r/Choosingbeggars "Your Baby Died? THEN GIVE ME YOUR LEFTOVER BABY STUFF!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where a woman tries to steal from a dead baby on this next post op is a mother who lost her newborn baby i didn't want to put this out there but i have no choice a choosing beggar bought me some beautiful gifts for baby benjamin when he was born a soft fleece blanket cuddly elephant booties some clothes and a singing toy i didn't ask for these things they were gifts well as you all know i lost benjamin at 29 weeks i gave birth to him but he didn't survive a week later the choosing beggar messaged me asking if benjamin had used or touched a thing she bought because if not she wanted them back i had wrapped him in the beautiful blanket that she got him and he was buried with it too she wasn't happy about this and asked for the seven bucks that she'd spent on it back as well as the other gifts that could have gone to one of her other friend's babies and then op includes screenshots of their conversation hey hun i was wondering if you used the bits and bobs that i got for the baby if not i can give them to laura's little one hope you're okay in resting up hun huh let me know hun before i buy more stuff save a bit of money for before christmas you know how it is lol hey choosing beggar i'm not doing okay i'm heartbroken i can't believe you're asking me this right now but yeah i still have the things except for the blanket he'll be buried with it because it's warm and i thought it was stunning i mean i hope that's okay with you oh hun sorry i know it's a tough time i'm sorry i just needed to know before i spend anymore is there a chance you have another blanky form babe like you said it's nice and warm and laura's baby can use that if you get me heartbreaking isn't it let me know if you need anything at all i'm here all the time i've been having a tough time myself lately so i'm here online and on my phone all the time if you need to chat let me know about the blanket quickly hugs to you all babe babe can you let me know i know you're busy but so am i and i need to know before i spend more money on laura's baby and the kids for christmas see ya and then she sends op this gift of this guy saying well we're waiting lmao wrong picture i'm sorry hun what if i popped around tomorrow i can pick it up then good night babe no don't come here please the blanket is with benjamin you can have the rest i'll drop them off at your place don't even think of coming here my husband is fuming with these messages you're sending me a week after i lose my baby the toys are all packed in a bag i'll leave them at your place the blanket is with benjamin he is making use of it thank you very much excuse me i've been patient with you i needed to know because i need to save money i don't see why you had to use the blanket that's seven bucks that you owe me technically it was ten dollars but i'll let the other three go seeing as though you've been unwell and had bad news i'm at home all day tomorrow so yes bring them to me as well as the seven dollars please i'm lying in bed thinking of your replies and how rude you've been i didn't have to give you and your baby anything grrrr i thought you'd understand with money and christmas coming up i'm devastated for you and to be honest i'm devastated that you're taking it out on me i'll see you tomorrow and we can catch up with a cup of tea and make amends i can't leave our friendship like this babe no hard feelings i'll be in from 10 a.m onward i gotta go to the post office after dropping the kids off then you can come with the bits and bobs in the 10 bucks are you coming then i've waited in for you and you haven't come and i need my things and money thief i've made a lot of reddit videos and i've read a lot of posts but this lady is one of the worst of the worst she harassed a grieving mother over stuff that amounts to basically pocket change opie lost her infant baby and this lady is yelling at op over like ten dollars i literally cannot even imagine the level of entitlement that would require i know people use the phrase i can't imagine pretty commonly but literally i cannot imagine what would have to happen in my life to come to the point where i would be actually yelling at a grieving mother over ten dollars hello hello i'm not bothering you am i nope not at all everyone thinks i am i really hate my life and amino now i tried to be nice tried to be friendly but i was wrong about that now does anyone want to be my friend no because i'm the unluckiest annoying dumbest and stupidest person who doesn't know anything i don't have friends i don't have anything just a stupid person who makes things worse for myself nobody likes to redraw things before they want to draw for themselves and not for everyone nobody likes role-playing because it's boring and nothing else they just want to do themselves for nothing ugh i'm so effing pissed and i'm about to cry right now because everyone is really pissing me off right now i'm so done with my life and i don't even want to do this anymore if everyone wants to do their own thing and and then the message is so long that i got cut off so op replies wow you type fast do you need some advice how can i help i just want someone to draw for me i can do that what do you need me to draw so you're asking me to make you daily comic sketches or to complete the comic that your friend made i don't know if i say yes for the daily comic you'll say no and oh i don't know i can't make you a daily comic strip but i can recommend the webtoon app if you're into comics i'm sure you can find plenty of different series that you'd be interested in i should have known i guess i was right all along one person said to me no wonder nobody wants to do comic requests for you i know it's rude but it's true i get that you're going through a tough time right now but i don't have the time to commit to something like that i have to do school and drama club and i don't think i'll have the energy to draw a daily comic for you even if it's just a sketch like i said if you want to make a drawing request i'm always open i can't do a daily comic or a daily drawing for you but i can do a single request for you to ease some of the pain can you please stop i don't need a therapist or any of that stuff people just don't understand me this is why i hate dumb people who make things worse and this is where the conversation ends i feel bad for you losing your friend i really truly do but i don't want to help someone who's okay with calling me names when i'm just trying to help is this guy really using his dead friend to try to get free artwork that's almost as bad as the lady trying to get the blanket back from the dead baby's mom make me a sick logo if you pay me then sure lmao lol gotcha i see where we stand you do understand that by giving you credits on my twitch page would probably net you more business since i'm rapidly growing my twitch page lol do you know how many people i've given free edits to because it'll help me grow in the long run making friends and putting my name on that edit it's cool though i won't expose your artwork to a few hundred more people low oh shoot that sucks guess i'll just have to post to my 5 000 followers on tick tock and get paid another 400 bucks within a week