r/Fellowkids | mom take me home I'm scared

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me can we buy minecraft mom we have minecraft at home minecraft at home oh no oh they didn't realize this meme's meant to point out that that's a terrible [Music] thing that's wood gym my wonderful people friends welcome back to mk it is once again time to get your daily dose of vitamin jack remember to always have me with food as we enjoy some terrible terrible business decisions in our slash fellow kids me holding in my coughs in public so people don't try and quarantine me i'm crying laughing it's so funny because because we photoshopped baby yoda oh i can just see how they used a high quality printer ink and it was just a total waste of money i'm gonna say this a lot in this video but what does the text and the image have in common where is the correlation god damn it this is like the first image and i'm already getting ticked off did he ghost you sith oh buddy i i don't know who this lyrande alice is but i feel like i don't want to know nice profile pic though that's very catchy if any of you do know who this is please don't tell me i don't want to know our new marketing campaign is called your cousin from boston what could possibly go wrong speaks is from boston so he's actually yelling god even the meme itself hates this oh look they got themselves a facepalm award damn whoever did that because now they can actually say they've got some sort of return on their marketing you fool by responding you've just encouraged them more me opens up this life all the sad adios every happy bonjour you don't even you're doing the meme wrong and i hate you for it i don't know how to use this meme either but that's this is beside the point ah someone's beat me to it someone's made a game of karen's i mean look the download's looking good but the reviews oh boy i'm not surprised this looks like a rushed product wait why is this guy ripped his sleeves does that happen a lot in the supermarket when you hear oneplus nord releases today and has pretty much everything you could ask for shut up and take my money i love advertisements that don't actually advertise anything we just couldn't resist posting this one yes yes you could have you could have now wait to just do no minute here change your wiper blades or draw 25 okay you know what at least they put a bit of effort into this one they didn't just apply some caption and then an image they actually did a bit of photoshop work and you know i'm gonna give them some praise for that not too bad wipers one two three at least a five out of ten and it's a pitiful five xbox game pass three our new logo what is what is even all of this how is this a meme they've just dot pointed a bunch of stuff but didn't list it down they just spread it all over the picture you seriously think i want to print this out now why did i ever want to in the first place like i don't care if it costs it costs less to get as a tattoo oh my god okay oh brp boy's gonna be a corporate sellout you liked harry potter how about some harry potter oh get it because he has a beard and what is even that photoshop effort look at those glasses did you guys just figure out that editing software exists a sign at my local police station do you smell coffee no then go and make some yes apparently i the devil will actually know death i death himself thinks that you need to have coffee look business has been quite slow okay i've had to resort to making a world plague to keep my stoke holders happy launching an employment site in the middle of a pandemic clevervet.com you know i was gonna be okay with this meme but then they had to add the damn crying laughing emoji for crying out loud we don't need to be told to laugh by the way guys you should like this video and subscribe tick tock ban creators and fans are big mad you are the new york times you are a legitimate journal of news and stuff i mean that is arguable these days but your ability to english properly is exactly what saying big mad is meant to parody if you an official source of communication actually do it then it just comes across as sad and pathetic stay in your lane tap tap tap create your own universe yeah okay elon musk is laughing at this he's not actually loving this you realize that's what he's doing in this image right technically he's not in love with the game he's laughing at it he hates it he thinks it's dumb that or i'm just projecting my feelings oh god of course we have to have some terrible 2d animation in here but it's a meme so relevant i hate you line studios you don't deserve that 4.3 stars this doesn't even look like an actual meme template it just looks like some sort of nicely designed ad of a depressed fisherman max worthy so what you're saying is you're not exactly a huge threat without them got it okay cool chilling out maxin relaxin all cool and i'll shoot some b-ball outside the school rathfarnum's guarder swish buckley shows the kids how it's done what kids what kids god i really hope that missed i really hope that missed just to make this extra stupid heaven ajt supplies corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they're the same picture well there you have it everyone going to ajt supplies is death i propose a new insult for internet slander lol you suck noob go to ajt supplies free yourself from expensive car insurance reliable coverage flexible payment plans instant access to policy and so much more man why is it always the reddit ads that are most cringy like do they honestly think everyone on reddit is like a five-year-old oh hey nice modern meme you've got there i mean i get obviously they're trying to promote that their product at the bottom is the best one but as someone who doesn't exactly have much knowledge to this kind of uh cpu stuff i'm a dumb dumb when it comes to computer stuff i'll admit it right here but this hasn't persuaded me as to why i want to buy your product at all if anything it just comes across as bias and bs oh no look at how they massacred my boy eight of the best 80s movies on netflix to like totally stream duh what why are you being so condescending oh yuck oh god ah i am so glad i was born a generation too late rick and morty not available on netflix asgard vpn okay well this ad aged terribly