r/Choosingbeggars You're Rich So I Deserve All Your Money!

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars we're a guide demands $8,000 from ope just because Opie has a higher salary review one-star rudest employee ever was in the area and went to challengers just to look if there were any new comic titles that I may have missed a download digital versions of this sloppy fat tattooed guy with a messy beard that looked like a bird's nest walks up to me and asked if I'm looking for something specific I told him no I'm just looking to see if there are any new titles out that I may have missed putting on my list of comic titles to download off the internet then the dude goes off on me telling me I shouldn't download pirate comics and that I should buy them support the industry blahblahblah sorry with comic books going for five dollars a book these days I'm not going to spend money on something I can get off the web for free if this dude didn't like that I wasn't buying anything he should have kept his mouth shut you don't go off on people like that talk about being totally unprofessional with an employee like that this comic book shop deserves to go belly up with the rest of the comic book shops dropping like flies worst complaint ever in this next post Opie and a bunch of other guys are going on a bachelor party and he gets his text message from one of the guys who he barely knows hi you make way more than all of us is it okay if you pitch in a lot more hey blink I'm already paying for the hotel that I said you guys didn't have to pay for I'm not sure what more I can pitch in well you make seven figures some of us can barely afford to go on this trip it would be appreciated if you would buy my plane ticket and maybe some others you don't have to go if you can't afford it if you want to pitch in on the eight thousand dollars I spent on hotels you're more than welcome to do so stop being a little wussy Lowell I just bought a car so money's tight it's only an extra four hundred or a thousand if you want to get first-class you're right I should get you the first ticket I'm sorry man I don't know what I was thinking glad you came to your senses send it to my email when you get it blank at gmail.com sent this is only a $75 gift card to Delta you effing stingy grunt I always knew you were greedy I know you can afford to buy my ticket you know what I think I decided to buy tickets for everyone else besides you feel free to take credit for it stingy jerk no wonder you're the only one without a girlfriend why don't you go get a real hard-working job like the rest of us mate I got us the villa as a gift for the groom for his party I only even know where you're getting this entitlement from also you work in car sales I kill it in car sales and make commission off idiots like you right so if you're making a lot I'm sure you can afford a plane ticket especially with that card I sent you the gift card didn't even work you lying scum you can't even spare me a plane ticket you're the greediest person I've ever met it's not even that much for you to give me a ticket it's only $1,000 if I had more money I'd buy it for you to tell you what buy your own ticket and I'll buy your drinks while we're down there it seems like you need a drink or five you're old enough to drink right the last person I met that was this entitled was 14 years old you look a little too old to be in high school and then since Opie posted this conversation over the course of several days he adds you posted our conversation on Reddit haha how much of a joke nerd are you you need to buy my ticket now forgiving you popularity effing nerd sorry man I forgot to ask for permission but apparently since you're under 18 I made sure to ask your parents for you funny guy you won't be laughing so hard when I post your personal information on there yeah have a good one man did this idiot just tell someone making a million dollars a year to go get a job what hey blink I have a favor to ask you for bling spy next month can I borrow the black dress you wore to the women in business have been last week for one of our nights out in Vegas hey I'd love to be able to help you out but I'm planning on wearing that while we're out there can't wait for the trip come on don't be stingy I really need it I don't have anything to wear I'm sorry it's one of my favorites so I don't like loaning it out and I plan on wearing it out there shaking my head so rude well do you have anything else for me to wear excuse me you heard me don't you have anything else I can borrow for the trip my suitcase is a little light and I don't want to pay for an extra bag don't you already have stuff to wear you know money as tight as a single mom plus I love your clothes come on it throws something nice in for me I'd love to help you out but last time I linked you something I had to ask for it for months and then pay for you to ship it to me and it was all stretched out what the f are you saying I'm fat I'm just saying we may not be the same size any longer I love your look but don't you want something that fits you we can't all afford a peloton and membership to drop the baby weight I know you and your husband both