Palworld How To Get 10 OP PALS EARLY with BREEDING - Level 1 to Level 45+ Pals - Ultimate Guide

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in pal World there are some really amazing Pals that unfortunately you're only able to get really really late in the game today I'm going to teach you guys how to breath the 10 most powerful Pals and I'm even going to give you guys a bonus on how to get not only one of the most powerful Pals but one of the rarest Pals in the game really early so we're going to be talking about the 10 most OP Pals in pal world how to get them early even before or you hit Level 45 or below so if you like how that sounds let's jump right into it all right so to kick it off guys the first things you're going to need to know in order to start getting these Pals is you're going to need to get a farm setup and I believe that's going to unlock for you guys once we hit Level 19 if I'm correct you'll be able to start making a farm so you have your breathing farm this is the f one of the first things you want to unlock especially if you're trying to get these Pals really early apart from that you're going to need materials which you're going to need to make cake and to make cake you guys need flour you need milk you need uh an egg and you also need honey I have a video on how to get this cake recipe super fast without having to go farm it so you guys definitely want to check out that video now once you have those two ingredients it's a matter of knowing how to combine Pals with one another to give you the op Pals I'm going to go down the list of the ones I recommend early that should help your gameplay really good once in the early stage all the way to the really really powerful ones that are not only going to help you when it comes to farming but are also going to help you in battle so let's get started with one pal that I believe is super rare and I could almost 100% guarantee that there are a ton of people that don't have this pal because it is a very rare pal to find in the wild and you only kind of are able to get them the other way which is by breathing so let's go ahead and talk about this pal in particular known as kitson so what do you need in order to get kiten in order for you guys to get this pal you are going to need to get a gome now this one you guys are able to get really early in the game and the great thing about him is you're going to be able to find him in a lot of places in the world and you should be able to get them relatively easy character you're going to need to get guys is a sweep but not to be confused with the sweet because there are totally different this is the bigger creature here um this one you're going to be able to get really uh I would say early in the game but if you don't want to capture him there's a better alternative than the one I would probably recommend is if if you go to the map he's going to be located right here guys he's a level 11 so you're able to get him really really fast if you just do this little boss battle uh just go to this location get the level 11 and you guys should have them ready to go once you have these two Pals now it's time for us to combine these together so just give you guys a quick uh overview on how you actually are able to do this you basically want to take your pals and you want to put them on your form so basically we're going to put these guys right here we're going to remove some of these guys so we'll remove this guy we'll remove this guy guy and then we'll put the sweeper and then we'll put the goms once you have them in there it's just a matter of you picking oop sorry it's just a matter of you picking them up just finding him he's right here let me pick him up right here and take him to the farm throw him in there and then we got to get the sweeper all right pick him up and take him to the farm and throw him in there and it's just a matter of them being able to mate but remember you do need the cake so you got to go here and you got to deposit your cake and deposit the cake there and then this will start the breathing process so this does take a little bit long so what I would recommend is start this and maybe go have some lunch you have some breakfast depending on how many you want to you know how many babies you want to have uh but you know you could theoretically just kind of walk away for a little bit and then come back and you'll have some eggs hatched for you guys that should give you uh the character you want all right so once you have the baby ready to go guys you're going to go to one of the uh egg Setters you're going to jump the egg in there and once you de is done you're just going to go ahead and lock it and that will give you guys a kiten now you're probably wondering laser why is a kiten so important the reason why a kiten is so important is because he is basically one of the only mounts that's able to mount anywhere when it comes to cold or hot and not get affected by it so he's a very very rare pal to have because the some the majority of mounts aren't able to be mounted on cold or hot because they start getting affected by it unlike this one this one does not get affected by it and it is a very very good Mount to have the great thing about him guys is that he is a fire Mount even though he has that blue flare right there he does come with a fire stat and fire is definitely one of the best attributes currently in the game and in addition to that this is a very relatively fast and easy way to start a really high kindling level for one of your pals because you don't really get some high level kindling uh Pals to later this gives you in the right foot to be able to get a really good kindling pal that's not only good for mounting but good for dishing out damage so this is definitely one you want to pick up all right so in order for you guys to breathe this next pal you're going to need to have access to Pink King which I'm going to show you guys exactly where you locate him the great thing about this one is that you're actually able to get him really early in the game so he's going to be a boss that you have to engage in a boss battle with and he's going to be a level 15 boss so capturing him is going to be very crucial now the great thing about capturing him is once you cap him he's going to help you get other cool Pals as well and the majority of the pals that we're we're kind of you know putting together are going to be beneficial to get us these really op Pals as well so you're going to want to get ping King right here and in addition to Pink King guys you're also going to want to make sure you get yourself access to kaer Tre now you're going to be able to get him really early in the game all right so he's not going to be a pal that's going to take you a while to get but you'll be able to get him really quick uh as you see right here he's going to be located on this like in a lot of portions of the map but usually relatively really early in the game you'll be able to get access him so once you have him together all you got to do