Palworld BEGINNERS GUIDE - The Ultimate New Player Guide Tips and Tricks

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the world of P world is immersive and I want  to make sure that when you go into the world   you're 100% prepared to what you might encounter  whether it be a pal whether it be foes attacking   and raiding your base so we created a guide  that's going to help you get you started on the   right step to make sure you are 100% for whatever  the game throws at you welcome to our power world   beginner guide where I'm going to provide you all  the most valuable information that will help you   get completely set up with your base with your  pals and of course your character now pal world   is an immersive world so I'm going to give you  guys the best beginner tips I could give you I   will have a separate video going over over more  advanced stuff because there is a ton of things   to cover in the game and I can literally make  this video like 30 to 45 minutes so I want to   save you guys a couple times CU I know you guys  want to make sure you guys go in there and play   it right off the bat so let's go ahead and  get started with this pal world's beginner   guide all right so let's start off with the first  thing I think you should definitely make sure you   consider when you're playing the game and that  is determining where you're going to build your   base it's extremely important that you don't just  build your base in any random spot you're going   to want to make sure you put this strategically  because remember your base will also serve as a   spawn point that you could fast travel to so when  you start off the game the game's going to put you   into an area where there already is a spawn point  available what I would recommend is make sure you   set up your base in an area where there is enough  trees and where there is enough rocks that provide   two of the most essential materials you're going  to need early in the game number one rocks and   number one wood so the first beginner tip I want  to give is don't just put your base anywhere make   sure you choose in a strategic place that's going  to give you access to the following things number   one a really good fast travel Point number two a  really good area that has a lot of trees because   you're going to need a lot of wood a place that  has rocks and you're going to want to make sure   you find a place that also has ore which are  like the rock that looks kind of like brown and   gold and in addition to that you want to make  sure you choose a place that has a very wide   range of land because as you progress throughout  the game you're going to need to build a lot of   stuff and unfortunately if you pick a little small  area then you're going to be like oh crap I need   to build another base so you want to make sure  you put these four elements into your number one   priority and this is definitely one of the most  important things right when you're getting started   all right so now on to tip number two now that  you guys are already set up you have your base   the another thing that becomes super essential  guys is making sure you have stuff to make your   life easier and when I say making your stuff  easier is being able to craft faster and being   able to gather items quicker so the first thing I  would recommend when you're doing the game is try   to craft the pickaxe as quickly as you possibly  can there is going to speed the things up for   example on harvesting trees and harvesting rocks  unfortunately when you start off the game you're   only going to have your fist out so it's going  to make it a little bit more time consuming to   get that done so you want to make sure you crap  that as quickly as you possibly can all right so   after you have your pickaxe the step number two  you want to make guys and this is going to be uh   tied in with step number three but just in case  this is Step number two you want to make sure you   make a campfire now the reason you want to make a  campfire is because you want to make this before   you hit the night cycle cuz once you hit the night  cycle the wind starts pushing in it starts getting   cold and the cold starts affecting your health  and you could possibly die if you don't have a   campfire so you want to make sure you set up a  campfire as quickly as you can because you don't   want it the night to come where you don't have  a campfire okay so now moving on to step number   three which I is tied in with step number two  and that is building a bed okay it's extremely   important if you can't build a campfire or want to  skip the campfire early and want to go straight to   build a bed that's what I would recommend but if  you still want to build a campfire I personally   build a campfire first and I was like man I should  have buildt a bed you know before but uh for you   guys that are watching this video uh if you want  to build a bed I would recommend recommend the   bed before the campfire so the reason why we  want to build a bed is for the following reason   like I said you want to avoid the night cycle  due to the fact that the night cycle not only   is more dangerous but it gets cold and the cold  starts hurting your health so if you let it get   too shilly and you are don't have access to the  campfire or can't make it to the campfire or just   don't want to wait that long for the night cycle  to finish that is where the bed comes into play   because if you build a bed you can literally go  lay on the bed fall asleep and it's daytime all   over again this not only speeds the process of  the game but it makes it go a lot faster so what   I would recommend make down a bed now in order  to make a bed you need to have a couple things   in Your Arsenal you need to have a lot of wood  which is why we crafted the pickaxe and number   two you got to lay down a foundation and on top  of that you also have to build a roof and a bed   so you have to have a good amount of wood so  what I would recommend is get your foundation   up get two walls put in a nice little area place  down your bed and this going to save you a lot   of time