r/Choosingbeggars BUY MY KIDS PRESENTS! NOW!

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars we're the worst people deserve the best things my mother-in-law is a pip firstly she invited me and my mom to get our hair and nails done and she said she would pay but when we got there she ordered the cheapest nail option my mom was pissed and said she would have rather just not even gone because now she looks cheap and it really embarrassed me then my mother-in-law asked us if we wanted to come back to her house to watch movie slash have a girls night and we felt like we had no other option but to say yes so we wouldn't be rude when we got there her daughter my sister-in-law called and asked if she could watch her toddler daughter in an emergency situation apparently her husband's brother was in the emergency room even though my mother-in-law had his over as guest she agreed to watch her anyway wish my mom thought was extremely rude and I was once again embarrassed as hell my husband loves his mom so I don't know how to tell him I want her to stay away from now on what should I do this post has 11 up votes in 1141 votes so you can guess as to how many down votes this lady gots then this lady got absolutely roasted in the comments you tell him all about it how unhappy you are so he can see just how ungrateful you are y'all got all happy she was paying but even free stuff isn't good enough for you so what if she kicked the cheapest nail option you could have paid for yourself but y'all wouldn't do that cuz that isn't free right your mother raised you so I'm not surprised y'all are both ungrateful Luda replies she got the cheapest nails because she wanted them to figure personality another user says you and your mom sound like ungrateful gold-digging brats you could have paid for your own nails she made a gesture to spend time with you both and pay for it why didn't you offer to pay for the upgrade for your own nails etc or invite her to get a mani pedi what would your mom have done if it was you in a car crash while spending time with friends and family would she get up and leave or tell you Sarah call me when you're done at the hospital are when you wake up from a coma in all honesty it seems like your mom is ruffling your feathers out of jealousy to sow some discord with your mother-in-law when that poor lady is trying to do nice things and spend time with you if you're going to be a douche dumper son they both deserve someone better choosing Becker is looking for recommendations hi y'all as you know me and David are getting married soon I will be mrs. David Blanc can you believe it I can't Lowell I deserve it we are blessed that David's godmother has invited us to have her wedding at her estate in Maine I'll share some photos later but it's gorgeous and it's a historical landmark which means my wedding is going to be historic hello because we're having an out-of-state wedding which means we will be traveling and staying in hotels and also because of our honeymoon in Dubai one month I'm asking for y'all's help with some of the wedding stuff if anyone has experience as a professional photographer not a hobby but getting paid as a job please contact me or David we need you this could be considered your gift to us we would need you to pay for travel to Maine and everything but I think once you saw where the wedding is you'd be begging us for the opportunity if anyone knows a good caterer in Maine or willing to travel to Maine who will work for exposure I'm going to be starting and Instagram soon any dress designers out there I want that one-of-a-kind dress you need to be professional and talented I want to feel like a princess I will post your info on all the pictures on here and on my Instagram we also need all the usual stuff flowers seating music orchestra no deejay this will be classy I can already tell you our event will get pressed because of this historic location please send me a message if you can help see y'all in June so basically this woman found a sucker who will cover the venue now she's just looking to her friends to cover the rest of the wedding hey is the car still available yes how much you want for it $15,000 can I have it for 14,500 yeah that's a good deal where do you want to meet oh wait can I have it for $10,000 and can you bring it to me I don't have a car yet 10,000 is too low sorry please it's for my brother he's very sick and I want to surprise him he's dying please why is it why surprise him he's going to die because if he can get a car he will live I'm sorry it's too low I'm sorry about your brother but goodbye I report you jerk blocked he'll live if he has a car these using beggars are getting dumber and dumber hi any chance you can lower your price on the dolce gabbana bag it's for my daughter for Christmas ex ex hello I can do 600 pounds if you're able to collect it yourself can we say 150 please and then the rest in the New Year bit short on cash and it's a present from my daughter for Christmas she's 14 and obsessed with designer stuff please and thank you I'm sorry but no 600 pounds really is the lowest I can do and I'll need payment in full good luck Effy grunt what am I meant to say to my daughter I guess it's true what they say about you greedy Jewish grunts you privileged lot have absolutely no shame disgusting PS why not sell it for less you don't even celebrate Christmas I read a lot of insults for this YouTube channel and I'm gonna be honest this one made me a little bit uncomfortable just to read harassing people who owe you money is so broke if you needed it right back you shouldn't have lended it out just gotta take you ill and move along imagine someone that owes you money calling you broke and the comments have