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every dad in trades driving past jobs they worked on see that i built that i do this with wireless networks if i pass a building i've worked on and been like ah they have good wi-fi coverage in the bathroom because of me what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today is more of lexi squeeing over wholesome memes so let's get right to it me and the boys playing games together and not caring who wins because it's about having fun i wonder how often this actually happens nobody is born cool except of course people who apologize when they're proven wrong yeah oh yes apology unicorns we we really need more of those parents just because your kid is looking at their phone and smiling doesn't mean that they have a boyfriend or girlfriend it might be because they're looking at pictures of sustainable architecture i mean one this is some glorious architecture but two that that just i didn't see the turn coming i did not expect it to go in that direction if you have a chance to be kind be kind if you have a chance to show compassion show compassion if you have a chance to know love know love if you have a chance to just be just be huh i like this one bear attack what do i do think think oh i remember now stand up straight firm handshake maintain eye contact you're hired he looks so heavy that's one hell of a job interview rain wind and water bouncing off the windows what a beautiful day i have to be in the mood for rainy days but i can sort of get on board with this one well i believe in bigfoot you can do whatever you put your mind to oh i am going to go to random forests in the northwest and just scream encouraging things into the trees so that bigfoot feels validated that is my new life mission except i hate nature but but we'll figure that out kid in turkey crashes into man's car because the brakes on his bike don't work instead of getting mad man buys kid new bike dude that is amazing that was so sweet tap tap tap tap tap tap how to make my friends and family happy while keeping myself happy fbi agent oh billy i'm really proud of you i personally strive to make my fbi agent both proud and a little bit scared every day witnessed a boy staring at a dead bird and telling cars to move away from it for five minutes then he picked it up and rested it in the grass and saluted it before he went home i had to bury a baby bird that got run over in my driveway when i was very little and i think my birth parents did it as like some sort of like you know character building exercise but uh lexi is very attached to small cute animals and just sobbed for like three hours before she could touch it it was not a fun day anxiety yeah let me grab the weighted blanket how's that better how's this oh yes this is good this is an excellent way to start helping with anxiety me bread from the store my grandma's baked bread i mean there are a few things that can compete with like fresh baked bread maybe olive garden breadsticks and maybe golden corral honey butter rolls but being from the south i'm kind of biased on that last one your mom spent nine months making your heart don't let someone break it in one day me guess what my three-year-old nephew what me chicken butt my nephew this is adorable the advantage sometimes with kids is that the uh the bar for humor is sometimes lower me chilling with my muslim and christian friends because my parents never taught me to judge others on the basis of their beliefs hey look it's almost like fear of differences is taught i wish i was cute enough to get a girlfriend it is done nothing's changed correct how to care for a mini crewmate give affection feed them tuck them into bed tell them you love them teach tasks stay with them until the end oh god come on don't cry be strong but this feeling hurts maybe if i just hold on a little longer huh it's okay to cry sometimes you feel much better after a good cry gg see you tomorrow enjoy the little things in life because one day last seen online two years ago you look back and realize they were the big things me i'm so sad and tired i just want to hug my girlfriend about to give me the best cuddles ever bonjour you were cute you were cute too and this is how trees die wait wait wait wait this is wholesome when you make your first dad joke you're dead and you oh i'm so proud of you son mommy i drew a picture of our family oh wow good job i'll hang out on the fridge for daddy to see when he comes home from work oh that's that's awesome five-year-old me look grandpa look me does cringey dance and spins my grandpa incredible job he took me on my dream date ooh somewhere nice very nice this is the perfect date i will accept no other substitutions bye i hope you have a nice day i'll try later just checking to see if you had a nice day i did oh marvelous this is this is cute but also kind of horrifying how deep is the mud depends who you ask we all go through things differently when your dog does this oh i know that feeling too your dog like checks on you like over their shoulder it's like hi i love you boy and his dog teenager and his dog adult in his dogs don't live long enough yeah sex is cool but have you ever woken up from a dream and slept again and the dream continued from where you left yes yes i have and it's wonderful i will grant you three wishes i wish that women could legally drive a car in every country yeah what the hell is up with that anyway good wish bro you still have three wishes this seems fair this seems right i like this genie hey boys don't you think it's about time for a woman in this club yes ma'am me too oh that made my heart hurt oh there is too much wholesome in this image hello hi you know i too am evil but you're so cute so are you oh little poshmarks dad doesn't want a dog family gets dog anyway dad and the dog best friends this is how it always ends up psychiatrists saying medication will work therapists saying therapy will work me following both and actually feeling better for the first time in five years great and this is why mental health care needs to be taken seriously welcome to the spelty splatoon how tough are you how tough am i i tell my true feelings yeah so without being drunk right this way sir when you ask your mom to stop for food and she actually says yes happy cat happy cat is very happy when it's your first time in detention but you see your friend is already there yeah it's slightly better now want to come over and watch me play video games ew definitely not i'd rather beat your ass in video games run after her dude run after her dad how do you know when you're in love let's go loser gamer dads they're kids who get to play them rated when one act of kindness creates a lifelong friendship i fixed a pigeon's wing so he went to fetch his girlfriend and now they live at my house that's adorable he looks so perky my dog does nothing for five hours me good boy i do this too i can confirm it is time to go okay was i a good grandma no oh i'm told you were the best [Music] me goodbye gramps i'll visit you soon again my grandpa you will the lady with a full card of groceries in front of me me with only two items oh you can cut in front of me that is always super kind of people when you tell a random girl she's beautiful and she replies back that you look handsome when you have a nice hat and you feel nice i think he's pretty rocking when you're kind of shy but still trying your best to socialize with new people hey this is actually