because i live in australia and even we get rick and morty now so uh unless wait does america not get rick and morty on netflix oh wait looks it up they do asgard you suck commentator wide open shot and he breaks it me oh yeah okay but at least these guys had to break this out themselves in a way it's not just some basic copy and paste of an image oh oh no okay i'm just gonna get onto my bike and uh just backpedal away from my original point that kool-aid men was okay because at least they're not copy and pasting their jokes caution may floss it any time oh thank you for giving me the prior warning now i'm more prepared when i suddenly want to punch your face in say it again oliver do you have a dillard's rewards card to be fair though if you had a husky sexy voice like dexter's anything you'd say would be attractive dab drugs are bad why why is the hot dog stoned wait i don't see the message here it's not effective you're trying to tell me drugs are a bad thing but there is this hot dog who is clearly having the time of his life flying around in the sky while dabbing i mean the dabbing is cringy but i am totally on board with the rest of it me i'm not competitive also me destroys every member of my family in exploding kittens okay well look exploding kittens is a good game so they're not exactly a large corporate business so i'm gonna give them a pass but i'm watching what an error don't forget you can download and take your favorite show with you on disney plus when you realized your friend downloaded your favorite show and you didn't oh it's a funny meme it's so funny it's so funny non ifunny user ifunny is bad and cringe use i funny i funny users i funny is bad and cringe yes what who in your marketing team thought this post was a good advertisement for your app you should fire them you really genuinely should fire them mem's moving home and business moving they couldn't what could you not legally call yourself memes or something far out who is even your audience like who is your demographic eight-year-olds who needs a movement business for eight-year-olds rappers and music videos in the 90s well i mean it's kind of kind of valid i mean ah no it's a it's a business meme thing i hate it ah lame cringy the google retweeting meme loving infosharing stream honestly the only thing i love about this is the fact that being followed by internet explorer sunshine keep it clean they actually put a meme on that screen why would you screen a meme on your screen it's by far the worst thing i've ever seen it makes me want to scream i get you want to be slick and sheen and i don't mean to be mean but don't ever screen a meme on your screen you sparkling water is offensive to my taste buds mike's adds five percent alcohol and makes it fruity you okay i'm listening so you just turned water alcoholic it's that wow oh boy what a breakthrough congratulations mike you've made a drink for lightweights and honestly i just i just feel so humbled to be acknowledged oh is that like a spider or something on that emoji oh it's meant to be a cat toy yeah i don't think your cat's gonna want to play with that mom don't ride at night it's dangerous me this isn't a counterpoint adding lights to your wheels doesn't counter the danger of riding at night oh come on discovery don't do this you're meant to be educational you don't need to be relevant you'll get clicks but you'll get clicks of disdain i'm kind of curious though is it is it actually the simp someone answered that for me we travel to the future and trust us this meme is hilarious you know what skittles i'll trust you on this one so how do we get back to earth rocket jump this isn't that's not even how the meme works how could you even stuff this meme up it is so self-delivering how to find a handsome boyfriend royal chaos loved jesus that is a huge phone now if you get the juicy boy toy i want to figure out how the hell he got this phone you wouldn't even fit that in a pocket you just you'd wear it as a backpack my parents on video calls boy i wish my mum was ed demold could you imagine all the awesome superheroes you get to meet also i definitely can't argue against this it's very true my mum always shows me her nostril at the beginning of a video call oh no new south wales police force why you like my brother's downstairs i you can't be doing this to yourselves it is now strongly recommended that you wear a mosque in high-risk public settings such as public transport in supermarkets find out more come on guys you used to be really creative with your memes now they're just lazy and desperately trying to remain relevant rather than actually creative wish get new hotline bling for cuffing season yeah wish you're not playing you are you are like so far away from actual bling don't be a space invader keep your to slow distance the spread okay see new south wales police force at least the uk government is being somewhat creative with their jokes and mimi's not exactly relevant at all to our modern age especially considering they're aliens here and not actually a virus but at least they're trying i'll give you a c minus you k gov it is pathetic but it is possible nonetheless calling all mask-wearing law-abiding karens it's a tough time to be a karen at domino's we know there's plenty of australians named karen that aren't well karens if this is you let us know here we may send some pizza your way hold up why does this belong in here this ain't a meme this is excellent advertising this is you taking advantage of the meme it helps create the perfect yin yang balance we get to make fun of karen's and innocent parents get free pizza this is the level of perfect balance thanos wishes he could achieve uh i don't know why but that orange just looks disgusting is it just me does anyone else see this sort of tinge or color of orange and just makes them maybe it's all the wiener is being shoved in my face right now i don't know it's a mixture of the two here's a sniper game it's 3d it's a free shooter game what do you think they're doing it huh huh what do you think make terrible 3d animated memes yes correct sir city secured mission accomplished you have guessed correctly and you earn 15 000 apparently that what solitary cube play for fun or play for cash i don't always play solitaire on my phone