Palworld How to Get BEST PAL PASSIVE SKILLS - Palworld Best Pals to Breed for OP Passive Skills

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are you sick and tired of spending countless hours of breathing and having your characters come out with the wrong passive skills or just missing one particular passive skill that you really really want on your character but you cannot seem to get the reason that this happened to you is because you are doing breathing completely completely wrong today I'm going to show you guys how you could guarantee to get the right passive skills on every single character if you take a look at my character right here I have a moner Arena now the great thing about this masarina is that I have workaholic die lover artisan and positive thinker to me personally this is the best stats to put on a working pal now I want to be able to replicate this over and over and I want to reduce the amount of resources that it takes me to do that but most importantly the amount of time how can I genuinely guarante that I could get all of these passive skills passed on to a pal the fastest the easiest and most effective way today I'm going to show you guys exactly how I've been able to make all my characters with these amazing trades super easy and super fast so with that being said let's jump right into the video and find out what you need to do to guarantee the passive skills you want now just to make sure I cover everybody that might be new to the game in order to do this guys you are need to have you're going to need to have a farm and in addition to that you're going to need to be able to have enough cake to be able to do this over and over in order for you to guys make cake you're going to need flour red berries milk eggs and honey I have a video showing you guys how to get unlimited amount of cake so you guys are definitely going to want to make sure you watch that video once you have those elements to farm the cake all you have to do is get the correct Pals to make the character you want to make now of course depending on the pal that you want to make it's going to be a different formula but for me personally today we're going to be making an aagon and we want to make sure that our aagon has the same skills that our masarina has so we can make a really good character all right so here's where you guys want to make sure you pay super duper close attention because this is going to make or break you getting the right skills so for our personal video today guys we are making an aagon and the characters we decided to use to kind of get our aagon is a grisol and a frell knot now this is going to be the secret sauce that's G to allow you guys to make sure you take the least amount of effort doing this the least amount of time and the least amount of resources when you guys are combining characters you're going to look for characters that you want to make sure you're breathe or capture that have only one passive skill now for example our Gris bolts we did a couple farming we did a couple breathing and we finally got our grisal with one passive skill which is workaholic which is one of the passive skills we want so we already knew we had a winner now we had to find a partner and in order for us to find a partner for this we went and found a partner with a frost alion knot now the great thing about this particular option is that I know a Gris bolt and a frost stallion not will breathe me a aagon and this is great because I got two passive skills that I want on my aagon so what I'm going to do here is I am going to drop my Gris bolt and then we're going to go ahead and pick up our Gris here and then we're going to take him to the breathing section right here and we're going to dump them in in here all right so we're going to throw them in here remember this has one passive skill that I want and then we're going to go over and then dump our for stallion not which is this guy okay and we're going to put him in here and we're going to grab him and we're going to pick them up and we're going to bring him to the area and we are going to dump in here now sometimes it takes a couple eggs but the majority of the time it almost always takes one try for this guy for the Gris bolt and for for for the Shing not to pass the same passive skill to their characters and giving us an aagon that has workaholic and it has Artisan so let's see how many eggs it takes for us to see how fast these two traits are passed on all right so after a couple tries we finally got what we wanted guys let's see how many we actually did we did one uh two three 4 five 6 78 until we finally got the one so I'm going to say it took us like about 12 12 eggs to be able to get the one we wanted this is the one we want we're going to put it all the way down here what you're looking to get is you're looking to get a pal that has both of the perks you want on your character so for example we had workaholic on the Gris bolt and we had Artisan on the frost Stallion and artisan and workaholic are both in there so we got our first character and this is where people get it completely wrong because now that they have this character they start going and trying to put in other passive skills in here and you do not want to do that your next objective should be getting another one like this with the other two perks that you want so let's go ahead and do that all right so what we're going to do now guys is we're going to try to get uh the two other passive skills we want so once again we're creating an aagon but this time since we have to get to other passive skills we have to find a different combination to do that so in order to do that we're going to get a hiler so we're going to put this in here guys we're going to drop them in here we're just going to go ahead and pick them up ah he went away without me picking them come back stop Flying stop Flying boy come on here we go all right let's get him in here we're