r/Choosingbeggars BUY MY CAR!

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welcome to our slice choosing beggars where Opie gets the cops called on him because he wouldn't give a choosing beggar free money hey how have you been can I ask you a favor hey I've been good and sure what you need I need a ride to my auntie to get my w-2 can you take me hard ah sorry I don't live in Vegas anymore where do you live San Francisco Wow how awesome so you'll be able to VIN mow me eight dollars for an uber then since you can't take me sorry can't do that that's definitely not how that works Lowell I know you work for that tech company and you can afford it lady if you're so distant from me that you literally don't know which state I live in then you're definitely too distant for me for me to care about your $8 problem on this next post Opie is selling a phone for 300 bucks and it says no negotiations I know your ad says no negotiation but how about 150 140 then you don't reply you lose business one-thirty one-twenty one-ten reply to me you f I need that phone on this next post Oh P shirt is Netflix password with his mom and sister recently Oh peach echt his account and found out that there were tons of people with this password plus someone upped his plan so naturally he reset his password which led to this encounter his mom texts him this you up yeah I'm not way to work what's up I don't know what happened but the Netflix locked out and I don't know the login huh hello can you give it to me please alrighty then oh okay never mind I just talked to your sister what a butthole move seriously why the F do you care who's logged in it doesn't charge you any more than you pay and you can kick anyone off you want to Wow so you can't share with your mom nice did you read the message I sent to her someone literally changed my plan to the ultra premium plan there were people in New York and Ohio with it and like a dozen people in Pennsylvania not only were like 15 people benefiting from my Netflix but someone literally changed my plan so that I was paying more for other people to use it I was considering canceling it entirely because I wasn't even using it for months on end I'm sorry but I don't want to pay for everyone and their mother to use my Netflix then I don't even get the decency of leaving my plan alone someone was costing me $4 more every month for months without telling me no I didn't see the text but I for one never gave it to anyone so tell um me and with that is pretty messed up whoa four dollars that stuff will break a man it will when I didn't have a job for months and me and my fiance both are running on $10 or less barely making it by waiting for my paycheck to come right now I have a buck 82 in my bank account savings included so four dollars absolutely could make or break me okay how selfish of you to make out like I owe you or anyone else the use of my Netflix I never had to share it in the first place I don't want to pay for everyone and their mother to use my Netflix for free you want to use my Netflix you can VIN will me 650 every month to cover half the cost I never even would have had an issue if it was just you and my sister using it but I literally had someone stealing my money every month since last July or August and here you are complaining that I wasn't okay with someone stealing from me Wow hmm I don't even know what to say to you you're very much like your late grandmother though can't see outside of your own little comfortable box well Nestle ah babe you pretty much ditched us all to make yourself happy enjoy I am the least selfish person you know believe that and I hope you realize that sooner than later and no you don't owe me anything I'm just your mom bet you feel like you owe some other people though ah such is life right it's cool babe I'll still be here when you pull your head out your butts and Alvin Moe you the 28 bug somebody stole from you since August somebody up to my plan to a more expensive plan without my knowledge or consent while using my money to pay for it that's literally stealing Lowell I don't want you to pay me 28 bucks because I highly doubt that you or Blanc were the one that did it but one of the other dozen people who somehow got my password did I've been asking you to pay me back for what they did but I'm also not going to make the same mistake clearly my password got sprayed from just you and my sister to a multitude of people the solution is just to not give out my password anymore it's not even a big deal you can get netflix for yourself for 13 bucks a month and do whatever you want with your password it wasn't me bottom line to your big long stories so you could have just let me log in but thanks and by the way f you this woman says that she's the least selfish person you know but she mocks her own son for not being able to afford four dollars a month when she herself can't afford a 13 dollars a month and if this text message didn't save MA at the top of it I would have thought that this was your sister your mom sounds like a spoiled teenage girl I just experienced LA to its fullest a girl a two habanero pepper and panicked and someone offered her a glass of milk and she paused mid freakout and goes do you have almond milk so this happened a long time ago I had an old scooter that I wanted to sell since I bought a car and got my actual driver's license so I didn't need it anymore it still worked well always took really good care of it and the mileage wasn't that bad either I even just replaced the exhaust which put me back around a hundred euros the scooter had cost fifteen hundred euros when I bought it and I wanted five hundred for it to the best of my memory the exchange went something like this and the exchange was through text messages is this scooter still available yes it is I'll give you 200 for it no sorry I won't go any lower than 500 250 it's for my son he's 16 and I went to buy him his first Scooter no 500s my lowest 300 500 350 500 400 600 it is okay 500 is good so after that we set a date to me choosing Becker shows up along with his son to my complete surprise he actually showed up with 500 euros so the exchange was made and I hand over the keys note that for exchange of big items like this I always drop a little note that both of a sign as an agreement of purchase choosing beggars signed the paper along with me I explicitly warned both of them that he needs to be careful as the scooter has quite a thrust on it if you're not used to it and it could be tricky for someone who never rode one before choosing beggar and son ignore me the son gets on the scooter starts it and immediately goes full throttle on my parents driveway I'm still living at home at the time he almost immediately loses control starts to swerve and crashes into a nearby flowerbed one that's surrounded with massive stone blocks he crashes it so hard that the front axle of the scooter is completely bent and unusable the flowerbed is relatively unharmed it was empty at the time and those stone blocks could survive a bombing choosing beggar than turns to me the scooters broken yeah I can see that I told you to be careful I'm not paying for a broken scooter give me my money back but your son is the one who broke it after buying it I might add you promised me a working scooter this one doesn't work if you don't give me my money back you're stealing and I'm calling the police go ahead I have the paperwork here that says you bought it