but when i do i play for cash i mean that alone is misleading because you're not actually getting cash you're getting money cash will be physical i smell a loophole for a lawsuit assuming they don't steal your money anyway oh yes yes i remember seeing this in a face palm oh my god i love this fidget spinner theology oh yes just look how confident this guy is about this logic jobs beautiful father is god his son is holy spirit what even is the point of this theology well if you spin it the words get all blurry today what did you say wait give me a minute i got it i know we can tell what this ad is advertising but let's all collectively refuse to admit we know let this company die with the shame of thinking this was a good advert you know what would have made this advert perfect if they just had the single color the entire thing that would have been easier to look at easier to read you would have got all the points there effectively for the app oh no yes put a meme there and get the kids to love it what women think ben want what men really want no no i think they are right the first time unless you're implying that seal can be driven in which case you've got yourself a customer ooh wee candy across the world wait hold on is this a freaking vape candy for kids no way no wait hold on i've had to google translate what they're saying and uh the kids refusing the vape and that's super cool because he's wearing sunglasses you see that means you want to be like them when you finish your brand new build in time for a steam sale i'm never gonna financially recover from this who are you what are you trying to advertise what are you promoting i've literally gained nothing from looking at this corsair and i have you to blame when you realize there's no wi-fi okay shirt company you know the data exists right like phone data this isn't freaking 2008 where everyone had maybe five gigs on their phone plan i get freaking 80 gigs a month baby and i'm paying like 40 a month it's such outdated logic honestly if you're getting past 40 gigs a month you're watching far too much naughty anime in before all the comments saying oh i only get five gigs a month oh i only get 10 gigs what's he on about yeah i'm ready for years my face on a boring friday with nothing to do my face on a friday weather is the best party ever oh no hormones or stress or bad diet choices instead of working to fix those things i'll just buy this product yep buying products that's the only solution cashier your total is 6.66 oh no that's the devil what is it what is it like i get her hair you know the huh but the air oh sorry i mean how do you how do you breathe backwards when you laugh anyway stupid meme i can't testify to this no i can testify to reporting it oh wait look at the corner christian humor ah that explains the cringe tick tock talks some say trump tick-tock threat could motivate young voters oh msnbc you're not talking to tick-tock you're talking to a person this is like the freaking hacker known as 4chan all over again wait hold up are those memes on the wall oh oh what are you doing with your life woman i pray it's done ironically please be ironic i'm not a simp you're right you're not just a simp you're the biggest simp 69 420 likes that we send bunny delphine to space on our next launch 69421 do it kitty i'm looking forward to being part of the history where the government agency sent an e-girl into space oh god it's type galaxy again oh god not again not even gonna read this meme it's not even right it doesn't even work with the meme get in alexa fans we're going tweeting follow for more from your favorite pie flying ai swap why not keep it 100 and buy some lit books this lot is pure fire uh adult translation these are the books teens are texting about on ig face chat snapbook telegram facts wait oh look someone meaning something before memes were even a thing they think that makes this old thing relatable now oh that's cute what do teams like is it memes memes about skeletons p communism this post is 20 times funnier if you imagine a ceo shouting at its board of directors i'm googling it and they they just keep looking up p why are they looking up p so much who cares i make p flavored coke say what now throughout the year new slang terms have surfaced and snuck their way into the classroom although they may be hard to decipher at first you can't stop saying them once you start wait hold up shien who's 9 girl you don't look nine you look like you're 14 not like you're an old person but like you just look far too mature for a nine-year-old i know they put this in the yearbook for all the kids to look at but this is totally secretly for all the adults to read because let's be honest it's really only the adult to read these things store-bought toothpasters natural squatch morning and night toothpasters see if you noticed in the next panel they actually don't have teeth in that image so if anything it's telling you that if you buy their products you won't have any teeth ha bad advertising you failed selfie worthy soft serve well yeah i plan to have it for myself what's your point dang bitterson back at it again with an heirloom we had to do it to him you know i'm kind of conflicted which is more shameful here the notification or the person who downloaded the app ew ew why you do it like that that could have been a beautiful dice and you ruined it wait hold up apparently there's two options you can roll on yeet or roll on frick geez what dmd games are you playing it's not cool to duel in school default skin jonesy says taking a hit in the restroom will deal 200 damage to your lungs do you want the victory royale don't wipe simple i can argue with how cringy this is but i can guarantee that unfortunately this also is what works i'm pretty sure they do the cringe on purpose because the cringe is more noticeable and therefore they're more likely to read it and check it out either to laugh at it or to hate it either way they notice it they read it they remember it and it subconsciously affects them because remember it ain't advertising if there isn't a hint of manipulation mr beast i tried to eat the largest slice of pizza in the world go watch us navy because why but does pineapple go on pizza at horus arts his content is fire get us kids we are cool and