r/ATBGE | what the dog doin 😳

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oh hands little pudgy baby hands oh no [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and i am not even remotely at home so i'd like to apologize first and foremost if my audio sounds a little bit out of whack we're going to do our best here today and by do our best i mean we're going to be taking a look at r slash awful taste but great execution because why not no really why not do you have a reason i didn't think so alright let's get right to it shall we oh my freaking lord i wonder if there's ever been a baby born that is actually that hairy like chewbacca style harry holy cow what in the world can you carry in that backpack how much you want to bet they've got like three of their best friends in there gonna sneak them right into the movie theater for the price of one now that is the dream scam okay okay yeah it definitely doesn't look amazing okay i'm kidding it looks a lot better than it should it's really well done and honestly if i were buying a house or renting a house that wouldn't be a deal breaker for me i'm gonna i'm just being honest with you okay hum this what the hell does that mean hum this what are you wanting me to do holy cow you could crush a house with that thing how many gallons to the mile do you get bro okay herbie has gone through some serious physical alterations and it makes me kind of sad why would he need to do that you don't have to adhere to modern beauty standards herbie you're the love bug all right so this building looks like it was bombed and then rebuilt by a chiropractor with a blindfold on for a very split second i was about to say look at the cute little buddha statue and then i actually opened my eyes and well we were treated with something better this nativity set made completely out of butter okay some people have very strange hobbies i know i do but at least i'm not making little statues out of food y'all this cake that looks exactly like an amazon box no way come on what is with this stupid fad man i just want my regular items okay if someone gave me my amazon delivery and as i grabbed it it turned into mushy cake in my hands i think i would murder that person oh my god a percocet cake you might want to read a little bit more into that just saying okay i don't know what this car is it can't be real though right like it absolutely cannot be real are we on that weird website this car doesn't exist and a keyboard made of cheese more like a cheese board am i right editor could i get a rim shot please make america great again mr cheeto head god everything on there is spookily accurate except for maybe the teeth the teeth that actually look more like a squid beak also honestly the worst part about this is that it's a tattoo i can tell it's a real tattoo i can tell it was an expensive tattoo and it was done by somebody that has talent and i can almost hear the conversation that the artist was having with the guy that was getting this are you sure are you absolutely sure all right sign the waiver i see you were going for cyberpunk with that haircut but what you really ended up with was seven-year-old who was trusted with scissors oh that's actually pretty cute i don't mind the rainbow color scheme it says dashie okay well that kind of ruined the whole thing for me why'd you have to bring rainbow dash into this she's kind of the worst pony anyway okay okay actually not bad those would probably best fit some kind of miss frizzle style outfit for a halloween party so okay i really don't mind this i think it's hilarious oh jesus how did we go from something that's actually kind to charming despite being a dumb idea to this donald what happened the guy really needs to seek therapy for his ptsd man yo give me that nickelodeon slime fade dude is this a necklace what is this it's interesting but i wouldn't be wearing it well okay uh so pointy ear means elf or balkan what does this mean is he an angel no that can't be right right yo that is actually super impressive here let me zoom in on that look at the detail there i want to reach out and take a bite of it i know i would be very upset with myself if i did but that's such cool embroidery oh wow i would not trust any aspect of this building at all just period you couldn't pay me to trust a little bit i mean look at those balconies oh one comes down i think they're all gonna come down give me that canada fade i'm sorry i couldn't think of anything else i apologize to the canadians hmm hold on hold on i'm trying to think on how i feel about this it's a no from me no i don't want to sleep with feet next to me feet of any kind from any species floppy disk table awful taste that thing's kick-ass man i want one of those get out of here with your garbage okay just when i thought some fursuits couldn't get any more harsh on the eyes i mean look at the colors what in the hell you had to go and give it three heads why you trying to look you're trying to look like fluffy from harry potter because i don't think you got it this photograph right here is why the fashion industry needs to die i would rather wear a sack of potatoes on my body for the rest of my life if it meant nothing like those shoes ever gets created in the physical realm ever again okay that's actually a really nifty idea but i feel like that table would only really exist in some psychotic billionaire's hunting room you know what i'm talking about kind of like that scene from ace ventura too you know with all the animal heads in the room he's spinning around freaking out that's where this table would go again we're laughing at the guy with the goofy golden car now but when the tsunami comes he'll be laughing at us and he's not going to help any of us we won't deserve his help at that point now will we hey uh someone took a bite out of your guitar man i guess to be fair it does look rather tasty but you might want to get that problem addressed is your life side question mark jesus can fix it you spent way too much time creating that it's such a bad visual metaphor and it makes no sense and you used comic sans i think jesus needs to help you out first okay okay now while this does look kind of dumb i am kind of here for the idea of having a couple of pockets on the back of your chair you know sometimes you need a place to put your milkshake when you're gaming no not your desk that's too easy and i could smack it off while i'm playing overwatch you know what i mean my hands do spaz out quite a bit ah have a very happy juggalo christmas what else can i really say there dude i see the grinch decided to make some