r/Choosingbeggars My Boyfriend MUST Pay Me $400,000

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where Opie gets a tempting offer from someone in the shark community hey I just downloaded Twitter and I found your account I'm a big fan of your work and I was wondering how I could acquire some do you so happen to make any sharding fetish art don't forget the chub it turns me on tongue smiley face I also would like the shirt to be noticeable the art will go the art will go in my fart hub page and you will get Fame Lowell you're gonna have to pay some hardcore extra for that how much are we talking honestly probably at least thrice my usual price because it's something I really really wouldn't want to draw how much is your normal price 40 bucks for a flat color was simple background and I'd have to think on it my stomach ain't as strong as he used to be about this kind of stuff wow that's pricey what's your net worth I don't know what you mean by my net worth but without adjusting prices for content 40 bucks for flats and background is pretty fair for my quality my fart my fart hub account has over 25,000 followers I could put your Twitter in my account and you will for sure get over 1,000 followers for one drawing half price exposure doesn't pay my rent and I don't think that a thousand people expecting that from me would stay for very long at all I'm sorry I don't make much money either I just need to call my sexual desires if that makes sense best you find someone else then good luck man you live like this is this supposed to sway my decision because it won't good night I love the Flex this guy is doing yeah so I'm a pretty big deal in the farting community with over 25 thousand followers fellow fart aficionados you would be a fool to turn down free exposure it's like dude I don't know if I want that kind of exposure sky is basically offering stick with me and I'll make you the most famous fart artist or fartist as we like to call them in the world news headline disappointed with life in Afghanistan to Isis jihadi woman from karelis say they want to return to India provided there's no jail sentence yes so um turns out being a terrorist effing sucks can we come back please things we're really sorry about all those terrorist crimes we helped to commit so how soon can you buy us the plane tickets hey is the computer still available yeah at 750 bucks could you go 250 I've got diabeetus no I can't sorry I could turn right around and sell it to someone else wanting to buy it dude you mother-effer I hope you effing eat penis for a living you look ugly and your mom does too you effing bundle of sticks wow I never knew Wilford Brimley was so vulgar hey where did you put my headphones after you use them I can't find them I have them Oh can you bring them or I come get them why you said I could have them what when when I slept over you told me you had some for me when I asked yeah for you to borrow that night not for you to keep oh well I'm still using them I don't have any can I just keep them no those were Christmas gift and my only wireless headphones it's not like they're air pods or anything just get a new pair what there's still like 250 dollar headphones but you said I could have them just get whoever gave them to you to buy you new ones please give me back my headphones and opie posted an update she actually called campus police on the choosing beggar who went over and got the headphones for her this is a tinder profile of someone named Jojo things to keep in mind if you were not born in the USA do not contact me I don't believe in splitting money you'll pretty much have to pay everything I had 350 d thousand dollars in loans if you drink alcohol or believe in it do not contact me you must be able to pay for my dream wedding ring thirty thousand dollars my dream wedding fifty thousand dollars in a five bedroom house in Beverly Hills and all expenses if dating this woman costs over four hundred thousand dollars a guy could literally buy like hookers a day for cheaper than that this was posted on an article about things that annoys chefs and restaurant workers the most influencers Alexis goth ear of gothy or Soho in London says like any central London restaurant we receive a couple of requests a day for free meals in return for posts from social media influencers most are turned down the consensus is if an influencer needs to approach you they're not worth working with some are polite some cockys some downright entitled they believe their own hype they think any exposure is beneficial I've seen high profile openings booked out for three months on influencer babble that six months later are empty long term regulars is the Holy Grail I have guests who came on first dates who are now celebrating years of marriage they're true ambassadors man I hate influencers like this giving all influencers a bad name I've been a professional youtuber for something like four years now and I have not once once asked for something for free just because I'm a youtuber but then we have douchebags like these people making all influencers tough luck choosing beggars em hide the butthole for quitting my job here's what's happening I'm a 28 year old female and my wife is a 31 year old female and I've been married for four years we own a house together but after we got married no kids we're both very big on equality and fairness so we long ago decided how we'd split household duties and finances we have all of our bills together including a set bill that's deposit into our saving account and the bill that's a shared fun slash date slash vacation money each month we split the total of these bills according to our relative income we're both in