Putting Nate Garner's Online Course To The Test

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nate gives off "no babe you cant wear that out youre showing your skin" vibes.... if that makes sense

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/_chicken_people_ 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay before you say anything it's a cold sore okay first one i ever had and it sucks a lot so uh yeah just don't leave any comments about it because i'm already pretty self-conscious so yeah thanks so much all right hello welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again i hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press that subscribe button all right get ready to hear me talk for a while i almost forgot folks according to a study conducted by the sun becoming a youtuber is one of gen z's most sought after career paths even going as high as one in three people aspiring to become a youtuber one day mainstream celebrities are starting youtube channels youtubers are becoming mainstream celebrities the lines are blurring and it's showing no real sign of stopping you know being a famous youtuber is a really desirable thing at the moment and people will do anything to achieve that goal and unfortunately when there are young aspiring people there's always someone right there behind them waiting to exploit their aspirations for profit they're always there just leeching onto him like a cold sore and it happened to me when i was a kid okay when i was like 11 my mom brought me to this place to get me an agent uh because i wanted to be in zoe 101 because i had a crush on dana not the actor who played dana dana the character it was me and like 10 other kids they brought us into this room one by one they made us recite this fake frosted flakes commercial it's a frosted fake commercial a week later my sweet innocent mother gets a phone call from these agents and they're all like oh your little boy curtis is a little starlit he's the next hollywood hunk he's a young brad pitt but you just need to give us a quick fifteen hundred dollars up front then he can then we can give him auditions and if you didn't know that's not how agents work and luckily my mom knew that and told them to kick rocks but i can't even imagine how many moms they scanned but it's all good okay dana left zoe 101 after the first season anyway we're getting off track but what i'm trying to say is when there are young aspiring people there's always going to be people along the way trying to profit off of them which brings us to today's topic nate garner ex-viner former couple vlogger real life action figure or should i say act chin figure for those of you who don't know i've talked about nate garner on my channel before a little while back me and jacob watch some of his couple vlogs and you know we just made some jokes about it and when i was editing the most recent video i did with jacob this is actually when i stumbled upon what nate has been up to for the past little bit and it's unlike anything i've ever seen so let's take a look so if you didn't know nate used to make these awesome couple vlogs with his super cool fiance carissa duncan but they actually announced two months ago that they broke up and usually when a youtube couple breaks up they'll post just one video and title it we broke up and then they'll move on right not nate and carissa no no no they posted not one not two but nine videos about their breakup they answer one question per video instead of just making one long video including all the questions and answers so instead of getting like one or two million views we can combine all the views on each video to get a total combined view count of roughly five and a half million which is actually kind of genius now that i think about it all my videos are going to be [ __ ] 100 parts from now on one video is going to have the setups and the other videos are going to have the and i don't want to spend too much time on the breakup videos because they're not really the main point i'm trying to make in this video but i feel like there's a lot of things that happen in these videos that pertain to the bigger picture so they basically posted these videos to explain to their fan base like what happened why they broke up and just what's been going on recently and the reaction to these videos were mixed to say the least we got comments like the pain in their eyes i can't even broken heart emoji three times i'm crying so bad this can't be the end they're made for each other and i feel like one day they'll make their way back to each other better than ever i really hope you two find your way back to each other one day and my personal favorite comment if nate cries you know he's sad yeah i mean i don't think uh i don't think crying when you're sad is exclusive to nate but alright yo when nate's tummy growls you know he's hungry come on you just know it so a lot of their subscribers are really broken up about them being broken up and then on other videos the top comments are totally different for example petition for carissa to make her own version of this series by herself so she can actually speak i love you nate but seriously i guess carissa wasn't allowed to talk just want to hear her talk about her plans not him telling us about it he doesn't even let her get a whole sentence out and there's a lot of comments about how nate didn't let karissa talk at all but maybe it just seemed like that you know there's no way of us to actually know that right it could be just subjective i don't know the only way to know that for certain is if someone watched all nine