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who lives in a pineapple under the sea Malaysian Airlines 303's [Laughter] [Music] hey hey hey you what's going on everybody welcome back to m'kay my name is Robin and today we're gonna be perusing through our slash cursed comments but not before I point out this amazing bit of fan art done by the user blue jay 951 on the subreddit Robin art pretty good for drawing this digitally with my hands and honestly I gotta say this is fantastic no one else has ever drawn me this cute before so I thank you very much for that blue jay you and I are just a couple of Birds up against the world but without further ado let's get to these terrible posts blur sposta --tz-- oh no I imagine as you keep going the inside turns pink and red as you peel away the skull layer by layer be thick and loose now why y'all would not be ready if the MCU movies were more accurate oh Lord my man would have said I love you fifteen hundred what is ten times scarier at night than day my uncle yeah give him a little bit of Bud Light seltzer and he's even worse than that help I think my grandparents are having sex in the other room just running naked and shout player three is join the game now this is something I can blast too I wish I could but the bet chopped off my nuts I'm sorry mister neutered dog a pig's orgasm can last anywhere between 11 to 40 minutes wishing I was a pig right now you got the looks go for a champ how nice even Jesus didn't get nailed this hard whoa I think he might disagree with that what should you not have in common with your significant other parents yeah that's pretty far up on the list I'd say number one what's the origin of your username good question heroin on my [ __ ] I really need to know the origin the pilot of your plane is unconscious and the stewardess asks if you can fly the plane what's the worst response you can give in to what Oh God when you turn off the lights so that kid can't roast you but he starts clapping in Morse code just cut off his heads hostage or not sometimes it's nice being held bro you good I don't know if he's good just call him frosted flakes cuz he's great eating children shouldn't be illegal isn't swallowing come basically eating children but just unborn and I guess in bulk to I'm training on table don't tell Vegeta I to of training on pick up if you don't tell the black order I won't tell Vegeta deal the perfect way to roleplay without anybody really looking too much into it the mangas okay but what's more enjoyable to read in this manga the comments section uh uh Wow truth moment condoms are for screwing [ __ ] or horses if you're feeling extra god man the last thing you wait is what you have to name him puppy how fitting oh boy I found a way to make my penis twelve inches long folded in half Hellyeah mother-fricker that kid is 4 feet tall so he's basically a tripod you have never seen a brand-new rock joke's on you I just cooked up some crack rocks yeah shows him me there's nothing out there there's nothing out there is enough out there whenever I get creeped out by something like this I imagine they're in a hentai with massive [ __ ] the eggplant is sexualized by the Internet as a ding dong but most ding dongs don't even come close to the size of an eggplant you can get the same color depending on your grip can confirm Jesus guys calm down boobs are like Legos they're really for the kids but the dads always end up playing with them tits are for babies they don't look nearly as good on babies I cannot confirm that but I imagine that to be true what a frickin plane now you can hit both towers at once get out good point technically I guess all computers are females since they all have female ports bro you that means my mouse is screwing my computer right in front of me lmao curse sentence Dan your desktop must be having an orgy wait what the Frick my keyboard has both male and female USB ports Oh nickel oversight johncena let this one lucky make-a-wish kid pin him for the WWE title but now he'll have to defend it this Sunday versus Kane I got all my money on the kid bet he'll be meeting the Undertaker pretty soon too ah my penis after three hours of trying to rub out my insomnia I'll never understand how women date or marry guys who play hours and hours of video games we have really big ding-dongs not JK it's mostly a mixer of chloroform and amphetamines to keep them cloudy but active me Chuck me no like booties okay imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you've ever had sex with me isn't it called a family reunion for Alabama people oh if a mango was a person we'd be screwing doesn't need to be a person hey I guess technically he's got a point me seven years old picking up a snail and run to let it know how it feels to move fast I ate them so they would know what it felt like to die upload this if you also thought the fat guy in the stands was the ball who says he couldn't be ask him if he wants to be a backup ball when she says go deeper but you can only achieve a maximum depth of 2,000 feet said submarine noises when she says go deeper but the dildo is already so far up your butt that you could taste it clearly this guy's a lot kinkier than all