Teaching Gamers About God

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This was one of the best vids Kurt has ever made imo. I fuckin cried at his youth pastor impersonation. I loved this good job Kurtis

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/sydneykk22 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I realized that I paused the vid more than 10 times cause of the BS this guy is spitting. Please tell me that I'm not alone.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MetaMegu 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello i just did a big merch restock on my website there's a bunch of merch back up on the site uh so go check it out curtisconner.com or just check the link in the description all right thank you enjoy the video hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going really good to see you again i hope you're doing well all right folks what are some things that come to mind when you think of gamers doritos light up keyboards sweaty balls but out of all the things that popped up in your head was any of them oh i don't know god huh religion jesus probably not and that's what's wrong with society today us gamers aren't viewed as good god-fearing individuals and we need to band together and change that a lot of people don't know this but the g and g fuel actually stands for god i'm kidding obviously anybody who's played an online competitive video game with strangers is well aware there is no god there can't be the things i've heard come out of people's mouths because they died in a video game that is the work of the devil and the devil alone so yeah you're gay and before we get any further into this video i want to do a quick disclaimer obviously i'm going to be touching on religion in this video which historically has been pretty divisive so if you're somebody who gets ticked off uh when someone critiques religion especially christianity uh now's your chance to click away all right finally they're gone yeah if you couldn't tell from me saying that uh god isn't real like 10 seconds ago i'm not a religious person i never have been i just never saw the appeal i will tell you my own personal experience with religion though when i was in grade three sorry third grade i had a friend a really good friend named joshua and his family was super religious and that's obvious because his name was joshua and one day he invited me to go to his church with him because he said it was like this this like chill spot where a bunch of kids already just hang out and play games and me being eight i was like [ __ ] yeah dude let's go so i got there we were hanging out for a bit and one of the youth pastors uh starts talking to me and he's like i'm sorry oh wait hold on i gotta tell you if you don't go to church every sunday you're gonna burn in hell for eternity when you die you don't want that do you which is a pretty gnarly thing to say to an eight-year-old and to make it worse at that point in my life i don't think i even knew i was going to die so that was a lot to process so when i got home i was like freaking out to my mom i was like hey i don't know if you know this but if we don't go to church every sunday we're both [ __ ] we're both going to burn in hell forever and i remember my mom god bless her oh i remember her being like curtis nobody really knows what happens to us when we die we can go to church if you want but if you want to get up at 7am every sunday be my guest and i never brought up religion ever again so my personal experience with uh christianity it's always been like pretty negative but again disclaimer before we get into this if you are religious and your beliefs don't harm anybody hell yeah i have heaven here now that being said when people uh try to force the religion like down people's throats and they act like they're better than you because they believe in god that's what kind of bugs me and i'm not saying i'm better than a christian because i don't believe in god but it's one thing to like talk to someone and like engage in a nice conversation about religion and spirituality but if you're just like oh you don't believe in jesus all right [ __ ] have fun in hell i'm gonna be up there hanging out in a sauna with elvis presley [ __ ] when you think about it hell is kind of just one big sauna doesn't sound that bad so if i do say anything negative about christians in this video just know that i'm referring to those types of people all right all good don't get mad at me great so back to the main topic of the video the reason i brought up gamers and religion at the beginning of this video is because we're gonna be taking a look at a content creator not god the original content creator we're gonna be looking at a creator named dr witnesser he's a twitch streamer uh well he was a twitch streamer we'll get into that in a second he was a twitch streamer that in his own words brings the gospel to gamers i guess i still can't read that without laughing what he'll do is he'll go into like random fortnight matches and he'll just like teach his teammates about god surface leather kind of weird but do you i guess i'm not saying surface level anymore it's surface leather from now on surface leather huh so uh this religious rascal popped up on my tick tock for you page a few weeks ago it was like just someone posting a clip from one of his streams and i think it perfectly sums up the issue with preaching the gospel in an online video game i don't know if we can raise you you might want to call god and resurrect you that's not funny don't get too serious on us all right we're