videos counted how long each person was talking added that all together to get a percentage of time each person was talking in all nine of the videos but no one no one would do that only a [ __ ] [ __ ] loser would do that type of thing oh yeah so when i was calculating the amount of time each person talked i didn't count any seconds of silence or any time carissa just said yeah in agreeance with what nate said because i don't really see that as her like voicing her own opinions you know for me yeah and have fun and i'm no mathematician so i'm probably off by a couple seconds but this is what my study concluded throughout all nine videos carissa is talking actively voicing her opinions and feelings for roughly 7 minutes and 32 seconds not bad and then our boy nate he's voicing his opinions and feelings for an astonishing 26 minutes and eight seconds so roughly nate was speaking 80 of the time in these videos and look i know this was probably a lot for them to go through emotionally like you could tell these people really love each other okay and i don't expect it to be a perfect 50 50 down the middle obviously and maybe nate is more comfortable speaking about these things in carissa but also every time carissa goes to talk nate [ __ ] interrupts her like every single time i also became um we needed to we want to live a little yeah sorry i didn't interrupt you but let me interrupt you shut the [ __ ] up it was so beautiful next question okay yeah super uncomfortable to watch also did i spend too much time calculating all of that next question but that's not even the worst part about the breakup videos the purpose of these videos weren't to just inform their audience of what's been going on and why they broke up the real purpose of it was to advertise nate's newest project that he's been working on called secrets to fame which is an online course that teaches you how to go viral on youtube and i don't know it's just weird to use these like sad emotional videos to advertise your online course that's like if the notebook ended with like a [ __ ] garyvee monologue stop thinking about what i want what he wants what your parents want is when you don't go practically unsafe this is not what you want to get the job mom yeah it doesn't really mesh that well you know i mean it's their channel they can do what they want but the way nate goes about it is just so unlikable for example carissa announces that she's gonna start her own youtube channel she's really excited about it and this is what nate says i will be making my own youtube channel and i'm already it's gonna fail but the only reason it's not gonna fail is because i'm gonna help her with the secrets program hey ma'am that was really mean yeah she's gonna make her own videos it's gonna be awesome i'm like i'm so excited for her it's gonna [ __ ] fail oh my god it's gonna be so bad cause she's so stupid and she can't do anything without me and my endless knowledge but wow i'm just so happy that she has someone like me who's so smart and awesome she's so dumb i know i'm exaggerating but that's basically what he said right and also don't take advice from a guy in a snapback you know said the guy with a mullet and a cold sore still not a snapback but maybe this secrets to fame program that he's been working on actually does have the secrets to fame i don't know but he goes about it so arrogantly that i can't see anybody actually seriously purchasing it so i'm going to be teaching you guys how to get famous i'm at that point in my career but going viral has become like just too easy i go viral every video almost almost every video is over 500 000 views i post so it's like what's the challenge anymore i feel sick just watching that first time i saw that video i called my mom i said hey mom can i guys stay home from school today i'm sick curtis you've been out of school for like 10 years what are you talking about why did victoria justice replace dana after season one huh mom you want to tell me that so much for the victoria justice system yeah that's how uncomfortable that part made me cuz hey nate the videos you post are getting over 500 000 views because you have 1.2 million subscribers you goofball but anyways after the nine breakup videos that were basically just ads for the secrets of fame program he posted seven ads to the secrets to fame program but wait hold on 92 000 views 126 000 39 000 none of these videos have over 500 000 views almost every video is over 500 000 views i posted huh that's not a good sign but let's watch some of these ads because i'm not convinced if i want to get this program yet or not and these ads are crazy what's up you guys my name is nate garner and i'm an influencer with over 10 million followers and the only difference between you and us influencers is we know secrets to going viral and being famous that you don't know about and for the first time ever i'm teaching them to you on secrets to fame.com all of my influencer friends are going to be so mad at me for releasing this program what dude hello this is nate bro could you those are our secrets our secret to fame i'm sorry man i had to oh man when i get over there i'm gonna there's a step-by-step process there's holes to the algorithm and you learn them all on secrets to fame.com i will give you access for one dollar like this is so like [ __ ] this guys what's the what's the [ __ ] secret nate steal other people's ideas and post [ __ ] softcore porn for kids is that it because if so yeah your influencer friends are gonna be [ __ ] pissed that you're posting that because it's weird oh my god sorry it just pisses me off to