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welcome to our slash entitled kids we're a spoiled brats get pissed off because they didn't get what they wanted for christmas posted to our /khroe me design my new fire seven has ads on the charging screen and then down in the comments it was also twenty dollars cheaper amazon gives you a choice of having ads but getting a discount or no ads and no discount I can't even use it as a book because it costs some money books are costing money surprise Pikachu face I didn't ask for a book box I asked for useful things whoa our slash entitled kids much that's your problem not the manufacturers the person who gave it to you had the opportunity to pay for the ads to not be displayed and chose not to custom ramen if you're unhappy the fire tablets are not just for reading either we had one for our daughter who watch YouTube on it Amazon also allows you to pay the difference to remove the ads not that big of a deal really we didn't buy it mom got it from a consoling place for free they do a thing for Christmas where they give us gifts and mom chose something she thought I would like not knowing what it really is I'm upset I can't use it properly but at least I can watched up on it the thought was there but it missed the mark I'm not entitled I'm just disappointed just as I would be if she got me mint gum instead of fruit gum that's not right but I like this too maybe you should stop calling people entitled when they just want to complain into the void sorry but this explanation makes you even more entitled now it was free don't complain about free stuff it's a normal tablet you can play games watch videos surf the internet with a bit of knowledge you can put on a custom ROM without ads or pay a little to deactivate them what part of that is not usable kid if you just want to complain into the void don't post it on the Internet trust me our next reddit post is from bada canta an important thing to keep in mind is that entitled brat was 18 years old at the time you'll see why let's get started we were in English class and entitled brow was on her phone the entire time because she hates English the teacher had been watching her for a while but let it slide but she eventually got fed up and as the rules say she has to do in that situation takes titled brats phone entitled brat calmly hands over the phone but as I suspected freaks out shortly after she goes back to receipt and aggressively rips out a page of the book and starts packing her bag this draws the attention of teacher and the following conversation takes place in title of Brad what are you doing I'm going home because I can't call my daddy they won't let you leave unless I write you a pass after that entitled Brad sits down and keeps quietly freaking out teacher still sees this unfold so she says entitled brat why are you freaking out over a punishment I've watched you be on your phone for the past 10 minutes and I've tolerated it keep in mind she isn't the first or last to have her phone taken I don't want to talk to you about that because now is not the time or the place so to recap she freaks out over a well-deserved punishment like a five-year-old and now is trying to act mature the end of the class comes and entitled brat walks to the teacher's test takes the phone says goodbye in a smug voice and starts quickly hitting out of the classroom teacher saw that yelled after her then quickly ran after her and dragged her back to the classroom as this happened entitled Brad started saying typical entitled kid stuff like it's my phone who gave you the right to take my phone at this point we were heading over to our next class so I didn't get to witness the whole thing quick sidenote in our school the rules if your phone is taken by the teacher it's given to the headmaster and the parents need to come pick it up basically halfway through the day teacher gave entitled Brad her phone back yes after she freaked out now I don't know the context of why she got her phone back but two possible answers are either because the hidden master loves her or that teacher is afraid of her care and parents yes both of them are Karen's also she never gotten any trouble for all of that probably for one or both of the above-mentioned reasons and now behold this 10 year olds Christmas list I found 11 air pods new MacBook Air a real bunny hydro flask clothes makeup pink Pumas Gucci slides Chanel purse perfume essential oil American Girl doll car new shoes ring slash jewelry chequered bands gopro pink duct tape hue food coloring and laundry detergent clothes for bunny $4,000 lull talk hamper low dolls big sister Lowell doll Chalet new sheets and cover alarm clock that's the whole post but why do I feel like there's a page 2 and page 3 to this dear Santa I am writing this on the day after Christmas and I am very sad I only received one of the two presents I asked for since you ate my cookies I will assume that my missing gift was a mistake I will give you one week to fix this Jeremy dear Jeremy I'm sorry you're disappointed with your presence you asked for - very expensive presents