r/Blursedimages | PIKA PIKA SUFFOCATE

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I look at that little guy oh all right just imagine that thing chasing you down in a dark alley how's it going everyone welcome back to Ma my name is Robin and today I'm gonna be looking at posts on our slash blur stim ajiz I don't remember that crystal being a part of Jedi lore but hey I'm here for it I wouldn't wear it but it's still pretty dang funny oh okay that's gonna make me sick that's just disgusting I feel like his mask isn't quite as effective as it normally would be considering half of his face is sticking out of it just wait I'm calling it in like ten years this will be a fashion trend for some strange reason oh so I feel like he's more likely to be using that Pokemon card before the condoms also the shirt come on that's just too easy ah look at that the wonders of life never cease to amaze me oh I'm not a fan arguably Will Ferrell's greatest role should have won an Oscar for this one yeah come on down get you a 15 piece bucket of Kentucky Fried communism oh there's that dog again it's probably gonna whip around and cut all those guys heads off God that kids like a torpedo holy cow look at their fat little stupid faces much like the common Hippogriff trucks are proud creatures so you must bow in order for them to allow you to ride them what he had to go incognito otherwise it would have been hounded by fans everywhere he went I think we've all been that high oh that burke's me in ways I didn't know possible I'm not sure what this lady's drinking but could I get a couple shots of it for myself I'm not gonna eat that for many reasons but the main one is I don't want to be cursed for all of eternity oh my god how is there not a single person on her staff that would point out hey you probably shouldn't wear green oh come on you don't have to flex like that we get it you're rich I showed you my talons please respond yeah sorry I'm out of the loop on this one I don't get it all right next one ah oh my god well at least you could keep this one at bay just by throwing cookies at it all day long oh oh if only it were that easy my friend I'm not familiar with this recipe the heck's going on here what the hell is going on here oh that's a really really specific fetish and I'm not here for it stay over there available in many colors do I want purple I'd like to congratulate Kovan 19 for surpassing 1 million cases worldwide you did it don't worry it's on its way to diamond now smells like the Holy Spirit I got 20 bucks on the baby no the one on the left oh come on this is just wrong Netflix made a boss baby series fly my son fly oh boy oh man that one messes with my head although I'm really disappointed that that train isn't 14 stories high now me every morning versus me 25 minutes later I have never ever ever seen somebody declare war on Sesame Street but woman you're gonna lose that battle 10 times out of 10 ah isn't nature beautiful look I've seen that show and I'm pretty certain Luigi would whoop all of them I mean he's always been the best anime character all right this is next-level OCD and I am loving it what the heck is your problem ah there are so many things that are perfect about this I just don't have the time to rattle them all off to you yeah it took me like six hours to get the shading done on your upper lip hey for real though way better than I can do way way way better than I can do man he figured it out seems like the type of dude that probably shouldn't be within arm's distance of a freaking axe just back away slowly just back away slowly and apologize you might still make it out of this one alive dang who put the premium fuel in the duct when this baby hits 88 miles per hour you're gonna see a duck explode run a red light now I dare you oh man that's how I smiled in some of my early school pictures I told my barber to give me a happy little accident he said say no more please touch only with your eyes thank you well she's not wrong Elon Musk genetically engineering cat girls in 2020 is that what he's been up to and just like that I don't need mail ever again I'm good never gonna do you never gonna let you leave I was gonna make a joke about how his girlfriend's a lucky lady but the more I look at this the more I realized that's just wrong remember if he throws up on that ride you die you know I always knew one of these days Isabelle was going to absolutely lose it like I get it but at the same time didn't that lamp absolutely crush and murder the eye I don't I don't think you've thought that one out all the way through come on this one's just good fun I mean really what's there to dislike all right good old Snoopy wait a minute where's Woodstock in the second photo there's at least a hundred and four ways to make a good sandwich and this is probably my new favorite way little did the officer know that turbo was actually very glad he was pulled over for just speeding because clearly he's absolutely high out of his mind remember before when I mentioned animals being more handsome than me well exhibit F man and who says those traps don't work look it's the first wireless mouse is this what God sees when he looks down on us from heaven because that's probably why he stays up there and doesn't say much aah ooh you know I'm not gonna touch this one with a 10-foot whip Facebook polls be like which Superman movie was your favorite and you know your creepy uncle is gonna vote for the one in the bottom left okay who are these guys what's up with these casket carrying dudes that I'm seeing everywhere I'm really confused you know what they say about really tall guys right yeah me neither oh well come shift me daddy ah yes the new hit Nintendo switch game Pokemon gun this is one of those messes you should probably