see someone blatantly lie to their audience to make their parents spend their hard-earned money on [ __ ] that won't even work oh my god but let's watch another ad because i love to suffer from one of the first to go viral on vine to gaining over 10 million total followers moved into a penthouse at 18 traveled the world in private jets driving the fastest cars while on a tour meeting all my fans and i've even gotten my girlfriend and dog famous all right so a few things he's practically tai lopezing in all of these ads you know how i married this car and i'm sorry man if you're unironically tai lopezing in 2020 you're you gotta go to jail i'm sorry you're going to jail jeez who's worse him or tai i think it's a tie also uh a big red flag doesn't call karissa his ex-girlfriend if one of my ex-girlfriends walked around was like yeah curtis my boyfriend i'd be pretty creeped out but i guess these ads are for people who don't know anything about nate and carissa and it would be weird if he was like yeah i got my ex-girlfriend famous so buy my program if you want to get dumped by your famous girlfriend and one more thing about the the touring and meeting his fans i did some research to see if he actually ever went on tour and i couldn't find anything the the only thing i could find was an article about how he got kicked off of a tour by the dolan twins before the tour even started so his ex tour i guess his ex thor and his ex-girlfriend really successful so surface leather huh so surface level this is what i'm gathering nate and karissa have become like pretty successful because of their couple vlogs right uh but now they're broken up so if they need a way to make money from that audience before they inevitably just stop watching the channel and move on to another youtube couple or just hit puberty you know what whatever happens first so nate is exaggerating his life in these shallow advertisements for a program that won't actually do anything because success on youtube isn't a thing that can be promised that's what it seems like to me but again no snapback but nate snapback it even says so in the description but hey i'm really dumb so i could be wrong maybe he really does have the secrets to fame so as much as it pains me to give my money to this guy i'm gonna buy this program and see if it actually works what's up yeah that's me thanks and this is no it's me okay so this is where things got kind of weird while i was scripting this video i went to go buy the secrets to fame program uh but when i put my credit card info in it just the payment just wouldn't go through and when i refreshed the page i realized the video on the front page was set to private and upon further investigation all of the ads for the secrets to fame program on the nate and carissa channel were just gone luckily i downloaded them before all that happened but still it's just really weird timing you know like as soon as i start making a video about the program the program just disappears but i needed access to the secrets to fame program okay i want to be famous so i emailed the support team no response i even sent nate garner a dm from a burner account didn't even open the damn thing to be honest i almost scrapped this whole video idea i was that close but i had one more idea while researching the secrets of fame program i stumbled upon a youtuber named michael who already made a video about this topic a few months ago so i sent him a dm from not a burner account asking if he still had access to his account on the secrets to fame website and this was a complete hail mary i didn't expect for him to help me out at all but a few minutes later he responded turns out he's actually a citizen of curtis town and he graciously offered to help so he actually sent me his login credentials to the secrets of fame program i typed it in and i was in a huge shout out to michael go check him out his his channel channel's in the description go subscribe show him love because this video would literally not be possible without him so since i was actually able to go into the program let's find out what i learned all right well a few things right off the bat he said in the ads you can gain access to this program for one dollar which isn't entirely true obviously for one dollar you gain access to the basic program and that program only teaches you the the basic info you need to start a youtube channel you know like what camera to use what lighting to use why is he charging people money for this information when you can find it for free on youtube next question there is a part where he goes in depth about like uh how to make an attention attention-grabbing thumbnail which is pretty beneficial like he goes like really into it but again if you just search how to make a youtube thumbnail on youtube you will get hundreds of results teaching you the exact same things probably even better things and it's not like he isn't aware of youtube tutorials okay like watch this part don't forget to youtube tutorial it right i don't have time right now to teach you every little button on final cut pro come on man whether it's a dollar or not you're charging people to teach them how to make viral videos and you say editing is so important don't just be like yeah man just just look it up on youtube i don't know i don't have time you don't have time to teach the one thing that could be beneficial for people but you'll spend all the time in the world talking about [ __ ] they can find for free all right man cool hat thank you curtis that's like if you asked your math teacher a question they're like i don't know [ __ ] you google it