and Santa can only do so much you need to learn to be grateful for what you have not upset about what you don't if you continue to complain I will have no choice but to add you to the naughty list next year signed Santa dear fatty your threats don't scare me I played your game and you did not deliver this is not ok I will give you one week and then you all pay Jeremy PS I don't know why you care that it is expensive when you have elf slaves to make things for you I think you are naughty for having slaves dear Jeremy you are being a very bad little boy because you cannot be happy with what you have I've talked to your parents and told them to take away your Wii U now you have nothing once you learn to be grateful perhaps you can have it back I am very disappointed in you Jeremy you'll need to be an extra good boy this year if you want to make it back on the nice list dear Santa I do not like that stunt you pulled with my parents you are on my naughty list now be afraid you look slow and easy to kill enjoy your cookies next year because they will be poison I hope you die Jeremy you know this kids super entitled but to be honest he's kind of growing on me he makes a really good point about the slaves I mean who's more deserving to be on the naughty list a you didn't get one of the presents he asked for or guy who keeps literal race slaves sorry saying I you got called out our next reddit post is from norsk roses so about seven months ago my father had passed away due to sudden health issues if I post a different story later I'll explain leaving my mother widowed at 37 and my little sister 12 little brother 14 and me 18 all without a father at a reasonably young age this event had shook us to our course and was horrible had given my mother and I mild PTSD and my siblings emotional trauma my father's family are all entitled pieces of trash here's where the story starts queue up entitled cousin when my father had passed she was 15 and almost exactly two months later was her sweet 16 birthday party at this point my family is still heavily grieving my family not my father's but we're happy to attend entitled cousin sweet 16 after all a sweet 16 is what all teenage girls look forward to I myself had one it was mid July and my aunt called my mom to invite us to the party we all decided since this is still family to us and other people will be there that getting out and socializing with family and friends would do all of us some good so my mother siblings and I all decided to go the party was scheduled to start at 8 if my memory serves correct so we all showed up and holy cow the sheer amount of cars in the driveway yard and street was ridiculous for a party but whatever we track on into the house and I kid you not the entire place would have been mistaken for an underground rave easily glow sticks UV lights streamers that I'm pretty sure we're glow-in-the-dark some people had glow-in-the-dark make up music with insane amounts of bass teenagers of all ages either smoking marijuana sneaking drinks or starting what was close to a mosh pit it was surreal now I myself am NOT a party person so I don't like the scene one bit but this is my cousin so I might as well make a show and wish her happy birthday my mother was in the kitchen lapping it up with some of the parents my sister had managed to hide in my aunt room with my cousin's half-brother who was like six and my brother was gone knows where I see the party and to immediately set on edge and go to the kitchen which isn't as glow-in-the-dark and crowded I slowly integrated myself with the parents because I'm mature for my age and they accept me my mom's enjoying herself everyone's having a good time then one of the parents a woman that grew up with my mom and dad in their teen years asked how my mom was taking his death now keep in mind that no one all night had brought it up because this was a celebration so this is the very first time it was discussed my mom subtly mentioned how it's hard but she's making it then changes the subject the death is no longer being talked about well entitled cousin walks into the kitchen grabs my arm and gives me a very stern I need to talk to you in private tone and drags me to her bedroom that no one was allowed to go in she closes the door and I lean against it as she fixes her outfit and makeup the conversation is as follows hey entitled cousin what's up you wanted to talk yeah now Opie I'm gonna be completely honest with you so don't get mad uh why would I be mad what's wrong well you need to go in there and tell your mom to shut up about your dad I'm sorry excuse me my entitled cousin interrupts me I know your dad dying was really sad and everything but she needs to get over it she's talking about it at my birthday party and I don't want to hear it so tell her to stop entitled cousin that lady asked her about it so my mom answered her question it's not like she's talking about it for pity or attention now at this point my cousin seems visibly annoyed but doesn't really argue with me on the point I made still it tell her to stop I'm not gonna do that you can go talk to someone