r/Crappydesign | SAL E

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hey there I'm sunder Mick spleen ker-splat that's the sound my friends make when they don't want to hang out with me good day everyone welcome back to Ma my name's jack and before we get started today we're gonna give a shout out to some fan art from sketch 783 who has made what I'm pretty sure is a cross between Doctor Strange and some anime protagonists now the truly cool man though those boots are they actual solid gold or something that would be very difficult to walk in but yeah beautiful work mate I don't think Dame Edna would approve of this costume though just the whole you know no capes remember if you got fan out guys submit it to the subreddit we'll try and highlight it on the channel but without further ado let's get on to some crappy designs zero dollar delivery fee on every order zero dollar delivery fee on orders $15 plus yeah I pulled a sneaky one on ya last weekend for buying ties one dollar each or two for a dollar yeah it's bad math but maybe they just really want to sell those ties e tab s5 you got a pity the design teams for all these technology products that come out every year they're just desperately finding new ways to try and make their product box look interesting god I don't know I just put the e on top of the five this time is forever sweet I'm with you ah pack of cell batteries that should easily be you know separable but stay nope they didn't do that did they now that'll be too easy hammock for one person or two tent people or two people wearing the invisible cloak from Harry Potter I know it is one person's just this guy has really large man boobs I can't express o how much you've been to me hi I just want to get a refund no no no the copies fine it's just that you cuts ruined one day oh wow you know you forget how terrible some games looked back in the day worse yet you know this is not how the game would have looked like at all when you actually played it playing a game with pixels the size of my dear oh my god which is how is this meant to be read Oh drew me your do roar I can see quilt love oh wait I figured it out you we have to read it left to right just constantly one who sleeps under a quilt is comforted by love funk me that's easy to follow isn't it you never realized how aesthetically better windows are on a house until you see something like this like what goes on in this house that they don't want windows do they're doing BUTT STUFF in there wishing you a totally tubular Christmas from all six of us as someone a part of this family I find this cute and kind of funny though I hypocritically if I was part of this family I'd likely want to sign up for adoption microwave popcorn this side down but this is also up okay listen popcorn of impatient mate but it's about time you start figuring yourself out okay it's just giving pep talks to some microwave popcorn that's something I absolutely would do though I mean knowing me am i admitting to talking to my food during this whole lockdown issue no yes I love it when companies try to get onto the bandwagon of successful media macaroni and cheese that's the frozen characters guys can you can you tell look it's it's Elsa and someone else and I'm going to assume that's meant to be Olaf I please not your documents must yeah they they better they better do it they better do that Oh otherwise you're in trouble hey Amazon that's not how VR headsets work bet you can't even if they could do this what would be the point being is gonna like to have someone stand in front of you constantly looking at you so that you can watch you're like tiny phone screen today PU stop maybe I'm trying to watch this episode an illustrated guide to mocktails with a front cover that looks like it was designed by a year ten multimedia student even the blurb at the bottom do it enjoy your life like that's totally something I would have typed to them myself if I was doing this assignment and just didn't give a crap anymore I need something at the bottom just do it hey remember these kind of games let's see if we got green team for buddy-cop blue team for bubbles pink team for blossom and purple team for mojo both orange seems like they had different teams for the movement and the board come on down to Oz for all lead local distributor in the letter R this business would make a killing in Australia where we just neutrally say our arse Oz cars Oz I'm gonna be so aware of that now I never understand the point of these kind of security fences when the walls around it are just so easily traversable like the only reason they would have got this fence was because L it looks pretty if you were genuinely trying to be secure with your land and your property you would get an actual fence or maybe get some like large hedges yeah hi I'm just calling inquiring about the workshops and offices for rent we're at i/o just over an annual bank no no no not canal bank anal Bank that's what it said on the signs that the sign you guys very confidently placed with your logo that says anal Bank genuinely I question who thought that was a good idea but I that's what you're sticking with so what's our anal Bank come on down to our Sal e I love that the local council would have design this so people wouldn't be speeding down the hill but people made their own tracks like both I guess it's also for wheelchair access that being said if you wanted to be a cool kid like the rest of us you go down the dirt roads go on do it do it so I want to create a pie chart of causes of death in the developing world so I've decided to use very similar blue color tones well and is the math right 55 plus 37 plus 8 actually is correct for once well done very rare to come across a pie chat on here that actually is correct you wonder why they don't just write on the footpath this is why yes this cheap alternative online product is very much capable of developing DSLR camera level quality video just look at that 1080p resolution the difference is not oh an AR coating optical lens yeah definitely has a legit version