going to put him in here and we're going to throw them in here all right all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to go get our falion KN which is our male character and we're going to drop them in here and we're just going to go ahead and bring him in here pick them up and take him over there to the little farm so he could have some ason by now remember the other one took us like about 12 eggs let's see how much this one actually takes us so we're going to put them there we're going to let them settle we're going to let them mate and see how many eggs it takes all right so we got a couple eggs here we have actually more than a couple eggs we're going to pick all these eggs up and we are going to see how many eggs it actually takes for us to get the stat that we want so we are over encumbered here so we have a lot of egg so let's make our way over here and we're going to do one by one and see how many it takes hopefully we we get really lucky here so we got one two three four five we got we got a bunch of eggs all right here we go let's get started let's start off with the first one we got an aagon with not what we want remember we just want two of them to drop okay we don't want multiples so here we go we got more right here and let's see nope that's not the one we want let's go right here all right so that's number three this okay so we got one with two but not what we want so we want positive positive but we want to get the diet lover right there man come on diet lover and po ah now we don't want three all right here we go let's see what we got oh my boys hungry with their little chicken okay that's not the what we want couple more coming through all right ah for example I was really happy there when I saw a diet lover but not positive thinker man come on now here we go here we go here we go here we go no I mean it's there but it's got four we don't want four man we want less than four I say see we got a positive thinker so that's good because we can literally save that one let's go positive thinker and diet lover we got a winner winner chicken dinner let's go all right let's just make sure he's in here so we're going to go into the pal boox and do we have where's he at here it is so positive thinker and diet lover so now we have two characters that have what we need all right so we have positive thinker diet lover which is what we want because this is what our mozzarella has which is workaholic diet lover artisan and positive thinker so we got positive thinker one and then we have Artisan workaholic so we got what we wanted now it's just a matter of us massacring a bunch of estons and start breathing once again all right so I'm going to say that was like a total of what like eight eggs that it took us so what we're going to do now is we're going to bring these guys back out and now what we need to do is we need to grab both of our aagon all right so we want to make sure that we got a male we got a female so we got perfect combination right here let's go ahead cuz that's one thing you need to look for you want to make sure they're male and female so we did good here we're Gra grab this guy right here we're going to grab him and we are going to take him over here and with this going to allow us to do it's going to allow us to breathe both of these and create some aagon babies and we'll see how many eggs it actually takes to get all the passive skills we want as you see this is a more effective method than probably the way you've been doing it because this almost guarantees uh a shorter time of spending doing this less resources and just pretty much guaranteeing that you're going to get the right passive skills so we're going to let them settle we're going to let them have a couple babies and then we're going to see how many eggs it takes to get the skills we want all right so we got a couple eggs cooking here for us so let's pick these up and see what how many tries it actually takes to get these two individual uh skills passed on so remember we're going for workaholic we're going for diet lover we're going for the um I forgot what the other one was but once we get them we'll know all right so positive thinker all right so here we go so we got one out of the way let's get two eggs out of the way Artisan diet lover workaholic and positive thinker let's go two eggs that's all we needed boys and this is the fastest way and easiest way to get the passive skills you want guaranteed without a problem and that is how you can ultimately guarantee that you will will get the passive skills you want now of course you're going to need cake so if you haven't checked out my ultimate guide on how to get cake I highly recommend you definitely check that out so you guys know exactly how to get unlimited amount of cake so you can just go ahead and craft a couple babies as you possibly can we went ahead and did like about I would say it was like 24 eggs to get the final results I think this is by far the fastest easiest and most effective method to guarantee the passive skills you want I hope you found this video helpful formative if you did do me the heat favor guys drop a comment a like but most importantly subscribe to the channel turn those notifications on so you won't miss when our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 21,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guaranteed passive skills, palworld passive skills, palworld, palworld best passive skills, palworld guide, palworld best skill, palworld passive skills explained, palworld strategy, palworld best pals, palworld become op, palworld how to get passive skills, palworld tips, palworld advanced tips, best pals palworld, laserbolt, palworld pvp, palworld ultimate guide, palworld pals, passive skills palworld, pal world passive skills, passive skills palworld breeding
Id: zYbxL0A6rPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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