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you matched with faith on June 24th 2019 I have faith in this match no I have lost faith in this match what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash tinder if you own aspiring actress I got a casting couch you should try you know not that kind of acting get your head out of the gutter what makes you think I'm not talking about an actually audition that just happens to involve a couch you're right I apologize what's the audition then it's a short film called backdoor [ __ ] 9 just a real educational documentary you don't they listen don't worry about the title it's just a working it's a working title and you'll be a working actress Anna is 20 years old if coochie wasn't meant to be eaten why is it shaped like a taco hmm very good point Anna Mae yes a but that shrek is thick if I wasn't meant to put my wiener in a taco why is he shaped like Cochise mm-hmm very good point shrek is thick Thank You vogue bird up a whole new world does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend now only if I could be the boyfriend what does that mean how do you interpret it you're going to ignore me most of the time would only call me when you want but I'm in want to have some fun does the prospect of astrophysics make you moister than an oyster what ba check I don't even know half of those words that's not great considering it's only two oh you cheeky you sly dog okay so I can almost guarantee you I'm going to butcher this name I've seen it before but I've never learned how to properly pronounce it so uh otakus fifteen miles away I'm back in the dating scene after a long relationship I'm ready to find a mother I mean another Brett is 30 years old my passions are shopping wine and being gorgeous you're not six foot five don't talk to me I won't message you first not looking for hookups no facial hair idk why tender says I'm 30 I'm really 48 music is my life don't ask me on a date if you're broke if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me up best sushi and pumpkin spice lattes no BUTT STUFF on the first date it's hard being a single mom there so I'm told I don't have kids am I doing this right you're doing everything right bread you're doing everything right see who likes you is that Fiona this Fiona like me then she saw my face and she was a believer dude I love that I love that for Fiona thanks girl thanks Fiona I used to bind a solipsistic as my mind could never create something as cute as you I used to be a nihilist but my world can't be that meaningless if you're in it Oh nerds to philosophy nerds deliver pick up lines I love it lmao Carly's 20 I'm in a relationship only that's it boys only giving [ __ ] nothing else no coochie for you just the dish just a little bit of dum a little bit of top a little bit of face Curly's a goddamn classy woman not a [ __ ] Chanel's 26 okay we go for some drinks you quickly realize I'm a freaking weirdo but I'm funny and somewhat impressive so you chug a drink and try not to be completely turned off by the fact I'm a walking faux pas we go back to my place where we have mediocre desks and I proceeded to uncontrollably sob on your chest immediately afterwards about some other dude I'm still in love with it's a great time no thanks you Nell no thanks it's my girl Trinity and she says hey I go hello there she goes what's up just chillin how about you sitting in a waiting room at the moment what about you what you waiting on had to take my grandad to the eye doctor oh I see but I guess he does it good joke sure did that went right over her head she's just huh what doesn't he see he's at the doctor right now he actually can't see much Colleen is 21 if someone tells you a secret and says not to tell a soul and you tell a ginger yes yes you can are you my appendix because I have a funny feeling in my stomach and I think I need to take you out no you're my appendix you're fine and you can stay inside of me thanks Sophia Craig I'm going to be honest you have the same name as my dad and it's throwing me off a little it's okay I prefer to go by my nickname anyway oh yeah what's that how do you get Craig from dead how do you get daddy from Craig how do you do that Craig tell me hey blank do you like poems yeah great I wrote one for you roses are red you're cute is a duck let's go on a date and then we can cuddle if you cash at me five dollars first how about two dollars fifty cents okay and then she sends her her actual cat Jesus she sends her actual cash app good god you're serious yeah what's the most someone's giving you without meeting 30 so I don't know why you won't do five well you just agreed in two dollars fifty cents a good businesswoman honors her work sure send me 250 I never claimed to be a good businessman I don't know why I would I always feel really weird when that people like go on to dating apps just like give out their premium snapchat [ __ ] I'm going out there to make a connection I'm not trying to buy your [ __ ] eye sorry I just swore then what I'm not trying I'm not going out there to buy a premium sneb go in there to like hopefully have a date what kind of pick-up line do you like cute dirty or dark all of the above a cute pick-up line can you help me out I've got all these forks and knives all I need now