r/Mildlyinfuriating | WHY?

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has goku got scoliosis looks like there's something wrong with goku's spine maybe you should mind your own business maybe goku's seeing a chiropractor how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk glad you could make it back again i'm your host with the most robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mildly infuriating because i can never get mad enough you should know that by now without much further ado let's hop right in when your sweater is almost finished but you ran out of yarn oh that's an awesome way to start off god dang it i'm already on edge fast forward and rewind that's going to confuse the living crap out of people for a little while unless you're normal and you know which button means which just by which direction it's pointing it gets worse the longer you look at this oh no no not one of these they hurt ooh you were so close but so far so how's the job hunt coming yes the job hunt don't you even get me started on cable that likes to tangle and wind itself you really couldn't just put it right side up like just a little bit you know was that too hard not only is it facing the wrong direction but you couldn't even hook it on the roll oh my god damn it what come on duolingo woke me up at three in the morning hi it's duo it's time for your daily japanese lesson no duolingo it's 2 54 am it is not time for japanese it's time for sleepy it's time for me go sleepy had this strainer for years don't think i'll be able to unsee this oh that's a bummer man i'm sorry pink ladybrand thanks for leaving the sticker on this it made it so much more yummy just bought a house this railing has one spindle upside down since it was built ooh that's a tough break man you chose the wrong house and i'm very very sorry because that's an expensive mistake what how hard is it you had a stencil for how you needed to print it out it's right there found out my room is 3.5 centimeters too small for my desired arrangement no way i see someone was cutting it normally and left the room and another person came in and decided they wanted to cut it their own way to be special you answered six centimeters correct answer six wow wow wow my bed when i wake up geez man how much you tossing and turning at night i'm willing to bet money right now that a bunch of bananas weighing like three pounds is going to be infinitely cheaper than this singular sealed god damn useless product oh everything else is so good it's all so great it's such a cool looking house and then the door it just wow our school we don't have enough money also our school what the hell's going on here this tiny halfway filled cup of dipping sauce for a whole platter okay yeah that's just a joke that's an absolute joke restroom yeah i'm sorry i can't in good conscience use that restroom as long as that s is upside down it's gonna bug me too much whoa this is trippy as hell i don't like how that ramp is unprotected on the other side you got a railing on the right nothing on the left there is clearly room for one more yeah but you don't get any do ya sucker well i just don't see how something like this can actually happen unless you're living with people that are willfully holes i mean seriously what would be y'all's defense against all of that nothing what positive impact do you think will come from covet 19 deleted removed best answer i've seen so far oh awesome thanks a lot douche canoe there's a red dart body missing in my new dart set well that's just completely unfortunate have a good day please break down boxes before throwing away thank you are you implying that when we break them down we're not really breaking them down what why'd you put that in quotations my teacher gave me another statement as a question remember that instant messaging and texting are not the same okay let me guess when you brought it up to your teacher he or she blamed this on you somehow i have an off-centered pupil oh my god you do wow that's really strange i've never seen something like that before the pretzel sock is finally coming loose from within the can ooh that's unfortunate well time to turn off the power and get it yanked out of there somehow now i have to take the sheet off and redo the bed oh man tough break we've all been there or at least been somewhere close to where you are right now look don't sweat it man just get a knife cut a hole in your sheet and grab your phone way easier couch slash sofa 250 dollars slightly used couch soft gray no pets hmm is that cat a rent-paying member of the household then my pepper packet packed no pepper yeah it's just a piece of paper also try saying that five times fast oh what a rip man what an absolute rip come on little debbie don't be holding out on me delivered today parcel was handed to a receptionist and by receptionist we mean the god damn ground also it looks like they might have accidentally delivered it to some kind of farm out in the countryside in the united kingdom ah that happens this crap's all coming off an assembly line that wouldn't piss me off too much i guess that's why they call it mildly infuriating but i'm not even mildly infuriated at this one folks you gotta do better than that hey what's up hey this number isn't anywhere near my area code and i never give it out i think you have the wrong number oh my bad not a cute girl from the library lol nope sorry guess she was pranking me or did you recently get this number she was pranking you i've had this number for five years dang alright yeah i met the girl in blank city i'm assuming that wasn't you hey trying this number just to make sure is this cute girl from the library by chance nope crap i've been pranked lol can you pretend you're her lmao hi just checking if this is the same person i wrote recently or is this city library girl by chance god damn dude just stop i don't know where the other is but i will find you and delete you nah now you won't ah two parts of the respiratory system that serves as the passageway or gateway of the air mouth and nose no no no no see the correct answer was nose and mouth you friggin idiot why don't you get it right and study more oh come on it's not fair oh that's not even mildly infuriating people that do this know what they're doing they're doing it to prove some kind of freaking point okay and it's [ __ ] you look like a dumb and i wish i could punch you in the goddamn nose that you are so callously exposing to the rest of the world right now who should elizabeth have ended up with in pirates of the caribbean 76 said jack 24 said will wait just a minute i mean other than the names being flipped this vote is bullcrap because everybody that voted for jack really wrong would you rather live without music or tv yes or no we're gonna need an answer here folks disney subscribe to our streaming service for all of our content releases mulan also disney money please man we can keep making fun of these multi-billion dollar corporations all we want but the truth of the matter is we're still giving them our goddamn money and we're going to keep doing it forever society