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Billy might seduce your dad type me good luck trying to find him how many years ago did he go to get milk hey what's going on everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robin and today I'm gonna be perusing through cursed comments again because I love pain and without further ado let's get right into it hell yes man I wish there was a website like Grindr but for straight guys where you could meet other straight guys to bang it's called 4chan yep a burr by day keeps the sadness away make sure to cook it well no one wants another pandemic that was a bat shut up I tell my crush I like her she likes me back my alarm goes off she's next to me you broke into her house oh man this took a dark turn you're Satan and your goal is to torment Gordon Ramsay what food do you serve him his son but he will be perfectly cooked and Gordon will have to compliment me for my skill in the kitchen oh dang you really are Satan when they say that nerf guns can't hurt anyone to make it more Opie you can dip those needles an HIV positive blood for damage over time good lord you freak I mean what makes it even worse is having to find HIV positive blood for your nerf gun battle what's the dumbest logic that you've ever seen at the ice cream truck hey mr. ice cream man I don't have any money perhaps I could pay another way sure think Timmy you can give me a hand here behind the counter Oh oh no no no no no no there's hell in hello good and goodbye lie and believe over in lover and in friend ex and next and if in life and a laughter in manslaughter thanks I hate silica gel and government simulations do not eat those silica gel industry big shots can't tell me what to do congratulations you've escaped the simulation welcome to the real world my cousin used to eat these used to you can stop the trolley at any time but there's an infinite amount of people on the tracks meaning that no matter how long you wait to stop the trolley effectively zero percent of the total amount of people will die so anything you do was mathematic inconsequential just wait until they start clogging the wheels of the Train ooh that would make one hell of a noise she protect she attack but most importantly she always loved us back there's also some good hentai about her ah ah a bag of 54 severed human hands has been found in Russia dang it now I need to get a new collection yeah thanks Russian officials love where's the trash can under the sink wait I'm not married aha I mean now you have someone to screw win-win nah nah man I sure hope they also blocked off the entrance to this slide and it's not just full of kids trying to get out forbidden Pringles tube just put like some Charleston shoes down at the bottom and it'll look like one of those yellow jacket catchers as the body slowly start to stack up why and how Yoda almost became a Sith Lord he almost reached the dark side when his ketamine addiction was peaking excuse me his what grandma all people think about is sex these days also grandma but the fifth one they just gotta fall out Jesus stay off of her man so my daughter tells me that you like means is that right yes sir actually I like Instagram memes you have exactly 10 seconds to get the Frick out of my house okay sir but in order for me to get completely out of your house I'd have to take your daughter with me because I netted in her 15 minutes ago oh dang kids always on my loan wish they'd keep their distance hmm oh good job grandpa don't see the downsides here perfect plans yeah it's utterly flawless somebody on my street got hit by a car a few minutes ago by the way stee-rike this is deep come back my son I bought a car for you come back my son I cooked the food that you like don't come back my bro they saw your pack of cigarettes don't come back my bro they found the piss drawer wait wait wait wait wait I I thought for a second that I just read they found the piss drawer I must have been critics it says I am furious I wish my cat would return to my homes safe happy healthy and unharmed granted but he has the juiciest you've ever seen I'm not seeing the downside here testosterone facial hair but hair I might braid my ball hair a tear together so my balls don't clap when I run upstairs a group of fish is called a school Americans at 11:55 ah true though Swedish girls Irish girls Spanish girls Russian girls Russian girl got a big barrel oh yeah that's a thick barrel dad deleted son's Minecraft world to punish him for sleeping late kid you have a great opportunity for revenge don't waste this delete the dad's life yeah that tracks dad messes up your Minecraft world murder your dad I see it me at my gamer funeral on my gamer death bed is dead priest my fellow gamers today we press f but from here on crowd crying we must press W and move forward equipped issues from inventory not the time to beat it man what do you mean of course it is my girlfriend broke up with me so I took a wheelchair guess who came crawling back good joke who said it's a joke what the duck Florida man arrested for refusing to stop masturbating in Burger King there goes their mayo supply ah why do you masturbate to fill up the bathtub I mean he's got a point you gotta get it full somehow ok might take a while but it's gotta get done I don't know guys is this pepper too strong spicy uterus spot the difference hmmmm difference is only one of them acknowledged it's war crimes oh Jesus I wonder what it tastes like hentai just