r/Choosingbeggars | NO YOU CANNOT

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okay class one more time [Music] unless you're offering them exposure sir you're expelled get out [Music] welcomey welcome my welcomed welcomes you've tuned into mk a statement that does not make sense because we are not a tv but of course if you're looking for things that made sense you would be at a coin factory and not on youtube hi my name's jack i'd say weird things and for some reason someone thought i should have a platform on here welcome to choosing beckers [ __ ] up buckaroos we're in for a very privileged ride your submission has been given the helpful award the crow's nest tv liked your submission so much that they've given it the helpful award as a reward you get the special helpful award icon in your submission very tapper um i asked for gold dude dude really you know i think you should just give out real awards i have existed for about 26 years at least i still do not know the purpose of awards on reddit what what is the benefit of them someone please tell me why why do people get so antsy about them my babysitter is going back to her normal job on the first so i'll be needing a sitter to come to my house and babysit 10 p.m to 9 a.m 6 to 7 days a week 25 a day is my pay you have access to my netflix hulu disney plus and some cable we'll need to start my toddler on her head start class till i get home serious inquiries only four month old and a three-year-old well first of all i refuse to believe there is a place that is called i haven't heard of it but i imagine it's a place where a lot of people notice your bulge also hold up is she literally asking you to stay overnight to babysit like immediately after your full-time job like are they working night shifts in which case they will need to sleep who was taking care of the baby during the day then oh but don't worry guys they wasted all their money on a bunch of random streaming services so therefore you get a benefit to getting paid heck all seriously including the cable that's like probably 50 to 100 a month you were wasting maybe put that towards a babysitter and you wouldn't get this on choosing beggars subreddit chief what is it if someone offers to pay you an exposure but then everyone who sees the exposure also pays an exposure then you end up bankrupt and homeless oh my god that hurt my throat so much you better appreciate what i do here write my 457 page in book for ten dollars i want a book with the title fitness and i want it done in one week weekly budget is 10 what a standout title fitness you know i haven't heard any books talk about that type of topic yet meanwhile in always factual social media sites land does anyone have a brand new plate and bowl set that they don't need or want my friend is struggling and she doesn't have facebook i am asking for her she is in a bad way why brand new plates though i mean you know no one's gonna want to give away brand new stuff that laughing emoji is well deserved hey girl i hope you're good oh that's a great start you can tell where this is gonna go so i hope this isn't too much of a trouble but i started this brand oh no oh no a clothing brand and the username is taken is there any way you could change it like just add a number or an extra letter or something it would mean the absolute world to me i have everything ready to launch soon and this is the only thing holding me back to post name by the way okay honestly this is a twist of tales at least she isn't trying to push or sell anything while at the same time demanding something in return was genuinely expecting a pyramid-style choosing beggar scheme here a day later how about i pay you 20 dollars i really really need the name later that evening thirty dollars anything three days later please two days later girl [Music] you alive i'll pay you 40 it's your insta help a girl out hi no thank you seriously as soon as i get the brand registered i can legally get the name from you but alright we'll just wait to register the name then i'll have my lawyer deal with instagram women supporting women apparently there's no such thing okay in her defense she was at least asking first and willing to pay for it so i mean this is really that choosy like i get to be a bit of an a-hole to get your lawyers involved with this but i mean if she knew that's what the rapture was gonna take and she'd prefer to offer the friendlier option i mean i don't know i don't see how this is a real a-hole here hi sorry to bother you i need help with food especially pads please hearty heart i have two children and their father doesn't take care of them we haven't eaten in two days please hello white please write down everything you'll need i'll try to buy and deliver them where you are in johannesburg by saturday the latest if that's okay no give me money i want money send it turns from pleading mother to like gollum from lord of the rings are the headphones available yes it's available can you deliver tomorrow where are you at in detroid west city i can try i have a few things i have to get done tomorrow oh okay well if you can't let me know now i'm gonna say i can't then you would you you that's that word too that's also censored did you family bad hey jack you good man yeah jack too i'm good man it's all right i spent a small fortune on cotton thread to make my friends a tablecloth she wanted bright red she announced to the world we are no longer friends blocked me completely why because it took too long to make guess i will add white keep it myself for valentine's and christmas no way there has got to be more to this story i refuse to believe someone would end their friendship because of this ooh i'm ups and badgers and things cool ye we saw your tweet wanting sub badges here is a show of our works and our prices yo man i'm wanting a gold lawnmower okay a gold lawnmower we can do it emote or badge pixel art or illustration badge illustration but can this one be done as a free for the one time but i will follow with notice and shut you out we'll make something more profitable for you we offer you to pay us the cost of the badge and then give you a code so your viewers can get a discount if enough clients use your code we make you a refund oh no i can't that doesn't work for me man cause like that means i have to spend money and money towards something i want that just doesn't seem right 10 kilogram fitness sandbag 30 pounds relisted due to an absolute spanner this item is collection only if you ask me to deliver the price goes up to 500 pounds no i won't meet you outside work and no 11 30 pm on a sunday night is not an acceptable time to collect collection from felsworth 30 pounds or nearest offer i will never not love passive aggressive posts