tons of similar examples nine lives for me says I had a now ex friend borrow a hundred bucks for my wallet without asking and then get mad at me when I confronted him about it he called me a loser for getting mad over such a small amount of money surprise he never paid it back sorry oppa gopis ads I used to have a housemaid who routinely forced us to cover her rent because she blew all her money on booze and shopping sprees one day about a month after I'd covered another $300 of her rent I caught her talking about how she was taking her boyfriend to a city three hours away to some concert and she was renting some Airbnb so I confronted her and was like how about you pay back your portion of the rent I covered for you first she freaked out at me and that was the end of the friendship pika sucio ads my uncle had a customer who tried to pull some stuff like this my uncle asked for half up front for supplies and labor costs he finishes the job then the customer says he doesn't have the rest of the money until next week my uncle says okay then goes back in a week and the guy says stop being pushy about $2,000 my uncle says okay comes back with his tools and takes the material and equipment he installed back the customer calls the cops the uncle explains to the police shows them a signed contract and they stay in there while he takes all his stuff back the customer is flipping out and says he has the money uncle says too late and leaves now the butthole is $2,000 in the hole with no equipment that was satisfying to read this happened last night and it was one of the most satisfying encounters I've ever had with someone with a downright comical sense of entitlement I took a flight from San Francisco to Boston that was in the afternoon after a full day of work I have a 200 dollar airline credit to use on just this one flight before I lose it at the end of the year so I was debating between trying to drink through $200 of free booze over the six-hour flight versus upgrading my seat to the front row in the end I decided to go with the seat upgrade and I picked the window seat in the absolute front row of the plane with a shameful amount of legroom and an empty middle seat I never get upgrades so this felt like quite the luxury to me turns out the rest of the plane was completely full so I was feeling pretty good about this decision however I still had some work to do on my laptop and with disappointed that because there were no seats in front I couldn't keep my backpack in front of me and realize I had to go fight the mob of people still boarding for some overhead bin space before they all filled up there was a very nice businessman sitting in the aisle seat in my row who stood up to help me this is relevant later the overhead bins filled very quickly at which point the flight attendant at the plane door started announcing overhead bins are almost full put your bags in the first one you see to all the people still boarding the plane now here comes the last man to board the plane he's probably about 6 foot 3 and he runs in and kind of shoots the breeze with one of the flight attendants for a few minutes and I'm not paying too much attention besides hoping he's not going to take the middle seat and the fact that he's talking very loudly and he seems to be a bit drunk for the rest of this story I'll call this man Dirk because I don't know what the male version of a Karen is nobody is in any rush to start getting ready for takeoff and we soon know why the pilot gets on the loudspeaker and says because of the weather in Boston we need to wait here before we can take off now Dirk has stopped talking to the flight attendant and starts to walk down the aisle sees our empty middle seat and announces cool I'll take this first seat because it's empty throws his backpack down in the space in front of us and slams himself into the middle seat now of course I wouldn't have minded if someone had purchased the middle seat but now I'm grumbling a bit internally thinking about how I spent my airline credit on this upgrade instead of booze while this guy is going to get the nice seat for free and nobody immediately came up to him and asked him to move his backpack so I'm also frustrated that I had to put mine away and now his bag is in front of my feet and finally Turk is being extremely loud and vocal for example when the pilot came on the loudspeaker again and said that we would be waiting 45 minutes before takeoff Dirk yelled out man this is zombie ass stuff like that over and over so at this point I haven't said anything to him but I'm just sitting there grumpily it's been about five minutes already not too long but I'm starting to think they're just going to let this fly then comes one of the flight attendants and walks up to this guy and says sir can I please see your boarding pass the man laughs a bit and says he just showed it at the gate and the fly it repeats that he would like to see it so the man starts rummaging through his backpack and hands he attended some crumpled up paper and then goes back to his phone the flight attendant UNCHR um pulls in and now starts to look annoyed and goes sir you just handed me a receipt try again the man starts belly laughing like oh my bad and then pulls his boarding pass from his pocket of course he's in 32b and the flight attendant asked him to go to his assigned seat now they start to fight with Dirk saying but the guy said to take the first available seed nobody is sitting here anyway and the attendant repeating that he didn't know how he heard that but people need to pay to upgrade to these seats and he needs to go to his assigned seat now things started to get heated and Dirk is full-on screaming now saying why did he say to take the first