r/Crappydesign | Road Island

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oh so that's why he always wears the hat [Music] hey how's it going my notorious nincompoops welcome back to mk my name's jack your favorite smile that back snacks and today you're here for a little bit of a pick-me-up because you think you're bad at doing things well don't worry finn i gotcha it's time to think we're better than other people in our slash crappy designs that's not how acronyms work no no that is not no well no they got one thing right it's definitely disorganized my new school agenda for 2020 to 2021 i think hello and welcome to school education year 22 million 221 the book cover isn't abstract we all look like this new we've got leaves for males and something pooping out a poop for an eye ah you see that that's the secret to weight loss bringing your arms out more oh my god he's texas chainsaw massacre for kids i guess you could say i'm quite ahead of my christmas shopping list a murder everybody loves beach basketball i could only imagine what the contractors were thinking when they were tasked with doing this all right which one of you kids picked on the mayor's son beach basketball is nothing in ireland we play basketball on grass jesus forget about the grass why your hoops require so much scaffolding do you do you guys tear the things down so much you guys have been watching far too much michael jordan you you don't need to smash the hoops uh updated it has come to my attention that those are actually uh goal posts for like a soccer or footy game i apologize profusely to those i have offended with my ignorance i welcome you back to bringing the attention once again to the fact that there is basketball on grass and uneven grass at that look at the middle of the field there's like irrigation for a sports match ha ha he got hashbros i don't know what it says fully but all i'm reading is i got and then std at the end so that's concerning what what do you what is your brand what is your brand i don't know your brand what do i google on ebay to find a cheaper knockoff version of it just brands these days making it so hard for me to be a cheapskate these painted soap bubbles just make it look like the soap dispenser is dirty well that's a paradox it's soap that makes it look dirty but it's soap so it's cleaning the dirtiness but the soap makes it dirty ah once again with these unrealistic beauty standards don't fall for it girls the secret behind this look is the fact it's a bus so don't be dismayed you rock that tricycle look of yours 53 and 84 at the same time yeah they could have made their ad better ah this is super fast charging it's so fast it not even the phone itself can realize it's charging like an e-girl giving a simple surprise handy what the hell happened alternatively if that's too inappropriate editor personally i just like super fast charging because it just throws my whole schedule out of whack normally i'd have to leave my phone alone for an hour or two to let it recharge and so i'm doing other things but now i have to cut down my pooping by like 10 minutes because it charges so fast that's just 10 minutes of my daily schedule just thrown out of whack ah of course the notable nation of goo wait isn't there more to its name clean table looks like it's covered in crumbs oh gosh set up a tiny camera over that table and just count how many times within a day people scratch the little bits off there thinking there's food scraps it's like someone stuffed off the paint job and was just like oh you know it's artistic fabric shower curtain twenty dollars paid 125 dollars for this beautiful shower curtain no they are tree stumps there are trees some slips look there's a fox running through the woods okay that's what it's meant to be [Laughter] oh my god oh that is a nightmare that that's like hello i am a dinosaur i am your last opportunity to turn back now you do not want to stay here my existence was approved of by the owner that's what you're getting yourself into no seriously why haven't you left yet you have kids you have kids i desire death i was searching for some desktop items when i came across this beautiful edit hey richard turn to the camera yeah so you're gonna edit it to make it look like my whole family and friends are here yeah sure buddy whatever you're passed to do oh great oh that'll be great the most beautiful custom cookies as wedding favors we ever did see now come come celebrate die devour death for a holy matrimony to make this holiness become unholy as you can take to urine i'm sorry it's time to cut the cake now ever wondered why bathroom doors don't swing inwards this is why who designed this they deserve a wedding cookie oh my god what is this even why is there so many faces i don't like the smiling the smiling does not help hold up it looks like he's frowning like he's actually villainous in nature dude take your brand to the drawing board this is not how you attract kids dreams start small big but most of all just start now why is there a thermometer there just oh let's chuck that in for extra measure it's always good to check the temperature of the room around you when you dream and start and small big but most of all you just start now hey hey hey buddy please come on i just woke up found this in my friend's bathroom looks like it's made out of human flesh okay okay okay run run run run run run run that in a flower that's a nipple run my mum thought she had bought 1700 grams of flour but when she took a good look at home she found out it was only 1200 grams oh oh come on that is that has got to be illegal it's like they knew the law said they have to put a 2 on there if it's 1200 but they knew that like oh we could just flip it around that way notice a face equals the letter i why yes i am human ring specifically one to traffic around i'll have to give them a call in this home we do we real second our chances we grace show grace we sorry say sorry we give do we family hugs we do love well you've always wondered if the horns were actually just fleshy skin and now you know now you know what it looks like betty gets all the ladies in my right ladies what are you eating looks and i just bet you i bet you they never once use those weights in the corner there they're just they're a set piece now oh come on oh stop it i don't like it no more the one-way aisle layout of this store aha you're trapped now you can't escape so you want to buy some deals well look don't hate on them they're just following ikea's business model endless aisles of options all going in one direction leaving you trapped and stressed for choice just like a girl using tinder this dog with our five legs on this dog food package oh no it's completely normal it's dog chow it gives them a uh extra leg in the game i'm clever why couldn't you have just rounded up speed limit is 19.5 in our community how do you accurately achieve this without having some sort of automatic cruise control system was these double lollies i am a bath fizzer do not eat what is with warning labels being self-aware as a way to deter people from doing those actions i have been given sentience and life for the sole purpose of telling you not to do something now that we're past that consume me well no i'm sorry i'm completely distracted from the fact that using an actual state or country itself to express the word i that is a very big mug or you have tiny hands where did you get it i am assuming from that state i want it for tea give me hey play avista stop by the farmer's market today for our new patient special