r/Talesfromretail | THE KAREN STRIKES BACK

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what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're going through another round of our slash tales from retail a long time ago when I was attending university I worked part time as a baby as a baby yeah cuz that's that's what they did at university god I can't read a long time ago when I was attending university I worked part-time at a baby boutique that sold a really fancy baby items it's a small store owned by a local family the return policy was as such refunds are credited on to a gift card or exchange only I know that it was not the most accommodating returns last exchange policy in the world but I didn't make the rules refunds were only issued by the owner at her own discretion now to the story a lady comes in tears pouring down her face carrying two baptisms last christening outfits she purchased a few days ago she tells me that she has to return those outfits because they're babies twins that she bought them for had just died in hospital and she needs a refund my heart just about leaps into my throat and tears start coming down my face as I feel so horrible for this mother I asked her for the receipt and she says I don't have it well you know that they are from here because you guys are the only ones that carry this brand in town so I'm like yes yes you are absolutely right feeling even more horrible and flustered for even asking I then say okay no worries I can still put the amount on a gift card for you this was only followed by a whale of a sob and lady says what am I going to do with a gift card I don't have any more babies to buy for oh my god I could have just crawled under a table I was mortified putting this poor woman through this the owner is on vacation of course and I was alone and must say that this was a first for me I was always trained that under no circumstance where we allowed to give cash refunds but I mean come on this clearly was one of those special situations that surely warranted breaking the rules I give the lady a full cash refund and she thanks me and is truly appreciative she asks me if I know of any other mothers that come in and if I can recommend support groups or bereavement books I told her that I do not personally know but I'm sure there's lots of information on our local community board she says thank you and hugs me and feeling like I did a good deed I hug her back until I take care when my boss returns from vacation I tell her everything that happened I was confused by her reaction was a little unfazed she walked to the computer did a little inventory chicken finds out that these items were not actually purchased Wow though for real people suck like they were showing that they were still in our store in other words this lady stole them and got a cash refund my boss was able to confirm P a security camera that this was true there were no dead babies just a sob story and I felt like an idiot don't feel bad people are terrible especially when you're like just in a cashier position like that they feel like he didn't take immediate advantage of you hey everybody I'm back again I work for a grocery company and every Friday we have Friday only sales this last week we had 24 packs of our brand water 3 for 5 dollars we had sold a ton of them and corporate realized just how much money we were losing on them so they told us no rain checks no substitutions now that we have context this story happened yesterday on Saturday I got told there's a customer on hold that wants to speak to the manager and being the manager on duty yesterday I slide into the office and take the call I'm me obviously water lady is WL thank you for calling Blanc this is Opie how may I help you hello yes I'm sitting here looking at your ad I have a question about something I speak to a manager that would be me what's your question oh good I see that yesterday you had a sale on your cases of water I wasn't able to make it in to get some is there a chance I can come in today and you could honor the price I'm sorry ma'am but I'm not able to do that why not well if you'll take a look at the ad it says the water was a Friday only sale it's now Saturday so policy states I can't honor it well can't you just write me a rain check no ma'am unfortunately I can't do that either why not well first off if we were to write a rain check it would have had it been done on Friday however we usually don't write rain checks for the Friday only sales as they are one day only while supplies last two deals well that's false advertising it's false advertising how so because I didn't get an opportunity to buy the water on Friday and now you will honor the price well that's not really false advertising it was a one day only sale you didn't come in so I can't really do anything about that this is outrageous I would speak to a manager I am a manager well I want to speak to the manager in charge that would also be me well you know what screw you I'm gonna call corporate this is unbelievable what kind of customer service is this when you won't honor our sale just because I didn't come in on the day of the sale and that's what she hung up I'm inclined not to believe that last sentence no one can be that stupid where they say the exact reason why you're not honoring the sale and their complaint about you not honoring the sale I refuse to believe that I work at a grocery store we close at 11:00 p.m. I make closing announcements 15 minutes five minutes and then the actual closing announcement there's this lady who is continuing to shop after we closed a night crew member goes up to her and