r/Notmyjob | installed the cubicles, boss.

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for the love of all that's holy what are you wanting us against what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash not my job and you know what it's $7.99 in America but in Canada it's probably higher I love that higher in Canada he's not in correct he did his job just not the way you wanted him to same with this cam hey that'll fix the problem bro okay so it's a candied apple and the sticker is still on it that is awful oh you lazy sack of crap I love that this is one of my favorite subreddits because it's full of just the laziest human beings alive and I cannot get enough of that this always just fills my soul with such joy the pure like almost pettiness of it all okay alright why not just chop down the whole tree there boss taking up sections like a Jenga game so okay dry clean okay I'm lying you do not dry clean all right do not dry clean this press to open but it's all the way up there if you want to if you want this door to open Oh zoo-wee mama you better try your best better have a solid vertical leap in that chair idiot if you're a professional look away blackburn road has just been released in new smurf intamin except VicRoads simply tour around in the banded car instead of getting it removed it was resealed around a parked car ain't that something you're gonna love this idol game amazing sentence to make you click hey i checked that out hey caution crossing the barrier is strictly forbidden that's right well bite you hey what are you reading there Baldy what's what what are you picking up here what sit down yes that just seems I want to know how that is even accomplished cuz you would think that they would see that the doors are far too short for those to remain there the owner wouldn't even the owner must be like ah you know what fine not the lo of it how many people who think got in that bad they've been has a sigh of defeat to go use it anyway this item is reduced due to misspelling of the word burg thank you no yeah bread I would buy that just by the fun of it it'd be a good conversation piece so I'm studying in an engineering college this is the ceiling of a classroom oh it looks like it's about the collapse on you oh my god celebrat for all you brats out there time for celebrat another one of these where it's the classic I don't care enough about my job I don't get a pay I don't get paid enough for this starter kit where you just lay down the bags on the road and call it good I'm in love with this sub right it's one of my favorites so you know my note on the cheese fries said extra cheese on the side and you know what they did it they gave me extra cheese on the side can't be mad they did the job missile base candidates Australia South Korea and Japan because China is vowing to respond if US deploys missiles in the region yeah is that right something's wrong here cheap clam and do what with it do I sell it like stardew valley I've been playing a lot of stardew valley recently and that game slaps which is like floor 0 or floor 0 you tell me chief we can F in the comment section for our poor boy oh he was decimated alright show me what you got here show me that design baby oh that's weird oh that's weird I don't like that okay handicap button is pressed this is a really slow framerate that's a really slow door oh come on now that's just mean that you're just boiling the poor handicapped people who press that button hoping for a ramp up not stairs good luck hope your wheels are all-terrain warning do not flush paper towels newspaper wrapping paper rags disposable diapers sanitary napkins tampons plus 6 etcetera down that just don't flush it down the toilet okay none of it none of it by the way we're on a piece of paper no no why yes am I doing this right and look out savages right at the bottom there open the door who's coming out waiting to what but so I can't open that little window up unless I open that knob up interesting that is also interesting what the what is the point what is the purpose is this like a balcony but garage form is this so I can throw things and unsuspecting passengers like what's the what's the purpose here I've never seen a second floor garage hey we're now recruiting drivers you can apply it good luck good luck figuring out what that link is idiot all right open that door oh it's a push door okay but you can pull it straight open huh awesome sink I do not want any engraving just leave the metal plate blank no engraving did not follow the instructions one bit huh a Life interrupted placeholder text until such time the proper data is input really sorry that I had to write a mini essay but Amazon seems to be watching everything yeah let's see the wall to human speaking of a little to human look at this beautiful human error I'm pretty sure that's actually just a printing mishap on the machine side but still kind of funny I know y'all ain't supporting the foundation and that shelf with two cans of pork and beans I know that's not what I'm seeing here no he's been painted in mustard oh poor buddy around the big ovals entire perimeter folks of all ages enjoyed an overall great night insert names if you know them no names known leave it blank ah yes 200 years later years later I Frank and grant Rankine it's in cinemas now cardboard garbage bags only but that is filled to the brim with cardboard that's just bad business the note my dad left in the kitchen this morning dropped glass where shoes thanks dad again what is it with the sanctity of huge structures on one small piece of equipment you remove that from this from the equation and everything's top went over like a game of Jenga going haywire why I don't know is it just the human condition that makes us do this it's just so foreign to me speaking of foreign that is not how those pictures should be taken the horse is weird the cow is really weird and I just don't like it I'm coming home me so horny we checked for over 400 types of riding issues here and found no problems keep up the great work send it to your girlfriend I dare you me me so horny I'll be home soon Hey okay so I was told recently that this is like a tape this is just workers being awful I remember reading in the comments it was one of the last videos where it was this like the lines in the road I didn't know it was tape but god people are awful speaking awful