playing fortnite we're not here to listen to your bibles buddy if you don't turn from your wicked ways and repent and trust in jesus you're gonna die and burn to hell and cease to exist and turn to ash that's not gonna affect anything you think about like man what did you expect you're going into a random [ __ ] online fortnight match trying to teach kids about god which is probably the last thing they want to [ __ ] hear and then when someone makes a simple joke you [ __ ] freak out and try to like scare them if you don't turn from your wicked ways and repent and trust in jesus you're gonna die and burn to hell sounds familiar you're gonna burn in hell for eternity when you die you don't want that dude i got that you know i thought christianity was supposed to be all like come on man just all love each other bro love thy neighbor but like that's never the way people like this like try to educate others about the bible it almost always starts with fear-mongering about what happens to us when we die you don't want to convert that's fine oh oh that's i don't that's fine i don't care i mean you will burn in hell for eternity you're going to be on fire forever while satan kicks you when the ball is repeated and i'm going to hit you for it but again totally your call lucifer i hardly know her here's another great clip that i saw from one of his streams stopped using his name in vain bro i did not say his name you said omg and do you do that like that god thing like after the after world or whatever yes i do that yes that's me oh my god i didn't hey what the hell don't what can't just sit there and just start busting out taking his name in vain and stuff like that oh my god stop taking his name in vain dude stop taking his name is just hearing someone say oh my god a sin seriously let me know like leave the kid alone man he said it not you it's the one thing if that was his child you know like fine you can enforce whatever [ __ ] rules you want but to some random kid who's fortnite squad you randomly join don't get all pissed off when he says omg because you don't like personally saying it that's just not how life works right i hate randomly assigned seating you know i wish i was i wish i was sitting next to my best friend over there his name's christian yeah they suck hey whoa whoa whoa is that a peanut are you about to eat a peanut get get that out of my face oh my god i'm so sorry are you allergic no i'm not allergic i just don't like them okay so if you're gonna be sitting around me you gotta agree with everything i do everything i say and you gotta bend over backwards to make sure you wouldn't do anything i wouldn't do skank hey whoa sorry i just i really don't like peanuts okay well i'm hungry and i like them you don't have to eat them so it's fine [Music] stop eating peanuts dude come on give me those give me those peanuts [Music] [Applause] what are you doing yeah have fun trying to eat your peanuts now they're all gone [Music] oh my god someone help he's choking i'm not joking i'm allergic you said you weren't allergic i lied you skank also the ending of that clip that's the funniest thing i've seen all year stop taking his name in vain dude stop taking his name in vain dude you won't like me when i when you when or when i hear you take his name in vain too many times i'll turn into the christian hulk which is just like either the regular hulk but [Music] fully clothed this joke was brought to you by christians against shirtless so earlier i mentioned that he was a twitch streamer and that's because he was actually banned from twitch for telling a muslim child that he was going to hell because he doesn't belong to the same religion as dr witnesser what you're talking about since you're american or christian since there wasn't culture we don't even talk about that yeah you don't talk about it because i don't want to believe it that's why so look if you were to die in your sins today you would be sentenced to hell dude if heaven is full of [ __ ] like this i'm good you guys go ahead i'll sit heavy i'll sit heaven out how about that hey doctor you are a grown man who is trying to scare a child into christianity who's just trying to play a [ __ ] video game like this poor kid man i don't know if he lives in america or not but seeing as there was a literal muslim travel ban like two years ago that bigotry 100 like trickles down so i'm sure this kid already goes through literal hell from [ __ ] bullies at his school who have christian racist parents and hold on there are literal studies that state racism among white christians is higher than among the non-religious so maybe this kid plays fortnite to i don't know escape all that and just have fun only to be guilt-tripped and yelled at by some [ __ ] 40 year old with a chin strap neckbeard combo shave it oh my god shave it absolutely dude you could be the best christian ever but if you get to the pearly gates and you got that going on you're going to hell so good on twitch for banning him but obviously dr witnesser didn't agree with this ban so he tweeted twitch has yet again showed they have no tolerance for a hashtag christian streamer who preaches what the hashtag bible teaches they are a biased hypocritical organization that shoves their agenda down everyone's throats dude what does that taste in my mouth kind of like metallic tastes like iron it's a real irony flavor in there dude getting banned for rudely shoving your agenda down people's throats and then you curse the platform for shoving an agenda down people's throats but hey i guess do unto others as you would have them