r/Confidentlyincorrect | that actually obama...

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my dad's confidently saying the whole government is holograms all right does he know who programmed them animated them runs them on a constant basis because as far as i know the holograms we have created are not sentient and can do whatever they want and go wherever they want so who's behind the holograms is it the extraterrestrials [Music] hey how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i'm your host robin i guess the tall one and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash confidently incorrect there's not much to be said about this subreddit except for hey it's pretty darn fun to watch people be about as incorrect as possible in the most arrogant ways let's get right in there english traditional english simplified traditional they actually spoke like americans until we won the revolution and then they started faking an accent i don't think we're talking about accents here i think we're talking about spelling you know like the typey typey righty righty on to paper like that you freaking [ __ ] allergies don't have to be scary spray flonase daily and stop your body from overreacting to allergens you're good orgo vegan and inner inflammation levels plummet and allergies go away on their own what i swear to god if anybody online calls themselves a guru of any type don't listen to a word they say unless it's the blender guru because let me tell you that guy is amazing in which continent is argentina located south america south america isn't a continent it isn't whoa dude don't believe him don't believe him oh my god you've got to be kidding me guys when are you going to open your eyes south america isn't real okay it was just something we made up for bedtime stories hey jackass we use miles per hour in this country wheels is an australian magazine we use metric measurements you're on the internet which is american therefore you can use american the best measurements actually the world wide web was first developed in cern i don't blame you for not knowing that you're apparently an american at least a few of these have felt like someone trying to joke and be funny but sarcasm and irony really doesn't come across through text very well and i guess to be fair sarcasm and irony is lost on some people that awkward moment when this short gets more views than the original video oh my god that guy has to be messing with him right i've done stuff like that before come on to make matters worse existing storage of wind energy and batteries was also gone because batteries were losing sixty percent of their energy in the cold bottom line renewables don't work well in extreme weather never will we use batteries in space and wind turbines to power an entire base in the antarctic cold is not the problem oh man there are so many things i want to say but i know since it's about a politician it's probably not a good idea just know that he is so goddamn wrong it is actually quite funny there's no such thing as biracial stop lying i hope you're being ironic no it's the truth biracial is imaginary bullcrap made by people who are deluded to the obvious okay that made no sense so people of mixed race aren't real do you know how crazy you sound oh i think they're very very aware of how crazy they sound they just don't care some people have found that they like the sound of their own bull crap i bet this guy smells his own farts the us dollar is only 50 years old bitcoin is 12 years old bitcoin has been around a quarter of the time of the dollar's existence what no no seriously you think the dollar is only 50 years old this is wildly painfully and incredibly wrong here's a real x-ray it's cute but it's 20 21. let's all be intelligent and not spread lies this photo's actually real it's just a kitten not a cat the gaps between the bones are fibrocartilage that haven't turned to bone yet or aren't fully ossified happens in young animals you could learn a thing or two from this website right here no i'm telling you right now this person is going to refuse to learn anything other than what they think they already know dear every cashier in america the proper response to thank you is you're welcome not no problem and you're supposed to thank me ah we got an arrogant up in here millennials are so entitled actually the your welcome no problem issue is simply a linguistics misunderstanding older people tend to say you're welcome younger people tend to say no problem this is because for older people the act of helping or satiating someone is seen as a task that is not expected of them but is them doing extra so it's saying i accept your thanks because i know i deserve it no problem however is used because younger people feel not only that helping or assisting someone is a given and expected but also that it should be stressed that your need for help was no burden to them even if it was basically older people think that help is a gift you give younger people think help is an expectation required of them damn straight i genuinely can't wait until the sensibilities of the boomer generation die off with them because i'm really sick and tired of this entitlement if the cashier doesn't give me a tuck and rub then well they deserve to be fired also i completely just invented that term i don't know what a tuck and rub is if you would like to google that you can go right ahead but i'm not gonna do it um i'm all about support for your country but i'm pretty sure there's a z in there huh