but it's pretty cool because in this basic program every opportunity he gets he urges you to upgrade to the expert program if you want to learn how to create viral content sign up to the expert program and the expert level is actually 200 u.s and that's where you learn the really important stuff that's like super super secret this seems like the same like billing tactic that uh jake paul did with the team 1000 uh that drew made a video on it's like yeah you can get all this for one dollar and then you give him the one dollar and he's like actually [Music] i need 199 more of those and that's just not how businesses work nate if i ordered a pizza that cost twenty dollars and the pizza guy shows up and he's like actually it's gonna be four grand i'm gonna go okay is there a is there another way i can pay for this pizza you know what i mean that's [ __ ] and you know what else is [ __ ] he said in the breakup videos that secrets of fame was his new passion this is my new passion i want to help you i want to help others but if that's really the case you'd upload it for free you know i just really want to help you out okay and i can't do that unless you fork over your [ __ ] cap and he also makes a pretty bold claim in the basic program he says if you if you do upgrade to the expert program and you follow all the rules then you will go viral every single time and if you sign up to the expert program you hit that upgrade button you will always go viral luckily our new friend michael already purchased the expert program for his video so unfortunately i watched all three hours of the expert program to see if i could actually learn anything obviously i'm not going to go over every single thing he said in this program because i don't think i'm allowed to and i'm sure nate is going to try to get this video taken down so i'm gonna stay within my fair use rights okay but at the same time none of this stuff is groundbreaking it's all basic level [ __ ] you can find anywhere so i don't think i'm giving away any trade secrets hey you told everyone the sky was blue that was a secret to fame but i will go over some things that he said that are just untrue for example he says at one point that you have to post at the same time the same day no matter what if you want to get like good views on your videos if you make videos every monday throw up a video on a wednesday out of nowhere and i guarantee you you'll get less views than you've ever gotten and this is just untrue obviously consistency is good that's basic that's just like same bat time same batch station but it's not necessarily necessary for example i usually post my videos on fridays at 3 p.m but a few weeks ago i posted a video about jr scotty on like a tuesday and i literally never upload on tuesdays and that video is currently like my best performing video out of the last ten so nate busted there's also another part where he says that tags are the most important part when it comes to people finding your videos the public doesn't really have access to seeing tags which are key to going viral but when you go to upload a video on youtube it literally says when you're uploading tags can be useful if content in your video is commonly misspelled otherwise tags play a minimal role in helping viewers find your video and i feel like we should listen to youtube instead of a guy in a snapback you know no then he goes into this really cool section about hacking the uploading process and to go viral every time but in reality his big secret to go viral on youtube is to steal people's ideas straight up and seeing maybe an influencer with 10 000 subscribers got a million views on a video viral idea and now you go make that viral idea i'm not joking this is a thing he is very adamant about you are searching for videos that have millions of views or hundreds of thousands of views and have worked you steal the idea you steal the thumbnail you steal the title word for word you post the exact same title word for word and like i already knew that he did that but like hearing him admit it is [ __ ] crazy and i'm sure stealing content gets you views but that is such a gross thing to be teaching to your young impressionable audience like it's one thing to just say that in a free youtube video but to charge someone two hundred dollars and you tell them to just copy other creators shame shame on you nate garner nate garner i hardly know her the most original joke ever and i'm not gonna sit here i'm gonna sit here no i'm not i'm not gonna sit here and say i'm the first person to do commentary videos because that'd be insane originality died with fateful findings okay that was the last original idea the lion king is just cat hamlet finding nemo is fish taken there is no originality anymore but at least like try you know like imagine if i put out a video called that's cringe epic morning routine and it was it was like me and jacob we made the exact same jokes as cody and noel did in their video dude they would both fly to toronto and kick my ass and i deserve it i don't know there is a lot of great little gems in the three hours of content i watched but the more i watched it the more curious i got you know i kept thinking to myself if i implemented the things he said to a t in one video would that video go viral just like he promised i don't know thanks for watching see ya no i'm kidding there's only one way to find out right so come along [Music] so for this experiment i had to make sure that it couldn't be traced back to me i needed to make sure that any views this video got was 100 organic my friend danny put out a video a little while