just roll with rent out and hang it up on your wall and not say anything about it to any guests that pointed out it's good to see that our men in uniform are cracking down on the leprechaun problem I'll see myself out smoked wheat did heck yeah man pass the triscuit I'm gonna light that crap up oh wait these are standard is that not the balsamic vinegar and basil flavor now I never mind then oh no something really really bad is about to go down in that Walmart now this is an unfortunate situation I can roll with ya I'm just not a fan of what I'm looking at here for some strange reason it looks like some kind of monster from a video game just play [ __ ] with a tennis ball like normal why do you gotta bring Satan into this look we all know dang well there is a parallel universe out there somewhere where this is how it works in hair salons are where you go to die sweep me into the trash where I belong you've heard of economy class you've heard of first class well Amtrak is proud to present super ultra mega triple first-class just take a look at it it's beautiful hey uh I hate to be that guy but you got games on your nails you know I'll be the first to say it it is still nice to see that Donald Trump's children can still find love you know the world has gone completely and utterly crazy when a house can be listed on a sex offender registry god I hope she was okay with this look at that smile look at that creepy eh oh man architecture back in the day was just so stunningly beautiful I mean look at the detail there asked me to say pika-pika again go ahead ask I swear to God if those chickens get packed in any more dense it's gonna cause a black hole to appear Oh God we see what you're up to Sony you can't fool us how re-establishing the Soviet Union can bring back disco sponsored by McDonald's but uh Papa we're loving it don't even at me if you don't drink tea okay more like saw three oh my Peppa what the heck are you and your friends up to these days ah a classic I'd still absolutely love to know the story behind this and what he had to say about it fun fact that's the exact spot where Jesus was crucified except nowadays while you watch the crucifixion you can have yourself a tasty burger better pop Papa ah got some red things on sale stranger-man Leon would be so confused man Thor got an entire city with that one mad impressive it's good to see after thousands of hours that dudes pulling his weight for once oh my gosh man there's something wrong with your dog is there still somebody inside him like piloting him or is he kind of a sentient version of a Thai fighter there's all sorts of ways we can spin this giving a whole new meaning to the term egghead I see Oh suddenly all the most I made in my life don't make me feel as bad ah stupid sexy creeper this better not awaken anything in me Real Talk no I want that I want that real bad Oh God normally this wouldn't creep me out but those eyes or something else dude huh now this is pretty creative I'm assuming dr. pepper is a medic oh man this is just gonna cause all sorts of other mystery surrounding those stupid heads corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures they knew exactly what they were doing this must be what someone who boils water in the microwave looks like that's Jesus and his dad oh and Satan in the background there oh whatever we laugh but we know this is real and people are gonna keep doing this holy crap it's big brain time Oh ain't that just the cutest little thing also oh it's gonna be the first time in history we're gonna be hearing about an alien that probes someone from the inside out you know up until today I didn't really think of Kermit as a sexual creature but here we are now my days ruined as well and nothing to see here it's just standard sibling hazing procedure you know you're having a bad time when even stuffed animals are getting a little bit more fun than you oh those are really cute I get it I get it I'm sure you guys won't regret those in like a week and a half at all hey whoa dude why you're spraying Isabel down leave her alone she's got a hard enough job as it is looks like they didn't quite realize just what type of games he was wanting to play op see I used to work for UPS and they had this exact thing up on their wall you don't lift with your back you lift with your legs significantly better for the body oh oh that's just about the best prank I've ever seen no why did you have to remind me about the old sonic face seriously in passing I would not notice a difference Marlon look away now it was then that Marlon forgot about his son Nemo the end sometimes kids are terrible sometimes they're genuinely hilarious Oh put your dukes up put your dukes up your tiny furry Rhett I got 10 bucks on the cat that's how they dress in Japan right oh look it's me I don't have a joke for this one that's that's just me finally someone with serious taste in art blow it up even larger and hang it over the fireplace hey Donald what you got there oh no no no oh man out of all the images I've looked at this one creeps me out the most it's making my skin crawl and there you have it ladies and gentlemen that's all we've got for you today remember if you like this video smash that like button also consider subscribing and clicking the bell icon and until next we meet again I'll be seeing you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,120,447
Rating: 4.9329085 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages emkay, blursedimages, blursedimages emkay, emkay blursedimages, blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages, blessedimages emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages
Id: B1ouIlaGlQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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