else and ignore her if you don't want to hear her entitled cousin at this point I think she realized trying to boss me into getting onto my mother was useless so she left and ignored me and my family for the rest of the night bye rest of the night I only mean about half an hour because we decided to leave super early for the rest of our time there however my aunt or entitled cousins mom or my father's sister is whining non-stop about my father's death she's going up to random teens at the party and saying things along the lines of brother would have loved this party Jason is gone so we have to celebrate for him and see this picture that's my brother he's gone whole while managing to hold on to fake tears in her eyes this pissed me and my mom off so we left early for that reason about a month later was my little sister's twelfth birthday she didn't get a single call text gift or visit from my father's family a month after that was the same for my mom's birthday and someone and so forth it's nearly Christmas now and I personally haven't heard from them in months not that I particularly care I don't exactly consider them family anymore because of the countless stunts they've pulled for context on this next post this was posted on a disk or dart server make me an esport mascot with text and also make me an e squirt logo for my fort night clan also make me a geometry dash logo I don't waste my money on be as greedy people I will give you a tip if I feel like doing so yeah a few people like us spend years in graphic design school thousands of dollars on tuition for a job in graphic design and you're literally being a butthole and demanding an absolute ton for free from people who just want to make people happy I would have considered it if you weren't such a butthole about it an entitled kid stop pinging me be as greedy people aren't you the one who's greedy you're asking for like three designs that's worth like 20 bucks for free low even though I want to go to the effing mall my mom's forcing me to go to Epping Disneyland I don't wanna effing go I already got bored of it months ago oh you and my Epping sister do is go on your effing phones Disneyland is effing boring now if you had the money to go to Disneyland worthy after my Christmas present then why can't we go to the Eppie ball alright here's an idea you stay at home and your mom takes me to Disneyland because Disneyland is the effing bomb our next reddit post is from the glorious Killa I was at school when this occurred so we had a plumbing job and we hired out this plumber to fix our toilet my bedroom is near the toilet and the plumber brought in old kid with him so the entitled kid decides to look around my room and he looks under my bed that's where I hide my switch he then takes the switch and hides it under the seat of his father's van I come home from school and look for my switch and I couldn't find it I only learned that the plumber brought his son and I assumed his son must have took it my father called the plumber and he was mortified when he learned what his son just did I'm happy to get it back but the entire kid started ranting saying I found it and it belongs to me at least the father wasn't entitled the funny thing is that down in the comments Opie points out that he actually knows this kid because he coaches him for football oh man entitled kid I guess it's time for you to run some more laps review 1 out of 5 stars this game is stupid and I'd like that it should have interesting story mode and should teach us how to play if you will not do this I will kill all of you I am the son of President so we've finally learned what Donald Trump jr. doesn't his free time posted December 25th at around noon you gotta be kidding me daughter wanted air pods so I got her the Samsung brand not Apple now she's pissed because I don't understand Apple products and how much better they are she's 10 I'm an IT tech I'm effing pissed I'm about to return them Opie clearly the only option is to keep the air pods and return the kid mom if you're reading this give me robot I want gas mask kawaii I would buy it but my mom not letting me buy rope bugs I'm so anger I want kawaii gas mask it's best hat this is so unfair mom buy me the roebucks girl I will declare war on you this is how World War 3 gets started ha ha ha ironically this next post was actually posted to our slash entitled kids hello everyone I'm coding a new game and I'm wondering if anyone can send me money to help things in advanced the entitled Kids subreddit is not for trying to get funds in fact it's kind of ironic that you'd ask for money here I need help jeez lmao noob and quick update this pose got this kid banned that was our slash entitled kids and if you want to see more entitled kids content then be sure to hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Views: 1,196,973
Rating: 4.9138303 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledkids, r/entitledkids, entitled kids, r/ entitled kids, spoilted brats
Id: u08ULgdwD9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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