and it's going to make the game go a lot  quicker and it's going to save you from those cold   hold nights okay so now that you got kind of your  bait already settled in let's talk about how you   can make yourself better and how you could hunt  Pals and what Pals I recommend you get early so   the first thing I want to recommend guys let's  talk about hunting so you're going to want to   make sure that when you give it get the options to  spend your points that you're crafting the right   stuff so the first thing you need to craft after  the pickaxe is you need to craft the bow and you   need to make yourself some arrows that's going  to make your life a lot easier due to the fact   that instead of having to go melee or punch the  pals you could just use your bow and arrow to   kind of get you know reduce your health and start  collecting Pals now I'm going to say which Pals I   recommend there's two that are going to be very  essential to the early gameplay of the game I   will have a separate video on what are the best  early Pals to pick up and why in another video   so you're going to make sure you guys subscribe  to the channel turn on those notifications so   you guys don't miss that video and do drop a like  to support the channel a lot and that being said   craft yourself a bow and make yourself some arrows  just to make that hunting a lot more easier okay   so one of the early Pals that I recommend you pick  up is called a lamb ball now this is pretty much   a little lamb that's like a little ball it's a  really cute one but the reason why you want to   collect this one is for two main reasons number  one he has three different aspects that are going   to be crucial for your early stages of the game  he's going to have the handywork and he's going   to have the transporting and the fing it's going  to be important because he's going to be able to   do three jobs at once so when you're playing early  you want to have a pal that's able to do multiple   jobs to make your life go a little bit easier he's  not not that great for attack he's not that great   for defense but the reason we like him is cuz he's  really good at working now I'm going to recommend   another pal that's going to be crucial to not only  defend your base but also work in it as well all   right so the second pal you want to capture is  one that's called cattiva now this is going to   be a little cat he's pink he's cute he's adorable  but the reason why we like him is for three major   things number one he's really good at Defending  Your Base because he has punch Fury and air cannon   so he has two active skills that that are going  to be really important now speaking of that his   work sustainability is actually amazing so what I  like to do with him is I like to get one not only   for the uh you know for my farming or for my base  but I also like to get him as my personal pal at   the early stages because he's the one that I Ed to  go ahead out and hunting for Pals but he's really   good when it comes to Defending Your Base if you  guys get rated so his work stability is really   good because he has handy work that means he's  able to go and work on the workbenches he has   transporting so for example if you farm berries or  you farm logs he's able to transport that from one   place to another one he does Gathering which  is going to help you gather you know like you   know fruits and stuff like that and he does one  important thing which is mining which is going to   become crucial because you do need a lot of rocks  and he's going to be able to mine later on in the   game so really good pal to have and one that I  recommend you pick up early in the stage and these   are the two main Pals you want to have not only  in your base and also you want to make sure you   have Captiva early States cuz he's not that hard  to capture and he's going to help you guys capture   bigger Pals later along in the game make sure  you always take a look at their passive skills   as well to determine which one you want to place  where and where all right so now let's talk about   things that I would recommend I'm going to have  a separate video going on where you should spend   your first 25 points when you're playing the game  but one thing I want to recommend at early stages   is do not spend your points on certain skills that  are not really important at the early stages of   the game now what I mean by that is when you're  playing the game you're going to be given points   points to for your character for your you know  to be able to spend points in I would recommend   at least spend your first points when it comes to  the carry capacity cuz this going to be crucial at   the early stages of the game so that's going to  be another tip another thing I want to recommend   guys is when it comes to crafting you're going  to want to make sure that you go ahead and craft   the following you want to make sure you craft the  shield now the reason why the shield is extremely   important is because the shield is going to give  you a huge boost when it comes to survivability   instead of you spending points when it comes to  to you boosting your health so definitely craft   The Shield when that comes available it does  come available early stages so don't overspend   your points in something else craft The Shield  as quickly as you can the next thing I want to   recommend is make sure you guys make a repair  bench a repair bench is going to be crucial and   one thing that shouldn't be skipped the reason  why is because since you're going to be using   your pickaxe quite often you want to make sure  that your pickaxe is not deteriorating and not   having you to go bare you know bare Feast again  instead having your pickups ready every single   time it's going to be very very crucial the next  tip I want to give you guys is to acquire yes   acquire a parachute as quickly as you possibly  can this going to help you with triers and it's   also going to help you moving around the game  very quickly to be able to do that now since   you already have a campfire already set up this  going to give you an advantage of being