r/Mildlyinfuriating | is that waterproof?

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some enderman put a grass block in my farm and all my cows escaped this is no place to die [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk my name is robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mildly infuriating because as you know darn well i love being mad so without much further ado let's get on in there i just noticed this in a friend's bathroom i will now hate this bathroom for all eternity yeah that's fair i'll hate it too my brother threw chapstick at me and it missed looks like your brother owes you a new laptop am i right my stuff is circled the other stuff is my sister's there's no excuse for being a slob cindy my wife didn't know how to open this pen so she pulled really hard to remove the cap this is not a pen but a wacom tablet pen that cost me a hundred dollars to replace why did it cost you anything to replace stop taking creepy shots of celebrities having family time it's gross diane kruger puts on a leggy display during oh that's just gross go screw yourself this large box in which this small five pack of batteries was shipped alone from amazon sometimes the people that work there don't give a crap i should know my brother works there he doesn't give a crap i park better in gta the only time i let a parking job like that slide without leaving a passive aggressive note on the windshield is if he's like all the way out at the back of the lot at walmart after 11 years i just realized it says lives not lives how we spend our days is how we spend our lives ooh i spent 40 dollars on this and put it in my yard yesterday and it was gone within four hours stolen right off my property i live in a republican city in texas so i suspect that had something to do with it disappointed in humanity it's quite pathetic how controversial it seems to be to say hey black people are people black lives matter grow the hell up looks like some of these are a little bit more than mildly infuriating these obstacles are almost invisible on the bike lane that just means they work that much better you learn a valuable lesson when you almost die someone stole my artwork and is now trying to sell it as a real thing it's 34 and has six probably botted five star reviews ooh that's a yikes from me bud my neighbors put spikes on our shared fence to stop our cats from jumping up ooh i think it's time for some retaliation don't you here's what you do you put up a bunch of cat statues along the fence like 45 of them just to piss them off the strip of lawn between our sidewalk and the road is just too wide to mow in three lanes well looks like you gotta do a fourth my dude don't you have this job the way my partner's mom opens the bread good god what kind of alien animal creature is she my rubber band ball exploded that's unfortunate it's like glitter except you've actually got a chance of cleaning up all of that a woman let her three kids push and throw the chess pieces around she didn't even make them pick them up and put them back one of the pieces is now broken wow she sounds like a failure as a parent if you do this then screw you literally yelled at somebody in my local grocery store parking lot yesterday about him doing this the chessboard at my school ah that doesn't seem right what's the answer a c or b i messed my brain up a little bit more than i like to admit i edited my comments so you don't know how i got this many likes why do so many people do this it's not funny anymore alright says there's one comment let's take a look yep that sounds like reddit that is indeed a tough break my dude new from ikea the voyeurism bathroom set would you look at that it's r slash mildly infuriating a place to post the most midly infuriating things come on guys you couldn't have got like maybe a slightly larger sink no really you missed it by that much my dude come on wow now that is a misprint and a half i don't see how this would help you in any card game maybe it'll help you with the trick though oh my god one of the spots on the car window is trying to escape quick it's getting away okay this is where i have to stop and take a moment who let the four-year-old place the lighting in what looks like an airport of some kind maybe an office building with no offices i don't know that's beside the point who let the child do this oh it wasn't a child do you think that makes it better why kids love fascist cartoons like paw patrol and thomas excuse me i've seen people screaming acab at the paw patrol guys but i haven't heard someone call them fascist yet i'm gonna ignore how gross your bathroom is just to say that's actually not a terrible solution how have i never thought of that before i mean it's the ultimate in lazy mechanics but still i thought everything was accounted for before they even start building the house guess i was completely freaking wrong ah thanks so much for putting a paper-based sticker on the end of my lens 15 fascinating chemistry experiments uploaded by the channel top fives something seems a little out of whack here i just can't quite figure out what it is if i walked into a house or an apartment that i was potentially thinking about renting and i saw this i can tell you that one thing is gonna cause me to walk right back out the door sorry i'm moving on if you do this you sure as hell better be a toddler because if you're a grown-up i'll kill you my mom loves my cream my mom loves my little brother's cream what the hell is this do you want one chair for 60 or 4 chairs for three hundred dollars oh hey you can save five percent with your red card i know i do add one of two 39 minutes if i have to watch an ad that long you better be paying me not youtube me that happened when you were using a ruler it's time to get a new ruler ah yes this is what i always wanted feels so good this looks like it's on a blanket so i'll tell you this now get rid of it it's probably cursed and you might die before you turn 47. seattle coronavirus survivor gets a 1.1 million 181-page hospital bill i know we didn't actually have to pay that but holy god 12-month membership for 69.99 or a one-year membership for 49.99 oh wait does the second one say in canadian dollars well you have a lot of pencils do you take a lot of tests or write a lot of essays woman orders iphone 7 online gets an iphone 3 iphone 4 and a yu-gi-oh fusion card in the mail instead look you and i both know that this is a win well least it's easy to spot your house number inhale exhale very very true i don't even wear glasses and i know how infuriating that's got to be still no excuse not to wear one though put it on it's october 1st i don't see how that's an excuse for this abomination you just took out of the oven i don't know what this is but much like that blanket i think this thing is haunted i've got nothing clever