r/Niceguys VS r/Nicegirls WHY WON'T YOU DATE ME???

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welcome to our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls where you get to decide which group is crazier first up is our slash nice guys I am no longer a feminist Ally I do everything for feminists and they appreciate nothing I'm patient I'm kind I'm understanding I am accommodating and I do not practice toxic masculinity yet when a feminist is single I do get turned down and they go date a toxic male what the eff is the point of me being a feminist ally if they treat me like I don't have big matter there is nothing in it for me you are going to lose all if you keep being hypocrites yeah I agree what's the point of supporting women's rights if they're not gonna be your sex slave afterwards I mean that's just rude happy birthday baby I'm no baby I'm 19 lo it's just the way I talk sweetheart I'm sorry oh boy haha Wow I wish you happy birthday and this is what you say fu you dumb stupid jerk grow the F up ha ha ha add me back please please please come on really I'm a nice guy okay you wouldn't want to test my patience even my inner demons get the chills when that happens nothing says I'm a nice guy quite like physically threatening someone man rapes woman exploiting her sexual resources as she hopes it stops woman friend zones man exploiting his emotional resources as he hopes for more both are equally harmful both should be equally punished dude are you actually saying that a woman friends owning a man is as harmful as real legitimate rape that's five out of five yikes from me dude I'm such a nice guy to her and I always put up with their moods didn't let her cry to me and stuff and I'm so in the friend zone she openly talks about effing other guys that is what's called being a friend if you were such a nice guy you wouldn't be complaining about her treating you like a friend if you only put up with her in hopes that maybe one day she'll bang you you're not a nice guy and you don't deserve to have her the only reason you don't deserve to be in the friend zone is because you're not a friend at all you're a selfish prick who puts your dog before her feelings this might be the most perfect example of our slash nice guys I've ever seen in my life this guy just got 'told and I'd like to think he actually listened but I doubt it and in this next post the girl in this conversation is an ironworker this is apparently a conversation she had with a co-worker what if we got together I could add a group at noon what are you getting into today maybe that nice rear of yours kidding I'm not sure well yeah not sure my boyfriend would be into that boyfriend it's not like we're having intercourse your butt would be very exciting and underwear just kidding again well there's many other things we could do besides me like a gentleman maybe a back rub that hits the glutes I bet you're sore I'll stop forgive my silliness okay but pilot back about to move into my new apartment November cold days coming up it's really awesome to be able to talk to you and have fun just between us totally unrelated to work I would never say anything bad about you thank you well I hope you wouldn't either I wouldn't what's this all about I was texting about your band but just hoping it all stays between us I'm definitely a rude [ __ ] no matter what I would never tell another ironworker what happened between us and then about two weeks later he says dang I thought we could just hang I bet it feels good for a mentally-challenged treatment patient like yourself to drag others down you are where I never even implied I had anything to do with you sexually at all and I'm just ignoring you hoping you'll just shut the F up but instead you're just getting more and more aggressive / insane you know that right you act like I have any interest in you or your dong but I don't accept that and leave me alone my favorite thing about this pose is when the guy says I hope this stays between us because here this post is now on our Slash's YouTube channel with 1.3 million subscribers sorry but now everyone can see how much of an hour / nice guy you are so where you want to meet I don't know honestly I've had a terrible day and I'm not ready to commit to doing anything tomorrow yet so why don't we talk tomorrow and figure it out then what are you doing now Lowell are you alone in this weather we should be together we should be together to forget our stuff Lowell me too I had a hard day no I am serious this is the life after work or something hard I can't be better only with girl for you is the same believe me you give me good massage I give you nice massage I take care of you you take Kate of me care at that stuff we have just one life uh that's a lot man you're coming on a little strong here I don't care low you want to come slowly do what you want low yeah all right I will are you alone that's a weird question to ask you don't want to come to my place no I already said that okay stay like that in your house in this weather alright I will stay warm in my house instead of going out in negative 20 degrees to a stranger's house I'm not stranger I'm good guy more than you think if you come we will pass good time together we eat we play we drink we chew we jump dude I already said no twice okay okay I don't know if this belongs in our / nice guys or our / I had a stroke in this next post Opie's friend works at a local mechanic and was hit on by a customer shortly after this business review turned up on Google review one star been coming here for years and never left her review up until now haven't had a problem until the girl with the red dread started working there she never greets me even though I have only ever been nice to her the time I asked for her number she was a jerk to my face she told me to F off grunt the last time I was in when I had nicely asked her out for dinner usually I would read this business five stars however this girl she does seem to know the answer to every question I've tested her to make sure she knows what she's talking about but her attitude towards guy simply complimenting her is rude ah yes because nothing turns on ladies more than guys condescendingly testing