r/Facepalm | kids are stupid

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bro i was looking for my cell phone with the flash of my cell phone ah what the frick where was it [Music] hey there guys welcome to mk my name's jack the voice that claps back and today we're looking at a bit of face palm so yeah get those four heads ready let's go koalas to number of telephone seven six four nine or eight i don't know numbers in spanish did this kid in my old spanish textbook call someone and ask for their phone number uh yeah yep yeah hundreds gather in hyde park to protest against wearing masks oui colored me shocked at this point dog bite victim sues new york city for more money than there is on earth anton purasima suing the city of new york for two undecillion dollars that's to a lot of zeroes after he is bitten by dog well like there you go everyone you've learned something today if anyone says you're wasting your time watching these reddit videos they're wrong you've now learned that undecillion exists masks do not work so why doctors always use them during surgeries to protect themselves yeah this guy didn't even deserve a reply he'd just be just be left to his own counter-argument if the sun makes the plants grow why is there no plants on the sun who are you who are so wise in the ways of science why is england the wettest country because the queen has reigned there for years oh no oh there's a potential cursed commons territory and i do not want to explain why haha i liked that pun did you forget to switch accounts i hate when the motherflippers say it's a quarter till nine buddy just say it's 8.75 damn oh okay you know i'm against the idea of opening schools but i mean look then you come across this and you think maybe they should sister sister our guest appears to be a bit confused fans of this anime who now hate me for terribly voice acting that character i i understand your hate i'm a christian so they may try to drive me to my knees but that's where i'm the strongest time to get your mind out of the gutter guys we're talking about prayer here yeah i bet we are now that you accidentally posted this on your public account my uncle is explaining to me a final year genetic engineering student that preferring a boy child is not sexist because boys carry the most important genetic components of the family line and a girl's genetic code changes when she is married off to another family i am in so your dad's aware that you are currently studying like as a fellow human being in society who is capable of a job and his career like is he aware of that does he know you're not just an incubator anymore like maybe back in the 50s still wondering what happened to america 1944 18 year old stormed the beach at normandy into almost certain death in 2018 18 year olds need a safe place because words hurt their feelings um that's a russian soldier ah the logic behind this is so dumb like what okay what life was better when 18 year olds were dying in war they weren't braver they were conscripted and forced by society to go and get themselves killed like they weren't tougher than today's 18 year olds they just dealt with worser things that it doesn't make them braver it just makes them victims of their circumstances i mean of course respect to them for what they fought for and you know what they were sacrificing but i know kids these days they're being more in touch with their emotions now and having opportunities to develop them into maturity oh take me back to the society where we suppressed our emotions perfectly cooked rare chicken steak oh that is not what you meant to do with chicken no actually you know what i changed my my reaction uh good good on you sir oh madam please go ahead and eat that that is a darwinism award on the way 10 million subscribers wow that's more than the entire population of america i can't believe it team mogs are the best see it's fun because he shout at you constantly not there yet chief yeah he's just just about over uh uh you're missing about 317 more people mate then you'll get there then a few million more on top of that girl being faithful in a relationship should be done without being asked hate when people are like when he's faithful i like him hey didn't you cheat on my boy nick dude delete that please that's not cool three million eight hundred thousand cases of coronavirus and 142 thousand on livings and yet major media is still being forced to run desperate it's not fake stories yeah i agree with this one face palm is just not enough you know why soy milk gives men breasts there is estrogen in soy why do you think libs push so hard for soy milk to be the main type of milk consumed in the usa they want to do away with men and manhood entirely soy milk is one of the great trojan horses of this millennia now there is only one line in this tweet that is actually true can you tell which one it is that's right it's that we want to do away with men and manhood entirely ah pee pees yucky get away with them no it is true there is estrogen in soy well plant estrogen specifically however particularly for my fellow men out there having soy is not going to affect your hormone levels at least there is no current proof that it does current reasoning being because you are a male you produce testosterone daily the only way you'd stop producing testosterone would be due to some sort of ailment or simply getting old like 50s old if you're not either of those things having soy is not going to affect or change your testosterone levels at all it definitely helps that you exercise regularly and do all those kind of things that help with stimulating testosterone but no unless you're having like liters and kilos of soy daily you're not gonna have a noticeable effect on your testosterone levels soy is okay to have is what i am trying to say do not listen to this idiot nurses show triplets to the father who passes out with excitement