of that I'm sure I love that first photo they're waving at the screen and that person isn't even reacting to them oh god we get an assassin's creed you have a lot of content okay the product was worth the purchase Jesus we are glad to see as long as you don't come in before 10:00 a.m. and after 8:00 p.m. and on Thursday and Friday if you come in before 11:00 a.m. I swear to god I'm gonna smash your face egg please enjoy your staying oh god I hope they didn't pay for this design what even is this site I have to zoom in to even record say oh look how basic the symbol icons are it's just terrible haha I feel like I'm looking at a school computer from like 2005 how am i doing oh come on that's like less than a hundred kilowatt difference they really try to make you feel bad with the sizing of this graph I that my home feel like they just forgot to get a heart symbol instead you know old people always ask what is YouTube but they never asked how is YouTube today how is YouTube today well my name is actually Jack but I'm feeling absolutely outstanding thanks for asking Broadway's Nick Cordero wakes up from coma after amputation looks like someone on the team got their images mixed around unless getting amputated gives you Jedi powers of which so on what my leg like at temperance see what even is this there isn't even enough vows to probably make some wording out of this attempt ear and a cut I don't even I don't get that this is frustrating me 20 19 to 20 21 million minutes tracker I have no idea why it's naming a bunch of trees here but why give them all the same colors how the hell are you meant to tell the difference come on alright let's break this down we gotta get some European medieval armor for United Studies at least with Shogunate in Japan they got that right with this show guns and that stuff and there's the equip D&M pari of course in a battle game in these big tits and very little clothing because your attraction to it is its personality and then we got Rome just actually looking legit as well so two out of four that's to see in my books am i crappy person and that I don't think these are too bad of designs like I mean they're basic as hell but hey so am i I'm gonna assume this is referring to Penn jail like the old continent from 200 million years ago but even then this is not correct that is that is not what Australia was looking like at all like how would it even form into Australia from that also upon looking this up I found a photo that I prove that Australia is half a dog head half a cat head so I'm calling this a cat Island from now on auntie hiring some wooded bodyguards to push our out of the group get out of here are you've changed you not pink anymore just because you jumble the letters in your logo it doesn't mean a good design so we're gonna build an electric pole next to the footpath put it on the road now what do it honey that ain't us be heating shoes that's us be cooking shoes you know god they're on fire quick take the photo anyway we'll sell it like that okay so we see ticks and no entry signs so clearly they're trying to promote open offers here compared to LibreOffice but if you read the text it it makes no sense is it a good thing that open offers cannot save incur Microsoft Office formats is it a bad thing that LibreOffice can I feel like that's a good thing your design is bad and you should feel bad please mask where specifically pants for goodness sake mask everyone can see your penis you can't spell quarantine without you are a cutie this is so dumb love the office grab a premium wipe Dunder Mifflin t-shirt men's and women's yeah that looks totally legit didn't doesn't look like you just photoshopped the basic google image of dunder mifflin it oh my god if you get a Photoshop at least get the proportion sizes right yeah it's cheaper than local retail stores probably because it's designed for hobbits in case you missed it some of the stories from around the world that you may have missed this week penguin chicks and new dining ideas Oh totally the penguin chicks know crispy chicken strips fully cooked chicken breast strip fritters with ribs meat made with white meat chicken fully cooked microwavable yeah I love this caption the more they tell me it's chicken the less I'm convinced no there's nothing wrong with this at all see what they want you to do is to cross to the middle and then you have to try and jump to the other side it's the local councils new initiative to make you stop skipping leg day bowling definition when someone hides the definition of a word behind a large still be making it very difficult to read it and therefore very dumb no that's that's not safe driving at all oh no I see I meant to touch the phone with my nipples that makes it hands-free could you imagine someone just chest pumping their steering wheel to try and like look up somebody perhaps yeah I'll be honest Matt I don't think that sprinkler systems gonna put out that fire yeah I'm not even gonna bother translating this or continue reading the the photo is enough for me to be done what does it even meant to represent I'm too busy thinking of the idea that like the mouth opens there's an iron Cylons just freaking me out man signage added two roundabouts that is distracting and confusing as the arrows point a different way to the traffic flow who approved this shag bath carpet ah that that looks like some and it's always for the bathroom nothing says I love you mom nothing nothing says it okay give up Mother's Day is done it's over that does another video please do subscribe if you haven't already and give this video a thumbs up if you like the content we've got plenty more coming along the way for the channel so do stick around for that click the notification better make it easier for you my name is jack thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next one
Channel: EmKay
Views: 355,977
Rating: 4.945426 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: lg5y0RzknKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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