similar professional fields so we make comparable money but if say she makes $90,000 and I make $60,000 she'd pay 60% of the bills and I'd pay 40% we actually make much closer than that so right now she's paying about 55% of the bills and I'm paying about 45% anything left over after the bill pool is paid the individual keeps and can do whatever with no questions asked as for the household we had days on / days off for chores I do Monday Wednesday Fridays she does Tuesday Thursday Saturday we don't do any chores on Sunday it's our one mutual day off and we order food instead of cooking so there's no dishes or we go out we have a chore chart that we both agreed on with a chore spread across the various days so we're contributing equally that way each of us get several days where we can just come home and relax and do nothing which we both value I really don't enjoy my job so I'm planning to quit my wife makes more than enough money to pay all the bills in the pool including the savings and fund money so she'll be paying a hundred percent now since she'll have all the income and I'll have none she's tentatively okay with this it'll be the first time since our marriage that one of us hasn't worked she's raised some concerns but I've also made it clear that it's my decision and she respects that she asked if we could rearrange the chore chart and of course I said no we agreed to the jour chart and it's equitably split I'm not quitting my job so I can do more chores I'm quitting my job because it's stressful and I don't want to do it anymore I may go back to work if I find something less stressful in my industry but maybe not she says that since I'm not working I should do more housework I told her that we split both housework and finances in a fair way according to an agreement we already made finances are split by income chores are split by days am I the butthole additional info she loves her job I hate mine she doesn't wanna quit I'm still obviously doing my share of the chores our agreement has always been sure split according to day slash chart finances split according to income level and that's still exactly as it is my income level just happens to be zero now she doesn't have to do any additional work to cover all of our bills with her salary we have no kids in a small house her half of the chores is not very intense and doesn't represent an undue burden on her if she can do them before she can still do them since nothing about her situation is changing at all except she'll have a happier wife so I tracked down the original thread and oh my god this lady's getting ripped apart in the comments I could not find one single post in defense of this lady and rightfully so this lady gets five out of five buttholes for being a complete waste of space and then after getting obliterated Opie posts this delusional update the number of people being deliberately obtuse here is infuriating people are harassing me misgendering me for some reason and insulting my marriage you all are sad you keep asking what I'm contributing if I'm not doing chores or adding money gee what do you all do with your spouses when you're not cleaning or working stand in closets or maybe a relationship is built on more than that we talk we share activities we garden we just do couple stuff and on top of that maybe you're forgetting to this house that we owned was half paid for by me that the several hundred thousand dollars in our joint savings account is half from me that I've been a partner in building our stability that my wife has this amazing job that she loves because she was able to take risks and spend months in South America because I supported her or how about the fact that you all say I'm forcing her to work but work is her choice we don't have to work either of us so if she chooses to work how is that not forcing me to do chores we're both doing the things we chose to do in order to be happiest and we're not burdening the other with our choices because we worked hard to get where we are I get that if you're not as fortunate and your bills required to full-time and comes to get paid then yeah things are different but that's not the case with us I'm really glad I posted this it just shows how far our capitalist society still has left to go so essentially what this lady is saying is I did my time I paid my bills I paid for half the house so I don't have to contribute anything anymore I done if my wife wants to work then she can work but I'm not doing anything I don't want to do lady I could give two flips if you garden with her or do couple activities because that's the fun stuff you don't get credit for contributing to half of the fun stuff and you don't get credit for the fact that you contributed like five or ten years ago a successful relationship and a successful household is a continuous ongoing thing you can't just be like yep I'm done the next 30 years is on your shoulders hello I've downloaded the fit girl's version of AC origins with all the DLC almost a year ago I played this game a lot but in the last month I haven't played this week I've tried to play a little bit but my game doesn't launch the image of the game appears but then it all goes down and the game doesn't start at all please help me you posted earlier - you're complaining about the game you downloaded illegally to the forum of people who love and support the game and the people behind it if you want it to work pay for it you filthy freeloader oh I'm sorry if you want you can buy the game for me so I can play without disturbing you not everyone has the resources to buy all the games they love they prefer to spend their money wisely on the things we really need or they buy one