able to   cook food and having better food than just berries  is going to be extremely important at the early   stages you're going to notice that there's going  to be a bunch of berries that you're going to be   able to carry and harvest to be able to eat and  consume and get your health in now what I'm going   to recommend guys is to make sure to get better  food and how do you get better food well you're   going to look for a pal and that particular pal  is going to give you the advantage of giving you   a lot of meat as far as chicken and that is the  chick peea I think that's how you say his name   the reason why you want to make sure you're not  capturing him you're just pretty much killing him   is because every time you kill him he's going to  be dropping a piece of chicken and this chicken   is going to be used in order to make a chicken  kebab which is going to give you faster Health   when you're playing the game so make sure you're  getting as much chicken as you possibly can okay   so the next tip I want to give you guys and this  is going to be a really important guys is you want   to make sure that you're constantly leveling up  your base so the way you level up your base is   by doing the assignments that are found within  the pal boox management and in this area you're   going to be looking at missions look at those  missions complete those missions and that's going   to allow you to upgrade your base and when you're  upgrading your base you're going to get access to   not only different items but you're going to get  access to being able to get more Pals working so   the more Pals that are working in your base the  more faster you're going to be able to get stuff   complete next tip I want to give you guys and I  don't know if this is a bug or if it's meant to   be this way you're going to want to constantly  be looking at your base because sometimes your   pals will be a little bit lazy and the game  is going to let let you notify that someone's   slacking and taking a break and sometimes that is  not the Pal's fault it's just sometimes they get   stuck like in a rock or stuck in a little area  and you need to un unfreeze them or get them   unstuck so the way I've basically done to remove  them is one either just go pick them up and move   them from spot because you can pick them up or  you can literally just go ahead and go to the   pal Box menu and just change the pal and then put  the pal back in and that's going to teleport them   out of the world and back into the world so that  way you could get them unstuck now speaking about   picking them up it's going to be important that  you keep track of what pal does what I will have   a separate video on what are the best Pals to do  for what but there's going to be certain Pals that   are going to be very good at certain jobs like  for example some are going to be really good at   mining some are going to be really good at farming  you can literally just assign one specific pal for   one specific objective so he's not bouncing back  and forth and not an autopilot and this going to   make stuff go a little bit quicker this more like  midgame uh advantages that you want to do so make   sure in order to be able to do that is you want  to pick up the pal take him to the location that   you want him to be you know that his main job drop  him there and that's going to assign him to that   specific role to make your life and make stuff go  a lot faster all right so now on to like a kind of   a little bit more advanced tip and this going  to be pretty much make sure you're constantly   leveling up your statue of power this is going to  be leveled up by finding these little grain items   in the world and you're going to need to find a  certain amount to level it up I would suggest at   least hitting level one what this is going to do  it's going to let you capture a bigger and higher   level a Pals with even though you're a little  bit underleveled and the higher you get this   the higher it's going to let you capture certain  Pals a little bit more easier so you constantly   want to make sure you upgrade this so that's why  we went ahead and picked up the parachute really   quickly because that's going to allow us for  triers and one tip I want to give you guys is   the game doesn't tell you but the characters are  able to climb the Rocks like if there were ladders   so don't worry if it's like a high ground or like  a very difficult area you can literally just climb   the Rock and be able to make your way up there  as quickly as you possibly can these tips should   definitely put you guys in the right spot to make  sure that you get a really good start at the game   and are ready to do your first dungeon or your  first boss fight now I will have more in-depth   videos going over more advanced stuff here in  the game so you want to make sure you guys keep   it locked in the channel but you probably want  to check out this video on how to level up fast   right now in pal world to make sure that not only  you're leveling up quickly to capture better Pals   but you're able to do a ton of damage when you're  fighting bosses so definitely stop by and check   it out I hope you guys are enjoying our content if  you are the heat favor guys drop a comment drop a   like but most importantly subscribe to the channel  turn on all those notifications so you guys won't   miss when our videos go live thank you guys for  watching and I'll catch you guys on the next
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 63,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld beginners guide, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld ultimate guide, palworld review, palworld player guide, palworld tutorial, palworld early access, palworld new info, palworld new pals, palworld info, palworld gameplay, palworld fusion, palworld best pals, palworld with guns, palworld advanced tips, palworld mount, palworld food, palworld pokemon, palworld information, laserbolt, palworld xbox, palworld news
Id: StrJZiF6LmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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