lexi in real life i i'm social anxiety hmm i still don't get this chapter is way too confusing oh don't worry honey let's read it again but this time highlight the most important stuff five minutes later oh i wasn't ready for that when your homie is a lot cooler than you but you still like to hang out with each other i'm not sure how to narrow this one but giant squishy hugs from fictional characters sounds awesome i hurt you again i'm sorry i love you i love you too but i love me more and that is sad but true like you have to put yourself first i'm sorry for being so weird and awkward all the time you're in luck that's what i'm into i feel like i'm the weird and awkward one to lexi wife me when the teachers ask me a question and someone whispers the answer to me you dropped this king have a great day oh that's adorable you didn't even know the fake food i made out of leaves five-year-old me that cat looks so proud of itself how's life going i'm not very good at it but it doesn't matter mr rogers will always have a special place in my heart to do scare child note night light broken very scared of the dark oh the kiss is like sniffing oh that ghost oh my god that's adorable the ghost became the nightlight for the poor scared sheep kid sure sheep kid when the light is green and the car in front is still sitting there but you're in a good mood it's okay rocky you go when you feel like it ah i suck stop lying to my friend another one i have no idea how to narrate but oh my god it's adorable this is really wholesome on the surface but if you think about it in your life it's kind of gross here sharing my fungus when you finally convince yourself to get up but the cat decides to take a nap on you well now i'm not doing it little kitty this is true if any animal falls asleep on you you're done you just you just you cancel everything for the day look dad a nerd you know what we do to nerds right yeah learn from them venus rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets so cool wow addendum you learn from them unless they are a gatekeeping condescending neckbeard in which case then you just avoid the bo being a snake charmer requires nerves of steel to me you are perfect oh my i take he's pretty good at his job i guess i'll try online dating she's perfect gee 26 i like cats memes and coffee i'll give online dating a shot he's perfect kevin 26 i like netflix music and memes you'll never know unless you try when your arthritis pills kick in and you can finally start knitting sweaters again for your grandchildren this is wholesome as hell oh this is wonderful a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in greek proverb son one day you will appreciate the truly important things in life thanks dad ah if we only had that kind of mentality today how i feel when my girlfriend compliments my cookies and asks for another i fed gordon ramsay and he cleaned his plate seven-year-old me dad will you play with me dad after working his 10th straight 10-hour shift sure bud me you will me seeing an elderly couple hold hands while walking their dog life goals right there my friends i'm really proud of you me after quitting smoking for eight months good freaking job thank you you deserve it i'm proud of you too me vibing with random cat the random cat viping with me me rickles my dad my dad who grew up in the 80s and has nostalgia of listening to this song hey i seen this one that's true dads are immune to rickrolls why are you smiling like that stop acting so weird oh my god i didn't think brontosaurus is proposing to each other was something i needed to see today but it was something i needed to see today what's going on we lost two rings and we cannot finish the game oh this is also really cute oh my god i am not trying to rob you but but my ball i'm trying to help you booboo baggins let me play fetch with you i always had a difficult time with change but even plants need to get used to the soil and take time to settle in the roots before they can start growing again human is sad hey love me and you will have no time to be sad i think that's like the fundamental difference between cats and dogs cats are like love me and you'll have no time to be sad and dogs are just like i will love you now listen kid i don't have much time the secret to living a happy life is be yourself and surrounded by the people you love when you and your sibling are making a secret birthday card for mom and mom enters we're doing nothing mom when you go on a date with someone and they end up being your soul mate this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years challenge accepted that smell could it be mama yes it's soup so he really loves soup it's adorable this is a little tiny frog just screaming soup soup soup god i love the subreddit me and my homies after splitting the ps5 cost oh that makes me happy yes good excellent we did it we built a castle oh no it's raining what are you doing everything is lost starting over and that's that's the only way to do it can't give up amazon we will deliver your package in seven to eight days amazon delivery guy after two days surprise [ __ ] it's prime [ __ ] who's a good boy oh gee that's a toughy i love every boy i've ever met you are oh my god it was a trick question ah why am i so ugly you're not ugly dude you're just not your type okay i mean the logic checks out oh goody creepy doll there a voodoo doll of myself ha ha i'm not sure that's how that that works but uh ingenuity ingenuity100 he's going to be so happy when he wakes up oh my god he's going to wake himself up and just eat himself out of a circle please can we go again okay little guy one more time i like to imagine that this is how all orbital physics works and all the complicated math is just incredibly wrong when you gain a little weight but you're still cute with a good personality chubby sheep me i want to donate five dollars to wikipedia wikipedia you will donate to wikipedia if you can i realize that now is probably the worst time to be talking about donations but donate to wikipedia if you can my mom working two jobs to support us me and my sister the real heroes are the ones we don't see depression kicking my butt for months on end waking up every day trying to do my best i didn't hear no bell that's the spirit that's that's literally the spirit that's exactly what you have to do every day and it sucks but hundreds of tiny victories that's what it all adds up to and that brings us to the end of another r wholesome means and to round off the warm and fuzzies let's finish off with some lovely fan art today's fan art comes to us from user imataku and they say i don't know if this is considered fan art but here you go this is totally considered why do people discount yourselves it's also violently pink so i chaotically approve thank you so much for that fan art i'm ataku and if you want some more wholesome warm fuzzy memes in your future go ahead and hit that red subscribe button and give the video a like if it got you to smile until next time my name is thelexikitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 429,403
Rating: 4.9550762 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, wholesomememes emkay, wholesome memes, wholesome, blessedimages emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, blessed, cute animals, cute dogs, animal memes, cute cats, funny animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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