available seed then why was he lying the attendant is yelling back this isn't Southwest and the rest of the plane is silent and watching now at this point I'm guessing Dirk misinterpreted the guy at the door saying to throw your bags and the first available overhead bin but I didn't want to get involved and had this potentially drunk man next to me direct his anger at me at this point there are three flight attendants in the aisle arguing with Dirk who is still screaming repeating the same thing about being lied to over and over they're saying he needs to move or get kicked off the plane and Dirk is replying that of course he would rather make it home to Boston tonight than get kicked off but he needs an explanation first as to why they lied to him incomes a boss of a lady who wasn't taking any of Dirk's flack to join the argument she interrupts Dirk and says look you have two options take your assigned seat or get off the plane I don't care what you think you heard I don't know why we're still having this conversation then when Dirk would open his mouth to continue arguing this lady would hold up her hand and yell uh-uh like a mother silencing their toddler having a tantrum and I'm sitting there six inches away from the action watching this all go down with delight Dirk sits there in silence for a few moments mouth open looking at this lady and stays sitting in the seat and looks back at his phone and starts mumbling again in a low voice about being lied to at this point the three flight attendants walk away and Dirk seems to think that here that he's won but lo and behold one minute later security comes on the plane now seeing this Dirk stands straight up and says okay I'll go take my seed and starts to walk down the aisle but they stop him and remove him from the plane and we didn't see him again and me and the nice man sitting in the aisle seat ended up getting free drinks for the rest of the flight for our troubles Opie you didn't spend 200 bucks to upgrade your seat you spent 200 bucks for front-row seats to the show of a lifetime searching for a photographer for my wedding here my requirements must be willing to do the job for free must have at least eight years of experience must be at the wedding all the time no brakes bring your own food and drinks as everyone knows photographers need at least nine years of experience before they can actually start charging for their time well this fine choosing beggar example has just blown up with our friends over the weekend my husband's former best friend married several years ago and it's safe to say their relationship is very toxic she is very selfish and manipulative so although we are still good friends he has no close friends anymore and can't go anywhere or see anyone without her anyway ever since we've known her she's been telling everyone about her parents a lovely home in a very pricey part of town overlooking the river she grew up there with her brother and moved out of 22 she's in her 30s now but is always there visiting her parents with her kids the parents aren't very well though with have health problems and her in their 60s and 70s a few months ago we had dinner at their place and they showed us some blueprints for a renovation they were planning on her parents house I thought it was odd but assumed they were helping her parents out as they wouldn't have a clue how to plan of renovation fast forward to this weekend and our friend turns up to our place saying they've had a massive fight because her parents had announced that they were selling the house and moving to a property in the country to focus on their health they offered each of their children a thirty thousand dollar cash gift from the sale of the house this was at a family dinner and instead of being grateful for the gift it turned into a shouting match with choosing beggars storming out apparently choosing beggar was absolutely furious because she had spent thirty five thousand dollars on architect plans for their renovations which sounds fair if the parents had asked for their help however it turns out neither her parents or brother had any idea about the renovation plans this was her own plan based on her assumption that when her parents died apparently she thought that wasn't far off she would be the sole heir of their house she obviously didn't think her brother would be entitled to anything in addition to this she already enrolled their kids into a prestigious school close by the parents house and paid almost $5,000 in advanced fees they start school in two years which isn't refundable she's now threatening to try and sue her parents to stop the sale of the house which she claims should be a family decision not a selfish one whoa our friend had no idea about any of this he was under the impression the parents had asked for her help and has now found out she had used some of their savings to pay the architect her argument is she thought they'd get it all back anyway when the house comes to them she put a massive rant on social media which was taken down shortly after when she realized the comments weren't going her way man I wish I had a screenshot here's hoping this is the end of this toxic relationship and we get our friend back nothing warms my heart more than hearing a story about an entitled person losing $40,000 because she's a flippin [ __ ] that was our sloshed choosing beggars and if you liked this video don't forget to hit that subscribe button because I put out new content every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,119,547
Rating: 4.9295697 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: IQBMjrlEaDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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