goes ma'am were closed she ignores him he says it again ignored he says it again and she goes I know all nasty so ten minutes after closing I decided to call the police to escort her out the police the lady you're arguing in the parking lot and one of the cops walk up to me and goes she talkin crazy I give my side of the story because she got so aggressive police had to ensure she wouldn't come after me or my coworker as we walk to our cars now I don't care if you need to grab like one or two things more after I made the closing announcement but if you continue to shop and then be rude to an employee when you know we closed ten minutes ago then it's extremely rude and inconsiderate so I work at a craft store and yesterday I worked my first eight hour shift oh how was that and for some reason a ton of wack people decided to come to my store yesterday I'm sorry so here's a collection of stories we were pretty busy around noon and we don't have very many cards I'm up front working cash register and our lady comes up to me do you have any more cards sorry I just sent someone out to look for cards looks like all of our cards are used at the moment oh okay can you look again me having just chat like five minutes ago yeah sure I radio in and ask someone if they can go since I have a bit of a line the lady just hovers next to the cash register and stays at me I'm kind of uncomfortable but I just keep on keeping on and ringing people up after a few minutes the lady clears her throat pointedly and I look over okay this is unacceptable I'm going next door to read his circle stone if there aren't any Cotts when I get back you're going to be in huge trouble I wonder my wants before she came back so I don't know how that ended a lady comes in with a return okay no biggie she pulls out five bias tapes and tool receipts and puts them on the counter okay here's the deal I bought this bias tape at the stove it'd be boring city they were all 20% off but I decided to exchange a few of them for another color and then buy some more and I didn't get the discount oh did you want to return these and re ring them up with a discount no I just want the disc out on the entire purchase well I can't give you a discount on your whole purchase if you don't have all the product here with you I already showed the other buyers types can't you retain the ones I have and take on the extra amount unfortunately I'm not able to do that since I need the actual product to be able to do the return oh okay here's the deal why don't you return these and when you ring me up give me a discount of $5 60 cents to make up for the discount I did to get me not one to incur the rage of a middle-aged white lady yeah sure I can do that well turns out the computer didn't want me to do that I called my manager to deal with it because I was so confused and I guess she was able to appease it you are my hero manager this one is a little shorter in less way I was ringing up this lady who had a five year old girl with her the mom puts a few things down and the little girl puts down two bottles of pink glue next to it I ring up all the mom's things then grab a bottle of glue and scanning the mom yells wait no and she lunges across the counter and grabs it from my hand the mom said the Dada had put it down without asking and she wasn't getting it I in shock just go okay and void the one-eyed scan tool long didn't read middle-aged white ladies in a craft store are not a force to be reckoned with and that's on the Ten Commandments I work in a very small store in a very small community and have worked there for over a year now this particular store is surrounded in very small houses usually occupied by the elderly and middle-aged single mothers with the multiple kids and the younger customers are all usually on financial aid of some kind now I love my job on most days usually everyone is friendly and I have hilarious and lovely goober that I love to speak with however this time I had a night of almost of no sleep and had to serve all the usual jobless alcoholics and junkies in the area that morning so I was a force to be reckoned with on this morning I tried my best to be a beat and friendly with everyone because my mood had nothing to do with them whatsoever and they didn't deserve to see it until she walks in let's call her old lady she is an elderly lady clearly who comes in every second day almost never speaks to the employees and is usually not an issue for us but this morning she was an absolute nightmare for absolutely no reason a bit of necessary detail for all of you my store has a check-out policy where you only need to call for someone else to jump onto another register and serve customers if there are more than three customers waiting otherwise one is a knod and I have over four years of retail experience I'm 21 so I am lightning fast on the register and can serve those three people within a minute I am serving one man in front of me another man is behind him an old lady is behind the second man when old lady joins the line of customers in just two finishing serving the first man and moving on to the second when I hear her complain to another customer - supposed to ring for someone else another employee she says in a very grumpy voice I couldn't hear what the other customer says but he doesn't sound it all unbothered I ignore and continue to serve the man in front of me will I hear her continue to complain about me in the background I finished serving my customer an old lady walks up to me with our basket of items I smile and say good morning and begin scanning her items she leans forward on the counter and glares daggers