of us there are probably still tinder accounts from dead people that are still getting likes and messages that must be the reason why she's not responding literally ghosted all up a minute couches of my childhood okay Oh oh boy there it is how the auditions go bear tries to enter home through cat door and gets stuck me grabs nearest lubricant also me goes around the back of the house me again unzips pants I mean when is he ever gonna get a chance like that again hopefully literally never blur snur reminds me of school my balls hot shower versus cold shower still tasty either way true blur strolls never underestimate teachers nut all over your school you need instructions to get told to nut all over your school amateur mermaids always have breasts making them mammals so their tails would likely be like a dolphin or manatee not a fish a fish tail would allow them to lay eggs and still give milk thus making them monotremes like the echidna or platypus they could also make their own omelettes in custard I'm uploading this comment but I'm extremely unhappy about it looks like a brain in the shape of a cat looks like my scrotum well your scrotum is very cute Elan holding his new baby tentacle hentai me harder daddy guy stabbing me oh my god you're so deep that's tearing me apart it keeps turning my insides Oh God imagine wanking over a kid's film frickin hell my tissue boxes are ready hashtag Dumbo my guy oh if you use tissues you're a coward cold boobs are so much prettier than warm boobs that's why I like my women dead freakin christ dude when your sister says daddy can you pass the gravy and you your dad your cousin your uncle and your brother all reach for it at the same time a visible confusion across the table you forgot to add dog oh there it is when a person that you kidnapped is screaming in your house while you're making a video oh oh no I knew it you have been visited by this hanging Ethernet cable he has now blessed you with a week of good internet no lag if I shove it up my butt will I become smart yeah all that data just goes right up to the brain from there highway style when you're chilling in Chernobyl and the grass starts speaking Scottish oh dear it's time to go oh that would make me crap my pants when your snack gets stuck in the vending machine oh I do not like that shop at all I found it's best to eat the whole bird not in slices girls be like I hope they accept me for who I am guys be like I hope they accept me for who I am fixed it girls be like I hope his penis is huge guys be like I hope her penis is huge fixed it better a fine addition to my collection erection holdup yes please hold up a second your tongue knows exactly how everything you look at will feel try it look at the table leg you know what it'll feel like if you lick it imagine licking a football or the whether you have or haven't actually licked these things when you imagine it your tongue knows it knows what kind of sorcery is this no trust me I've licked them all oh that's great I was lonely until I glued a coffee cup onto my car now everybody waves at me it works the same way if you use a baby don't have the money for coffee just grab a baby there free in most public places guys I finally discovered what P P stands for private parts but mine stands for you this means girls have pee pees how do we rate girl pee pee size negative inches okay fizzy the dragon you might be onto something there you want me to go down on you baby oh yeah is that a bowl cut my mom insists on cutting it plot twist she's talking about his circumcision how often do you have to get your circumcision done again remind me fun fact if her vagina tastes like beer she has a yeast infection can it get me drunk domesticated Rock returns to the wild I got this as a notification read the title and assumed it had something to do with pet rock so this really killed my boner her coffee should I try it okay I will try it blah blah blah I crazy now this makes me want to throw a flashbang into a room full of epileptic blur Smoove II oh yeah they put the B movie in the hentai section honey nut you like jizz Kim jong-eun deliberately faked his death to expose traitors in his circle everyone who celebrated we're all gonna die how do you undelivered death do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ no I made my steering wheel full of cleansing energy now every time I Drive I vibe up and my car gets a love charge as well I'm doing my entire car interior with crystals congratulations you just turned your airbag into a claymore err frag TM MIT scientists created a psychopath AI by feeding it violent content from reddit hey why is it Nicolas Cage well perfect example of such and ladies and gentlemen with that we have come to the end of today's video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video give it a like down below and hey if you really enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe and click the bell icon and until next time I'll be seein Yin [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,402,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: ss6eEfBa6vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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