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such detail too bad it's disgusting what is wrong with you [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and i just got done stuffing my face with far too many oreos and today i thought i'd take another look at our slash awful taste but great execution before i ramble on any farther let's get right into it banana peel oxidation art oh my god why would you put your art skills to use on fruit well this takes on a whole new meaning for ashtray oh my god that is absolutely not great execution i'm sorry but it's awful taste awful execution awful everything yeah but why though i mean i guess it is great execution very legible very colorful but why okay anybody want to give this guy a kiss i'm not going to i'm too afraid that he's going to suck my brains out nuclear nightlight that's cool as hell we put that in the guest bedroom and yes you have to use it well those are slightly less terrible than those banana peel cowboy boots we saw a second ago but these are still incredibly bad i don't know why anybody would own something like this but at least you can eat some happy colorful cereal out of it provided all the little baby faces don't suck the happiness out of the room okay this one's pretty good you can't deny it covet 19 cake pops well as long as they taste good i guess they just don't look that accurate you really gotta sell it next time that is a mountain i absolutely would not want to climb although it would feel quite satisfying getting to um get to the top if you know what i mean i wanna poop in the top one that's what i'm saying why does this guy look like he's straight out of the movie mirror mask that's right that's one hell of a reference no one here is gonna get what the hell's carl doing in a twix coffin you know what that's not even the most pressing question going on here never mind i don't need to know what he specifically is doing there well no no absolutely not thank you though okay i'm starting to feel like some of these don't belong in this subreddit they should belong in one that's just called r slash no that's it you know after double checking on that i found out there actually is an r slash no that's dead and not being used for anything i think this is a prime case you know what fine i always felt like i was drinking duty anyway i mean i like coffee but it's not that good as a matter of fact coffee's kind of like beer it feels necessary but it's absolutely disgusting i see your giraffe horse and flamingo and raise you my wife with a fourteen hundred dollar pooping dog and life-sized turd oh yes a life-sized turd very very important for something this correct also fourteen hundred dollars fourteen hundred dollars whoa what happened to all your bottles they got super wacky long wow it's him eminem please don't let that be real please don't let it be real well i'm not 100 sure why they decided to make those so detailed and interesting to look at only for trains to drive over it okay sure i mean i guess reduce reuse recycle but i don't think this is what they meant by the recycling part i know we're all excited about the vaccine it's a fantastic thing but can we not decorate our houses with him i'll be real with you i'd wear this around town what did you do to your bike oh my god it's covered in feathers is this a squirrel mermaid a squirmaid or a merle neither of those work never mind this lion king themed paint job on a car i saw in florida yeah that looks like it would be in florida i mean look at those rims it really completes the job here fantastic you spent probably eight plus hours doing this for one photo and well you can't really do much else with it so time to take them off christmas at the gingerbread trap house wow that's actually pretty hilarious though that's just adorable i see your life-sized horse lamp and i raise you this indoor giraffe chandelier i think i know exactly what i'm going to need at the new house i'm moving to our chandelier that's already there is pretty but this one could complete the entire look god bless all my clients written with hair why why is the hair not disposed of hey ladies and gents we've got another gas station knife this makes me feel things i'm not a hundred percent what just that it makes me feel things congratulations on that how much did you pay for it you know what i don't care you have a great day i need me a pair of monster shoes or monster shoes with some rockin heels you know what i mean i'm already six foot three but rocking those guys right there i might become the vampire lady from re8 know what i'm saying i'll see your flamingo lamp and raise you a 6 500 life-sized horse lamp oh my god he's huge and majestic and unfortunately anatomically correct i feel like we're slowly but surely winding down to the flamingo and i'm getting more and more excited as we get closer why don't rvs still look like this this is genius although i don't know about that windshield though also doesn't seem super aerodynamic but i don't think it really mattered back then i need to know where i can get this carpet by the square foot just for you know reasons no big d oh good a room that's designed to kill people that enter it through sheer confusion imagine some classy lady drinking wine out of the ball mason jar cup yeah the stem is a little unnecessary i drink out of mason jars they make perfect glasses but i don't know why you'd make it a little bit less stable by adding that ah yes my bathroom where it's mardi gras every night the beignets don't exactly agree with my tummy 350 dollar lamp i found there it is it's the flamingo we finally found him and he is so underwhelming that's actually pretty normal that's like the average thing you see when you walk into a restoration hardware or a pottery barn so he's pretty tame in comparison to the other three and then right after that we get a full-on gorilla lamp what an upgrade i'm not a monkey i'm a limp those are so adorable i'd actually get these as a gift for somebody if i didn't know that they were probably 500 bucks for the pair for some inexplicable reason i'm not loose you're just small