at me you are supposed to call for someone else when there's people in the line she growls at me slowly as if scolding a child I feel my heart begin to race but I try my best to keep calm I have an anxiety disorder do not cope well with confrontation especially when I've done nothing wrong so I tend to get upset very easily I explain the policy to her as politely as I could that I do not have to call for another employee unless there are more than three people waiting when she joined the line there were only two I don't care yes supposed to call I just served you within 15 seconds of you joining the line you all think it effing clever and here don't she'll she grumbles as she pulls out her purse to pay for her items my eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and I feel my heart beat faster I feel the anger rising excuse me I asked and she shakes her head as if she didn't even hear me stupid bee she grumbles as she places her card in the card reader now is it that crossed the line for me I pressed the button on my screen to cancel the transaction and she briefly freezes the Machine refuses her card she looks up at me and anger and gives me a face that says what I'm not going to serve you if you're going to speak to me that way I sound quite firm but on the inside I am angry and not in the mood to deal with the disrespect she just scoffs pushes her basket of items toward me which I take in continues to cuss me out you all think your effing clever in this shop she yells at me and I somehow man should contain the tears fine take this stuff stupid effing bee she continues as she storms out of the shop I turned to face the new line of customers that had formed during this confrontation and I noticed that everybody is looking at me in sympathy I take a deep breath to try and steady my now racing heart rate and say to the man in front of me he can't demand a service while simultaneously insulting those providing it for you and take another breath before I begin to serve him he smells in response to what I said in temps to pay for his items with his car that's what I noticed old lady had left her bank card in the card reader and leaded a short laugh and say karma before placing get on the counter behind me making the customers laugh to a few customers in the line gave me a thumbs up letting me know I was not in the wrong and that I did the right thing but I was still extremely shake up my anxiety does not allow me steady emotions at this moment in time and I did end up calling for a co-worker to take over my register oh I disappeared into the back of the store for a quick crying panic attack oh sorry my supervisor was supportive and brought me a glass of water assuring me that I did the right thing for leaving me alone for 10 minutes until I felt well enough to return to work old lady did not return to the store to retrieve her bank card until a few days later she got confronted by my supervisor for cussing at members of staff but she denied everything my supervisor didn't believe her later told me it was because she'd done this before and I have not seen her since sorry if it's a bit anti-climatic but seeing her leave her card behind did give me a great deal of satisfaction that I'm sure I would have enjoyed more if I weren't literally about to burst into tears at any second hey y'all this is just a short little memory from an old job I'll but me and my clueless coworker will be Cici okay so I worked at a gas station for about five months working the 2:00 to 10:00 when I moved to a new town with friends I had to switch to overnights 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. at a location in my new on my first night there I had someone there to help since there was different tasks for an overnight than the two to ten ships I was used to this guy was so clueless and completely lacked social awareness now you like addy addy not really look at this mean the maim is D&D related I don't get it it's D&D yeah and I just told you that I don't really like a D&D the clueless coworker continues to show me his D&D related things until it leaves it like 3:00 a.m. this guy didn't even show me how they do the things I needed to do but I only lasted four shifts there anyway fuel clerk a man came to pay for gas and gave me the most ridiculous request I've ever heard my life I ain't got a gas from one of your stores in nearby City and their gas is cheaper can you guys match that for me I got the receipt right here me and complete disbelief what I just need a little more gas and it's more expensive here can you just match the price for me since I have the receipt no we can't change the price of our gas unless we're being told to by corporate sorry that doesn't make sense that you can't honor their price you're the same company can you call someone and see if you were supposed to lower it what the habitat no they call us when it's time to change the price I'm sorry can I speak to a manager about it me an emotional pain yes it'll be a minute because I have to call them and they have to walk down here we're part of a grocery store he literally waited for ten minutes for a manager to show up and tell him the same thing I did he ended up leaving without getting gas at all this happened a couple years ago but I was just reminded of it I'll set the scene I worked at a costume shop that also sold dance we're situated right downtown in a big city we were pretty quiet most days with just a few fitting appointments for dance shoes some drag queen shopping for wigs or tights hell yeah it's a mess FX artists picking up scab load on an average day excluding Halloween season when crap