casually getting screwed while doing a puzzle together seems legit can you not cuss on here my son uses this app frequently I don't want him to see this kind of language you know Nigeria 69-420 nice nice you're a pretty good dad honestly I wish kovat 19 happened in 2012 because I think then the idiots would actually think it was a Mayan curse and actually take it seriously according to the Ethiopian calendar it is the year 2012 according to my racist motives it's still 1960 hmm no animal crossing Oh oh my god cyberpunk 2077 has an option to customize your genitals fanbase developers which have to make the models when you want your character to have the same size as yours but the slider can't go any lower oh boy I am waiting for that moment my mom passed away may 6th of this year I was also pregnant with twins and lost one the other night at work I was very emotional I look behind me and I've seen this cloud to me it looks like a woman holding a baby in the air you're dead mom flexes on you that she stole your baby dang it mom this is how you drink water the 40 viewers before this video of course he doesn't know how to drink water he's African uh-huh oh not a fan of that one bud I want to star in a Netflix series Twitter do your thing the heck we supposed to do with the tongue pics I'm sure there are studios willing to give you work just not Netflix nut flakes where can I find nut flicks huh never realize that for some reason if it was a real Bishop it would be touching all the smaller pieces yikes man gets a tattoo he found on his pup not knowing it means neutered maybe he has been - yeah you don't know his life do babies grow on their own or do we need to interact with them I forgot to look at the group name and I was genuinely concerned you need to water them daily you talking about Sims or real life yes soldier name the u.s. army tank crippling depression crippling depression hits very hard crippling depression kills kids and Yemen kills kids everywhere everybody gangsta until Animal Crossing becomes Animal Farm this is the guy everyone's been talking about LMFAO we beat Koba 19 together the sweetest thing about this is not the child being a Goku fan it's the fact that even though he's battling cancer he still raises his hands to send a little energy he has left to help his favorite hero defeat evil if all of the kids with cancer raised their hand Goku will have a chemical bomb dang that's cool only Disney manages to make a bald fish only Disney manages to get away with violently murdering its animated characters oh god yeah that's right he's roses are red babies are born the actress who played Poe on Teletubbies ended up doing lesbian i nutted both times Thomas had never seen such bullet study finds people who use emojis have more sex the entirety of Reddit okay so that's why my grandma sends me like 15 emojis per message yes that's why dad are you winning son me forcing Minecraft pigs into 14 generations of incest yes I don't need Minecraft and cows to do that we are sorry do two kovat 19 we are beef wendy's promises fresh beef but never promised they'd only use cows if you love one but eat the other don't call yourself an animal lover I agree they both taste good no I wouldn't know not yet anyway monkey tears off eight month old babies testicles as his mother changes his nappy at a Chinese zoo and eats one before it can be caught the monkey or the mother eight is not set I'm confused but believe either one screw this pedestrian in particular somebody's day was ruined haunting photo taken in Hiroshima after atomic blast there's always one huh once I mean always a meme when the internet people thing does not work out so your parents make you a doctor for some weird reason I read it merciless heroes when you don't pay the twenty thousand dollar bill when my cyberpunk character gets into a fight Goku was pregnant after this fight how can i unredressed you can't hits in there forever seeing my girlfriend naked for the first time seeing her naked for the 100th time imagine having a girlfriend imagine having a crush imagine crushing your girlfriend's windpipe there it is we jump from level 1 to 147 million okay here's the deal I'm a grinder I don't bleach money I don't grief and I help others I'm a very friendly player but I'm about to hit rank 666 once I get to 666 I'll kill myself and destroy everyone and everything in my MK choose path until I get to 667 then it's back to normal and friendly a sounds like an excuse to invade Poland but okay I don't know how to describe it come on get him he wants to leave without paying now they're just gonna go to the family for that excuse me miss have you ever been arrested yeah how could you tell I was gonna say it's illegal to be that cute but now I'm curious aggravated assault ooh well at least now we have something in common to talk about my sister-in-law died in a fire her Bible was beside her bed on a stand not a burn mark on the Bible awesome miracle from God not uncommon for the killer to leave their calling card woohoo and with that we've come to the end of today's video always remember if you someone enjoyed make sure to hit the like button down below and if you really liked the video then make certain you subscribe and click the Bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,845,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: 26A6GKfXJ20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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