is a little spoon dirty are you a shark because I've got some swimmers for you to swallow oh oh oh oh and she says I'm dead dark hey girl are you school properties because I want to shoot kids all over you boy I'm freaking dead you shot her you shot kids all over and now she's dead when you go on a date with a girl from snapchat but it turns out she doesn't even have dog ears the lying oh how dare you not have dog ears and you can't this is this man is a furry and he wants the dog ears you see a disappointed he looks in that photo I want your dog dog then we should bang that hang prime response is that mr. cool I love mr. cool somebody likes you open tinder to see who don't do that don't give me hope hey I think you dropped something I did I'm hoping it was your standards what's up I made I guess you picked them up lmao I'm not gonna lie I wasn't trying to go Stu I literally just didn't know how to respond to that LMFAO can I restart yes hey I think you dropped something no no no you're doing it all wrong in she gave you a second chance you match with poorest for Paris probably on June 26 2019 how many France related pickup lines Deegan on this amp so so many every other guy it seems like sends one yeah it makes sense I figured I'd ask so I didn't send one of them Paris myself Oh in Paris oh oh he did it name based puns oh my god I laughed out loud of that message that was a good one Oh what is this dude's name CagA day I don't know how to say this name hello beauty where are you from I have no idea how you showed up as being in my area lol I'm form turkey how did we match law I bought a membership law Oh lol why do you want to talk to girls in the US because to improve the foreign language I got you good what did I want to screw you laughing till I'm crying emoji sent at 8:37 a.m. nice I'm not even gonna try to sugarcoat it I just want to sucks me tits actually I could sugarcoat them if you want either way sounds good to me yo we got three different Megan's damn girl are you a toaster because I want to kill myself Cooper wait Frick honestly same I messed that up I meant to say damn girl are you a toaster because I want to take a bath with you that's okay honestly a toaster seems like a crummy way to go what's your thoughts on cyanide I'd rather get shot by a police officer for no reason since that's all they do anyways I'm sorry the police only shoot visible minorities damn it being white sucks yeah what the Frick happen to white privilege when the cops won't even shoot you gosh dang it why don't you shoot me your number so we can emotionally kill each other nice shooting your shot I guess go screw yourself screw be yourself you cow that's like favorite response I love that stuff did you swipe right because you were curious about my bio honestly I might be please explain I know the men they're weak a F anyways hello well you know those punji bags in arcades the ones where the harder you punch the more points you get yes our school had ski trip to Penticton and I almost beat the high score up apex LMFAO is probably cuz the arcade was on a mountain and nobody plays it mm-hmm at the gun barrel yeah I worked there hello I'll get out of my face no way who should we should I did that's crazy huh what if you worked there while I was there I was up there this year January dude we would their January kill me what date it was from January 4th to 6th brah I lived up there I worked the 600 can I post this on our slash tinder this is amazing hello well the only time we went to gun borough was on the 6th I can't believe this is happening right now and you go on reddit that's not a very unique trait why is that hey is that null calves did just when I thought you couldn't get more interesting you like to get reddit Karma hey what's up did you get a blank elementary school cuz if you did you were a jerk how come can you like give a reason as to why you snitched on me once plus you never shared your jelly beans and that is unforgivable are you looking for love or hookups oh ma oh I have no frickin idea at this point right now I'm just looking for D&D Dungeons & Dragons lmao dick and dinner oh ok yeah that makes a lot more sense when you see a profile with I'm actually 18 now know why it says 25 law do you all have Stu stupid Jessica is 27 I'm on tinder because I noticed anal guests hurts a lot less than being single kiss me 20 years old if you're trying to figure out how to say my name think of Mike Tyson saying kiss me hey what do you hear a funny way I've heard your name pronounced before yeah let's hear it kilometres oh it's funny cuz his name's miles so tell me about you hmm grew up with two sisters and my mom so I'm a softy my nephews are my best friends I'm back in college for network engineering my favorite pizzas meat lovers you interesting yeah I'm cool it's Frick I love your confidence when I grab a drink tomorrow and she does too dang 60 kilometres away lol you're not from London are you no where are you from then West Elgin oh cool so do you study here in London at Fanshawe / Western no anyways want to hear a funny story about how I injured myself recently sure I've been using this thing called tinder and matched with this girl named a blank I swear I broke my back trying to carry that conversation get called out Sammie nice censoring