to say here i never have anything clever to say but i really don't have anything clever for this one you're just dumb what we thought 2020 would be versus what 2020 actually is you think that's bad just wait until 2020 part two that's right we're never leaving this year at this point it's more like a feature we all come to expect from our cardboard food containers oh my god this is even worse than that last one holy crap people how do some of you have jobs oh i see it's a fake pillar as opposed to an actual pillar that helps keep the building more structurally sound no i understand enriched with vitamin a containing zero percent your daily value of vitamin a oh my god that's like a 5 000 plus dollar camera setup that that kid just destroyed i'm dead inside guys it killed me why do puzzles suck so much seriously i need to know why are they awful ah yes when you're on a budget and you have to get the store brand paper towels rather than bounty every single time guys they always gotta leave that little rat tail on the end oh yes the days of the week friday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday and of course everybody's favorite day of the week wednesday what's even worse than the fact that this person seemingly cannot finish a single bottle of water is that they're drinking bottled water at home anyway you got a sink you pay that water bill drink out of it quit being a baby oh boy crappy mom came through this store i repeat crappy mom was here um help no dude you're on your own man [Laughter] this one's just a crappy joke not really infuriating in my opinion this is not an entry-level job bring some experience to the table seniority level entry level i feel like i've played this board game before and i never win what the hell happened here did someone grenade the path and no one bothered to really fix it right channel i don't watch stories from channels i don't watch crappy over sexual ad for a crappy mobile game it's absolutely disgusting how much of this crap shows up on our feeds now hell on snapchat they subscribe me to random influencers you don't get to do that you were so close you were almost the chosen one god missed it by that much you know what whatever this stuff can't have been done on accident 100 not possible this was so close to being perfect just like that little vacuum space before this was so close i don't know why you chose to cut it like that does it make it tastier somehow do triangles hit different from squares what happened here seriously what happened to my bread what'd you do zack i sure do love me some little wavy bricks i am almost the type of person to come in here rip this up flip it around and be satisfied with my day seven years from 2001 to 2008 gta 3 gta vice city gta san andreas gta 4 and then 8 years spanning 2013 to 2021 gta 5 gta 5 gta 5 gta 5 i do like how they say through 2021 like they would expect gta 6 to come out next year something when we all know it's going to be nine years before we see it absolutely my favorite style of thumbnail and titling ever all caps weird stuff that 99 of people don't understand amazon prime using pirated subtitles oh boy oh who cares that's amazon they can do whatever they want they practically own our lives at this point this would take a little bit of getting used to for sure let me see let me see how the heck are you supposed to get a nine on a six-sided die why the heck is there a line you know something is wrong when i never signed up for your emails is one of the options oh boy isn't that just despicable ladies and gents my brother's plato collection oh my god no no it's illegal no what it's like living with lazy people or like what it's like living with gross people jesus man that's the bathroom garbage there's even worse crap in there than the kitchen one heck zach told me once he poops in there sometimes so we can save water oh no way someone got a photo of them filming the new pixar planes movie bruh i posted the same thing two days earlier and yet yours blew up for those who went viral on reddit what was it like to see your posts with thousands of upvotes and comments ah don't you love it it's all the luck of the draw or those people that pay to have their posts pushed to the front page i've seen this building a hundred times now and i'm no happier than i was before ah yes another perfect example of that's not my job the way the o key is not centered i've had this laptop for two years and just now noticed it it pisses me off more than it should no i think it pisses you off an appropriate amount this airplane bathroom i'm five foot two for scale holy crap i'm six foot three i'd have to walk on my knees in that room and in an airplane bathroom i'd really rather not do that this ad bomb that's guaranteed to wake up my baby when you go to pour some milk that's not brand new and some milk crusties fall off the container into your glass i don't worry about it it's good for your bones drink up friend seriously there's nothing wrong with a little bit of dairy dandruff my brother putting his glass of water on top of his ps4 clearly he's more of an xbox man huh my amazon package arrived with nothing in it you know that did actually happen to me relatively recently happens a lot more often than it should but it's always more hilarious than infuriating in my opinion the times on a kid's kitchen set they don't match she watched five hours of shows on her ipad with the browser bar and progress bar showing that small potatoes if she doesn't care why do you care delivery guy put plastic fork and knife underneath the hot food good god how hot was that food ah dirty shoes on the clean white bed sheets you animal me and my friend were mining on a server and there was diamond on the border you can't build or break blocks in this area wow kids in vehicles and that's a hefty little vacuum to be able to suck up all them goldfish also yeah kids are just nasty you should know this by now although to be fair when it comes to cars most adults i've seen aren't much better my brother's trash can why are all the recyclables in the trash can how my dad uses his ipad well your dad likes to live very dangerously especially sitting right next to it on the couch my classmate destroyed my pen when i gave it to her i wouldn't want it back one percent pizza flavor 99 original flavor oh that's disappointing i want my money back pringles and just like that ladies and gentlemen the anger melts away as we come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it why not get yourself subscribed and click the bell icon really helps us out over here and until next time i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,863,259
Rating: 4.8707023 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: zN0T994IJak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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