r/Crappydesign | NO EFFORT AT ALL

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damn you get me down from here also did they make dora white some fan art i drew for robin oh thank you ice cream that actually looks quite fantastic and the spitting image of me i really do have giant wings just so y'all know hey how's it going everybody welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a nice relaxing stroll through crappy design where only the best design reigns supreme without much further ado let's jump right in there 25 years later we realized what was holding the cabbage patch hat on our five-year-old's doll oh god what the hell i see your uncle's bathroom without a door and raise you a bedroom ensuite without a wall house for sale near where i live looks like a very questionable interview is about to go down here vans just released a new collab with national geographic only problem is that pine island glacier is in antarctica and not greenland oh come on guys yes i too fire my brass as well as lead canadian sniper sets record for longest confirmed kill in military history by lobbing the entire bullet cartridge and all this climbing wall under my friend's apartment balcony well that's definitely one way to get home this air purifier packaging that looks like it's been rotting in a moldy warehouse for too long oh brilliant design bravo the packaging on this flower makes it look like it's gone wet and moldy gross come on this variety box of tampons but the types aren't color coordinated oh come on stockholm's attempt to make their icons gender neutral that's one way to do it i guess you're definitely neutral if you wear half a dress and pants spoiled green meat nope just a picture of green grass on the label i definitely had to look twice a just finished park in tirana after a few hours of rain nice nothing wrong with a built-in lazy river i suppose the lowest speed is the same as the highest speed huh do companies even have quality assurance anymore or was that something that was thrown out the window a long time ago 20 percent sweet 60 degrees celsius hot 100 organic okay this is stupid d times i equals e wow that's really cool all right whatever that says in whatever language that is same in english okay wow thank you very enlightening oh whatever they did that on purpose the smart asses those two in the middle are only for real real good buddies that need to hold hands you know as a show of support ah yes the nintendo playstation i'll take one please coffee coffee tea tea sugar sugar is there an echo in here perfect length the charger cable is suitable for use in different occasions is that outlet just sitting on top of a table wow that's the most impressive phone i think i've ever seen yes i would like one oogerf please papa and grandson best friends for life why did they put this design on this particular piece of clothing nice i can save zero percent i'm losing money not buying it new external device is connected do you want to enjoy this oh gee i've never been asked that question before i'm gonna have to think on that united against racism well that's good okay guys i told you the crab is allergic to that stuff would you no quit giving it to him look at the poor guy he's filming from the mouth he's gonna die where is this magnifying glass looking exactly uh nowhere apparently wow really smart and clever design guys come on there's no way they didn't know what they were doing here i can't enter my address because there's a minimum character count not just because your address isn't real what a perfect spot to put a light switch i mean really are there any better places yeah perfect spot for a charging port also what the heck is this thing and where can i get one one cup before bed burns belly fat all night long just take one sip after dinner to flatten and tighten your tummy overnight oh my god what's happening to that poor man's tummy god they make it so easy they make it as easy as possible for us they put perforations right in there and we still do crap like this eat more pizza be more drink more beer happy jumbo top what what is going on here holy crap it's the beach ball from my nightmares a vel leo avalia where have i heard that before i wonder how awful it must be to have arms coming out of the side of your head man what is with the signs and the mixed signals lately it's starting to freak me out yes i understand that both regular bicycles and australian bicycles are allowed on this road okay come on if i ended up on a billboard like this i would take everybody i knew past it just to show him cause that's fantastic dad i would very much like to leave the amusement park now father please let's go ah it doesn't look half bad just let it go i'll see myself out right over the edge of that cliff over there steven shining king oh now i get it that's his middle name i've always been curious honestly celebrate americana together made in china oh god dang it 18 plus homemade white chocolate cake decorating ideas uh what what are they doing with that cone that just kind of looks gross what app is this seriously i'm curious which one is this who would allow it to look like that yes thank you ea very easy to read is that an elevator holy crap that's actually kind of scary this looks like something straight out of atomic heart and i want nothing to do with it oh come on i'm not even gonna try to read this one thing i can't speak this language and it's gonna piss a lot of people off and two i refuse to because of that color palette oh i'm sorry did hurt my your back knife yeehaw god bless america choose another level easy or hard okay this wrapping paper is giving me a brain hemorrhage i don't understand why you're advertising your products like this are you trying to get cats and dogs to buy them or what what's the audience here green light in chevy volt equals charging not charged everybody assumes it's charged and unplugs it at public charging stations now that sounds like a little bit of an oversight on chevy's part kong rats kong rats what the heck does that mean oh i see what you did here you messed it all up totally fair stop give me water did you know as of september 1998 the highest recorded mileage for a car was 1.6 million miles for a 1966. i feel like they finished the sidewalk and had a plan for that little dent there but just decided screw it it's completely unnecessary let's just go home see relevant content awesome one last thing tell us what describes you better so we can show you relevant content select your preferred pronoun he she or they select your age range okay start creating what the heck is this what's this app download yarn to find out what happens next uh no this hidden beach in new york will take you a million miles away from what who knew this was hiding right here in new york fantastic guys absolute bravo to you are you smart enough to win what name is dwayne johnson often referred by the steel the rock dj johnny well the rock was definitely not the correct dancer it was actually dj dj dwayne johnson is there uh is there no shift key it was a it was a spooky ghost yeah this is ectoplasm this crossing is for the safety of all of our students and staff someone had a budget surplus they didn't know what to do with holy crap what's wrong with her arm what happened oh that's absolutely disgusting also your rib cage is incredibly small stay born to surf true [Laughter] life is a lane but it is a rotative course watch children i don't think i'm gonna do that that seems a little weird to me oh god what did you hit oh nothing that's your paint job okay cool stop please enter customer in our current serve each separately and us from transmission social distancing as quickly as we do not if there is a store practices to customer to protect you virus please maintain and we will serve are able yeah everybody hits their head on that thing at least the first 30 times they climb on that ladder yes 2020 is indeed the toilet paper of years bone appetit that seems like really clever design to me i can't read a single one of these titles what is this collage for smart and books toys party and play all right then when your bank password is one two three four better our days coming well i sure hope so proceeds go to the minnesota freedom fund i can't breathe did you have to do that with comic sans there's a demon living in my science textbook hey don't worry about it i've got a demon living inside me and i mind my own business play manga clash bro no time bro join now get free 5 star bro i play right now bro best cervical neck traction device and collar brace support pillow is ideal for spine alignment and chronic neck pain relief i feel like if you need to do something like this with your neck you probably shouldn't be buying a 12 pound item from amazon why don't you just go to a doctor the toilet roll is outside of the toilet what some people like to poop on nightmare difficulty and with that we have come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and hey if you really enjoyed this one why not subscribe and click the bell icon really helps us out and hey we're getting close to that 2 million now aren't we and until next time i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 461,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: 2glCKp17xAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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