r/Mademesmile | best vibes on Reddit

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i kissed my girlfriend on the cheek while waiting to cash out at walmart and this little girl stared at us in amazement and said no one told me girls can kiss girls that's so cool [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk you know with it being 2020 and all i think we could all use a little more r made me smile so let's dive right on in i just wanted to share a wholesome news my math professor just bought his 38 students the math textbook required for the class because it's his last semester before he finally retires and he wanted to do something special it was expensive and not only that for those who wanted a hard copy he asked for their address and also allowed his students to pick them up from his place if they wanted to he also announced he got a new tablet from best buy so that he could teach us better and informed us beforehand to be a little patient with him my heart a group of rough looking boys walked past me today and all i heard of their conversation was he's got that anxiety disorder bro so i went with him so he'd be more comfortable and it made me realize the world isn't all that bad these are real friends also never judge a book by its cover yesterday this pile of blankets was all over the ground filthy partially wet and frozen having been slept in the night before i saw a city worker putting this stuff into what looked like a trash can then this morning i walked by the same spot and see the blankets had been washed and folded made me smile this is kind of a door this is something that an individual would do in new york city but probably not something like the city would actually do me and my boyfriend on the right we are planning to get married this year oh congratulations you two i love your shirt this morning my starbucks is all women so when i ordered it i was all i love your glasses that drink is so good have a great day babe which is amazing show stopping incredible but yesterday the same starbucks was staffed by all guys and my interaction went kind of like this first guy unprompted we're trying to help john name his scorpion his co-worker leaning around him here's a list of names you should vote or write your own me what john look at my cute little baby scorpion this is what boys will be boys should mean yes i agree boys should have unusual pets and slightly disturbing hobbies not cat call women and make them feel uncomfortable my 15 year old daughter made this cake she's been baking since he was tiny every year she makes a cake for a friend in our community who is developmentally delayed this year's theme was pizza she wants to own a bakery when she grows up oh this is really cute the pizza is a cake the pizza is a cake oh god everything is cake again my mom always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years that's really cute sorry two months since she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart melted oh dad dad you did so good [Music] oh my god that's that's very sad but oh my god that hurts made me smile always turns into made me cry for for whatever reason my neighbor got a new car today and he's been standing outside staring at it while eating chips for 15 minutes well it's it's a wrx of course you would if i ever got me a hummer each one i'd be out there for the entire evening whenever i'm sad i text this girl to show me her cat i'm sad can you show me your cat hey yeah sure what's wrong cat oh my god that's really cute chadwick was really out here shooting all of these huge action movies while fighting stage 4 colon cancer man strong isn't even the word that that was one of my first thoughts actually is is i medical stuff can take absolutely all of your energy out and he was out there filming he was out there filming through all of the stuff he was going through and it was incredibly insane and amazing good news everyone today was my mom's last day of chemotherapy and she is cancer-free congratulations oh yay i'm so glad you kicked cancer's butt after leaving an unstable home moving states battling depression and earning my ged i'm officially a college student at 22. excellent work i am i i don't know what the colored vials are but i like them oh i'm dumb they're fancy rainbow pens i still want them they're really cool kovan 19 is the best thing that has ever happened to me explain not sure this is the right sub but i lost my job due to the lockdown because of that i've been online searching for jobs today i got a call back for my dream job as a park ranger and i landed it seriously can't stop screaming and dancing i get to bring my dog to stay on site i don't have to pay rent it will be outside 100 of the time i am so incredibly happy thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this i've had a rough couple years now it's looking up everyone liked that you go out there and you'd be an awesome park ranger and that is a job i could never do because oh my god 100 outside that would just be lexi screaming at anything that moved and probably stuff that didn't in my culture death is not the end ah made me cry made me cry made me cry go easy on yourself you're doing great this is just really hard we need more just positive signs just like for no reason just positive signs billy joel never sells tickets to the front rows of his concerts aside from wanting to beat the scalpers he got tired of all the bored rich people staring up at him so now he sends his road crew out to bring down the fans from the worst seats so they'll be people in the front row that are really happy to be there real fans that's amazing i love billy joel even more now that's just absolutely gorgeous you wonderful wonderful man i finally built the courage to tell my good friend on the right my feelings for her having recently come out as gay i'm so happy that she says she has feelings for me too go forth and conquer earth together california passes bill allowing former inmates to become firefighters non-violent former prisoners who participated in fire camps will now have an opportunity to become year-round full-time firefighters yes good this is such a great way to get people like back into society instead of just ostracizing them forever my dog passed away last month and my boyfriend got me flowers in the shape of my dog this has not made me so this is this is this is heartbreaking but really just warm and fuzzy but also heartbreaking my daughter saw me painting a fox and drew her own and gave it to me oh my god that's really cute also that is a really badass painting of a [ __ ] like that's really cool this refrigerator was installed on the street by a very generous saudi man he and his friends leave leftovers and other food in there to feed the less fortunate children of his town with nutritious food and to save them from the shame of begging not this specific thing but a very similar thing is happening in new york uh especially in brooklyn uh people are actually setting up community fridges uh with supplies and shared goods and stuff like that and and it it just warms my