alrighty then are you seriously using asian things in your art that's culture appropriation bro i'm chinese people are freaking idiots my neighbor's kid just tried to tell me that bats are mammals mammals don't fly we walk and are confined to the ground no wonder my family in sweden thinks americans are dumb y'all truly need to educate your kids better bats are birds all right this just in everybody bats are now officially birds they also lay eggs are cold-blooded and have no fur hair on them whatsoever all right here we go this one's going to be a doozy genders male female mental disorders agender androd androgen androgyn whatever androgynous bigender says cisgender cis female says male says man says woman says gender female says gender male says gender man cisgender woman jeez that is just a whole lot of stupidity to unpack some unpacking that we're definitely not going to do here let's move to the next one europe is okay regarding medicine a middle income life but is mostly like a third world country people don't know about anything else going on outside their frontiers bro do you know europe is not a country right huh r slash no stupid questions oh boy everyone in france uses cursive cause it's quick and neat it's not being taught anymore in the u.s cursive can't be done in french because they have accents over their letters that require you to lift your pen you know how when you finish writing a word you go and add the dots to the i same thing i don't add that stuff afterwards i do it while i'm writing am i weird for that i mean i guess to be fair my handwriting never left the third grade so doesn't matter anyway if a centaur was a car would it look like this or like this god i hate that please learn the differences between a centaur and a minotaur no i think they got it right my dog was declared cancer-free today so i'm reverse searing him a steak hashtag the real mvp ah what a good boy the bible says you don't feed animals back to animals it will make him sick dogs like carrots dogs like cereal products did you live under power lines as a kid if major dogecoin holders sell most of their coins it will get my full support too much concentration is the only real issue in my opinion the dollar is the most valuable currency in the world elon 10 000 would make you a millionaire in europe you should be ashamed of yourself for not recognizing that okay this guy has to be kidding right there's no way this mofo unironically just said that you know how poor i felt when i went to visit the uk dude a viral video features a fanny pack wearing patron raising hell at a dunkin donuts after ordering a dozen munchkins and expecting to get fifty fifty five zero that's what a dozen is not twelve well i guess by your math that makes you at least a dozen pounds overweight look i'm sorry i know it's a low blow low hanging fruit but i don't care you treat people like this i'm gonna treat you bad back eighteen thousand year old puppy found frozen in ice the oldest confirmed dog ever this is false earth's only six 000 years old oh god nope sorry too easy we're moving on of course a vaccine stimulates innate immune systems of course a live virus vaccine like varicella elicits an innate immunity what a strange piece of misinformation to have been spread injecting a virus with adjuvants into your muscle with a syringe is not the same as getting an infection through your mucosa nor is the reaction thinking this is just not ignorant and very unscientific huh please educate yourself on the immune system and the latest info about it oh okay this is the assistant professor of epidemiology and immunology and he's a physician at harvard school of public health and medicine also studies vaccines immunity infectious diseases and public health maybe just maybe he knows a little bit about this maybe even more than you in what world does baguette means wand it's bread in french why would they fight with bread it's just a sloppy translation overall no actually baguette means wand the name for the bread is actually oh man i'm sorry i'm not going to try and read a french anything which can be translated to wand of bread it doesn't mean bread at all it means wand so baguette is the right way to call a wand no you're wrong it means bread everyone uses it that way okay i guess that guy wins well then everyone uses it wrong what can i say i just told you it's a good translation and i'm french i will look it up later but i'm pretty sure you're using it wrong oh my god he's right though baguette just means wand not bread don't know where you learned that before they turn 18 one in six boys experience some form of sexual abuse one in four girls experience some form of sexual abuse except for the fact that boys don't experience some form of sexual abuse ever and all apparent cases of male sexual abuse are always from people who lack any understanding of the definition of such terms sexual abuse involves mental trauma males do not experience mental trauma as they are incapable of doing so similar to how males cannot experience emotions such as remorse and generosity and therefore the term sexual abuse does not apply to men it seems like it got cut off here and i'm very very happy about that because whether or not this person was trying to be funny oh i wish i could punch them directly in their teeth i don't care how much it hurts my hand i want to make them suffer goodbye sub i've just finished flowers for algernon and i look forward to never reading another book in my life not only did i finish it but i