life changes good for her or them i don't know i can't just assume can i you know why the sun and moon make an out wouldn't the sun be significantly larger than that for some strange reason crescent moon there's so many inaccuracies here that i think my head is going to shrink into a little raisin oh my god that right there is the dream kitchen my friends you don't need coffee when you walk into your kitchen every day and it blinds you that's plenty of a wake-up call am i right no caffeine needed i'm trying to think of a clever superhero joke i could give these to but the brain's not exactly firing on all four cylinders so you know what y'all in the comments come up with some superhero names for these two i would love to see what you can come up with okay okay got a replacement for the fanny pack here i guess we'll call them the thigh packs the thigh lunch boxes i mean either way they're very practical looking i mean just imagine the amount of bunions you could stuff in there for your disneyland trip only kinda though oh my god another horrible tattoo and this time you actually messed up aang way worse than the movie did here oh my god i don't know what to say about people that unironically have products like this i don't it's totally fine to love god and love jesus and love your country but there's something about stuff like this that makes me think you don't really love any of it you're just going for the weird image that comes along with it i know that's probably not making much sense but there's something so insincere about that solid gold glowing cross hidden underneath the united states flag boy oh that's great how much did that nail job cost because literally any price point you tell me it was too much yo i really don't like how you playing my homeboy jesus like that what in the world are you trying to say it seems very telling that you would think that someone like jesus would be helping someone like trump out or you know giving him a blessing or something like that oh some pennywise bling dude barely bigger than that quarter though come talk to me when it's the size of a giant wall clock you know flavor flav style oh how cute the dog's just peeing right in front of everyone it's so charming okay i don't know how you got her pregnant i don't know how she had that baby how do mermaids do that how do they accomplish this exactly oh i want to go back to the spooky bone tree this one is black duh oh solid gold louis vuitton chainsaw wouldn't be got dead using that that thing looks like it's so expensive why would you use something that expensive for its intended purpose i'm just gonna leave it above the fireplace instead honestly that's not too bad it looks like a really nice and well put together floor although it's going to take me a little while not to see little dead bodies out of the corner of my eye i know they have tails i get what they are but it's going to take me some time you know just when i thought to myself there's no way there could be a stool inside this set of images that is so gross that i'll have to move on but here we are why would you do this why would why well it's the very definition of great execution but awful taste oh and then we have another one from duncan what is wrong with you people hey so i'm sorry can we go back to the fast food shoes please because these ones are actually horrible to look at they disgust me they physically disgust me your footwear shouldn't be full of tumors like this oh look another shower curtain this one's the most epic of them all please don't send me this one on twitter this will be my backup option for if the gibby shower curtain ever needs to be replaced which i don't think it will it was suggested i post these here both are all soaps only thing not soap is the plate the steak dinner is on nachos are all soap even the plate everything is scented appropriately too that makes me kind of mad can you imagine walking up on this when you're hungry taking a bite now let's move on i can't think about it any longer i know we're meant to be staring at the beard here but i can't get over that goofy little tattoo on his neck yeah not only do those glasses look super freaking bad dude but they're absolutely not gonna help your eyes whatsoever score honestly that's just a really kick-ass surfboard okay okay the urge to swing in those is gonna be very very high for a little while until everybody breaks their kneecaps what is that tree made of oh my god it's teeth oh so many teeth why look at her she's on top having conquered the world's dental problems oh dude all right i'm gonna say this one more time just in general for the world to hear you need to keep cloth off the toilet away from the surrounding areas of the toilet because no matter how careful you are you're gonna get some poopy or some piss on it at some point and you're not gonna wash it nearly as fast as you think you will you just won't it's gross stop it gross grody poopoo stinky gross oh my god oh my god dude look at the ground there's just piss stains everywhere on this this has the same energy as a mcdonald's play place now this is a pretty cool ass christmas tree i'd put one in my house that thing's nifty as hell wow i don't like that at all tr tricerat tricera pig i guess at a certain point hyper practicality is the key here imagine seeing a guy rip his tie off and turn it into an umbrella you'd think the dude was insane home sewn vest and hat set made of crown royal dust bags perfect for any party is it is it perfect for any party i don't think so and there's some realism that nobody asked for today incredibly anatomically correct cat cookies butthole included hmm there's something that feels so wrong about this like hyper realistic furries i am so glad we are done hi i'm a brazilian 11 year old fan i tried to make a handmade zombie thing and that's it enjoy the art well you didn't try you did and you did it very well now i hope to see more from you you hear and just like that ladies and gentlemen we have come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it you might have some problems but in the meantime make sure you get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 348,273
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/atbge, r/atbge emkay, atbge emkay, trashy, trashy emkay, r/trashy emkay, r/makemesuffer emkay, r/makemesuffer, makemesuffer, r/makemsuffer emkay, r/thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit emkay, r/diwhy, diwhy emkay, facepalm emkay, facepalm
Id: VwPwQA0ctYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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