r/Im14andthisisdeep | this is so deep

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all right what does this mean what i'm confused somebody please help me murder child with book is that what we're talking about here [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at r slash i'm 14 and this is deep one of my personal favorites because teenagers are stupid i would know i once was a teenager after all oh let's see what do we got starting off strong dude chopping the tree down to pray for more fruit that would normally come from the tree okay that's super deep bro people trying to fool me on april 1st me who got betrayed and got played several times in life right you're 12 you're not really all that experienced yet april 1st is for funsies not for trying to break your heart just remember that you invade this pristine world claiming it as your own simply by your presence you slaughter innocent animals for their hides in their flesh you devastate the landscape and gouge out the earth to build your monuments to vanity and yet you call me the monster are you kidding me with this what the hell is this if this is anything other than a joke oh my god it's my favorite image of all time sorry sir no baggage allowed the reality of life yeah that is the reality of life you're not gonna take your billions that you've hoarded with you but still dumb image okay so are you saying that if you smoke too much you're going to eventually explode and spew chunks of yourself all over your friends and family also wow that guy's neck is huge society has made me this way did it i feel so dirty diesel i feel so clean yeah that argument just does not hold any water whatsoever but thanks for that one buddy 50 100 180 260. what are the numbers representing the speed the year the months that what are they there for and also where can i get my brand new coffin car woke up i went to school i saw my crush i hugged my crust i kissed my crush i cried pick the correct order three four five one six two yes bro bro guys don't talk about our feelings cause we get made fun of or the person we trust leaves guys are like a glass cup once they're broke they can be put back together but not all the way they're still damaged wow what a deep metaphor guys are like glass cups right oh yeah i've seen this one about 14 billion times and it's kind of true this one's not really trying to be too deep it's just pretty accurate as someone that deals with severe severe depression and a lot of times it's what it feels like just remember that if you think for a second that this comic represents you in any way make sure to talk to somebody about it reach out in any way shape or form sorry to get a little serious there but sometimes it does need to be said alright back to the giggles same idea different designs uh what kind of freaking modern boomer comic is this one also is that bear trap blushing is it blushing i'm single taken done bro that's so damn 14 year olds don't deserve rights 14 year olds are too emotional 14 year olds shouldn't have opinions on any topic 14 year olds are too stupid to have bodily autonomy now replace 14 year olds with women doesn't seem so quirky and funny now does it dumbass i think red foreman would like to have a word with all of these children when we close our eyes it becomes dark am i looking at a furry comic also yeah no shh are you kidding me with this life is full of fake people trust no one alright but if you're in this visual metaphor you also have a gun in your hand you can't complain about everybody else being fake if you yourself are also fake facebook plus instagram equals fbi database hey babe where are you now all day where are you at i'm sorry babe i was at a funeral what who died my feelings for you wow ah yes i salute the united states of all the five corporations that own the world all right we got grandma cooking a nice full meal and this woman making water soup with fish bones what is this supposed to represent oh wait she got big titties i guess whatever girls playing video games girls playing with your feelings okay body trying to survive mind don't want to parents busy me don't care anymore mouth i'm fine voice i'm not face i'm pretty wrists i'm not brain i'm smart heart i'm broken soul someone please see me hear me screaming society why are you gay everyone so useless death hello let us have tea together hangman is great it teaches you that by saying the wrong things you could end someone's life yeah that's what hangman was created for camera is fake but the happiness is real what's the message here though people who are unable to hear people who don't want to hear or they just wanted to listen to their music while on a walk i don't know geez why earthlings never use telepathy because they have a lot to hide from each other well yeah i don't want a stranger looking through my brain's internet history that's [ __ ] gross did you know world without bees world without trees and animals world without humans i i did know yes does it hurt does what hurt knowing we'll never be those saved two kids again knowing we'll never get to relive that wonderful summer again it never stopped hurting have you ever noticed that all the instruments searching for intelligent life are pointed away from earth okay so i'm gonna let you in on a bit of a bombshell here but surprisingly enough we have known about humans for a long time now 1989 throw him into chemical waste 2019 throw him into society yeah okay i see no big talent in you sir you also can't see jupiter in the sky it doesn't mean it's not there you you can't see jupiter in the sky you can't see jupiter in the sky jupiter is usually the third brightest object in the night sky after the moon and venus only mars our next door neighbor is occasionally brighter and summer is an especially good time to view this bright behemoth shut up stupid meme when i listen this i feel like i'm a murderer actually that's true i'm a murderer i've killed my own emotions here's a sad playlist for sad people thank you i needed that you're really gonna cheer me up pills and surgery lifestyle change okay whatever you say kid rabbits jump and they live for eight years dogs run and they live for 15 years turtles do nothing and they live for 150. is that not a tortoise i mean honestly i only vaguely know the difference between the two but i feel like that's a tortoise instead of a turtle right correct me if i'm wrong please i am stupid the most dangerous animal in the world in 1963 the bronx zoo had an exhibit called the most