photo from 1946 when ultrasound did not exist oh that is a uh beautiful photo i'm gonna have to say too bad someone had to ruin it wish ultrasounds were still not a thing they harm babies just like 5g is about to cook all our children it is why didn't you tell me i haven't prepared any spices these face masks come with a straw hole for sipping cocktails these condoms come with a hole to pee through do you see the problem now so are white people trump dismisses idea that black people dying at hands of police is a problem my wife have been killed by cops okay and y'all are okay with that well we do have a fit if we're not the best at everything oh that was too dark it's still a good point though like if anything it just further proves that it needs some sort of fix someone keeps breaking into my house well someone's broken into my house more so i don't see why you're bringing this up requested shirt sorry hmm i love it classy and concise guess you don't realize that's a racist slur really red karen's are a race now how to gain 1 million views in just 3 days in youtube very secret tips 7 views 2 years ago oh buddy you keep trying man you only only so many views to go the secret method is just to keep re-changing the title to whatever the current view can is cdc says the coronavirus pandemic could be under control in four to eight weeks if everyone wore a mask starting now i ain't never gonna wear a mask no way it is un-american besides it's all a hoax made in china by sauros in the deep state to destroy our president no new dream on americans won't wear masks if they do they are not americans last year i got rejected during a job interview for not understanding the concepts of a certain ios library what the interviewer didn't know i wrote that thing i actually had a lot of fun during that interview can mojang shut down minecraft please it's the most painful thing ever i've seen when someone kills poor animals in minecraft and it's so unfair also it's a bad influence on kids for killing the animals so please shut it down it's i bet the son of this woman is absolutely not embarrassed use this metric system he uses metric system he uses metric system yeah i can't do accents for them all they all use the metric system nasa uses the metric system oh oh damn you can have that suave jacket in long hair but deep down you have a ball cut like the rest of us so let me get this straight multiple studies are saying getting the virus naturally oftentimes doesn't mount a sufficient antibody response but a vaccine which uses a weakened strain of the virus offers double the protection yeah that doesn't sound fishy at all i'm sure she is right she passed her grade 12 science class which makes her a leading critic in the field of virology better than doctors and virologists fun fact blueberries are the only fruit named after a color um star fruit so close that is a shape it's so friendly award to this woman for the friendliest put down awesome mask that i can actually breathe in and not fog up my glasses i like how it is still complied with the mask requirements in california and my county okay come on please tell me that like i don't know there's some clear protection seal thing over the whole thing but then that would be the point you kill you wouldn't be able to breathe from it then ah lights worry halogen light is a harsh blinding white light that hurts and probably damages eyes is it possible that such strong light could be attracting coronavirus to swarm around them oh like at night then disperse in the taillight what the hell do they think coronavirus are like moths or something this bad dog is pretending to be a black trump supporter using monique coleman from high school musical as her avi this man is far from alone we blacks have woken up and are understanding just how the dnc did all they could to keep us in ghettos and embrace a loser mentality no more love a fake account to try and swirl up the masses my sign today for the restaurant you can't argue about having to wear a mask when you can't even name the three branches of government i cut indeed there's oak you why are they the only two trees i know oh my it's there it's there for a reason it is there for a reason oh come on the only sympathy i can give to them is if they are hard of hearing because i know that these things can usually deafen the sound a little bit but no you don't cnn is blurring the faces of secret police and not the faces of the people they're kidnapping what's the frick homeland security department acknowledges detaining protesters well in a way i guess it shows the sign of the times when people are willing to stand up against police to the point where the police need own protection themselves i mean not that i'll actually agree with you going out there yourself with a mob mentality of crucifying people on your own terms but you know i guess in a way it shows that things are actually changing and hopefully for the better will joe biden do more to protect religious liberty than donald trump not a prayer city of toronto bans catholic churches from administering holy communion toronto is in canada you unbelievable idiot 22 genius tech hacks to make you say wow our purge yeah you're not gonna get the wow you're actually after if you make this maybe just the owl part because you're having to lug around a giant phone as an earphone well how long would the pregnancy take if she had twins nine plus nine equals 19 months so well hang on actually i think they've unintentionally taken into account for the fact they might use an extra month to uh try and have a baby or at least have a break from having a baby you know it could be a possibility how am i sure i'm the real mum of my kid i just had a baby and it looks more like the man i had my baby with it doesn't look like me at all and i'm scared that he was cheating on me with another lady and i had her kid this child