is crumbling the disney overlords will soon own you okay looks like some regular old mailboxes one two four three five i guess hey how the hell did you get a screenshot off my mom's phone how hard is it i mean seriously legitimately how hard can this be look i understand that i'm not the end-all be-all of geniusness i mean for one thing i just said geniusness and i read reddit posts for a living but even i know it cannot be that hard ah there it is everybody give a round of applause for the people that are infinitely more important than you their time is more valuable than yours and they're just better in general so they have the right to throw their wherever they feel like always keep that in mind and stay in your place perfect for chugging that's incorrect the correct answer is 40 uh oh man oh geez i failed geometry i don't know how to read this it's days like these i'm very glad that i don't have to wear glasses ha sucker grasshopper from the package of lettuce well i mean yeah where do you think that little bit of protein on the nutrition facts comes from the lettuce come on you know better well that's a little strange but as long as it gets the job done whatever went on a hike to see fossils and someone cut them all out what is that even allowed dude did someone come in with a freaking concrete saw and just take them dude honest to god people messing with state parks and [ __ ] that will absolutely infuriate me almost as much as littering almost almost there man we all pay to keep those parks in good condition all right you go out there and you shoot all over it we should have the right to kick your man nice very very well hidden thank you ups man wearing a mask with hearing aids it keeps getting hooked around the wire like this and slowly pulling my hearing aid out of my ear oh man that is actually kind of shitty i'm sorry about that dude well at least they tried we'll give them a d for effort here alright folks that sound fair the amount of food i collected from the floor after school lunchroom cleaning wow kids really are pieces of sh huh and look the excuse that's they're just kids really only works up until a certain age if this is in high school there is no god damn excuse they're just [ __ ] websites that make you feel bad for not wanting their email lists fine no hot sauce needed unsubscribing is enough of a bird we'll miss you well i'm not gonna miss you who stole my energy drinks i want them to be replaced thief i threw them out because they're not good for you learn to manage your sleep cycle and you'll be much happier and healthier all right time to take a look at whose handwriting matches the apparent writing directly on the fridge and beat the living [ __ ] out of them for not minding their own damn business i mean look i would be totally fine with you giving a crap about my health if i were say i don't know eating crack every day for lunch at the office but the fact that it's energy drinks mind your own damn business let me guess a professional contractor did this one for you huh whatever deal you got on that it wasn't a good enough deal well how's life ah depression same thing bro why you always depressed cause i have depression just have fun whoa everybody i think we found the cure running low on money just buy more you stupid idiot deleted oh this sub really does change lives this story made my day thanks and good luck op that son of a [ __ ] knew exactly what he was doing and this is so not fair lucifer season five part two premiere date spoilers casting and more there's no premiere date yet ha got you stupid [ __ ] i cannot wait for quote unquote journalism like this to die off i know it's gonna be a while but we can kill it if we strangle it hard enough ah yes thank you my light bulbs came in pristine condition amazon oh wait that's a ups label thanks a lot for that ups my ice cream came without a cone well get out a fork i may be a little bit colorblind but something is amiss with the colors on this board oh man see this is one of the reasons i can't play among us number one i'm stupid number two i'm colorblind number three i'm stupid fresh cup of coffee that's not cream that's crow crap oh man i am so sorry dude that's how you know it's gonna be a good day received a notification from my irobot app roomba requires your attention roomba is stuck near a cliff [Laughter] wood chopping board wipe clean only wipe up spills immediately to avoid staining do not soak do not use as a chopping board now wait just a goddamn minute identify part a superior vena cava the correct answer was superior vena cava identify part d right atrium no no no the correct answer was right atrium identify part e ah the tricuspid valve no you see the correct answer was the tricuspid valve all right 7 times 14 is 98 write down the answer for seven to oh you got it wrong because you used your calculator it said not to use your calculator a bug crawled inside my computer screen somehow and died well uh i i have no words of encouragement for you there man that just sucks someone in this household thinks they're a funny comedian oh i'm laughing i'm laughing real hard i'm gonna laugh as i'm putting that knife in your neck yes if you ever feel useless just go back and look at this image oh also remember that they still sell skype gift cards well that's a bit of a jip ain't it oh well at least you've got something new to store your hot dogs in our car was blocked in by the mcdonald's delivery truck we've been here for 30 minutes honestly if you just talk to the manager i'm willing to bet they'd give you coupons for free food or something like that my tire popped 10 miles out so i had to bike on this the rest of the way oh that is rough as hell this banana case doesn't actually fit a normal banana well i guess that's what you get for buying a banana case huh yeah that definitely looks like a trash can looks like your average totally normal run-of-the-mill trash can quick psa out there for you folks who think that you can put your trash wherever the [ __ ] you want you can't that's not how this works whole when your autocorrect changes the word for the third time that's me every time i pick up my phone every time no without failure i'm not kidding there's something a little off about that a but i can't quite put my finger on it why are they all individually wrapped what kind of egregious bull packaging is this god dang just when you think we take one step forward with how we do stuff somebody out there has to go and take 30 steps back made some mk fan art hope you like it we don't just like it my friend we love it what were you expecting an among us joke come on you know me better than that oh thank god we've come to the end i could feel my blood pressure starting to get a little dangerously high always remember ladies and gents if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like right down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 613,567
Rating: 4.9476156 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: 0c9rCOpRt9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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