and that was in working order when you did call them at that point the choosing beggar just collects his son and broken scooter loads both in his car and leaves never heard from him again this top post from hypochloride sprite buys a vase of Walmart picks it up with purpose smashes it in front of a cashier so you're just gonna sell me a broken vase then abject Society replies I worked Walmart customer relations the our real calls and emails we got I've just written a book on the difficulty working-class kids have breaking into the professions because of the proliferation of unpaid work Huffington Post contacted me saying it sounded interesting they asked me to write something unfortunately they wouldn't be able to pay me however despite being a multi-billion dollar company so here's my article you are part of the problem Huffington Post the end and apparently down in the comments people are saying that Huffington Post contacted the author again and said that saying that they were gonna pay was an accident whoops my bad when I said free what I really meant to say was we want you to work free from the worry that we'll pay you for your hard work hi my name is blank I'm a young independent photographer / insta body looking to move into a cozy place long-term with the couple housemates my job is in between busy patches so naturally I wouldn't be able to pay rent but I'm more than make up for this with doing the dishes cleaning the house and providing everyone with a fun cool vibe a couple rules must be all-female house maids sorry guys vegans only know murderers preferably Muzo friendly I'm a master of the drums and kalimba no noise after 10 p.m. my current landlord has given me two weeks notice so looking to move out soon hit me up if you're interested cowabunga can you imagine a bunch of girls sitting around being like ladies you know what this place needs a guy we've never met sitting around playing drums all day not paying rent eating all our food imposing rules on us and sexually harassing us at every chance he gets but where will we ever find a guy with such cool vibes tinder profile jonathan 31 looking for my lovely ever after must be blonde or brunette be fit and toned go to the gym more than four times weekly be no more than 5 foot 11 and no less than five foot four in heights be available at all times give good head be able to cook and clean devote as much of your time to me as possible have a steady income in excess of $70,000 have your own apartment that I can crash yet occasionally if you fit these criteria swipe right I will not settle for anything less also not interested in bbws and single moms what I want to know is how is it girls supposed to make seventy thousand dollars a year while being available at all times does he expect money to just magically appear in her bank accounts sorry I'm gonna have to say no if you need a ride I can send some money through PayPal for you to lift or uber for a few days you don't have to pay me back alright bro I'ma be real I just need the car to drive Alyssa around for my class I want to take her out and treat her but I don't got enough money bro so could you actually send me the money through cash app so I can use it to buy the food and use your car in the garage for a few days though yeah gee I mean [ __ ] it's a nice car and hoping to get some sloppy toppy from her in it yo for real though you mind letting me have it for a while I'll take good care of it though that's asking a lot dude I don't know if anyone would do that for a friend but you would do it for me that's what makes you a real G so can you tell your dad to change the battery and make sure the gas is filled before tonight I'm sorry I already said no bro then why let me use your car last time then huh huh because you said it was an emergency and that you needed to go somewhere that you didn't have money for and I was at home at the time at my house doing nothing I'm far away and kind of uncomfortable letting anyone drive my car nevertheless dang it's kind of too late for that you already said you would think about it and I took it as a yes me and Alyssa won't make a mess in the car I don't even know who Alyssa is though because nothing makes someone want to loan their car more than I need your car so that I can passional hug another woman in it that you never met hello debonair media I saw your wonderful design on mr. beast logo I was wondering if you could design me a logo I'll get further details when and if you respond hello please respond it's been 5 minutes hello hello answer hello OMG at least respond to be professional hello sorry for earlier but I need a logo for a gaming clan I'm about to start out the games will be mainly for tonight I need 7 stars with sparks shooting out OMG respond it's been almost 10 minutes just for that I will not be paying you you will do this for free respond respond respond or I will report you it's been 12 minutes respond the customer is always right ok it's been hours that you've not replied as I started reading this choosing beggar asposed I thought to myself I have a sneaking suspicion that this kids dreams fortnight and wouldn't you know it fortnight's girls have read it what makes a guy creepy being poor I just can't trust someone who doesn't have any money like what are you even doing with all your time gaming drugs I am a high maintenance lady and if you can't handle it then back off creeps edit poor people are down voting me with the only currency they have karma so you want someone that can pay for your things well not always but mostly yeah men have to be worth my time and we live in a patriarchy with a gender wage gap this is how they can make up for that some what's on this next post Opie gave his friend a $700 PC and his friend gave him a $300 ps4 hey do you still have that PlayStation I gave you yeah why can I have it back sorry you gave it to me last year it has all my games in my accounts oh that's fine just in 300 dollars to blank I'm not paying you $300 for a ps4 are you crazy so I gave you my old PC which cost around $700 for it so if you need money just sell it no I gave it to my cousin already just send me the money before I call the police call the police you just admitted to giving away the computer that I exchange for your ps4 okay they'll be at your house in 15 minutes unless you pay me right now okay I'll be waiting for them and I'm not paying you then Oh P post an update update police did come apparently he told them I broke into his house and stole it but I explained what actually happened and showed the messages so now they're charging him for something about abusing the police calling system or something anyways I'm not in trouble if anything else happens I'll keep you updated update - he's now telling many of my family and friends how I scammed him he told the police I stole it he told me I owe him money for it and he told my family and friends that I offered him $300 and I took it and blocked him I can't figure out which is more ridiculous the fact that this guy thinks that Opie actually owes him money or that he thinks a used ps4 is actually worth $300 in 2020 that was our slashed using beggars and if you liked this video then please let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,152,289
Rating: 4.932745 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: qocLtNgFHmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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