is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i can't imagine giving my baby to the real mom how do i know i can answer that for you but i'm gonna request you give the baby away to someone else who is more intelligent to be a parent nobody realized that the second pick involved a mirror that's not even the same person where's the tattoos oh how the tattoo switched arms got her tattoo just changed lies they aren't the same people damn didn't know tattoos swap sides with losing weight damn that stuff's crazy and it just goes on and on and on yes the best style of clothing for a little baby 14 year old deepness sabren sabive masculus starbucks karen wants half of 100k race for barista who wouldn't serve her yes i am not surprised about this story effect of the mask bacteria from respiratory droplets spread by one sneeze a lot while singing one minute oh okay interesting talking for one minute ah there you go so it turns out we have to sing instead of talk guys that's how we stop the spread at least minimize it a bit more two coughs and yeah that's i'm not a surprise isn't that the point of a sneeze why hold all that in no no no no no no you deserve that down vote you're just a nice casual advertiser letting you know about 5g pandemic accelerates 5g jack whoa you're gonna die yep apparently 5g is really big bigger than a building just received an amber alert on my phone googled it and it means that somebody got abducted near my area what the hell hashtag aliens oh man that's not what it is [Laughter] corona will die laughing on this social distancing concept in india oh you know this is how it works everyone knows that it only spreads through your shoes just walk around barefoot you're immune that's that's it that's the secret that's what they don't want to tell you to all you hunters who kill animals for food shame on you you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there when no animals were harmed people forcing people to wear masks is an infringement of freedoms and then making people wear pants shirts and shoes is not infringement of our freedoms we can do whatever we want right you've heard it everyone everyone flip your peepees out let them swing free sweet chariots the democratic party defended slavery started the civil war and founded the kaikakai but you'll never hear that in a history class well you absolutely learned that in a history class i was homeschooled and it was not taught okay this guy has to be a troll florida dad 42 is fighting for life after his son ignored his parents advice and went out with friends without a mask and infected his whole family with cobard 19. oh that is oh that is absolutely heartbreaking i can only imagine how that kid is feeling i mean they should feel bad absolutely but still my heart goes out to them he needs double antibiotics and to get off the ventilator immediately raw garlic vit zinc wheatgrass and black seed oil apple cider vinegar of course apple cider vinegar raisins then he'll be good as new harriet tubman didn't free slaves five quotes from kanye west's south carolina rally kanye west i don't know smack about smack i mean is it wrong hold your maga themed wedding in the middle of a pandemic is a fantastic idea yeah those emoticon faces kind of relate well here yeah but in a way i mean i don't want to die but i mean if that's what god has in store for my life then that's okay my boyfriend literally just got me some chocolate and a card for valentine's like when i say i want chocolates what i really want is a ring or a necklace just because i say i want something doesn't mean i want it well there you have it gentlemen and you thought you were confused before i play scrabble with my split personality being bipolar has its advantages i hate it when i flip the board upside down when i start losing it annoys me and makes me wish i never gave me a chance it's not fair on me when i do that because i can't take losing if only i understood that i was winning and i let me win being bipolar doesn't give a split personality it only causes unusual mood swings so next time learn about the topic before lying i saw a teacher friend of mine post i wonder how social distancing will work when we run school shooter drills in the classroom this fall everything about this sentence is wrong ask yourself how we got here nearly 5 000 u.s citizens tried to enter canada for shopping recreation amid pandemic ironic had a school meeting this morning the first thing we talked about is the cheapest way to make a will so there you go snakebite 70 year old in gurajurat who bites it back to take revenge both died well i mean still revenge think about this jesus did not wear a mask nor distance from a lepers god over science he there was there was literally nowhere in the bible where he was dealing with something like this my mum just unplugged the power cable of our router to plug in her laptop to attend an online lesson that didn't go well well everybody that does us for another bit of mk today i apologize completely for ruining your day with any of this content that was too just frustrating to deal with don't worry we're in the same boat but if in a weird way you found all the terrible things in today's video quite entertaining please give the video a like to show your support and as always subscribe if you have not yet and click the notification bell so you're always updated on the latest videos while you're at it why not check out some other videos on the channel but with all that said it is my time to scoot off now so i will say farewell to you you are an amazing person as always thank you so much for watching my name's been jack bye bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 714,727
Rating: 4.916069 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/facepalm, facepalm, face palm, reddit facepalm
Id: uq4E3x2wdqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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