do unto you right he also made a tick tock about this band which is also full of irony my name is dr witnesser twitch permanently banned me off their platform the gospel of salvation is a message of love and there's absolutely no hatred involved in a message like that twitch shows their intelligence to christianity it's no surprise because they are run by the lgbt community and if you go onto his twitch and tell them about homosexuality as a sin that goes against their agenda this has to be a bit no one can be this dense right why would they do this the gospel is all about love and respect and inclusivity but anyways twitch is run by the gays and i hate them and it doesn't stop there unfortunately like obviously uh did you know like having sex with an animal that's against god's law right and in society yeah and society that's also against the rules of society right well the whole homosexuality thing used to be against the rules of society also as well but it's not anymore that whole thing with animals that's also in the bible and everybody agrees with that but when it comes to homosexuality people are like oh well well no when it comes to that of course you know i i should be allowed to holy [ __ ] man i want really quick i want to say when i started scripting this i was very close to like scrapping this whole thing and not making a video about this guy because i didn't want this to be like me just bullying a smaller creator but never mind [ __ ] this guy this guy sucks comparing a loving relationship or not even just [ __ ] two guys [ __ ] comparing that to literal bestiality hey man you're a dumbass you're a [ __ ] dumbass also it's funny that uh he says homosexuality is a sin it's a sin for a man to lay with another man but he has a sign in his room that says jesus is the way and he you know gets on his knees every night and devotes his whole life and belief system to some shirtless man with long luscious hair that he's never even met before i don't know dude you might want to check yourself seems like simp behavior to me my man yo actually maybe that's why he was banned from twitch because he was simping too hard for jesus but back to my other point just because it says you can't pork another fella in a book that was written literally thousands of years ago doesn't mean it's true guys like dr witnesser are this dumb currently in 2021 imagine how [ __ ] stupid people were thousands of years ago when they wrote the bible but hey if we want to do this if you want to take the bible literally okay sure leviticus 19 19 uh you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material uh that looks like a silk tie with a cotton shirt uh-oh see you in hell there's a bible verse for that another one corinthians 6 19. these all sound like [ __ ] gamer tags dude you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore honor god with your bodies so dr witnesser if you're supposed to love the body that god gave you why are you wearing glasses god gave you those eyeballs and what oh they're not good enough for you that's low even for you dude there's a final verse for that this is one of the big problems i have with this guy he loves to get mad at people for cherry picking like parts of the bible you know about what they can and can't do you know people mankind has a tendency to uh make the bible fit their lifestyle and then he'll go on to cherry-pick parts of the bible about what he wants to do for example i'll say it he's pretty good at fortnight terrible dude but he's absolutely cracked at fortnight my guy everybody's building walls and [ __ ] he's building arcs but uh let's read a quote from his website my mission is to bring the gospel to gamers still can't say without laughing and that is the only reason i play games is to witness while i did used to be a gamer i have come to realize as a born again christian that gaming alone for the sake of gaming is worldly addictive and negative distraction from god it's a good thing bad grammar isn't a sin holy [ __ ] gaming is actually okay i only play games that let you enable god mode according to dr witnesser you're not allowed to be a gamer that's a sin but while he's preaching about god while he's doing it that makes it okay dude i'm learning so much about christianity this just in sinning is hereby chill if you're preaching about god while you do it so if you are a gay man and you're worried about going to hell just preach the gospel while you're getting it on and you'll be fine the first coming the second coming doesn't matter preach the whole time there's a bible verse for that anyways he said in that uh explanation video that he's gonna start streaming on a platform called d live please follow me at d live dot tv slash doctor witnesser d live isn't afraid to stand up for people in their freedom of speech and expression of the religion which i've never heard about until he mentioned it but it's basically just twitch but yellow and just to give you like a general idea of what the streaming service is all about in june 2020 during the george floyd protests d-live changed his twitter profile name to all lives matter and by august 2020 the most popular programming on d live included anti-vaxxer content covet 19 misinformation and opposition to racial justice movements we're not done q anon streamers then joined the platform and at least nine d live streamers broadcasted their direct involvement with the storming of the united states capital good call man epic christian moment come on i'm preaching the message of love and acceptance all day dude so come watch me on the white