back uh where he tried to make a viral tick tock song it's a great video you should go watch it but the one thing i learned from that video is that disguises are tricky and if there's a chance that someone will recognize you they will recognize you so for this soon-to-be viral video i needed to find someone else to be the subject and i got to thinking uh maybe maybe jacob could do it he was just on my channel i feel like people would put two and two together and i was like oh maybe dean will do it but he was on my channel a bunch and then my girlfriend jenna suggested the perfect candidate for this video our good friend maxine ward she's already got a youtube channel she makes really great tick tocks and she's absolutely blown up over there she's funny she's comfortable in front of a camera she was perfect for this project so i reached out to her with my idea and she said yes for some reason but obviously before we started filming we needed an idea so we hopped on a zoom call for a quick brainstorming session so let's see how that went so this is the beginning of the meeting hello maxine hi how's it going so good nice i really said that much what we're doing i'm trying to keep it as vague as possible to really uh stress you out it's working you have a youtube channel right i do i ever you haven't heard about it yeah i've heard of it i was just confirming hit 250 subscribers today oh [ __ ] we don't even need to make this video i was gonna say so when did you when did you start that i started making videos in high school in like 2012. okay so it's an old channel well unfortunately we'd have i'll have to make you a new youtube channel that's fine for this video but it's really important for each video yeah so right here write this down we need like a cool intro right the guy who made the uh the program his intro was what's good garner gang so that was like his his really unique intro that nobody else could have thought of so it can be something like hello what's up you can say hey guys hi howdy yo what's up uh maxine fam what's up max gang it's like anything like that what's up maxi pads maxi bad that'd be a good one it does have some high school traumas but we can work through that yeah let's put on the back burner i'm trying to think if there's a way like a play on words of like or this is to going into the maxi pad thing like what's happening what's hanging in maxi pads and tampons okay that's also just gross that's a good one that's really safe brand safe next thing we'll talk about what so what kind of videos do you like to make or enjoy making i like making just anything comedy based like my skills i enjoy doing makeup as like a calming thing so i try to integrate both is there what's a who's a youtuber that sort of does that stuff okay there's a youtuber named chloe morello she's mostly beauty but she makes she has like this satire series about herself as well on her channel 2 million 2.6 million okay that could be me sort of now we got an idea what we want to do which video idea from chloe morello can we steal 16 best makeup and beauty hacks 2017 according to this program we have to steal someone's idea uh do it i'm not joking steal their idea do it yourself copy the thumbnail and copy the title word for word really interesting so it has to be recent i guess i guess yeah it'd be weird if you posted a video with 2017 in it i wonder if there's like a jenna marbles video oh that is a good idea there's one trend of videos that gets a lot of views it's like how i used to do my makeup versus now like james charles got 16 million views jenna marbles got 13. mickey tutorials got 24. we could i think we should do the nikki tutorial um yeah nikkietutorials i put nikkietutorials in the title well maybe we don't do that i think that's a good idea so you already have a camera i have a camera this sounds kind of shitty but i bought two also shitty microphones to try to fix that oh that's okay he doesn't even mention audio in it doesn't matter i guess so we decided on the video how i used to do my makeup versus now these videos got a consistently high number of views so we figured this was the best chance for our video to go viral we planned the video out using nate garner's secret technique to structuring a video and we were all ready to go yeah i think that's a good a good start though but whenever you have time i guess film it and i'll add all the the stuff that he told me to add at some point i'll make a youtube account for you in a roundabout way you're just branding me an actual channel i feel like i can hire you as like you're my brand manager it'd actually be so crazy if this video did all my whole thing will backfire if this video actually does go viral and like you get a bunch of [ __ ] subscribers but it'll be sick for you so that'd be amazing so i gave maxine the rundown on everything i learned in the secrets of fame program so she could implement it while she was filming and while she filmed the video it was up to me to get everything else ready first off she needed a new youtube channel surprisingly nate didn't mention anything in the program about channel art or how it should look or anything like that and i feel like if he were to mention it he'd probably just say yeah just steal someone just copy it don't be original and since we were copying a nicky tutorials video i figured i might as well just copy nikkietutorials youtube banner right so there we go turns out youtube is pretty damn easy when you have zero integrity a few days went by and finally maxine sent me the footage to edit the video was great she knocked it out of the park but i still