there's another one where it's just poor tape what the thing is it would be so much easier to remove that hubcap but instead they just taped right over it what's what is it it'd be gained from taping over it okay look at that marvel but there's Superman and Batman in there um no listen that's not my frickin job play pleased it right in there huh Drive Thru okay Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Aladdin roles in wizard school what more do you need to know he learns magic and stuff it's pretty cool it's pretty funky that's an easy oh my god that one's so easy to do too dude that's just literally like maybe eight seconds at a time screwing a lightbulb in and you can't even do that you're worthless you're dirt these behemoths of slothy tude these sloth men just what how why is this even allowed it seems like it's breaking some sort of sanction O'Reilly Auto Parts hey we're sorry it's currently unavailable from the hours listed below 12 a.m. to 12:01 a.m. he'd get one minute Tuesday through Sunday were closed good luck idiot Hey look there's mango and lemon but that's not a mango that's an avocado thirst place cuz I got a mighty thirst let's just hang the lamp with a cheap computer mouse bus no way why it like I wish I could get into the minds of these people because there are they're either on a level so far above that I just can't comprehend it or a level so far below that I'm just too advanced for them these are cavemen or super geniuses attention students you are not allowed to take our trolleys to help you move oh but if I read it correctly its attention students you are allowed not to take our trolleys to our to help trolleys you okay this is it's such a confusing sign why'd you do it like that why did you do it like that hey New Zealand in 2003 so that word is nice salt and pepper exactly as they should be under the cap and take a package that I've never seen an outlet in the mirror that is so weird I've actually never seen that that's kind of fascinating to me hey it's the Burger King I can't dude anytime I see Burger King I just think about it and chills his voice now hiring pancakes is that a single pepperoni on my slice of pizza he burned it all he'll to the incompetence is strong here you got a there's like your this is gonna be a common theme but I wish I just knew what was going through their heads man I wish I knew triangle square circle cross it was easier to do the symbols why'd you write the full word out screw plastic 101 ways to free yourself from plastic and saved the world it's a pit it's a cardboard book wrapped in plastic oh yes hmm boys oh say stop but it's noise and this is the most confusing elevator of all time I feel like I'm getting whiplash just looking at this image Super Mario maker 2 with the PlayStation Portable for 249 dollars huh and I get a limited edition 12-month membership well I might just make it worth it oh it's a pool store that means you got to just break through the glass you got to jump right in you got to fill up the front go jump into it okay but this is peak purchase problem-solving right there in an absolutely stellar paint job nice I'm sorry is that supposed to be what is going on here we're all the wait are those what are those cables do where are the cables running wait so the cables are running under the road right what are those power that's so neat ah yes using entire rolls of paper towels to mop up the liquid instead of using a mop 200 IQ the autobús with sample text oh it's extreme to interior colors white and sandstone will you just switch the things around that's not that difficult some things are easy solutions I am in the engineering school by the way sick oh dude it's I can't even read what that says that the the the barbarous the barbershop why is the sign upside down who did that who did you hire fire them this door on a soviet-era building I am demolishing well let's see what the Soviets got Oh sick that's kind of ingenious that's one way to do it they had a problem in the camel with solution I respect the hell out of that spade boats discover the coast of Punta Cana driving your very own speedboat yeah so where's the where's that where's the not my job here just seems like a funny little ad I don't get it okay well I see text Oh a lot in here is this like it's supposed to say like sample text over and over again I don't know oh yes you have to press the brake twice as hard a anthony and Ian talking over each other someone subtitle this for me is that an official Smosh caption uh yeah that's actually the weirdest design of a faucet I've ever seen I don't think I've ever seen that until today that is kind of funky kind of gnarly kind of different place icon here is it bad I would buy that though like I would dead I dude I would buy that hat so quick it's a conversation starter and that's what I'm all about baby oh dear Croatian code arm slips from frame reveals image of Tito sick oh another one of these weird ones where they just placed something and is a placeholder and it just stayed there forever check to the track boss well the track clear what's wrong oh dude they are stuck all of them are stuck there where are they dude are you kidding me where did you get there all of their bikes or their four-wheelers are smoking yo that's that is terrible I hope everybody like gets their four-wheelers out that's awful only the one chosen tradesman can remove the tape from the stone and that's gonna be me baby my appliance repair know how I can rip that right out of there see up fragile umbrella sign yeah is that what you want to call it waist elbow shoulder knee yeah that was that your knee none of these seem right bud we covered a hole in the wall with a picture of the wall yeah and you know not for nothing that's pretty smart that's 200 IQ and that brings us to the end of our slash not my job and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,296,880
Rating: 4.9251552 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/notmyjob, r/notmyjob best posts, r/notmyjob top posts, not my job, reddit not my job, r/onejob best posts, r/onejob top posts, reddit one job, one job emkay, reddit facepalm, facepalm emkay, r/facepalm emkay, facepalm best posts, facepalm top posts, not my job emkay, reddit funny, r/notmyjob emkay
Id: vvBjsb6a_dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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