r/Crappydesign | teachers be like

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congratulations your zero coins richer than me after every work week hey how's it going everybody welcome back to m'kay my name's Robin and today I'm gonna be perusing through our / crappy design so without further ado let's dive right in hmmm I feel like this could have been done at least a little bit better ah yes it says kaki f bar somehow I don't think that's her natural jawline the heck is this even an advertisement for some lemur goo right lane closed but both lanes open alright I'm getting those mixed signals again Raptor trainer I could finally get a t-shirt with my dream job on it oh what the heck's going on here just looks like somebody finished a nice breakfast construction software party Ltd that looks fantastic it really pops you know that gray against the silver this is why flat roofs are always a very bad idea it's the women's restroom but everyone's welcome in here correct scan price if known required information correct scan price if not see it on screen uh what is this supposed to be this some kind of party game looks great mmm it feels like this could have been done a little bit better here holy cow that kid's got a runway on his forehead those track runners are about to get some sick air I'm assuming at least 3 feet be my people and I will be your God that's really really hideous but at least I was able to read it I guess oh look it's the commotion okay call me crazy call me crazy but I'm not exactly sure what the heck is wrong here are they too close together or what tell me and I forget in I forget teach me and I involve me and I learn involve me and I tell me I forget tell me and I remember involve me and I forget teach me and I Karen your rug sucks yeah what is going on here oh yeah that ought to keep them out how hard would it have been to just keep them in line with each other seriously I got a know just how difficult would that a bit this gate this gate right here has to be protecting some kind of magical barrier I think we're about to head in to Terabithia if we head through that little thing what's with all the terrible fences why is this such a common thing for fences to be just wrong the perfect place set for the little dentist in you ah question two do you agree or disagree that the school day should be shorter disagree or strongly disagree hmm oh my gosh I feel like I've seen this somewhere in my A+ book and it's not any nicer when it's laid out like this your turn what a lovely font not even Comic Sans can beat that beauty okay okay I got this it's a bit digas ah nailed it look I know 32 gigabytes is not a lot but seriously what the heck could you have on there that's taken up that much space I use like 2 gigs on my phone the method of producing goods that brought workers and machinery together in one place factory system wrong you see the correct answer is factory system please note that if you don't like your accounts now you won't be able to do so later link your account maybe later way way way way guys I'm not making it to the party I've got to go to the fine fart sale balance accumulation graph okay I understand some of these numbers and words and symbols break down oh now we've got a pie chart this is just stupid who the heck signed off on this it's quite clear that it's a non-licensed frozen ride but seriously your standards have to be a little higher than this huh I did not realize that 63 was indeed less than 27 Color Me learned check this out whoa new iPhone how'd you get that wobble man play games and win iPhone yeah I think I'm good actually you oh what's your favorite place to go with friends the movies the mall the theme park the beach the football or the other Oh again I didn't realize that 17 was bigger than 22 this is crazy yes I this is great I understand all of this I'll take all of them oh that's quite tragic at least they noticed it before he popped a squat when you go to the bathroom to look at memes one hour poo oh it's like sack in case of fire remember panic pull the fire alarm activate fire hoses note possible causes immediately evacuate create nursing station outside remain calm and remember to panic Aunt May oh gosh she looks like the Cryptkeeper sail off up to 46% you want to run that by me one more time please also what's this an advertisement for nail shoes vegetarian salad Oh complete with sausage oh dude I recognize that character wasn't it from that Fallout New Vegas DLC old world blues alright let's give this a go I know dies because of in the blank but a lot skips my mind I'm more than ok with a vague description of reason blank I'm not one of those types of people who hate spoilers as much but it's a remake and the internet exists oh oh I see he messed up his spoiler poor guy okay we got a big list here your account your account that's it that's all we got I don't want to read the rest of it look you know Dukey jeans are all the rage and fashion right now right what difference does faith make that's a good question deeply cleaning say goodbye to blackheads oh that sounds promising yeah just denial like the little bastards commander I caught the virus leave me rescue or leave her no I'm leaving her right behind practice your kills dad for Humanity it's absolutely epic got to your Photoshop there are these are these mailboxes what the hell man right-handed left-handed uh what a scarred home of Thor and Loki and Odin okay let's give this one a try and this is my prayer that love your may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight okay I was kind of able to read that one but still what's up with the random text stretching stop yo where we headed we go into Walgreens pharmacy or the Walgreens come a little closer i double-dog dare ya a WTF MAC store I'm in there are phallic influences seen all throughout history take a look at this racing toy