finished it in a winter storm at 3 o'clock in the morning with no power so there was no screaming at my fellow bookish friends or this sub couldn't even scream into a pillow because i didn't want to wake my family my only choice was to die internally i know i'm late but whew what you don't read much flowers for algernon is not a book by the way it's a short story are we really gatekeeping books now learn better grammar grammar grammar are you kidding me just pre-ordered a box set i'm pissed that the shipping is 45 i hate europe for that portugal is the greece of europe i swear portugal is in europe so is greece no it isn't look at the globe oh god you know what at least this person said globe all right i was beginning to think with logic like this they were a flat earther but hey they said globe so we got that going for us huh sure that all makes perfect sense poverty is correlated with poor health outcomes all around however wealth inequality does not cause poverty that's literally what wealth inequality is oh man this person genuinely genuinely doesn't realize and i don't think they ever will why do people like to mention canada's free health care system if it's so good then why do they all come here and use our doctors and our resources and bail and leave us the tab on it i think hospitals need to refuse service to canadians who are here on visit and if not put a flat charge up front two hundred dollars sounds fair to me free health care is not a good thing because it allows doctors to decline helping you for any reason which is why they always come to the us i'm sorry i gotta know where this mofo got this information hey canadian viewers how many of y'all come down to this hell hole to get anything treated i can see maybe going to a plastic surgeon because you want to pay for the best service possible to get something done but i don't think any sane canadian in their right mind is thinking i'm going to go to the u.s and put myself in permanent debt so that i can get my cold treated people are like trees they fall down when you hit them multiple times with an axe he did be committed to never depriving your husband sexually there will be times you're just not in the mood but that's not an excuse according to the bible our bodies are not our own and we need to joyfully serve their needs oh god if i could die never hearing anything about or from the bible again i think i would die a somewhat happier man somebody's mad because trump didn't get impeached oh no he did twice he didn't though he did an impeachment is putting an official on trial for high crimes and misdemeanors you see what didn't happen was we didn't convict him either time i'm not going to get into all that nonsense but he was impeached twice that is a fact water one mile water one kilometer americans but the americans are right a mile is less than a kilometer one mile is 1.6 kilometers you guys are saying he's wrong but he isn't one mile is the equivalent to 1.6 kilometers if he wanted water the mile sign would be closer oh oh you poor guy hey my dude how about this the next time you're at the gym say on the treadmill change it over from miles to kilometers and see which one you hit first just a thought experiment i'm not expecting any results or anything but it might be worth a try today i learned what til means you've also learned how to spell learned and two symbols to put at the end of sentences the more you know and now you can learn that learned is also a word much like color and color and realize or realize the more you know before correcting other people do solar panels work in the cold yes solar panels work by absorbing light from the sun not heat in fact the chemical reactions that occur within the solar panels are more efficient at cooler temperatures also white snow can act like a mirror to reflect more light onto them it's a bit cold outside this morning in the middle of america aren't you glad you aren't heating your home with a solar panel like nitwit socialists oh man these people are completely helpless there will be no educating them on anything that could fundamentally make the human race better how can you not be in awe at solar power we went from burning crap to power stuff to hey you know if we just put this thing out underneath the sun it makes electricity how we do that how is that not amazing to you jeez well you're not even remotely right here at all arguably i'm more pissed off at the guy with his schnoz sticking out of the mask than the old guy that conveniently forgot to put it on that's right i see you old people you didn't forget you just don't want to put it on and you're hoping that no one's going to call your ass out on it just because you're old respect your elders even if they lead by incredibly stupid example for those that didn't pick up on that that's called sarcasm so this may be the american education system in me but that height chart bugs the hell out of me it should be like 1.8 meters 180 centimeters isn't correct metric i didn't spend years mixing up deci and deca for people to just ignore unit conversions like this what the [ __ ] are you talking about 100k a year to take someone's order at taco bell totally makes sense where the hell did you get that number if someone's working enough hours to make that on fifteen dollars an hour they deserve it fifteen dollars an hour on a person working forty hours a week makes thirty one thousand two hundred dollars a year i'm getting real sick and tired of these people noticing that these jobs exist and they need