oh honey oh honey no now that's something you pay five million dollars for and only wear once every eight years when you go to the gala i for one can't wait for the new godzilla movie it's gonna be fantastic i personally don't think opposable thumbs is really going to allow kong to defeat the cookie demon but we'll see what happens oh there we go yeah cool i was wondering when some soul-wrenching stuff was gonna come right back up and punch me in the face this was in a museum was it if so i'm going to need to know which museum so i can avoid the state it resides in hey buddy you got a couple of flats on your uh your spaceship i want to take a look at that before going on a road trip okay i mean you did a good job for the most part look you got great art skills you just need to pick your subject matter a little bit better i knew there was some way we could properly reuse pencil shavings particularly colored pencil shavings oh what a cute little what no oh my god travis scott mcdonald's nugget body pillow does it actually look that accurate because if so i'm thinking about it oh i see pizza on pineapple how the turntables okay i can see it's made out of a couple different things let's hope you put a bigger engine in there because i don't think that little vw bug engine is going to get this thing to move anywhere but that's just my two cents they could have put him in a slightly better position so i don't have a neon sign of a dog pooping i don't even know what to say why in the world would you buy these at all if they were like four bucks maybe but other than that i can't see any reasons how could you ruin my boy alfalfa what'd you do to him also i don't know about the teardrop tattoo you're telling me i cannot buy a 3080 for msrp but i can go out and get these kicks will they run as fast as a regular 3080 well just buy me a 3080 and i'll do whatever you want well what in the hell is going on at lowe's i thought the 14-foot skeleton at home depot was enough but i guess someone took it a step farther with skull toilet more skulls don't know why what's wrong with you this pokemon merch that's literally a gengar whose mouth you're supposed to sleep inside of really hope i'm saying his name right it's been a long time also what i love pokemon vore man whatever you do you i guess i can't stop any of these people i'm just shouting at the void okay but but what's wrong with this one though it's well made it's an iconic controller i genuinely don't see what's wrong here guys is there something i'm missing is there like a ding-dong hidden in the background or hidden in the middle of the controller or something maybe i'm blind nothing says i've got way too much money and way too little taste like leopard print anything okay then uh where can i get this done for my face i'd love to open up a fan fiber merch shop and just sell 3d stickers of my head ah more nails you're probably not going to want to keep on your hands past day one least the photos look nice oh tampon earrings yes the height of fashion everybody's going to want a pair of these okay that's a tea bag right that's pretty cute i mean it would scare me at first if i wasn't expecting it but again where's the harm in this oh my lord what is wrong with people i have no faith in the human race anymore some people should not have time on their hands because i guarantee you right now this mofo did not buy the chair they made it oh my god oh it's the amalgamation of all things 70s and icky but put it to a toilet why answer me why oh i know what this is joe exotic hired a freaking limo truck to pick him up from jail hoping that trump was gonna pardon him guess what didn't happen oh stylish and apparently very useful i too have been wondering how in the world can i easily carry my glasses wallet pencil and mouse well i think i found the way what kind of flower is this don't let the bees near it they're precious we can't let them die you're laughing now but the moment there's a flash flood or a hurricane coming through your town you know who you're gonna be calling that's right high water jimmy and his sick chevy tiger skin rug made out of cigarettes what i'm gonna read that one more time tiger skin rug made out of cigarettes wow i don't get what kind of message this is trying to send okay well you destroyed some old converse i guess to make that i mean i guess it's nifty i'm not really much of a fashion connoisseur if you haven't seen me but i don't know about this one i solemnly swear that i dropped out of school and started dealing wizard quick that is are you telling me that another trust fund jock that ultimately became a cop failed at even that too never left his hometown and got himself covered in tattoos oh how lovely no thanks though awful taste but great execution spider implant a what a what holy god i'm going to need this one to be very very carefully explained because i do not do not want to hear you tell me that this woman went out and paid somebody to put a little spider statue under her skin see now this is a little bit less dumb in terms of recycling and stuff like that but it's still pretty weird these pigs are great amazingly soft so nice i made a chair from it okay all right then we're saving the weirdest for last i see some fan art that i made oh i don't know why this one's given me the heebie-jeebies but i still like it and thankfully that's all the time we have for today folks always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super adventurous and or generous consider clicking on my channel in the link down below in the description and really help me out in these trying times alright folks have a good one
Channel: EmKay
Views: 534,016
Rating: 4.9713879 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/atbge, r/atbge emkay, atbge emkay, trashy, trashy emkay, r/trashy emkay, r/makemesuffer emkay, r/makemesuffer, makemesuffer, r/makemsuffer emkay, r/thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit emkay, r/diwhy, diwhy emkay, facepalm emkay, facepalm
Id: JOKxJq9WC8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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