work hook me up didn't you just get a new Lexus that's a lease you know money is tight don't be an effing grunt hey are the 40 game miniatures you listed on our / mini swap still available hello yes they're all still available do you have any specific one in mind or are you looking at the whole set whole set please fantastic also just want to check that you're based in the UK for postage reasons yes I'll take the whole set for 15 pounds I appreciate the offer but I was hoping to go up to about 25 pounds as a minimum considering the set they came from is 90 pounds in total and I hope my painting skills at a little bit of value I'm not here to haggle 15 pounds is my best offer I respectfully decline apologies but I'm just looking for a little higher in terms of payment therefore my son that doesn't change my evaluation I can point you toward some cheap sets for him to enjoy he one juror said he likes how they're painted well thank you it took me a little while to paint all of them and if he isn't into painting than himself then any offer around 25 pounds will net him a fully painted little armory that it sounds like he'd really enjoy I feel as though I'm offering a good deal here your models are painted badly and you should feel terrible about yourself spoiled piece of garbage this conversation is done thanks for your time don't be so effing rude dopey grunt I'll have you out mate seriously your models look like Effie garbage don't list of if you ain't gonna a ping sell it Fu Fu stop everything ignoring me you effing bundle of sticks absolute bellend you effing wanker don't you just love how he says don't be rude and then immediately goes on a cursing rampage giving away new wedding dress for free okay I'm going to try this one last time if no takers then I'll donate to charity this is similar to Cinderella if you're a bride who can't afford a new dress come try it on if it fits it's yours simple as that it even comes in a wedding dress storage bag I purchased it from my daughter who ended up choosing another dress it's beautiful stylish comfortable and flattering full disclosure yes it's new never worn yes it's free no I will not meet or deliver four it needs to be cleaned before wearing and no I will not have it cleaned or pay for cleaning tag a size eight but it fits like a two or a four with full zipper back no I don't have more photos no I will not hand it over to a third party so that it can be sold elsewhere original tag price was $1,600 I bought it on sale for $800 I'm trying to do a good deed here but you would not believe some of the questions and requests I'm presented with trust me lady fans of this channel have a pretty good idea what kind of questions you've been getting hi are you available to work overnight tonight Monday did someone call out or can I work a split shift three to seven no 11:00 to 7:00 I can't work the full shift I'm sorry great thank you I'll put you down what I can't work why do I have a sneaking suspicion that the very next text message from this manager is gonna be where are you you're scheduled to work and you're a no called no-show I should fire you for this babysitter needed a hundred dollars looking for a babysitter to come to my two-bedroom condo from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. location just off the DBP on Eglinton two girls 6 and 2 both well-behaved and polite must provide food vegan organic food only must be smoke-free must submit criminal background check will pay $5 upon clean record don't ask me to pay for the check women only must work weekends with no notice price listed is weekly after six months if we're still conducting business wages will go up to one hundred and fifty dollars a week no you cannot sleep at my condo no you cannot have friends over no you cannot study or watch YouTube or be on your phone while on duty so if you're curious on the math on this this comes out to a dollar sixty six cents per hour minus the cost of feeding to kids so you'd be lucky to break even hey bro is it cool if I still borrow the whip tonight bye whip he means a car yeah man just bring it back by 10:00 what time you swinging through 6:00 I'd homey see you then I'm going to give you the whip back tomorrow morning instead nah dude I need my car tonight why do you need it overnight you have your own car Emily wants to get drinks in the Southside tonight after our date and I'm not going to get laid if she knows what kind of car I'm pushing I doubt she'll care what car you drive be more worried about how your crib looks lmao plus I don't want my whip parked on East Carson too many drunks and don't want to worry about it getting hit or sideswiped dude don't be an effing butthole you know I've been trying to hit that since college are you really going to do this to me do what to you I just bought the charger and I'm not gonna take any chances of you driving it drunk or it getting vandalized or hidden South Side you know I've been grinding to get it for the past few years it's an effing car bro do you not value our friendship over a stupid whip weird cuz I was gonna ask you the same so on this next post a guy washes his ex-wife's clothes and then she posted this online so