need to add a little bit of spice to make sure it really goes viral spent the next few hours going through the video making sure i did everything nate told me to do now when i was editing it was almost like it was there right behind me guiding my hands so tenderly as i added an old unfunny vine meme from 2014. it was like that scene from ghost but somehow worse and after a long editing session the video was finally done i won't play the entire 10 minute video in this video but i'll play the trailer that i put at the beginning of that video i would wear this to school scary accurate kind of down if you want to watch that video after this video the the link will be in the description but i couldn't believe it after all this work after all this preparation i finally had it i finally had a viral video in the bag so with the video and the channel all done and ready to go the only thing left was the thumbnail okay so it's time to make a thumbnail apparently this is the most important part of your video according to me uh maxine gave me this picture of the screenshot that she took so i have a few ideas how i can make this thumbnail pop but i gotta listen to nate's rules he has three things you gotta remember colors big emojis crazy faces i'll do the colors afterwards i'm gonna do that in lightroom but for the big emojis let's let's find one maybe we could do like a scared face here like whoa what the [ __ ] and then uh like a good one over on this side that's like whoa what the [ __ ] yeah that's a big emoji i need a are you like a heart eye emoji ew look at this one oh dude is this a thumbnail or what the only thing i'm worried about is the crazy faces thing you know like that's just a normal face so what we could do we could try to make her face a little crazy like a maybe i don't know how i got these stars i feel like if i start doing this [ __ ] it'll just get like a little too weird and people won't want to click on it you know i'm gonna leave it oh okay actually we can add a speech bubble like in nate's videos okay now okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right okay now ladies okay finally got a [ __ ] speech bubble uh now i just need to figure out what she is gonna say oh but how about like a nice yikes how about that how's that i'm gonna do a little bit more tinkering and then i'll show you guys the final product all right i had to put my glasses on because my eyes hurt but that's the final product of the thumbnail got everything we need on it you know we got the the color big emoji crazy face i kind of over saturated the one side like the modern side that looks you know looks all nice and appealing and then the old side is like i desaturated it made it look all weird so i think it looks pretty good i think we got a good shot going viral i got a few things to do to the channel i got to populate it with some old videos so if people find the new video that goes up it doesn't just look weird like there's just one video on the channel you know what i mean so yeah i'm gonna do that and then i'll see you in a sec all right this is the moment of truth days and days of work led up to this moment now i just have to hit public and done i am so nervous i have never been this nervous to upload a video i did everything the exact same description as nikki's tutorials the exact same tags thumbnails there everything everything that they said is there okay so this should if nate tell the truth we should go viral okay it's up it's live holy [ __ ] all right it's currently midnight on the 6th i am going to leave this video for a few days i'll come back in 72 hours and we'll see the results of this experiment okay hey while we wait why don't we hear a word from today's sponsor food is awesome but you know what's not awesome eating the same food over and over again that's why i've been using america's number one meal kit hellofresh for the past two years hellofresh offers tons of unique easy recipes to choose from each week and they've got something for everybody including vegetarian which is what i get they've got low calorie and even family friendly recipes to choose from whatever you need they got and i know meal planning and prepping can be a hassle and seriously the last thing i want to do after a long day is stress about what i'm going to eat for dinner that night you know but with hello fresh you can actually enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in just about 30 minutes or even just 20 minutes with their quick and easy options also i'm always trying to cut down on my food waste and hello fresh helps out tremendously hellofresh's carbon footprint is actually 25 lower than that of meals made from store-bought ingredients and the packaging hello fresh uses to ship your food is almost entirely made from recyclable and or already recycled content but i think my favorite thing about hellofresh is how flexible they are if we want to add another meal to our box or an extra like garlic bread or if we want to skip a week entirely for whatever reason or change our delivery date it's super easy it just takes a couple taps on the hellofresh app like i said earlier my girlfriend and i have been eating hellofresh for the past two years and we absolutely love it food is amazing we have a great time we cook together and it's been especially great this year because we haven't been going out as much as we used to for obvious reasons and this all sounds amazing i know but it gets better the lovely folks over at hellofresh have hooked up the citizens of curtis town with a delicious deal go to hellofresh.com and use my code 80 curtistown to get 80 off