hip join us go bang bang shoot shoot on boats i really feel for disney plus social marketing team they want to create decent memes but they're restricted to disney content who would have thought wait it's all a dumb self-inserted product placement always has been oh my god is that a gun what no i was just opening some red bull how are you gonna drink that out here i i i don't know i just thought i was meant to the look on my face when my siblings want to unbox my loot crate oh i hate it when my siblings steal my products that i've gotten through third parties because the original company selling these products couldn't sell them themselves and they're pretty much just trash i mean loot crate in all seriousness though loot crate is actually pretty good when you find out pretzel maker is doing buy three get one free pretzels no why would you slap your hand on it then you're just you're gonna ruin them there is there's no justifiable logic in this meme i know that's something we've kind of lost with memes these days but at least apply it here wash life stress responsibility great anxiety work covert bad vibes ooh mama don't know why a large wrinkly grey phallic creature is being on my instagram feed but i'll take what i can get if it loves me facts about 13 year old boys lots of likes for your birthday original gamer sleeping is a favorite hobbies television study burgers fries football one in three are fueled by pizza emoji is your second language need wi-fi to live headphones are a permanent accessory [ __ ] weekends are made for sport check their phone on average 564 times a day yeah who is this card for exactly a parent who struggles to emotionally connect with their child oh sorry uh a parent when you open township to check your crops this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years well at least you made some artwork of it kind of mistook this for a space simulator game though so the crop thing was really weeding me out no weird news don't do this no for years older generations hated emojis and found them so dumb and stupid yet here they are just putting them on mainstream media hey everyone just want you all to know that i use an app every order is custom packaged because we're collectors too and we matters smashboxes and questionable items white glove shipping treatment again yes it's cringy that they're using a meme to advertise this but at least it's their own artwork there's some effort put into it and at least they're using the meme right oh my god when they don't use the meme right that's when i just i lose it me when i realize i may be inhaling chromium when i vape yeah don't explain in detail what chromium is and how it affects the body let's just just put a cat there that'll fix it i feel so much better informed now to take puddi cats if i was gonna use a completely different word there but moving on clash of memes uh brawl royale why is the rhino there it's he's not even really a meme much anymore i feel like this app was being designed back in like 2016 and they've kind of just been too late to release it again something that could be so easily informed and shared in a basic image as an advert or sponsorship but no you had to add a meme to two-thirds of the image oh shut up you're not speaking but shut up from the come and go twitter handled wait this is a business wait there's a business called come and go hang on i gotta look this up oh my what america what the william a krause and tony s gentle boys what were you thinking with this name hey william you reckon people are gonna think we're a brothel and william's there just like wait we're not god damn comment go oh you change your name sorry meme meant to look at the meme just a little bit distracted by the fact there's a business called come and go huh one time come and go had a contest to name their 44 ounce fountain drink and i submitted [ __ ] guzzler to this day i have no idea how i didn't win [Music] yo how didn't she win come on man if you're gonna name your business that at least commit to the joke i suggest being like some of the vietnamese restaurants around brisbane australia where i live there's a place called bun me now uh focu so many others but they own it seriously i'm not kidding you can look them up they they are purposely named like this say what you want but as someone who has videos banned from being viewed because i'm not in the right country this is actually kind of a good advertisement my my what a hot day it is today you know what i need i need a mechanical pedestal object that can blow breeze into my face in a very nice and artful way hey look there's a fan i'm gonna draw with it uh fan arts i'm i'm not proud of this segue today's work is by florence apparently this is the only reason they got reddit to post their fan art and honestly by that username i'm kind of not surprised and they've drawn the mk guy looking all swarved up for their date tonight just careful it doesn't close itself into a fist otherwise it will be permanently blinded thanks for the lovely work for something 666 love the submission glad to have you on the team of course if you'd like to see your own fan art on the nk channel make sure you post it in the subreddit so we can post it in the latest videos now now that does us today with some fellow kids work thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the content of course guys please like the video as always and subscribe if you have not already why have you not subscribed oh you have well you better have clicked that notification bell as well so you're always updated on the latest videos otherwise how else you meant to tell me i suck within 13 minutes of the video being posted it's fool of course if you'd like to see some more content be free to check out the rest of the videos on the channel we have so much on offer but with all that said it is of course my time to skadoodle so my name has been jack you have been a wonderful audience member thank you so much for chilling out today with me i'll see you next time love your face bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 820,309
Rating: 4.9263153 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: CoEGuNJpmi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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