r/Crappydesign | I'm Watching You 🙂

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and then i saw his face and now i'm a shrieker without a trace of calm in my mind skinny cow moon stupid flooring can you please clip the thoughts i stuffed it up [Music] hello you succulent salamanders welcome back to mk my name is jack the voice who does the thing and today we're going to be looking at some crappy designs why don't we start with some stats specifically financial literacy and you and oh boy i just love the lack of commitment to a single color scheme and hey you know what they say it ain't engaging unless you put in a random emoji somewhere truly a work of art that definitely catches the eye just not in the way you want uh okay that's not exactly how the human anatomy works but let's not be jodgy i'm sure there's many young ballerinas out there who'd love to be in the champ this way to link or this way too we're not really sure where we are oh what at the top of the phone i don't i don't find this comfortable i don't really know why i just i don't like it what is mcdonald's doing in other countries up i'm making nuggets out of this one here's a great piece for your backyard a barbecue made out of wood yep there exists someone in this world who believed this was a good idea they also apparently exist in city planning oh my what are you what are you selling god damn it wish again with this stuff i can tell it's wish you can tell by the little orange triangle in the corner ladies and gentlemen a seat where the sight is smooth but the top is bumpy because screw you and your good tush i feel this really challenges the concept of taking a seat to rest you can't really rest on this can you oh maybe that's the point maybe it's one of those terrible like anti-homeless designs have you ever had poison ivy a whopping 27 percent have not well amir very tiny just a smidge a little 73 said yes so as we can see by the data that's uh clearly not many people have i feel like this is how lobbyist groups use their like scientific data to prove that what they do is okay oh well as you can see because the 73 percent of damage we do see that's the smaller circle to the larger 27 so therefore the science says it's okay i see this at so many chicken themed like takeaway or restaurant places where there is a chicken mascot just casually hanging around cooked comrades it's just come to the point where i think it's a literal western culture to have chicken as your mascot that is just so happy about all its friends and family being killed some fun stock imagery of kids playing a card game and what's the card game oh it's a drinking game oh look school's been pretty rough this year i can't blame the kids for turning to this oh b scott barbecue coke is it what what are you saying ah yes kikkorin and i could to get god blessed local art council's attempts to seem more creative no face mask no entry but that guy's got a mask crappy magnetic clip that can't stick to the fridge because it's curved wow how did this get past them testing this out toilet's door with another door in it that won't stay closed what is this for like if someone locks themselves in they can just use this emergency door but then you've also got this option where i would not be comfortable touching that door handle apparently north is opposite to east i reject your coordinates and substitute my own no no there's no design flaw here buddy you've unfortunately got a darumaka who's seen things [Laughter] i kissed the cherry oh it feels so good to kiss i see you purposely putting that sign there so i don't see boobies but i'll have you know i'm distracted by some far more juicier balls on her it's those freaking eyeballs what the hell's with them hey can we get a fan in here yeah what do you want it oh just just in it just just right there in it just cover the whole room with it oh yeah great that's that's exactly how i want to live in my living space create a fish daddy whale meets mommy turtle oh no oh no don't encourage this this is why we shouldn't teach evolution in schools before you know it everyone's dog's gonna go walking around saying it okay no i hate it enough when i'm trying to figure out which damn room level i meant to be on you don't add to the confusion by adding more than two damn ways to open the door leave as welcome for me all cool your ends my guests came as i'm stuffing that up as i go along you know what kind of garage i like the kind that tests my suspension every single time i use it so these glasses are new and clean that what i'll be honest buddy that looks like fossilized spit no you know what i reckon they did this on purpose this way when they sell you something they can say they didn't say it was 50 off this is just a random logo that they've now designed oh geez so many ways to open the door i what do i oh guys i don't think i can handle this headphone adapter advertised on phone that already has a headphone jack agv i appreciate the terrible sales pitch but that phone couldn't handle two of me hereditary is a very symmetrical film and this book with all the stills ruins every scene because of the binding as someone who hasn't seen hereditary i think this looks perfectly normal definitely yep don't need to prove me wrong don't you dare prove me wrong i'm not watching the movie i'm not watching the movie a brilliant idea hit her that is some concerning subliminal messaging the shower cubicle in this twin bed hotel room who needs privacy yo what how the carpet right next to the shower are you serious yeah cool so uh never going here with family and wait is that the tv just poking its head out behind the bed head wow i i kind of want to stay here just to see how terrible it is no this isn't the same hotel space but let's be honest you genuinely thought it was what how where do i stand no look it's from florida you can tell by the sign there in the distance this is now no longer surprising if you didn't know 718 billion is only a little more than 266 billion as you can see by this extremely scientific chart yes i see math very good me know well oh how inclusive we've got ender ladies and men endermen with thick booties and enderman reconstruction factories on our right alright team i want us to get some mannequins to really promote our product to the younger generation so throw some ideas around what can we create or how about something that isn't appealing at all i like it apparently luigi is mario coloured green no no mario's meant to be the small fat chubby one now who can all the tall lanky brothers relate to oh no [Laughter] hey lightning mcqueen why the long face bro i can't measure the liquid in my black shaker bottle ah now see that's what upgrading your luck status for buddy melting that's safe oh boy that is a very short two meters let's just use that ratio for a second and compare that to her she's technically four meters tall oh my god why couldn't he just break the wall out every