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the flat earth society has members all around the globe ooh self burn those are rare [Music] hello funky fresh felines welcome to mk how you feeling i'm pretty sad myself just kidding i don't feel anything anymore now before we get started today we're gonna look at some artwork from beef jerky 11. who concerns me when they seem afraid of their own work it's a an interesting blend of three things god imagine this thing being under a light post at night this is like siren head's disfigured cousin or something by which i mean it's amazing artwork beef jerky well done now today it's all about things that make us face palm so without further ado let us entertain ourselves with things that make us cringe or just disappoint us woman takes three week old child to rally when no one is wearing masks hashtag babies for trump your political affiliation does not excuse you from being a bad parent i mean it's not like they broadcast this stuff everywhere anyway oh wait never mind that guy's got some sort of mask on his elbow okay it's all good guys yeah the kid's safe first name jay must be a number what anti-racism event hosted by edinburgh university bans white people from asking questions do you see the uh the irony here you can't be racist to white people really you're not excluding someone based on the color of their skin if the complexion of their skin is a different color to yours interesting black box freaking died why what's going on she had a seizure oh my is she okay no dude she literally freaking died all right that was good who are you what are you doing in my house while i have sniffles what's that you're here for a cliche segway sponsor part of the video well ray chatter legends as i'm sure you already know is a turn-based rpg that's focusing on that always addictive dungeon crawling and looting gameplay it has incredibly tasty graphics and is currently available on the pc wowie honestly there is so much on offer in this game you want an in-depth story bam you want to just play the game well bam you want to have extra stats to unlock through constantly rewarding collectibles and upgrades well bam like personally i've just been skipping through the story most of the time and i'm still having a blast and look how much i've already collected just from playing it so far honestly you'd think i'd pay to get this much stuff there is a massive roster of characters to choose from under 16 different factions such as orcs dwarves undead hordes and many more you can check them all out in the index screen right here now i've started in the dark elves faction with the champion kale because he's a stud and i like aoe abilities to finish my battles quickly but oh boy can i not wait to unlock some characters from the lizardman faction just look at these boys look at him ugh you just wait drake and fushan i'm going to get yous i'm going to get just one day usual and by the time you're watching this video the brand new tag team arena should be live in game tag arena is the next level of competition pvp battles instead of single four versus four battle like in classic arena it's best out of three with your four loyal champions win two of the three battles to win the series basically if you've been playing arena mode and you want more variety or even more of a challenge then this is for you and of course since this is a brand new game mode the developers will be giving out some special rewards soon to whoever manages to finish high up in the rankings so if you're like me and you love truly competitive pvp with some big rewards you're gonna love tag arena but jack you say there are so many champions to choose from how do i know which one is the best for me don't you worry your smelly little butt about the abundance of choice you can simply tap here to see all the different reviews based on where you want to use that champion as i'm currently loving the campaign it clearly shows that drake is the right fit for me if i had him can't tell if i love the lizardmen because i like dragons or if i love them because they're crocodile-like and my australian steve erwin-ness is showing in all seriousness guys i can see why rage shadow legends is such a popular game to play i've named myself peanut night because i can and once i do get to level 13 i plan to create a clan called the cannes clan because so if you'd also like to join the cannes clan in the future go to the video description right now click on the special link we have provided and if you are a new player you will get 100 000 silver plus 50 gems plus an energy refill plus a free champion known as adjudicator seriously you're gonna have a better champion than me all this treasure will be available right here in your inbox that's the little treasure chest on the top right corner of your screen be quick though because this offer is only available for the next 30 days and only for new players so if you enjoy smooth fast amazing graphics incredible champions awesome artwork and seriously satisfying gameplay join me and play some rage shadow legends or just don't be my friend anymore it's your choice please see my above comment ingredients half a cup of rice half a cup of water one litre milk one quarter cup sugar one teaspoon vanilla essence and here's a five star review of this recipe i was wanting to use up some full cream milk bought by mistake instead of light milk and came across this recipe i've just cooked it and the rice is so beautiful and creamy i only added one third cup of sugar as my husband doesn't like things too sweet and it's perfect for us thank you very much for posting i'm sure she meant that she only put in like a quarter of the one quarter itself but it still looks so weird you're contradicting yourself woman banned for one day because a play-generated report found your in-game comments extremely offensive your account has been suspended jazz log macaroni and cheese just isn't that good no i don't understand is there not some sort of check system in place to ensure that the report actually is legitimate i guess for now just don't bring up macaroni and cheese to anyone in that game they're pretty hardcore about it it