their knowledge I'm that type that'll put a blanket on a drunk woman and not smash check it out ladies this guy is not a rapist that pretty much makes him grade a husband material so we together or not this is me swallowing my pride - double text you I think it's better we don't talk do you ever give up but I love you no you don't what did i do so wrong and why are you telling me how I feel you are a shallow egotistical jerk you lied about having a girlfriend and almost made me your side girl then when I uncovered who you really are you stalked me for months blank will you please leave me alone I didn't have a girlfriend when I was talking to you I dumped you when I met you why on earth would you think that's right because I don't cheat I am a rare guy I'm hot and I'm a one-woman man you should be happy that I only want you are you f serious please tell me you're joking no I will not apologize for being confident you should be too because you're hot and we'll make beautiful children girls don't want guys who are also good-looking because you think we're too good to be true I'm for real I dumped that girl because I finally found what I wanted Wow I have nothing else to say to you so basically what this guy is saying is I won't cheat on you babe but the second a hot girl shows up I'm out of here and now on to our / nice girls ariana is my cousin not now lebanner why are you so concerned about every friend / relative that I have that you've never met alone because you might be cheating on me lady what we aren't dating you don't know this apparently Opie isn't the only one but naina daddy down the comments has this contribution I had a very short friendship with a girl I went to high school with we started talking on Instagram and she ended up texting all of our mutual friends and told them that we were dating the funny part is she never notified me of this setup in our relationship and I only found out after one of those Mutual's asked me about it we lost contact pretty quickly because she started getting really cleaning all of a sudden and was threatening to hurt herself if I didn't give her attention 24/7 hey do you send nudes not unless you send first wTF is wrong with you you're such a pig asking for somebody's body just so you can get off from it didn't you ask me first f off I'm blocking you took the words right out of my mouth f you grunt judging by the conversation I'm not exactly sure this is a nice girl or a sucky attempt at blackmailing this guy either way this person's a loser men wouldn't be so lonely if they stopped jumping to every five-foot one woman they see short girls have no worth at all and they're basically children what's good about them wouldn't you rather have a girl who's actually nice aka me in there tinder profile this girl wrote about me will never get a boyfriend it sucks so much I don't want to live frowny face guess I'm no good ever as a girl I tries so hard I really do I speak English then Opie reaches out to her hey I'm not looking for anything right now but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there because you'll find that special someone one day I've personally given up with relationships for the time being but just for a while because I know one day I'll meet the right person and I'm sure you will too I am the right person stop being selfish huh lady I think I've just figured out why you don't have a boyfriend you are really being rude to me right now how the flip am I being rude you've been spamming me all day about how you feel about me when I've told you 17 times that I have a girlfriend already and I'll tell you as many times as I need to that she doesn't have to know it could be our little secrets no man girls like me just can't get a break I know I'm fat and ugly but why do you guys always have to judge everything from the outside that's why you don't like me right because I'm fat and ugly look you're not fat you're not ugly I don't like you because I already have a girlfriend it has nothing to do with how you look I just love her Wow so you're gonna pick that Spanish bimbo over me are you a bundle of sticks and just lying about her I'm done with this conversation I'm blocking you by you really are a bundle of sticks that explains so much whatever gay boy I didn't even like you that much man I can never understand why I like the go-to insult for most of these nice girls is well I never wanted you anyway like clearly you did because you blew up this guy's phone but why does virtually every single nice girl resort to that nice guys I've noticed tend to say you'll regret this but nice girls are always like whatever I didn't want you anyway alright for them for this next one buckle up because this is oh shoot so sorry I didn't mean to send that that's a little embarrassing my old phone didn't allow me to send videos and since I just got this one on Thursday I'm still trying to see what I can do and I don't know what I press when scrolling through my gallery but that was a total accident and now I'm really embarrassed so it's best we don't talk anymore it was nice chatting and I wish you the best of luck sorry again about the video take care I'm really embarrassed for sending that that video was from over a year ago I'm not sure what to do I am so embarrassed I tried calling you back should we still talk I called you back not sure what to do here so I guess I'll just say take care good morning after my embarrassing mistake last night I just don't feel comfortable moving forward I'm sorry I do however wish you the best of luck in what you're looking for it was wonderful to chat with you have a wonderful day I am very sorry we didn't get to meet maybe me accidentally sending you that attractive yet ridiculous video of me was meant to happen so we wouldn't meet because we wouldn't have worked out who knows either way I sincerely wish you nothing but the best and I hope you find your person I hope there's no hard feelings do you have hard feelings because it didn't work out I really hope you don't I'm really trying to be the kindest I can about it over here I accidentally sent you an attractive video of me from a year ago and I got really embarrassed yet I still am kind enough to go out of my