this is ideal for those dealing with the heat oh geez i need to post something that's relevant to the current climate ah ah here we go just a little bit of photoshop and perfect jokes on us though we just unintentionally promoted this dude cooking time around 14 to 15 minutes okay but the clock pie chart that it's it doesn't explain that exactly i i don't think you've seen an analog clock before you're looking for a better electrician well hang on i know a guy oh don't worry he's really fast he won't be hanging around for long to finish your job hold on let me call him again he seemed to have hung up on me he always does that it's his joke it's hello yep yeah yeah okay uh he he won't be able to make it in anymore he died in a car crash on the way here so i guess there's no point hanging around for him let's hold someone else organ sing find your force well i'm glad your motto clarified what your business is for me [Laughter] [Music] organic farming and gardening school i can't want to consume my brain matter don't worry it's fun and look i'm full of multi vitamins and apparently we decided to side with the paralympics so i'm disabled now too that's that was a design choice we went with there were so many better ways to convey this but we said nope this ashtray has a plastic bottom that's what i like to see on this subreddit ignorant failure these plates all have a design which makes them look dirty oh my god yes i've been to a place with these plates before and i absolutely hated them i kept putting my finger across the ball thinking there was some food left to scoop up and stuff because i had like a chocolatey powdery thing and just oh man it just ruined my night yes it was a very petty thing to get worked up over but damn it i wanted more electric pole goes through rooftop and like nikka oh all right around flammable material you should leave that town i mean that's a building floor you can see imagine what stuff is going on that you can't let's work to wash our hands wear our masks and keep our distance we can promote cover 19. what hmm what what someone races over with a pen are you together uh resistance so there we go fixed the wiki page for porphyrophobia the fear of the color purple is covered in purple my other wonderful childhood toy a rat in labor is it in labor or is it experiencing a xenomorph pregnancy i'd rather bargain the other one way only unless you're coming from the other way then that way only oh my art is subjective jack let's out of subjective it doesn't need to always have a purpose it's subjective oh my god it's subjective the dog won't notice what's wrong here but the human did um i don't like this is a dragon i feel it's doing my bros wrong the title of this image is sausage how no how are you a sausage i want answers separating every seaweed sheet with plastic my god it's like you just can't win hey no matter what effort you make to try and be more aware of the environmental impact you have the companies are just like nah nah nah here have some more plastic oh wow there's so much to do here and i have no idea what it is actual size well it's bigger and oh actually i'm i'm glad i like that i like it when it's bigger unless this is a medical pill in which case no i don't like it at all make it tiny this child's swimsuit oh that's meant to be a belt oh it looks like tnt it it looks like an improvised explosive device gives a whole new meaning to dive bombing the pool our school sink is just a bit too far in the back ah good old school sinks where the water pressure is just off from actually reaching the sink found this while rummaging through old movies seems that people thought dinosaurs had human teeth no no why are you referring to this movie as some people thought dinosaurs this was my childhood okay don't make this out to be from the 50s and for the record you gen z i try to criticize my livelihood we all thought this was a weird and dumb movie okay it was not very popular opening act with the medials crashing down though was pretty intense oh are we is this gonna be a teeth theme now is that where we're going at least his have more purpose than just grinding up children who behave wrong ah i've always wondered what's this stuff in this bag and now i i do not know this our home is our life us our story world's largest bee is as long as what the world's largest thumb to jesus who designed this entire furnishing of this space specifically and why did someone give them so much free rank the artwork is just a finger pointing down there's chairs of some sort of tiger the clock makes me think this is some sort of school or public library and well then there's the doors uh labeling my sister's toothbrush holder looks like a demon how does it hold the toothbrush what between its legs you really want to put something that you scrub onto your mouth between some sort of demonic monkey's legs okay you question your sister's moral reasons you sure we should build the path here with the tree in the way yeah trish me i love to think some parents just left their pram there because they're like oh we can't go around it with the pram i'll just have to take the kid in my own hands now the brain at irreversi trey lives and remember kids good kindness is cool vibe stop bullying now only no no i don't i don't care what you're trying to no hey look it's my first minecraft house car windshield sunshade you're not meant to put it on while you're driving you don't have to put it on while you're driving what are the new worry ah yes i'm familiar with that place my toy from the time when i was a toddler has wires inside well your parents aren't gonna get an insurance claim if they offer you themselves imperfect t harmony yay we are happy you tissy now before we wrap things up with us down for some fan art today and oh boy red gamer eight lucky you you're on crappy designs which means i get to roast your artwork they rushed it and they think it's cringe but they hope we like it well i'm not going to because that would ruin the theme of today's video ew yuck bad ugly eww yucky so this eye between his legs oh oh my god the legs are doing the mk simple oh okay no no that is brilliant it's so brilliant there's a freaking bird right outside my window just cheering it on shut up burt i'm recording okay you stop when i open the window all right fine no you dual shut up go away bird there's a cat next door go say hi to it genuinely thanks for the work great gamer the uh the leg thing's a new one for me i i love it if you guys like to see your fan art posted in a future video remember as always guys to post it in the mk subreddit because that's where we see the images and that's what we grab them for in the new videos now speaking of latest videos if you are this far in today's one that means you clearly enjoyed yourself so why don't you like the video and hey if you're new to the channel join the family and subscribe be updated in all the latest good goods contents if you have the spare time why not check out another video here or even say hi to me on my own channel but the last i'm dragging this on farewell my beautiful person it has been lovely speaking to you i love rambling at you with always and i look forward to doing it once again very very soon my name's been jack your lovely person you i'm i don't know how to close very well see you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 504,752
Rating: 4.9517112 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Id: g_xPBgf_brc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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