dangerous animal in the world it was a mirror well they weren't [ __ ] wrong though zero days since someone has asked for an edit button we do not need one and you should never add one on twitter whatever you do do not introduce the edit button i once asked my dad for an eraser he said it's a waste of an item i objected saying i needed to erase slash correct mistakes why would you commit mistakes in the first place said my dad took me years to understand okay nobody commits mistakes mistakes aren't done on purpose [ __ ] weirdo and it's a good thing to make them like are you freaking real it's a great thing to make mistakes you learn better that way we've proven that time and time again well okay not as a society but you get what i mean my mother my mother your mother your mother i get it because now that mom's old we hate her parents you're so freaking lazy school do better friends wish i never met you yeah real good friends boyfriend or girlfriend why did i ever date you music it's okay screw everyone what a great sad quote there are two types of people which are you um i don't think i'm either covered 19 test negative oh but it looks like you're positive for ugliness though shame about that no ferb i don't know what we're gonna do today jesus what did phineas do to you dude what's more painful childbirth or being the child who was born oh my god are you a morning person or a night person me i'm barely even a person same oh so you're the one who took all our jobs and did it better than we ever did in the first place also wasted a lot less paper so on and so you know what whatever everyone says sophia wow your body is so amazing i've decided the least important thing about me is my body it's just the case that holds my heart imagine if valued our phone cases more than our phones okay don't judge people for the choices they make when they don't know the options they had to choose from no he knew his options he was very well aware it's just he was gonna get murdered if he didn't do it like have you you [ __ ] read the story i miss life when my only problem was this okay not every closed door is locked just push it you have to turn the knob soulja boy the power of reading it makes your eyeballs flashlights do y'all remember when tinkerbell almost died when they weren't giving her enough attention now i understand her yeah tinkerbell was always a bit of a drama queen though like always she was also kind of an [ __ ] a lot of the time too when i was born devil said oh [ __ ] competition news reality um i hate to break this to you but you know what never mind you'll figure it out someday life's so hard i can relate yeah rich poor yeah just about though for real your attitude decides your success not others can you imagine someone doing that at the olympics though this is what sad looks like this is what depressed looks like learn the difference wow i'm genuinely surprised they didn't try to use an image of robin williams for that again that moment when you realize the beginning and the end is the same okay no matter how much sleep i get i'm always tired i'm sick of this dude we all are it sucks just pound some more coffee and play some psychonauts man okay yeah all women are evil or something i don't know what this one's supposed to mean don't worry mom i'm fine he was in fact not fine too fat too skinny too common looking too different looking to everything ah screw you sockety quit telling us we need to change ah sorry i really hate sockety i live in spain but the s is silent 14 year olds oh yeah your imaginary friend is not real okay school taught me how to read and write but the streets taught me how to survive holy crap the facebook ones are killing me today did you know tea and biscuit give us lesson not to fall for someone so deep that you get broken no you see i'm pretty sure that the biscuit tastes good when you dip it in the tea you'll get it someday we spend our entire lives gathering guests for our funeral just think about that that's not exactly my intention toy story taught us that appearances really do trick you well yeah did you just realize that when lamborghini said we don't do commercials because our target audience isn't sitting around watching tv that hit me like a ton of bricks no i think they don't do tv commercials because everybody knows what lamborghini is therefore why waste billions on advertising that and i'm pretty sure i've seen commercials for lamborghini before so shut up also i'd love to talk about that i funny watermark am i the only 14 year old that actually likes this probably not bro stop trying to be unique yeah idiot okay right yeah everything on your screen is poopy i guess tv bad single mothers love dressing their kids like the men who left them right oh look another i funny watermark all right so he's looking at people doesn't like his big head okay so they removed his brain so he could have a normal sized head this is easily the stupidest and creepiest thing i have seen to date what the hell is this crap okey dokey we've got the newer safer sleeker skyline uh destroying the old unsafe cru wait is that supposed to be a house is that whatever dude i like taking the posts from this subreddit and trying to look at them as literally as possible i don't want to see the metaphors in the image i want to look at it for what it literally is let's take this one per chance oh he thinks the guy wearing a butt hat is stupid and silly oh oh no everyone's wearing a butt hat i have to go wear one now too well you got to fit in you got to be cool and it's quite clear that without the butt hat you've got no chance imagine if trees gave off wifi signals we'd be planting so many trees we could probably save the planet too bad they only produce the oxygen we breathe when society says no i say yes right no means no though right and on that glorious note we've come to the end of another video and the torture is finally over but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art shall we fan art all right straight to the point hey i like that one the eyeballs in the hand always scare the crap out of me though if i'm being honest always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure you get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and hey if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll catch
Channel: EmKay
Views: 396,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Im14andthisisdeep
Id: K9-oB8f3oa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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