way to at least respectfully wish you the best and let you know I don't wish to move forward rather than ghost you and leave you wondering where I went you seem like a decent enough guy to appreciate something like that and to wish me the best in return maybe I was wrong and you aren't such a nice respectful guy after all because there's no reason you shouldn't be able to issue me the same respect the fact you won't just tells me you must feel slighted and take me not wanting to move forward as you feeling rejected because I'm an attractive woman if that's the case I'm glad I know that's the real you because it seems I may have dodged a bullet and you're not such a nice guy after all just because I'm an attractive woman and don't want to move forward shouldn't make you feel so slighted you can't be kind and respectful to wish me the best in return but if you can't that says more about you than it does me and I'm sorry to see that I guess you weren't such a good guy after all I don't even know why I'm apologizing for sending you an attractive video of myself from a year ago lo so what because I'm an attractive woman you feel so slighted that I don't want to meet you won't even wish me the best back or let me know there's no hard feelings because I'm hot and you feel slighted seriously I'm not the last hot woman out there you'll find someone else you know lo whatever I tried to be nice you want to be a jerk in return just because you feel rejected by me being an attractive woman sorry I wasn't interested in you I wasn't that attracted to be honest I used me accidentally sending that video as a cop-out so I wouldn't hurt your feelings okay but since you turned out to be a slighted jerk whose ego was so bruised from being rejected by me he wouldn't even wish me the best I feel okay telling you the brutal truth I wasn't feeling it and wasn't attracted to you that's why I unmatched you and use me accidentally sending a hot video of myself as the excuse I just didn't want to hurt your feelings because I'm a nice person who thought you were nice but since you turned out to be not so nice to do your own personal insecurities of feeling rejected by me being such an attractive woman I no longer feel concern for you and your feelings I'll be blocking your number now glad I made the right choice and didn't get involved with a jerk like you I could tell you had this side to you but again that's okay you can be left as the jerk who wouldn't wish me the best all because I'm attractive and it makes you feel rejected like you're somehow not enough when that isn't the case at all you are enough you just weren't for me or my type I hope you're able to work on your insecurities and hopefully learn to be kind in return when someone is being kind to I really did enjoy chatting and had you not chosen to be a jerk by blowing my kind and respectful attempt off rather than ghost you I would have at least considered being friends I am NOT an insecure jerk who blows people off when they're kind in showing me respect because of my insecurities and feeling rejected like you so I still wish you the best I'd rather be left as the kind person than the jerk for no reason so I'll just leave that on you I'm sorry you couldn't wish me the best over me not being interested again it doesn't mean you aren't enough I'm sure you're just for another woman goodbye hey I just got out of a meeting just saw all your texts I think you're right we're not for each other wish you the best I can thanks for being a jerk just because I didn't want to meet glad you agree makes me feel better knowing me not being interested didn't hurt you take care I just got your message things and I wish you will also my signal strength isn't the best out here in Pasadena for the video shoot so I don't know why you send me that response but I'm glad me not being interested didn't hurt you I sincerely AM take care of yourself and hopefully one of these messages reaches you cuz it keeps saying it failed to sin due to poor signal anyway I gotta run they're about to start shooting again and I have to put my phone away hopefully one of my texts I tried sending once I received your response goes through cuz it's saying none of them are except one it looks like have a good day and good luck oh and sorry for calling you a jerk clearly I was mistaken I really thought you were being one I get guys being complete jerks to me whenever I'm not interested even when I'm kind about it and I've gotten enough to where my tolerance levels down and I apologize if I wrongfully reacted to you on that if you were not doing that anyways take care PS I won't like your number since you ended up not being a jerk like I thought you were with that said I know I wasn't interested in a romantic way but I make an amazing friend and because I did enjoy chatting with you I'd be open to being friends at a very least so I would like to offer my friendship to you if you would like to be friends so this is what it would be like if youtubers did outros the way this lady writes text messages that was our / nice guys vs. nice girls and I really appreciate you watching this video and so I want to bid you goodbye until the next video but before you do make sure to like and I just want to say goodbye because it's so important to me that you watch this video and I really like that you watch it so I just want to say goodbye but before I say goodbye in this video I just wanted to say to you goodbye because I really appreciate you watching this video so on that note I guess it's time for me to say goodbye take care this is me signing off I guess I'll get offline now this is the end of the video and really it's just the part of the video where I say goodbye and I really want to make sure you understand that this is the end of the video where I say goodbye to you because there's nothing else to say except good good pie
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,159,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, nicegirls, niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/niceguys, niceguys vs nicegirls, versus, vs
Id: qHPxIgRFhUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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