time i get this recipe book out i think it's growing mold in the corner oh god i can see how this would be very frustrating to someone who's a clean freak you know you shouldn't give this book as a gift to them ever especially if you hate them that would be that would be so mean oh the worst part about this is that it's likely dropped the property value by like a thousand dollars mew q's exterior so how do you guys get everything to connect so securely uh well um [ __ ] honey i got you a gift i pledge allegiance to the flag of united flag for united flag to status of flag status of flaggy status of america and republic for which a donation to republic stands near nation the republic standard nation under indivisible god with liberty and justice star star star star star for all line star star star star star and uh which apartment is yours lamp or lamp well to be fair they have made themselves more noticeable where did they start and then give up like where was the original pattern that they were going for were you born to be real to perfect not be oh oh pikachu what have they done to you this is pikachu now feel old yet see folks this is why when you customize your character at the start of the game that you should make them tall and lanky so they can fit through these areas that are most characters in the game won't be able to fit through it's some secret bonus content that i don't think people appreciate enough from god pikachu wait first the ride and now this dude what are you going through like 12 life crisises oh i see never mind you just met up with popeye and gotten some kind of bender a piece of victorian ingenuity a rocking potty chair i wonder why it didn't catch on well now hold on we shouldn't knock it until we try it come on everybody let's all take turns sitting our booties on that wood that that won't at all easily collect our bacteria though pad [Laughter] larry i absolutely admire your appreciation for bicycles but buddy this needs to stop this brand of chocolate covered pretzels doesn't even show the right product on the package look i'll be honest to say dark chocolate fanboy i'm a bit more distracted by the idea of enjoying a dark chocolate pretzel but then immediately questioning how how are pretzels made i don't know about you guys but every time i see a pretzel i just see a bug-eyed alien screaming oh wait like as in up wash your hands why are you down there rockstar pure zero energy so what you get like no energy from it that's right zero shoot i need to make some phone calls up clever very clever i see you found a loophole in the health code system yes we do have a disability ramp on our property well frankly the street level's the government's problem not out gamers that don't die i spawn nothing says privacy like saloon style doors just imagine someone smacking these open like some cowboy i'm looking for the man who killed my wife wait come on man i'm pooping in there geez ah no see i'm actually gonna vouch for this one people will commonly do this kind of renovation to their house because they use the garage more so with storage and will probably have a ute or some large vehicle that makes the elevation easier to store away their things onto the car yes fred's not innocent house captain clarity has been here to clarify the situation you were saved that'll be 35 please i need the money help out smaller businesses everyone show plo cal please keep five steps apart that's two that's two hello what the hell is even holding this thing up are they rocks holding it down but what is what is holding it up where's the scaffolding what just those two single poles that that wouldn't hold it up also if you're gonna photoshop people then at least make it look like they've got shade over them it is just so terribly obvious they are out in the sun a toilet for square butts or an obsidian toilet from minecraft so that's meant to be a tongue uh from some sort of show just just enjoy that enjoy that look there why is it looking at me thanks for the direction yelp just l turn directly into oncoming traffic then the place is on your left hey that's what yelp's fault for reading the data on your gta 5 gameplay what the free jesus i want to shower but i want to waste as much water as possible do you have something like that for me can you also make it shoot like meteors across the room who went through in photoshopping this i'm purposely imagining that this is like the cars universe's version of the ring ghost just a massive card coming out of your tv after seven days so to get to rocker what you want to do is just to go around that circle bit and then just flee in all directions just get out of it man just run away all i'm getting is vibes of the thing but as a house and you know what i kind of dig it mainly in a twisted way specifically in the sense that if they ever sold this house i know that no one would want to buy it against me can you help me unscramble these words gritscene and zakik now before you all actually tried let's see what the answers are energetic and crazy tell me uh let me know let me know uh where is where is k in crazy hmm you wanna you wanna stop wasting my time your mouthless peach hey while we're on the topic of crappy designs it's time to see some of your fan art i'm kidding i'm kidding that's a joke please don't hate me i'm kidding it's a joke today's beautiful work is by ebb fireball who has strangely accurately drawn my hand when i take my skin there's made a wonderful piece of work that is just really uh imaginative and creative and different that um is a great fantasy thing to make wonderful work eb fireball as always remember if you'd like to see your work hoisted onto the latest videos on our channel be sure to submit your work in the mk subreddit oh that's where we notice them best and where we grab them to put them into the newest content so do that and don't tell anyone else about the skin suit now we have reached the end of today's video so of course thank you for getting this far and if that means you are listening to my voice right now then clearly you enjoyed your time so it's helped you repay your dues and like the video and hey check out that you're subscribed as well make sure you are you should be subscribed by now come on it only cost a penny less than that actually costs nothing at all and hey check out that you've clicked that notification bell too so you're always updated on our latest good goods of the cons contents the the things that we make now with all that said i must flee so i shall say my jews goodbye you fantastic feline creature my name has been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble and gossip to today about terrible designs of things i love your face and i'll see you next time for the next video bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 388,982
Rating: 4.9684114 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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