oh man this totally sucks i should have totally drawn you something for free even though i can spend my time and make money somewhere else darn it silly me you know that swirly galaxy background in the back of my videos i paid for that it's really simple if an influencer is big enough for their exposure to matter then they're also big enough to pay you when the cast of star trek the next generation decided to lobby for a salary increase will wheaton's first offer from the producers was to instead have his characters rank raised to lieutenant his response was so what should i tell my landlord when i can't pay my rent don't worry i just made lieutenant this story is so weird to me wasn't star trek the next generation like wildly popular couldn't they afford to pay their actors on this next post opie gave a fellow reddit user the reddit silver award and then he got sent this message couldn't you have just given me gold what you gave me silver why not just give me gold or more because it's just expensive why would i give gold to you especially when you're this aggressive wtf if you use selfish b-word i hope you die in a fire the funny thing is op if you had given them gold i bet they would have messaged you complaining that you didn't give them platinum the heart is realization which is a recent one is that friends don't really know what it takes to support a single mother here are three cheap and consistent ways one offer to babysit the child for a weekend every few months two help with monthly expenses three ask her how you can help exactly nowadays frenches want to call themselves friends for no reason it's like with my car none of my friends have ever offered to take on the monthly insurance or gas costs they don't use the car but that's beside the point they should understand that it's hard our next reddit post is from music mascot i live in new york city and hopped on the l train two nights ago a young kid maybe 14 years old walks over to me immediately holding a newspaper and tells me i'm collecting money to buy jerseys for my basketball team i give him a buck and look back at my phone the kid goes five dollars minimum i thought i misheard him so i took out my headphones and he again goes five dollars minimum so i explained to him that this is a donation he's not offering me anything and he should just take the dollar he says you have mad cash in your wallet you're just cheap i told him he's being ridiculous and he should be happy that he got anything the little kid goes you're being disrespectful and then pulls out mace and says turn out your pockets i laughed at him and he got more pissed he kept telling me that he was gonna mace me at the next stop some random guy across the train called him over and handed him money and the kid jumped off at the next stop i've lived in brooklyn and new york my entire life and i've seen some crazy stuff i have never in my life seen this level of entitlement this sub is the first thing i thought of and i just wanted to share down in the comments there's a lot of stories about shakedowns and scams including this one from dame de boeuf we had a guy who used to hang out at the local bus terminal and asked people if he could use their phone to call his sister so she could come get him if anyone was dumb enough to let him he'd just take the phone and run he got like 30 phones before he ended up getting shot in the back by one of his intended victims he still sits in the bus terminal pretty much every day but now he's in a wheelchair i've seen it with my own eyes women are very shallow i'm short ugly and broke so i don't date but my good looking friends get the hottest women and the most women gee i wonder why and then someone replies how many short ugly broke women have you asked out why would i do that the comments of this thread are filled with stories of people who know guys just like this choosing beggar like this one from dance of the plants i have a friend like this he's 30 pushing 300 pounds and is passionately hugged twice in his life he has an ugly orange dwarf and beard that's over a foot long and has unkempt hair and ready clothes you'd find on a punk rock kid in the early 2000s he only tries to talk to skinny well-dressed young women like early 20s model pretty he is at best a four he complains that only fat black chicks match him on the dating sites he refuses to even try going out on a date with a black girl which you like who you like but he could still give a girl a chance after 10 years of no luck at least try it out he won't date someone with a kid i once pointed out a girl who was close to his size and he said meh she's just not sexy sorry she doesn't do anything for me can't do it dude he doesn't understand social cues dislikes change or the thought of changing his style because that would change who he is he doesn't know how to just deal with compromises and always has to be right about everything even if you said the exact same thing he has to reword it and say it last like he's telling you how it really is the dude is a lost cause hi everyone i have a horrible news my mom well she hurt herself pretty bad and her last wish in her favorite switch game pokemon sword was to get a shiny male medal and a reggie giggis the doctor said that today is her last day to live so please make her wish come true so i can tell her that she is the number one shiny hunter she has all the shinies except for those two then someone replies oh please and then someone else replies delete this you are too young for what's probably gonna happen in these comments our next post comes from a news article the show strictly come dancing dropped us after we asked to be paid to save musicians the band says they were offered a free lunch and screen time for appearing on bbc's spin-off it takes two a group of professional musicians have said they were dropped by the show strictly come dancing after they asked to be paid for performing on the program spin-off show ameritera a band who performs traditional southern italian music said they were excited when they were approached by producers who were enthusiastic about them appearing on the bbc companion program it takes two however when they asked them for a fee to compensate them for a day's work the bbc producers told them we just don't have money in the budget to pay for contributors instead they were offered a free lunch and it was suggested that they would receive a decent amount of screen time as well as a mention of your group name which would help boost the band's following on instagram and facebook you know the crazy thing about this story is that the bbc is huge so in some ways actually getting exposure on the bbc would count for something however that kind of begs the question if the bbc is huge then why can't they afford to pay them down in the comments of this thread someone said the show's host earns 575 000 pounds a year for presenting the show so clearly they can't afford to pay this band they just don't want to that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content then check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 411,320
Rating: 4.9534521 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: icVMqGN6GsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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