I asked my kid's dad to wash him clothes for me since he was going to have our child overnight I have to go to a laundromat but he has a set at his home he told me to send whatever I wanted so I sent a small basket of things and he picked up her child yesterday evening well he brings everything back to me early this evening and I just looked at it and he didn't even fold anything half the stuff was inside out I didn't bother to say thank you because really now I have to still fold them before putting them up so what good did it really do it's like he didn't even try yet I'm the wrong one for complaining he did this several months ago when our child got scabies I sent like two or three bags of stuff including mine but he seriously just brought it all back in the bags and brought it back not folded he claims he didn't have time he clearly just didn't want to put the effort in he complains I didn't say thank you for either time but why he didn't put in enough effort and now our child has wrinkled clothes so why should I say thank you so I think I have an idea of why this guy broke up with his ex-wife and here are some replies to the ex-wife this is so dumb would you rather your kid have wrinkled clothes or dirty clothes be grateful and STFU oh wow you're complaining about non folded clothes be grateful there leme he could have told you to get your butt to a laundromat maybe if you would have said thank you he'd have folded them the next time maybe not you should still be grateful Lowell really your ex does your laundry and you complain no wonder it's your ex I would have washed the child's clothing and left yours in the bag you should be thankful for him doing them he used his electric water plus the soap to wash them in he washed them right if you asked him to and he did you should be thankful seriously you're complaining why didn't you turn the clothes right-side out or better yet teach your child to do so yes you should thank them sheesh you have a lot of standards for someone who had a favor done for them I'm glad everyone else here has common sense if I handed my dirty clothes to my ex she'd probably light them on fire regarding Gardens hey Laura I saw your post in the blank Facebook group I don't use Facebook myself so thanks for including your email you're a little bit early yet but come April we'll have seedlings of everything you've asked for in the community garden at the end of bling Street you'd be welcome to come and take what you won we'll have loads and loads of spares I've checked on Google Maps and that's 0.8 miles away would you be able to bring them to me on blank crescents if you come out at the end of blank opposite the shop the community garden is literally opposite I don't have a car though how will I get them home we could give you a bag no need to be cheeky at me though haha sorry but seriously it's like a five minute walk surely you can manage a few plants don't tell me what I can manage do not f e-- Epping cheeky grunts well that escalated quickly we'll be posting on Facebook and the board outside the church when they're available come along and grab some if you like or don't ah I've seen you driving down in your car effing big man effing grunt ah grunt I've never seen someone get so angry at the suggestion of a bag hi do you still have the Latin textbooks from your first year yeah I never sold them in the end do you think you'd give them to blank she needs them for school sure thing free yep okay when can you come and drop them off I'm not back in blank until Easter but if you can pay for shipping I can post them you said they were free well yeah the textbooks themselves I'm only asking you to cover the shipping it won't be more than a few pounds anyways so it's still a good deal no I won't cover it you said free if you want to come up here and get them I'll give them to you for free I just don't see the point in making a loss on textbooks I could get 30 to 40 pounds on will you pay for my train tickets never mind I'm not arguing with you Blake needs them by Wednesday please drop them off before then I already said I'm not back in blank until Easter I'm not going to come down just to drop off some textbooks for you sorry a few I'm not expecting much blink just that you helped me out because that's what family is supposed to do if you can't do this for me then I suppose I can't do anything for you either you really are despicable I'm so ashamed of you Wow okay I'm not asking much from you either but here we are a few I hope you feel Latin ha ha I've already passed lmao but whatever I'll swing by an Easter with the books of bling still needs them no you won't you're not welcome here anymore alright then I hope linked as well with Latin SIA so after listening to this conversation you're probably thinking that this woman is like some distant acquaintance nope she's opiez aunt if my aunt talked to me like this then I'd be having a conversation with my parents that was ours last using beggars and if you liked this video then please let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: _SLtd6B2ELI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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