supremacist website but actually after being permanently banned from twitch he actually you realize what he did was wrong and he apologized to uh the kid and everybody else and i'm just kidding he didn't [ __ ] do any of that i don't regret telling that muslim kid that he was going to hell if he didn't turn from his sins ah nice but there's some more clips i found on youtube and clips that i recorded myself from his live streams that i want to go over because they really show you that just because someone is religious doesn't automatically make them a good person so the main criticism he gets is that he's forcing his religion to people but he doesn't think he does that you're forcing it on people i'm glad you're gone you're forcing it literally i go into games i say hey i tease people about the gospel would you like to talk about that and then they say yes or no 95 say yes and anybody who says no i just leave and find somebody who wants to talk about it and this is just not true who wants to hear about the the bible who wants to to talk about jesus it's not really the right setting so what is the right setting like two seconds before you die so we're gonna really go through this whole game without anybody wanting to talk about jesus is that the deal here and anybody who says no i just leave seems like you're forcing it dude just because someone doesn't reply with an audible no that doesn't translate to yes also does anybody else find it weird that of all games to play he picks the game with the mostly adolescent player base you know play something godly at least you know please play halo angels have hail you know that's related to jesus and god why not do call of duty or grand theft auto if anything the people who play those games need jesus way more than some kid on fortnite right but my guess is he plays fortnite so he can get to these kids when they're young and impressionable and scared and it's really gross it's [ __ ] really weird man do this in a cod lobby and see what happens hey what's going on guys anybody got mics anybody got mics yeah yeah i got a bike yeah nice too what do you want great just let you guys know i go into cod lobbies and i i pretty much just teach people about god is that something you would want to hear about absolutely that sounds awesome great wow yeah i haven't i haven't talked about god since i went to sawcon uh what's saw khan sock on these nuts [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] idiot [Music] and i've watched a few of his streams and they're fascinating the entire time he's like arguing with either his chat his teammates it's like never a good time i was watching it one night and his teammate brought up the fact that he was banned from twitch which is so [ __ ] funny and you can expect he handled the situation with the poise and grace of a good level-headed christian you told someone to go to hell you're going to hell i actually didn't say that but you know you can believe the articles if you want hmm i remember when i told that muslim kid he was going to hell you told someone to go to hell you're going to hell you would be sentenced to hell i actually didn't say that i remember when i told that muslim kid he was going to hell have i stopped lying all together yes you would be sentenced to hell i actually didn't say that god says every liar will have his part in a lake of fire save me a spot in hell man it's also so funny trying to teach people about god while you're playing a game where the main objective is to kill people you should be okay so god loves us the juxtaposition is incredible all right what's up guys welcome back to the stream my name is professor bible today we're gonna be uh teaching you guys about god i actually spoke with god this morning he said fortnight was a little too violent for this stream so uh today we're playing a game called uh poop simulator i i've never heard of it but it says it doesn't have any violence so i think this is going to be a good avenue to preach the gospel well it looks so realistic it looks like i'm really about to pinch a fat love wow so guys like i was saying last stream um god is god is good um when god gives people uh terminal brain cancer or you know alzheimer's or you know even if he unleashes a deadly pandemic across the world that you know kills hundreds of thousands of people he does this because he loves us okay he loves us all so much you know the gospel is a message of cleanliness and and uh and purity and remember guys jesus is all about love you know he loves each and every one of us well unless you're gay or trans or if you've ever had an abortion and of course if you belong to any other religion other than christianity but remember he loves all of us and to quote corinth oh [ __ ] hold on i'm constipated epic [ __ ] oh my god that [ __ ] ring wow guys we did it that was awesome oh wow thank you so much for the thousand dollar donation remember guys i'm saving up for a private jet so i can be like the other good christian televangelist so you're gonna have to donate more than that you worthless pieces of [ __ ] like i just don't understand why he has to go into video games and preach to people who clearly don't give a [ __ ] like you don't have to play video games on twitch right it would make more sense for him to just have us a stream where he just you know preaches talks about god and if you want to learn about god you can go there you know that way you can still do what you want to do and not force people into it even though i'm he'd still find a way to [ __ ] do it god's saying look i i could forgive you and