game for the year when it's on promotion now take care of your own business thanks alright so I realize that some of my fans aren't gamers and you may be unaware of a really cool practice of some game developers do basically because game devs know that some people will pirate their game they will intentionally release a version of their game to pirate websites but they will break the game by intentionally adding glitches like the game they upload to the pirate websites just won't have the ending of the game or in the case of Batman Arkham Asylum Batman can't glide with his cape if you download the pirated version so people will post online being like I don't understand I can't glide with Batman's cape I beat the game but there's no ending what gives and then they immediate get trashed on from all the people who realize that they pirated the game hi I saw your post that I'm interested in commissioning new for a portrait of my daughter's cat he just passed away and she's extremely heartbroken she's 9 and I wanna cheer her up how do we start hi there I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your pet I love to do a commission for you do you have pictures of the cat do you know what color backgrounds you'd like or any details you'd like me to include I'd like the vibrant style you have on your blink I was wondering if you could lower the prize I'm thinking about getting 2 actually I am running a deal currently and you can get the second piece 45 percent off you can't go lower this will make my daughters so happy but cannot afford to spend this much on arts what's your budget I know a few artists from China and India who can do eet for $5 I'm not looking to pay more than $30 for digital art sorry can't do that low why aren't you even trying to negotiate you said you found artists who are giving you an incredible deal and I can't match their prices you can go ahead and hire them you're not needy enough then cuz if you were you would take the $30 greedy us artists there are so many better artists from China and India you can actually do our work 10 times better for $5 you're a disgrace this is why I don't support us artists you people think you guys are better than everybody else now I'm offering you 20 bucks and a yelp review as how things are in the u.s. you will come back begging me you will need night $20 you'll regret not working for cheap in times of crisis you'll see my $20 would have been enough for you I'll gladly give $5 to an Indian artist anyway hey your manager was messaging me earlier telling me that you were looking for a hand-drawn portrait yeah when can you start cuz I need this ASAP listen if you're sleeping right now can you just draw my most recent post really quickly sorry for the late reply I was reading an email okay right away keep in mind it'll be in pencil only is that alright with you yeah I guess that's okay just get it done quickly sorry but I couldn't get your manager to sign the invoice I send can you get your signature on it please after that I can get started right away on it there's no need for an invoice there's no need for me to pay you I have over 240 thousand followers once they see the work you put into your hopefully brilliant portrait you'll be able to really get your name out there don't you agree the fact that you're asking me to pay you for what is essentially a glorified promo post is quite bizarre it's only 10 euros your manager agreed to pay I'm not asking for much here just payment I think you failed to realize how dispensable you are to me I'll find another artist if you don't want to work with me a final chance no sorry I can't sacrifice my integrity for exposure so apparently this person is an Instagram influencers so I don't know exactly what the climate is like over on Instagram but if I had a conversation like this with a fan on YouTube there would be an expose video on this like the next day then Opie got pissed off about this influencer being a choosing beggar so he reached out to this influencer hey I'm just contacting you because your manager said you wanted some graphic design work done I didn't hear anything about that I don't want any work done sorry ah I see I just thought you'd want to avail of my services especially since I'm offering them to you for free are you sure you don't want any work done oh sorry I didn't realize you were offering them for free my bad since that's the case I think I might have some work for you I have a new skincare brand launching after this whole pandemic thing blows over I kind of need a logo for it could you do that absolutely just tell me what sort of logo you want and I'll get started right away just make sure you credit me on your story and it's okay absolutely I'm looking for a brand image that reflects cleanliness elegance natural essence and beauty while retaining the polished professionalism you'd expect from a well-established cosmetics brand when can you start on it I'm looking to start initial production two weeks from now I already finished the logo actually Fu you total piece of incorporated I think you got all the exposure you need right here and Opie post a link to the original choosing beggar post here insane I'll be in contact with my legal team about this have a nice day yeah I'm gonna call BS on that I'm literally six times the size of this influencer and I don't have a legal team so I really doubt they do that was ours last using beggars and if you like this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 910,680
Rating: 4.9355278 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: JPqiSexZZvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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