here do you see it do you understand take away has never Lou so cuca aldol it'd be O in our delivery coming soon mr. young whatever it's an advertisement for an embroidered t-shirt so naturally we need to have a model that is photoshopped to look like some kind of demon that'll get them sold start small start now finish big investing small amounts frequently can pay off better than investing large amounts all at once let us show you how if you invested five dollars a day for 40 years okay these numbers are way up I've seen these before and they're wrong you know those lockers are kind of small but I mean they're not all that bad I guess lightweight and superior comfort headphones so comfortable that you're microscopic baby can take a nap right in there 2020 new fashion only four dollars and 55 cents from all sales nice guitar though stock up while you're stuck in social distancing how do I stock up if I'm stuck in you idiot the college of Santa Clara also known as Kok recycling trash only oh no my brains about to split into four pieces these plastic toy rings for little kids candy candy can uh-oh that's not gonna get lodged in their throat at all touch a day to see forecast by hourly why thank you thank you very much this is exactly what I wanted I love it I love it so much two best products okay that's cute uh again I'm not quite sure feeling a little stupid right now dead but I go to gasps okay starts at zero 145 150 160 180 215 and 240 I mean other than there being a giant gap between 145 of what 50 I guess - get out - stupid understand the problem here D screwdriver y know how with show how step-by-step photographs for success every time got a rep my favorite city in the world on my t-shirt band good coke why don't women feel safe on Delhi roads we are the answer oh no probably shouldn't advertise that Google issues security warning for two billion Chrome users oh boy seriously I feel like any gay door chunk a wall whatever that's situated like this is actively hiding some kind of invisible alternate universe gate it's gotta be what drinking game is this I've never heard of this and to be honest I don't I don't want to learn anything about it enjoy the much cheaper items sold by wish much cheaper and also much more confusing what are these for stay at home orders expiration dates all right that's gonna be fantastic when you have to bend over to pick something up best choice triple-a batteries using high-tech devices such as your 1995 alarm clock random remote for air-conditioner PlayStation 3 controller flashlight and computer mouse wired that keyboard is just all messed up and why does the button in the bottom left say click again I advertise your product all you want but what's so hard about getting two people to just be in the photo with it well isn't that just a perfect place to put that PNG right over where you're supposed to write coffee grinder yeah sure hope it does this is just this is just stupid what a horrible crop job you should be ashamed a baking pan clock creative use of a baking pan you know not for baking but for keeping time come on guys you went to elementary school right okay good then you should know that burning down your house is not exactly what you want to be doing made in the USA what USA are you talking about that flag is missing at least a few stars also thank God if I buy this my house is just gonna be slightly darker looking is that supposed to look like clam chowder where that where is that I don't know where that is this map is highly accurate you know we've got that 7,000 foot Statue of Liberty over near New York the massive Buffalo in North Dakota and then you know down near New Mexico those incredibly large hot-air balloons the pittsburgh portable inflator do not use to inflate vehicle tires what what's it for awesome that's a perfect bit of design right there Bravo a grill a grill that's melting are you kidding me guys yeah yeah yeah yeah home is where we are together that's just such a stupid and ugly clock though thank God I can see the buttons now I just got a guess which is which away take away take excuse me take what it starts action for with Healthy Kids heart is this just a version of Moo no but with Superman on every card and I guess that Batman guy down at the bottom how is this even playable Oh perfect spot to put that Bravo Bravo guys she's the only you corn in the world with her horn pretty much on the tip of her freaking face so don't mention anything about it okay she's very sensitive oh yeah you're just too cool to have a mailbox that looks like the other guys huh you just got to be different even if that means being stupid meds sanitizer perfect just perfect now I'm gonna accidentally chug some sanitizer after work building objectives dude you got a white text with black stroke is readable on any background this is why you always have a professional do work in your home always oh my gosh she looks like the main character of splice chin support something supporting his shins real good god hey I don't think you're getting an accurate reading on your scale right now man why no reason you just you go right ahead huh you can tell they ran out of proper materials the day this thing was made north somewhere over there I guess beautiful landscape I love Paris me too yeah Big Ben loved visiting Big Ben in Paris this right here is to measure how long your spines getting you know just because grandma's curious and all and that is all we've got for you today folks always remember if you enjoyed this video smash that like button down below and hey if you really enjoyed the video consider subscribing and clicking the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 977,921
Rating: 4.9262376 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: N6AdX2Rr-Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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