to exist but they also recognize that the people that are doing those jobs day in and day out do not deserve for whatever reason to be paid a living wage they feel that you should be paid so little that you can barely survive they don't mind you being homeless just so long as they get their crunchwrap supreme weird how goat can mean best player but it can also mean worst player literally no one anywhere has ever used goat to refer to the worst player only in america is the term goat used for a good player it took me ages to figure out it meant greatest of all time in other countries being called the goat is a negative well chalk me up as a guy that had no idea that other countries used it as the opposite honestly goat i've only heard that used the last like six or seven years here anyway so whatever man you and blank matched you do know what pansexual means right obviously sorry i wasn't being rude i think you're hot but that means you like your family as well no it doesn't yeah it does oh are we gonna sit here while you tell me what things about me mean very very few things are quite as arrogant as telling somebody else what things about their life mean to them or telling somebody else about them you don't get to do that you are not me i'm gonna punch you in the butt cheek she kinda has a point how the heck are you three inches erect unless you jerk off like 20 times a month that shouldn't be possible whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait is this mofo implying that the more you masturbate the shorter you know what of course that's what he means let's read the rest of this that's not how penises work my dude they do it is just the dude above jerks off with a cheese grater why are you getting down voted yes it is how it works when you jerk off so much you get less horny less horny equals less penis size oh man is there anybody out there in the world that wants to corroborate this i like it all ha ha with morgan freeman uh well you know what whatever fine i guess you can have that one ah black crayons it's spanish no it's racist time to cancel spanish that's racist oh my god usually you stop looking at the black crayon translations like that after about fourth grade saying it out loud but the fact that this person's probably a grown ass adult saying it someone never got taught anything about other cultures while they were growing up and it shows my brother tried very hard blank calm during the hurricane staying two staying stay to stay somehow this is incorrect so they're saying that my brother tried very hard stay calm during the hurricane is correct are we gonna go with that that's what we're rolling with now huh reminds me of how in software gore no matter what the tester quiz that stuff is always messed up the slightest little thing will get you a wrong answer oh you put a space at the end of your answer that shouldn't count towards anything wrong you just failed your quiz you're gonna have to retake the entire college semester i'm sorry i legitimately have no idea what i'm talking about anymore so somebody just explained to me how what i just posted to a subreddit wasn't suitable for that sub i replied that as the creator moderator and basically only contributor to said subreddit i respectfully disagree and he reported me to me oh it's absolutely not lost on that person i guarantee you they knew exactly what they were doing they just wanted to be an a-hole for the sake of being an a-hole that's really all there is to it bruh you can still be a virgin even if your virginity is gone i mean i'm not really gonna argue against it if i meet somebody and for some strange reason i'm a virgin comes up in a conversation i'm not gonna go hey we're gonna have to check that okay i'm gonna need you to prove it to me otherwise i don't believe you and imagine how creepy that is plus it's not anybody's business but your own anyway fyi the ancient egyptians were white please tell me you people don't actually believe that black people built the pyramids please tell me that you don't honestly believe that white people lived in the desert for thousands of years and stayed white the whole time what the hell are you smoking no really i want to know because i want a bit of it myself it seems real strong not in this weather you don't you realize not everyone lives in america and we all have different weather but it's winter everywhere lol you don't get winter in one spot and other seasons and other places pretty sure some areas winters may be warmer but still oh honey your is the exact same thing as you are oh you were so close you're off by just a little bit you can do it i believe in you just try one more time you're stupid you're exactly check and mate zero ain't a number as far as i know well it's good to know that you don't know very far you know about as far as you can throw that's all there is to it and just like that ladies and gentlemen we have come to the end of another video but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art hope this is acceptable fan art i've been working on it on and off lately acceptable it's beyond acceptable that is a fantastic drawing honestly that's something i'd put up on my wall no joke always remember ladies and gents if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like
Channel: EmKay
Views: 518,987
Rating: 4.9368601 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Confidentlyincorrect
Id: TZ7Fk3IlrBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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