seems nothing makes trump supporters angrier than when you directly quote something he has said no no well he he didn't mean it like that you see no you you completely taken it out of context this media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner something tells me they just did not want trump to be the one sharing their stuff do you know how sexy it is when he teases you in bed with a bird leaf you mean feather bird leaf that's a new one i'm i'm gonna have to remember that so i got my first tattoo home job why did you get the star of david tattooed on you you never striked me as a religious person it's a pentagram penta five points yours has six which makes it the star of david i'm sorry what what are you talking about cnn legal analyst arriva martin accuses david webb of white privilege before learning [Laughter] oh how do you how do you do that to yourself you're an analyst like someone who does reporting and stuff surely you'd have to do research so surely surely you would have come across a photo of him wow what a way to catch out someone not doing their homework here's donald trump posting some media about fake news and oh it's been being alert to this manipulated media either someone's flagged this as a joke or it's actually got some fake stuff in it which i you know look let's be honest we wouldn't be surprised you're not special for reading the great gatsby we all went to high school whenever you feel like criticizing anyone just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had okie dokie you let's turn it down here i was just making a joke so was i that's the first line of the book what i didn't read the book and we can tell when i see two men going to get breakfast together i automatically assume they're gay like why y'all up so early and together wow she must lose her mind when two friends hug each other i can guarantee tomorrow's tweet will be like why are men never vulnerable enough they should learn to be more open about themselves god the irony is just so thick man flies into rage of a bilingual menu in mexican restaurant what's this new language you're trying to shove down our throats this is america oh wait no this is the uk i don't know no wait there's an article from the uk hang on wait where is this exactly from amtrak california they're a train company do not follow where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail ralph waldo emerson uh with all due respect this is terrible advice for trains true but to be fair trains aren't sentient and actually wouldn't be able to take in this knowledge train drivers on the other hand yes they're gonna kill us my stomach hurts doctor you're lying anyway here's your bill thanks for still living in america this year thousands of men will die from stubbornness no we won't you know if anything this just makes the sign more memorable and therefore more effective hell i wouldn't be surprised if they paid someone a graffiti it like that rioters in california tear down statue of ulysses s grant he defeated the confederacy and devastated the kkk another example of just some people out there who were just using this as an excuse to destroy stuff but hey why research the actual history of some of these statues instead just destroy them it's much easier that way black lives matter is one thousand percent of terrorist organization i can prove it one million different ways with a million different statistics facts and crimes meanwhile in his definitely correct thinking facebook group i just got fired from my 11-year insurance job for my facebook posts you know i'm always going to agree to the fact that it absolutely can suck that you can get fired simply because of having an opinion about something however if you're sharing and expressing that opinion in a very aggressive way that can easily show that you lack any ability or want to actually learn from other sides of things or actually taking criticism then well yeah you get what you deserve i am not anti-vaxxed but i understand why some parents do not want those chemicals in their children's bodies i think instead of chemical shots the doctors should give a small piece of the virus so the body can build natural immunity like the chicken box play dates we had as kids okay i'm gonna break something to you but um this may freak you out but uh that's what vaccines already do man from kansas tried to vacuum out his fart but instead sucked out a part of his intestine how do you do that i didn't want to have to accidentally poop myself so i tried one thing but another thing happened instead and i don't like it it's well known what flat earthers fear most is fear itself hey okay boomer good try fest but no cigar there though the screenshot is a perfect example of how good they are at interpreting actual fact pup forge 30 day perfect pup with zach george i have a question i just seen a video of a lady training her very cute dog to leave it the dog did real good but she spoke to him in spanish how do dogs understand so whatever language you start with they understand what in the failed american education system is this yo dude you kind of look like my first husband i don't know i've never been married though that's actually a first for someone to tell me i look like someone else i worked so hard risked it all and you didn't even get my joke yeah this is why i hated tinder you can't understand each other's context at all not unless you figure out how to make it perfectly clear like it's just a pain in the butt music connects people [Music] it's uh it's connecting them all right my boyfriend bought me this thinking it was a flower but it's lettuce i have never seen purple lettuce before so i know i would equally be susceptible to making this mistake china is manufacturing boycott china caps and t-shirts due to high demand in india oh the ccp can't be happy about that isn't this also kind of extremely ironic though a lot of indians are going to be very disappointed when they finally get these orders come through and realize where they were manufactured cops aren't wearing their uniforms to and from work right now because they're afraid someone might attack them or their families can you imagine that