the name 88 jenna is 21 and she's a magician's assistant I know one magic trick that is very mediocre what kind of magic can you perform on me odd disappearing act I like it you met with Ken Masha first time of my life ever get that my name's not Barbie the name change isn't too difficult how are you I already changed my sex that was a hassle damn I liked that I liked that fun line it's a match whoa this is worthless oh it's a story once upon a time a handsome man messaged a girl on tinder it wasn't the first time for either of them countless disappointments shadowed their past somehow they knew this time was different you are simply adorable she said nad narration the connection grew she wondered what made him she was her was it a fortune of fate or fumbling fingers either way it felt right she had a hard time and believing of such things anymore the risk of having some fun she decided to subdue doubt and some come to the light I like the sound of that damn that was a fin that was a fantasy boutique all this online thing is eating my soul I'm looking for something real and looking for my human I am NOT here for hookups I loves guests but I'm not sleeping with you on our first few dates I'm making this clear because I have to on this site which is why my soul has been crushed I'm not crazy just tired so that being said here's my question small talk bores me to no end so let's take this a little deep and weird because why not scenario we are camping next to a body of water at night under the stars we are sharing a hammock for the moment in comfortable silence deep in our own thoughts contemplating life I turned my head to look at you you look at me and I ask what are you thinking about in this very what is your answer I really feel like that level in Goldeneye 64 where you're on a boat and you're able to do wheeled guns for the first time was a high-water mark in my life everything since then has been at best disappointing and at worst emotionally hollow damn alrighty then you're not as good as Goldeneye 64 are you Asian because I'm China get into you [ __ ] panties oh oh are you from Europe cuz you're a piece of crap oh I wish you guys could see some of the faces I make would I do these readings Alexis you match with Alexis and you tell her hey when I hear a really crappy joke yes lmao why do hospitals have air conditioning to make sure that people don't get overheated and dehydrated also to keep the vegetables cool and fresh what vegetables Oh Alexis no no no Alexis you didn't understand Irene is 26 Irene version 3.0 tinder profile updates bug fixes and improvements new features implemented got a new job performance enhancement started going to the gym UI / UX redesign summer 10 new and recent pictures added holiday photos improved selection algorithm multilingual support English Spanish and Catalan McKenna says oh crap a redditor when are we getting married yeah McKenna you're making a grave mistake McKenna stop using reddit as a reason to like someone oh no hey I'm Seth and I have a smoke any I mean average any I mean a dog hey what's up oMFG lol hey Sophie you smell us contagious so did you mention me for the exclusive Pokemon facts or for the Portuguese drink tasting death for the pokemons did you know that did it was a failed clone of meal I know I was speechless for days - when I found out hey sorry it took a day to respond but like this thing has been really bothering me do you think that crabs look at humans didn't think we walk sideways are you high no I just think it's wild how if crabs ruled the world they teach their kids that all their animals walk sideways and who's to say they're wrong okay how's this for something you don't know there are planets that are not bound to orbit within our University - being knocked into orbit with an early development by asteroids or another planet but these planets drift throughout space endlessly and eventually freeze due the lack of best from a star if the planet is geothermal like ours and contain water the top of the ice can freeze but the heat of the core can actually keep some of the water liquid these can theoretically support life so you can essentially have life on a dead planet floating through space pretty cool right you got any cool facts dude WTF I just want Wiener come on stop it you scared me am i getting no matches because I'm ugly no it's the algorithm and they're high standards hi just wondering you use super country got my JD tractor and my cows in the pasture I'm actually an IT major lol do you hunting stuff just stuff zach is 30 years old I got a B+ in human sexuality in college so let's just say I know my way around claw Boris and that brings us to the end of our slash tinder and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay I promise I'll find a way to bring the comment section into this I promise I'm just not good at it I'm just not good at it and as always I'll be seeing yet [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,063,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/tinder, r/tinder top posts, r/tinder best posts, tinder, tinder reddit, emkay tinder, reddit funny, tinder best posts, r/tinder emkay, emkay
Id: BUv6MCdLul4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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