across 5 boxes including free shipping on your first box alright thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and so many others in the past and i hope you guys check them out seriously you you won't regret it and it helps me out as well so everybody wins okay let's see how this video ends [Music] okay so it's been about 72 hours since i uploaded this video so i think it's time we see the results of this experiment this video took a long time to make and i would hate my hours and hours of work i was for nothing and it isn't gonna look too good for nate if this video didn't go super viral because he said i'd go viral every single time so let's see how many views we got [Music] [ __ ] man 12 views and we got two subscribers and we've got one comment on a re-uploaded video on the channel so not even the video that i made that was supposed to go viral and it says 40 seconds my hotmom.online so all in all i'd say it's a pretty big success obviously i'm joking this experiment failed the secrets of fame didn't work and you know what i hate to boast but i was right there are no secrets or hacks to youtube success the thing that bugs me the most about this whole thing is how nate advertised the secrets to fame program straight up if nate was like hey i can't promise you any success on youtube but here are the things that i've used that have helped me a lot and i maybe they'll help you out as well i hope they do i would have no problem with that okay i wouldn't be making a video right now but the fact that he's promising viral videos every time and charging people 200 for it is just it's pathetic it really is i think i mentioned this in my jake paul video but here's how to be successful on youtube seriously i don't know what work for me won't work for everybody else okay everyone's different obviously honestly i think the best advice i can give to someone who wants to be a youtuber is this don't start making youtube videos to get a penthouse at 18 or to travel the world in private jets or to drive the fastest cars that's [ __ ] weird make videos because you love doing it i [ __ ] love doing this [ __ ] man am i tired all the time yes am i stressed out every single day absolutely but creating content that i'm proud of and making people laugh is like my favorite thing to do that's all i've ever wanted to do and that's why i think it bugs me so much when i see people like nate like praying on people's love for creating and connecting with people so nate if you're watching i hope you learned something i'm not trying to [ __ ] cancel you or anything i just hope in the future you can be a little bit more honest and truthful with your audience and respect them a little bit more and any money you made from this program maybe you can donate it you know to a charity that actually like helps and encourages young people to be artistic and creative and original and you don't even need to research one that's the best part i already found one for you they're called ps arts it's right up your alley i think they're perfect for you yeah just a thought so the link will be in the description if you want to give them some of that sweet sweet cash of yours i already donated like five grand so you could match that if you want right that's nothing if you can afford a penthouse at 18 and private jets you know what's what's another five grand right your name is already nate so just put a d o in front of it and do that well thank you for watching if you're still here huge thank you to maxine for helping me out with this video it would be really great if you went to her channel and subscribed and watched her videos but she's super funny and cool and i think you guys will like her content a lot and if she goes viral after this video then i guess the secrets to fame program will inadvertently be successful also the video i edited for her is garbage compared to her usual videos because i had to add a bunch of like unfunny memes from 2014. to make it go viral even though it didn't so don't let that video be your first impression of her content go watch the other videos that she's made yeah the link for her channel is in the description and the link for michael's channel in the description too so show him love because he helped out a lot and yeah in conclusion don't listen when someone says there's a shortcut whether it's fifteen hundred dollars for acting classes or two hundred dollars for the secrets to fame because even if that was true even if there are shortcuts and stuff you never know what's gonna happen you could be replaced by victoria justice after the first season all right i'll end the video there like the video if you enjoyed it i like making long videos like this so if you enjoy these uh liking the video is a good way to let me know and also one like equals one day until my next cold sore so please like it i don't want another one and yeah leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know if you want to see more videos like this and yeah check the description for all the other things i do my instagram my twitter just hit a million on instagram thank you so much i check out my podcast i just did an episode with the vora's twins i got merch down there go check it out all right i would stick around but i have to go unfortunately i have to go uh sharpen my chin goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,748,491
Rating: 4.9863405 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, nate garner, secrets to fame, commentary, experiment
Id: 7sf0l2cdoF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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