hit the fan Heike I'd love to work in a costume shop so I'd been there for around a yeren was regularly opening and closing we opened at 10:00 and closed at 6:00 so I'd sometimes do both in the same shift that fateful day I too opened and was tired after a long day of busy work organizing the giant basement storage area it was around 5:30 p.m. at this point and was expecting to get one more customer max before clothes I sent my coworkers home leaving just me and my supervisor as soon as they're gone it's probably by 45 at this point I get a phone call hello store name how may I help you hi thank God I got someone I've been calling and no one is answering that's strange the phone wasn't ringing until just now while I called and no one picked up okay I'm sorry about that how can I help you well now that I finally got someone on the phone I need directions directions to our store we're located at yes I know where you are but I don't know where I am and how to get there I need directions well I'm not sure I can help with that if you don't know where you are I can give you directions if you can tell me the intersection closest to you I told you I don't know where I am I can't see any street signs you should be able to direct me to your store I'm sorry you're having trouble finding us we are located at blank and blank Street near the blank we'll known city landmark if you can manage to find a street sign I could let you know exactly which direction to go I know where you are but I don't know where I am this isn't complicated I need directions now after going back and forth for a while all the time trying to explain that I can't give directions without a start point and I don't have a GPS tracker attached to you lady she eventually sees a street sign that we figure out where she is and how she could get here keep in mind it is now 555 p.m. and we close at 6:00 I'm so glad we got that figured out unfortunately though it will take you at least 15 minutes to get here from your current location and we close in five minutes well that's just fine I just have one thing to buy regardless of the number of things need to buy we will be closed when you get here maybe you can come back another day just keep the store open for me unfortunately that's not possible we are required to close the gate and the till at 6 p.m. on the dot bye management your manager won't mind you're making money off me the one item you want to buy is in - worth staying open pass closed that's ridiculous just keep the gate open it's your fault I'm late anyway I'm sorry ma'am but how is it our fault you didn't give me directions like I asked if you just give me proper directions I would have already arrived I'm sorry you feel that way I'm going to have to hang up now because we closed in one minute and I need to grab the keys for the gate just leave the gate open for me I'm sorry we can't do that you can come but we won't be opening the gate I hang up a few minutes after locking the gate and the door and turning most of the lights off I'm standing at the tail counting the cash in full view of the sidewalk through the gate and glass door the lady finally arrives at 6:15 at this and started banging on the gate demanding to be let in my supervisor goes out the side door and comes around to let her know we're closed and if she continued to bang on our gate we'd have to ask her to leave the premises she yells at her for a few minutes before storming off turns out the one item she wanted to buy was a clown nose huh how fitting cuz this this lady is a direct clown we sold those for $1 each definitely profit substantial enough to keep two employees a quarter of an hour past close I've volunteered a charity chef I spend a lot of my time at the front with the customers this means that I see a lot of people and come across all sorts but best during a quiet period a young boy probably six or seven years old came to the shop accompanied by a woman who I'm assumed was his grandmother they looked around for a while we're coming up to the counter where we have a small display of knitted chicks these chicks are as the name suggests knitted chicks in a variety of colors the bonus is that they contain a chocolate egg as a treatment the boy sees them and then the following conversation takes place I like the look at these oh that pretty look there's even an egg inside I think I'll get one the boy now addressing me how do I get the egg out I pick up one of the chicks you cut along this thread here it's separate from the rest of the chick so I'll unravel the boy is silent for a moment I've changed my mind about getting one why is that well I don't want to kill the chick to get the egg at this point I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing professional demeanor and all that well the woman attempts to convince the boy that the chick will be all right he's not convinced and they both leave without purchasing anything as soon as they were out of sight I laughed so hard I had a coughing fit and that brings us to the end of our slash tales from retail and boy oh boy that's a marathon of a read if you liked the video leave a like down below comment down below no no about how it's not slaw so that's me I'm sorry but if you really liked the video subscribe as always I'll be seeing yet [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 819,605
Rating: 4.9278316 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/talesfromretail, reddit retail, r/talesfromretail top posts, r/talesfromretail top all time
Id: Z1gK65uMWKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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