of argument not that kind of commentator not even a commentator I'm Damian sorry Danny only marry a man who's a true virgin and hasn't danced with the devil in his left hand let's champ people point out that the bible does not name masturbation in the scripture nor condemn it the truth in god's word was to read between the lines passion is to be had between two spouses not in sin this means out of wedlock or alone nah I'm a pound my pecker chief and you can't stop me Christian Brothers against masturbation i'ma pummel this pecker the Bible has 66 books from cherish age firma 1953 and you get your birth 19:53 plus 66 is 2019 this is sensory system shutter age from the current year and the amazingly you get to birth year magic okay Playmobil the movie has earned a catastrophic Lee disappointed six hundred and seventy thousand dollars in its domestic box office opening I do not know there was a Playmobil movie especially because I had a budget of seventy five million dollars USD to my blind followers and how do you supposed to read this is sign language are you dumb no you are chief cuz it's a phone gay sperm donor told to pay child maintenance for his two children thirteen years ago mark Langer tilt a lesbian couple have a family now it's costing him twenty six pounds a week geez that's not that's not fair on that guy Jesus that's sad does that give them parental rights or not minecraft trial I mean good game but we cannot plays but she was won this time please make it without time please clothing as you already know space is extremely cold so astronauts were a special type of a spacesuit called space suits really I'm gonna never guessed as opposed to what earth suits don't be depressed go out make new friends talk to people aha don't be dead where's the right from your grave start breathing that's what Jesus did hahaha you know Africa is a third-world country too you guys are idiots chief Africa's are confident hey how about you stop trying to sound fancy what's even a continent the poor in Africa too you know yeah but it's not a kind of snow country right where could I find earth in this guy well I actually start walk to is about observing the sky from the earth you cannot see an object in the sky when you're at the object keep that in mind Walmart apologizes for sweater featuring Santa with cocaine listen I nearly bought that sweater all say is this if you want me to buy this sweater follow me on Twitch and I'll buy and wear the sweater for a 12 hour stream that's what I'll do that's marketing baby hey there's 20 letters in the alphabet right 26 oh I forgot you are a cutie that's 25 you'll get the D later huh huh dad I don't think you know what this means boy what does it mean I don't think you want to know now dad wrong desert raid us jet accidentally bombs Arizona with white phosphorus pass through them terrorists actually where's Arizona it's in the States if you judge people for how they like their steak you might be a trump supporter is that right now didn't know is that simple I don't know how he could screw up toast but somehow it's possible I put oil on it no that's stai he cooked toast no oil vaccines literally injects you with a disease / illness you could possibly have no association with just to fight it off my kids will pass or no pass all right you know the next life strictly no running or playing at playground then it's just a ground at that point I truly hate the people who run YouTube from the training page of the demonization Stu tweets like this and yet you follow us please for the love of God do not attend to be some sassy corporation account when your platform is in flames please get my boy he's trained up on how to use a gun in the unlikely event Bernie Sanders beats real Donald Trump at 2020 yeah which case no one her to effectively use a gun and their socials that would be a must by the way most the headshots were theirs okay alright okay buddy snowflakes students claim Frankenstein's monster was misunderstood and is in fact a victim but that's that's the book the book is about it's not snowflake student thing it's sigh but that's the actual like that's the that's the story just hit a job interview at Walmart they showed me a video of me shoplifting did you get the job hey you know taking netflix and chill' to a new level on I'll do one removing that TV sending you to God that's on demand the break in our country steal resources didn't do crap like this and live still wonder why we're pushing for immigration control hey brothers a Native Americans they were here first actually fans is an update at 3:00 in the morning Nintendo Doughboy 3 a.m. hey you know that you're on the Nintendo UK Channel right it's 8 a.m. buddy police over set to an arresting woman for not holding escalator handrail Supreme Court rules well I would hope that the ruled that that was you know overstepping this woman is trying to convince the Internet that butthole tanning is cool is she succeeding cuz I've never heard of this obviously not succeeding the ORR UFC first this West Park Leeds competition why to you at home meet at 13 a.m. ko at 2:15 p.m. Thanks thanks for the info and now I'll do it for our slash facepalm if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,908,992
Rating: 4.9152193 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, facepalm, r/facepalm emkay, emkay facepalm, facepalm emkay, therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt emkay, therewasanattempt emkay, fails, reddit fails, epic fail, fail compilation
Id: XfGVvbP2t4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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