on facebook marketplace selling that thing that i'm assuming is a desktop how much your last price 120. okay well let me give you a show-stopping offer 50 cash but i can't go to pick it up i don't have more money because i don't have work and i don't have a pc can you make it for me please ah this is a 200 case new and it's in mint condition no thanks oh please i don't have more money well then you probably shouldn't be building a computer right now no look i see what you're saying but please online english tutor or teacher work from home 15 in an hour minimum requirements to qualify individuals must have the following a completed bachelor's degree at time of application all of these requirements for 15 an hour oh but even better uh you're responsible for your own income tax so you're not even actually getting a full 15 an hour i'm canada what are you doing i'm pretty sure this is illegal it should be illegal like i thought america's minimum wage was terrible but this is this is a very close second free free chair it is a free chair how could people be picky about this yes it's available can you deliver to me tomorrow i live in durant okay it says no deliveries on the description can't drive don't have a truck this is really starting to pee me off bye oh no wait come back woof my wife bought me a range rover cake for my birthday look at this that mad as frick this stuff looks like a smart car a stuffed pillow and even that dumb truck from the movie cars now her and her friends mad because i cursed all of them out twenty dollars or best offer in box now i'm about to throw this stuff down the street sirius offer only no lowballers oh yeah dude hurry up and divorce hooray please cuz she deserves so much better my sister-in-law was selling her daughter's toy online the person was offering one pound in total for the sale of the item and delivery hi is there any chance i can just pay the one pound as i have no money and my family will love this car be a choosing beggar if you think your family's interests and things actually equates to value yeah it's just a pound are you local or do you need a posting i wouldn't need it posted however i can't afford the delivery i cannot pay okay sorry i'm not paying the delivery i wouldn't be making anything i'd be out of pocket three quid and it's my daughter selling these items i think the sad fact here is that it's worked at least once for them and that is why they keep attempting this someone out there has just folded on them and they're just they're constantly trying to take advantage of that next person one more person asking me for free content please i dare you hi ahol i absolutely do not work for free slavery is over kind disregards evie we need more people like him in this world minnesota man who profited off gamestop search buys video games for local children's hospitals damn dude i do appreciate the generosity but is it really a big deal to celebrate someone donating less than one percent of their profits yes because they've earned it themselves through their own tactic and skill or effort and the fact they're willing to give that kind of stuff away to someone else i mean how is that not to be acknowledged and respected yeah they only give away like one percent well at least they're giving something away compared to you your comment has been given the silver award here we go blurry pixels likes your comments so much that they've given it a silver award they've included this note oh how come give me gold next time did you just give me silver to ask me for gold i look forward to finding out later this year when someone ends up getting hurt in real life over this stuff redis managed to affect the stock market you know they're going to affect the real world in some way too i'm calling it man someone's going to get randomly assaulted one day yes thank you unfortunately this piece would require considerable work before i could deliver it up to my quality standards so it would have to be a standard order at 25 for editing and improvement or a premium order at 50 dollars for a complete rewind rewrite jesus jack if either of those packages is useful to you let me know otherwise sorry about that well okay i will do myself then no problem thanks anyway and good luck this is free money i don't get why you people don't accept i just need simple changes because my english not so good yes well that's what i tell my mechanic when i ask him to make simple changes to my car because my automotive skills are not so good but then he still insists on charging me can you believe the greed oh stop stop they're already dead collection only in payment via bank transfer quick q a oh boy my favorite bits if you see the item on it is still available not delivering payment via bank transfer no i will not trade it for a vintage collection of taxidermy you know the price i know the price do not offer me ridiculous amounts and waste time for both of us i am sorry if your fourth cousin that you haven't seen in 10 years has a cough corona flu broken leg and the only thing that will make him happy will be xbox for half the price however it won't be for this particular one 17 year old looking for models to practice on but you buy all of the supplies and pay 100 for the privilege the photo was not mine it's just a reference but i'm 17 and i've been wanting to do hair for a while and i'm looking for models to do this hairstyle on for practice that you have to provide hair and i'll let you know everything you need to get you will have to pay 100 for the service exactly cash only i don't have change text my number of interested you admit that you want this for practice and yet you want to charge actual price that is fun that's fun end of this video now well done to you you made it through you should like the video to show that you did it otherwise we don't know and we just have to wander and guess and just plead that you made it through also make sure you are subscribed to double check it and it should not be read should not be read if it is then you are failing us you are failing the grand plan and it must go ahead if you didn't have fun this time around well hey there's always next time and why not check out some more videos if you have the time say hi to robin and lexi as well beautiful people couldn't love them any more than i do anyway it is the end of this story so i will say farewell my name has been jack you have been a person and that is all that matters remember life doesn't give you purpose you give life purpose and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 558,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Choosingbeggars
Id: vhpvJJUfbEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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