r/Fellowkids | totes yeet yo!!,

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[Music] it's a no from me [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i'm going to be taking a look at r slash fellow kids i feel like the powers that be have something to say about my age but we're not gonna go there today now are we no no we're gonna read some crap found this masterpiece of a shirt when you check your bank balance oh my god shirts with rectangular or square photos of any kind right in the center are terrible ferociously reading i don't know man pizza hut's got a point i wouldn't mind a personal pan pizza right about now and i sure love me some reading i do it for a living going into bed like uh okay yeah this one i don't understand what the hell's going on here is that a meerkat riding a great white therapist don't worry pugnug doesn't exist pugnug guys this is genius stress responsibility grades anxiety work covered bad vibes or whatever the hell that thing is pets alive i floss and dance to three epic songs fifi the flossing sloth how the hell did they make something worse than a furby when the client's only feedback is make the logo bigger okay come on we all know that's exactly how we would react if someone said that to us so what do you think i want dagger big chuggers all right fortnight that's enough of that gianni's pizzeria chicken vodka rap must smell great we're just trying to get as lit as yankee candle i'd light it would you oh i hope your pizza's much better than your meme game your friends can't beat you at reading like they can fortnite i'm a little bit confused by this one but maybe it's because i'm 95 years old look most people in gen z would consider me dead already news are boring and lengthy try nius the app that gives news in the form of memes people who read newspaper people who have other news apps me who gets news as memes from news you know i am a little curious i won't lie looks up synonyms for beautiful to impress his girlfriend accidentally copies and pastes antonyms without noticing oh what an unlucky fella we need to give that guy a name save him install i funny somehow i don't think that's gonna help him at all sorry dude you're dead me when i'm hunger [Laughter] god damn it when your dad says you finally have to start doing your own taxes yeah i kinda acted like that and i kind of do every single time tax season comes around how crappy it is being a contractor them meal deals are so boring us real deal starter pack what the hell's going on here subway what are you trying to say i don't understand any of this let's analyze this subway sandwich piggy bank weird tater tot chicken nugget looking things stock market photo smug level 1 trillion what is that what is that um i don't know what language this is in i mean i could take a few guesses but i'm not gonna because people will make fun of me but is that seriously a rage comic face hey what god damn year is it that's right it's 20 20. want to know how i know because it sucks it sucks more than any other year me opens up bitlife all the sad adios every happy bonjour is the logo for that a sperm that moment you realize that the last piece of pizza is gone yeah that's totally me guys i relate oh boy it's from come and go one time come and go had a contest to name their 44-ounce fountain drink and i submitted [ __ ] guzzler and to this day i have no idea how i didn't win [Laughter] oh i live next to a lot of common goes and believe you me people that have not heard of it are flabbergasted every time they see the building they cannot believe it hey you sleeping yeah shut up i just thought if we erased kitchen nightmares from our memory we can watch it again nice try kitchen nightmares i've already binged everything you have to offer on youtube no one my brain oh yeah oh god oh god i'll never understand how the minions okay no i i totally understand why the minions were breakout characters and despicable me but that doesn't make it any more okay why did we stick with them they weren't good enough for their own movie their own franchise those little pig latin speaking tic tacs just me before playing me after playing god left this place a very long time ago didn't he or didn't it i should say funny videos with your face get the app no thanks i'm good i'm very very very very fine with never doing this maybe shopping is addicted to me me trying to justify the amount of online shopping i've just done wow how'd you get like that every time i make a trillion dollars i do one push-up golly how would you rate your service today point to a smiley and grunt all right so that was a zero through six all right i have to fire everyone now i hope you know that right girls when they buy accessories from tetra's treasures i feel like a fairy princess omg you look so cute boys when they buy accessories from tetris treasures hey bro looking stylish bro thanks bro stole it from my girl bro the unofficial holy bible for minecrafter's box set stories from the bible told block by block okay i'm interested i'll read this one me when i accidentally add 10 mini brands into my cart for same day delivery that moment before you chomp into a fresh bag chomp into a fresh bag debbie debbie you gotta calm down yeah that's right eat our brownies and donuts you fat piece of garbage oh yeah you like that don't you please mrs the little debbie i just want to go home oh yeah i'm not even gonna bother with this one folks i'm sorry but this would have worked just as well without the photos don't let this year suck why not the awesome game of meme won this game was the only one playing yeah you guys seem to have a really great understanding of the source material you used to make an entire game that feeling when you just saved money on your car insurance get a quote in five minutes or less huh that's a lot less time than geico i'm sold me i wish i could get paid to listen to music current music app we literally pay people to listen to music me eight hours later how many cents per year can i make on your app i'm assuming four me you're a politician stop tweeting like this enter me you're too lit to politic toronto city councilor norm kelly everyone the city is currently looking into