heart makes me happy he doesn't need to know so i work in a kitchen and i'm fortunate enough to work with many of my friends my friend and manager we'll call him b has been having really severe anxiety attacks lately and he's been struggling a lot for the past two weeks i've been secretly stashing weed in his apron pockets accidentally double ordering doordash meals from his favorite places scheduling alexa to greet him with good morning here's today's weather and shuffle his favorite band every morning and coming in early to get the workday started so he has less on his plate his face lights up every time he finds that random weed or i yell to the back are you hungry i've got extra and you can feel him breathe a sigh of relief when he sees half the stuff for the day has been started without him needing to do anything he seems more relaxed and the anxiety seems to be less frequent he's just a nice dude and deserves for life to cut him a break and if the universe doesn't want to do it then i guess i will you are a good soul my dude is death and at first we had trouble communicating because he thought he was in trouble any time i pointed or made a gesture to move we have spent more time together during the pandemic and now he gives me the goofy smile whenever we hang out oh my god this is such a cute little snoot i'm glad you two get along now that's so cute my stepdaughter carson hand sewed and tailored me a shirt from scratch bought her own materials and put in the work i told her she lucky the clubs ain't open cause i might have stepped out in it this weekend theo's gordon cattrell's shirt ain't got nothing on this oh my god that's so wholesome that is adorable yeah i'm sorry that's the only sound that i couldn't make that would put this photo flight attendant shelia federick saved a passenger from human trafficking by leaving her a secret message in the plane's bathroom she noticed a young girl traveling with an older man who wouldn't let her speak so she whispered to the girl during drink service the girl made it to the bathroom found the note replied i need help and frederick told the pilot when the plane landed police were already waiting in the terminal good this is excellent oh my god that's wonderful i'm glad they were able to like hopefully catch the guy and throw him in prison forever brah my sis six is so cute she literally asked me if i needed any help with my homework so i said yeah and scribble down things like three plus seven equals what and she dead ass drew some apples and stuff and helped me bro i love her so dang much man i don't want her to grow up she's giving herself a hug oh my god my heart okay okay i'm fine i'm fine man invents hydrating gummies to help his grandma and other dementia patients get enough water well i know how i'm going to be hydrating hell yes got my first job on the 10th day of my release from prison starting from the bottom up wendy's thank you for hiring people that need a second chance what is the best job quitting story you can tell i had to lay off my entire staff and myself with 8 hours of notice i was the contract project manager on a government project office type work at our periodic review on a thursday the government announced that they would not be renewing our contract and our last day was friday the next day i brought everyone into the conference room first thing next day let everyone know that we were all out of a job and that today was everyone's last day i had everyone email me the resumes and we went over everyone's on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day i then printed out reference sheets for everyone and we all spent the remainder of the day writing letters of recommendation for each other i ordered everyone pizza and bought everyone a round of drinks at the bar next door most folks had jobs by the end of next week dude you are an amazing boss oh it's mr rogers so many people have helped me to come to this night some of you are here some are far away some are even in heaven all of us have special ones who have loved us into being would you just take along with me 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are 10 seconds of silence i'll watch the time [Music] i would like to thank you all for encouraging me allowing me all these years to be your neighbor and we've hit made me cry puppy kisses uh yeah i needed that after the the amazingly touching fred rogers post oh my god more cute animal pictures thank you thank you less crying more cute last night i am driving home from work when i see someone stranded in the middle of an intersection with their car smoking over here i have been there and it really sucks so i slow down ask if they are right this poor lady got this car six weeks ago and now it looks like she needs a new engine so a group of three teenagers now stop look over the car and help push it into a nearby lot the owner of the car does not know what to do she cannot afford a tow and can't leave the car there i then hear you boys ready for a push they couldn't leave this lady stranded so these young men pushed a stranger's car nine kilometers that's about 5.5 miles for us filthy americans please share the crap out of this so these young men can get the props they deserve well done billy bailey and aaron hell yeah y'all are insane and amazing and rocking some really awesome shorts update on the pride flag snatcher when i realized my flag had been stolen the other day we found it ripped up down at the end of my street my export neighbors a straight couple with two kids left house were outside and saw me get emotional they were very kind and offered to help me put up my new flag once it arrived this morning as i was hanging up said new flag i glanced over and noticed that they too had gone out to buy their own pride flag and hung it up on their porch words cannot express how happy i am to know that i live next to some truly amazing supportive and selfless individuals i had a really hard time when my flag was stolen but this restores my faith in humanity a little bit straight people this is what allies look like you don't have to be lgbtq to show support oh that's a tour that's absolutely amazing now i really want to coordinate like an entire just wall of pride flags down my street and that brings us to the end of another heartwarming and slightly teary r slash made me smile we're gonna wrap up this lovely episode with some wonderful fan art this post comes to us from you slash grating rice and they say mk fan art i tried and i will improve i don't see the problem here this looks great it's got eight legs it's bright pink and it's got highly suspicious mk logos all over it it's fantastic thank you so much grating rice if you enjoyed these warm fuzzies go ahead and hit the like button and if you want some more wholesome deliciousness in your subscriptions feed go ahead and hit that red subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 430,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: Y1ewMyz9gSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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