living with a constant fear of being killed by a complete stranger because to them you look like a threat yeah it's kind of sad but like a necessary evil when you have to kind of push an experience onto someone else for them to finally understand where you're coming from with your struggles americans culture wars is so advanced that this country managed to make the existence of a global pandemic that has killed more than a hundred thousand americans a matter of public opinion what an utter failure of a country yeah that perfectly explains the ridiculousness of it it was bad enough a few years ago when people thought they had a political opinion on whether or not people can get married but now we're going along with this stuff too we haven't even gotten to the 30s yet and that's when the great depression and stuff's meant to happen bring on world war three did cuomo call us all [ __ ] no no the governor said you guys are smart loving united and tough yeah you know [ __ ] the church of satan a reminder that satanists should decide for themselves if they support or attend lgbtq pride month events held in june as a carnal religion satanism embraces all forms of consensual adult sexual activity and gender identity but keep kids away from catholics just to be safe this is in response to bishop thomas tobin saying a reminder the catholics should not support or attend lgbtq pride month events held in june they promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to catholic faith and morals they are especially harmful for children and people are wondering why there's more satanists in the world honestly with all the pedophilia stuff proven to be with catholics like how is that how is it still a religion i feel like there should be a law where if enough leaders in your religion commit bad things that that religion should just lose its status as a religion and just be dropped down to bad cults no one likes boy paralyzed after tumor fights back to gain a black belt wait what oh wait okay it depends where you put a comma no a boy didn't get beaten up to the point of being paralyzed by a tumor that then went to gain itself a black belt in taekwondo it's boy paralyzed after chuma comma fights back to gain a black belt should have taken this one back to the drawing board there mark racists in ca will really be like this is america's big english but live in a place called los angeles or palos verdes or la habra or san diego or la mariada or escaniro oscars sacramento or rancho cucamonga or santa ana or costa mesa or san clemente or san jose or san monica or i have probably butchered half of them i am so sorry shower thoughts if wireless pcs existed we could literally take them anywhere and use them to be even more productive than having to plug it into a socket all the time you mean a laptop i think i said pcs very clearly looks like someone has a pc master race mentality trading raw power for versatility and convenience how dare you trump on coronavirus if we stop testing right now we'll have very few cases if any i don't even sound like trump i don't even know why i'm bothering the voice it doesn't sound like him oh if anything my voice is the face palm here jesus how long did she live to is she still alive born june 27 1880 and died june 1st 1968 28 years what how did she write 35 books what 28 hours old she died buddy how did you get 28. 1880 to 1968 80 to 68 that's 28. that's not how that works at all don't stop until you're proud yeah the proud that you own don't stop until that trump suggests stopping covert 19 tests would result in fewer cases my goodness what an idea why didn't i think of that probably because it doesn't make any sense it's like a politically professional opinion of i'm just gonna turn my head around and ignore the issue trump says he thinks some americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him and not as preventative measures during the pandemic wow are you [Music] he's genuinely taking offense to people wearing masks i wow america you guys are a day you try to protect yourselves and those around you dude so selfish father's day is six days from now i am a 35 year old grown woman and i am dreading it like crazy we really have to start an alternative rebranding of the day for those of us who have fathers who have passed on okay megan i understand you're a bit upset from your loss that's understandable but i think you need to realize there are there are many people with fathers still alive that deserve to be celebrated blind woman told to get off bus because go dogs can't be black i i don't even know how to respond to this but being racist to dogs now i mean how would you react to that just be speechless whoever said this to her is clearly more blind than she is dear liberals no matter how hard you try trans men will never be women and trans women will never be men facts over feelings oh looks like you kind of shot yourself in the foot there didn't you for those who were a bit confused the idea of being called a trans man is to define that you were a woman who is now a man so by these people trying to argue that trans men will never be women is exactly what they're trying to advocate for like they're literally approving of what they're against today's pirate pledge a good pirate never takes another person's property hey kids show you you don't have much logic there do you how's your forehead doing thanks for watching a bit of mk today please like the video if you enjoyed today's content and if you're new to the channel why not subscribe and click that notification bell so you can join along with the fam and see what the latest videos come out feel free to check out some more videos on the channel and with all that said my name's been jack you're an amazing person and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 509,400
Rating: 4.7519345 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, facepalm, r/facepalm emkay, emkay facepalm, facepalm emkay, therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt emkay, therewasanattempt emkay, fails, reddit fails, epic fail, fail compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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