how we can extract the salt from my haters and apply it to the roads this winter we'll keep you guys posted the man's a treasure at least on twitter anyway new sex advice includes avoiding kissing wearing a face covering choosing positions that aren't face to face during sex wearing a paper bag on your head utilizing a chainsaw to spice things up maybe doing it in a car do it while reading a book maybe while watching a movie try it out while cooking uh cucumbers the list could go on and on but tweets have a character limit after all launched oneplus nord can finally sleep again you didn't launch it in the u.s though so shut up look the second you add a stupid photo like that anywhere on the image or slide is the second anybody that's reading this stops paying attention to anything that's said no matter how coherent it is and immediately makes fun of the old teacher thinks they're funny for putting a dabbing skeleton on the slide i'm not saying don't have fun with your students i'm just saying stop notification center oh boy we got you fam buy any shaker mcflurry and get one for 25 cents only for you order in the app and select your pickup option at participating mcds guys i think i lost my will to live when people started saying fam or rather not when people started saying fam but when corporations started doing it yeah that was the point four free phones got you like are they good phones though be honest t-mobile hello again fellow kids do you remember that sales have finally started pet bridge farm remembers get yourself some viking points and use our plug-in for your next shopping spree one does not simply forget about viking deals i didn't even know they existed so i guess you're right about that can't forget what i don't know teeth be like before braces after okay okay i'll give him an a-plus on this one i liked it you know what everybody yeah bravo everybody just give him a round of applause bravo this one was good i enjoy it i'd certainly enjoy it a lot more if my teeth weren't the top row of faces but i digress schools and desperate companies dabbing and flossing emojis fortnite at minecraft referencing social media cringeworthy attempts at looking cool this is the city of memesville powerpuff girls you have to help me the memes are incredibly weak stop shut up and take my middle class tax cuts seriously though oh no pro boomer what's going on here i need context please has the pandemic had an impact on your mental health if you're comfortable sharing tell us about it here or email us at the national at cbc.ca overall your experience during the pandemic has been i'm not gonna lie it's definitely c okay it's c with a big mix of g i'd say 25 38 44 g and the rest is c the puffer fish takes simping to another level eck freaking excuse me is the puffer fish the simp of the sea discovery please not you too sonic says stay six feet apart social distancing is radical did sonic ever say radical at any point in time was he a surfer type warning the boy's gonna get you what the hell is this an ad for what is this an ad for i'm reading a book about anti-gravity it's impossible to put down feeling cute might feed your family later i don't know what the hell tap tap tap create your own universe started 1 hours later three days later okay i can progress that much in three days what a great idle game 99 cents in raider origin 99 in other games i don't always watch netflix but when i do i find a show i like watch all seven seasons in two days then get depressed when it's over that sounds like a you problem stranger this must be the work of an enemy stand guys i'm sorry i still don't get it i'm sorry i'm never gonna watch it you can't make me if you know you know i don't know aren't the i in the pixar logo and that lamp in some sort of bdsm sub dom relationship or something that's gotta be a fanfic fairy penguins are thick oh good god we're moving on why is it so big sorry for the big chungus we're working on bringing that back down to normal no discord don't you dare chefs when they tell gordon their food is fresh the trickster me when i start up a triple a game that i've been looking forward to for months me when i turn the video settings to very low so i can run it at a steady 15 fps floss like a boss no don't worry i do that's why despite how crooked my teeth are my gums are very healthy masterpiece meme oh oh god please please tell me you bought that i don't care how much money it is that's something that you need to own just to show people that you own it and it's real healthy decisions and drugs homer what the hell are you doing also what's going on with that children's show up there in the top what's happening please stop when you hear justin bieber blasting through your car radio on hashtag fortnite what logitech what looking for a good time onewheel.com is the best site to find hot single wheels in your area one wheel hot single wheels are waiting for you don't think so guys i think i'd be spending less money on the hot single moms in my area than buying one of these damn things us here's your receipt guest you too when we have to tell someone their family member has died in a crash this is the worst all right new zealand i love you guys so much but this is a bit of a misstep waiting for my squad to log on like yep that's exactly what it's like selfie quick everybody in the comments what's the powerhouse of this dude chip and dale dabbing away yep an absolutely perfect way to end this video ladies and gentlemen virtual goose says fan art for mk not all things last forever but my subscription on mk will it damn well better you can't leave me alone with jack and lexi come on that's just not fair always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed me looking incredibly old then make sure you get yourself subscribed and click the bell icon and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 227,919
Rating: 4.9675798 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, reddit truth, truth, reddit puns, dad jokes, puns, r/fellowkids, r/fellowkids emkay, fellowkids, fellowkids emkay, boomers, boomer
Id: YgNnBuiCpdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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