and grant you everlasting life but you got to be willing to turn away from your sin when do you plan on doing that when are you going to do it huh when are you going to convert if i convert three people and then these people convert three people and then those great we're gonna be rich by the time we get to heaven it's a big [ __ ] pyramid scheme i don't know man it just pisses me off that people like this exist because they're just so oblivious to the damage that they're doing to like good christian people right and he's given a bad rep to gamers too man this isn't the gamer way man these gamers these gamers are lost and they need help you know what the more i talk about this the more i realize there needs to be a church for gamers because there isn't really a place of worship for us maybe e3 but that's that's once a year and us gamers we need that especially the most oppressed group of all gamers so you know what i'm hereby starting the curtis town godly church for gamers every sunday you'll come in we'll do ceremonial wrist exercises the church band will only use rock band controllers you know we'll read excerpts from ign articles instead of church pews we'll have church pew pews instead of the little eucharist thing we're gonna have it'll be one single cool ranch dorito and instead of the blood of christ the red wine [ __ ] let me mountain dew coat red this is perfect i could see it now [Music] forgive me pog champ for i have sinned what have you done gamer last night i was on stream and you know the chat was hyping me up and i hit this nasty 720 no scope headshot on this absolute [ __ ] bot ooh poggers thank you for the bits but after i nailed my epic trick shot i look it's okay you can tell me anything your sins will be forgiven i teabag them i t bagged them over and over again the chat was absolutely popping off subscriptions follows emotes you name it i got i had no choice hog champ say something so that was you huh what so that was you who [ __ ] tea bagged me last night oh my god of war i am so sorry i didn't know gg [Music] thank you gg as in get gone no wait let's talk about this steak okay maybe mixing religion and gaming isn't a good idea it's a great idea in conclusion i hope i didn't offend anybody with this video that wasn't my intention that's never my intention believe it or not but i know religion is never a fun thing to talk about but hey my youtube channel i can talk about what i want and i feel bad for christian people who have to get lumped together with fuckos like dr witnesser because i know not every christian person is like this at the same time i also feel bad for atheists who have to get lumped together with people who are like i believe in a flying spaghetti monster rafflecopter because that's [ __ ] just as annoying i don't know man i guess the message is don't be an [ __ ] and i'll see you at gaming service on sunday uh if you are a christian and you know of a christian youtuber or content creator who would be open to come on my podcast and maybe we can talk about religion because it would be cool to talk about and you know maybe learn something from someone who doesn't have a chin strap neck beard obviously well i hope this video was uh some food for thought but how do we talk about some food for stomach this video is sponsored by hellofresh look we may disagree on a lot of things but i think the one thing we can all agree on is we gotta eat which also means we gotta cook and with hello fresh cooking at home is fun easy and affordable hellofresh delivers mouth-watering recipes and fresh pre-measured ingredients right to your door so you don't have to worry about all that annoying meal prepping and planning stuff and hey it's a new year and you know maybe if you want to switch up your diet hellofresh is perfect they have tons of low calorie carb smart vegetarian and pescetarian options every single week plus every 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because hellofresh has hooked up the citizens of curtistown with an amazing deal just go to hellofresh.com and use code 10 curtistown to get 10 free meals including free shipping so yeah check them out uh jenna and i have been eating hella fresh every week for like two years now and i can't recommend them enough and if you check them out helps me out helps you out every dude everybody wins so yeah thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring yet another one of my videos back to me bye bye all right that's it thank you for watching uh if you enjoyed it please press the like button because uh one like equals one general admission ticket to my gaming church yeah it costs money yeah leave a comment let me know you thought can't wait to read the comments on this one and yeah subscribe if you want to make a video all the time and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah check the description for the other things i do you know my podcast instagram twitter merch restock uh my twitch i'm on twitch because i wasn't banned yeah that's it i would stick around but i have to go i have to go play poop simulator in real life goodbye [Music] make your speech you know edifying to people and make it may uplift people and may not bring people down you would be sentenced to hell
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,943,349
Rating: 4.9537969 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, dr witnesser, twitch, commentary, reaction, banned, twitch ban, banned from twitch, streaming, fortnite, comedy, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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