is go ahead and dump some cake in here we're going to dump some cake and not that much amount of cake but we'll dump you know one cake in here and then we'll get the you know get started there all right so once the egg is hatched we're just going to quit it in here and dump it right there and we're just going to go ahead and incubate the egg and now we have a rhound now the reason why a rhound is extremely important is because he's going to give you the ability of being able to uh get access to something that you won't have access to until a little bit later in the game and that is electricity efficiency level two this is going to be extremely important because as you get later in the game like 20 plus you're going need to have a really good uh electricity generating pal and he's going to give you that access in addition to that guys's partner skill is one of the most unique partner skills in the game due to the fact that he's going to allow you to have double jump now there's not that a lot of mounts that give you that double jump ability and you'll be able to get that double jump ability with him relatively click easily allowing you guys to Traverse you know the game really fast and really effectively all right so the next pal we're going to actually get is going to be one that's going to be crucial to building op Pals later in the game so you're going to have to do a couple of these you're going to need yourselves grab yourselves a Nightwing now a Nightwing you guys are able to get really really fast in the game I mean as soon as you spawn yeah kind of like as soon as you spawn in you'll be able to get one uh and this one's the one that's going to be the relatively easy one to get in addition to that you are also going to need yourselves a relaxing aurus this one might be a little bit more challenging but you still will get be able to get this really early let me show you guys exactly where on the map you're going to be able to find these guys so you guys can get a better idea of how to get them all right so for the Nightwing guys you're going to be able to get them like I said really really early in the game guys you'll be able to get this as kind of like as soon as you spawn in to be honest and this is a relatively easy find next one would be a relaxasaurus this one's a little bit further in but not too further in where like you can't get him you know after level 15 so you'll be able to NAB yourselves one of these guys right here in this location now once you have those two together it's going to be time to make one of the most powerful uh I would say Pals in a game all right so once these two are done doing their thing you're going to be able to pick up the egg go in here set it and you are going to be able to get yourselves a quiv now the reason why this is extremely important is because not only does he look really really cool he's one of the coolest looking ones right but in addition to that guys he's going to give you access to some really amazing stuff now granted you could get one of these relatively I wouldn't say easy or fast in the game because if you go to the map you'll be able to uh grab yourself one at level 23 if you go over here uh you'll be able to get them all right but the thing about this one guys is you need multiple of these to be able to get more op Pals so you're definitely going to want to make sure you guys get these so what exactly does makes them really op well let's go ahead and take a look at him at a closer glance here uh you're going to notice that he comes with a lot of really good stuff especially when it comes to baits transporting level three mining level two Gathering level two so really good stuff for you guys to have plus he also comes with a dragon ability which eventually you will be able and need uh to fight a specific boss as you progress a little bit later in the game not only is he easy to get you know to be able to put together because the pals you need to fuse them are really quick but he's going to become super important when we get to these more op Pals so definitely want make sure you have them in Your Arsenal all right so now to breathe one of the most OP Pals in the game and we're going to need Quin yes guys the one that we just made we're going to need one so you're going to need to make a couple of these because this does help uh C come in quite handy because this particular pal you're going to want to have multiple ofes okay so in order to get him you guys already know it's you can put him together like I mentioned earlier right here or you can just go and capture him uh you know being getting him off the map by capsuling him when you do the boss battle now apart from that you're going to need another one called this guy which is chillet now chillet is amazing because you could actually get him really early in the game he's going to be one of the first bosses you meet early in the game plus he's easy to capture as well so you're going to need these two together let me show you guys real quick in the map where they are at so you guys get an idea if you guys are doing this real quick so once again early in the game you'll be able to get chill it number he's a level 11 and you're also able to qun guaranteed also at level 23 so once you have those two together you'll be able to go and do this build so what do we get when we cross these two right well let's go see the egg is almost ready to hatch all right so we got the egg now let's go here let's go hatch this egg here and the thing about this one guys the reason I love this one is because you won't be able to get Anubis until late late late game guys you won't be able to get him to like I think he's a level 45 47 boss not only does he look cool but he's amazing worker guys if we look at his stats right here and we go to see what he has available for us uh you're going to notice that he has handiwork level four so that means if you're crafting stuff building stuff it's going to get done really really fast transporting level two and Mining level three it's going to make your base efficiency go so much better in addition to that guys when you fight and you fight together he's going to be able to not only Dodge attacks so he's really good bringing into battle and he also has a really good high-speed uh side step once again really good for battling and the ground damage attack gets boosted which is really really good so you're definitely going to want to make sure you have them in your party not only for fighting but mostly for base this is going to be top-notch 100% you got to get multiple of these to make your you know your base building efficient all right guys so now on to the next combination we're going to need to get ourselves a van Ram this one's going to be located on this portion of the map I would suggest to do the the G the grass portion of the map it's a lot easier uh you can theoretically go to the volcano area you kind of do a driveby and pick one of those up but this is basically uh the way I would get one so grab him now that you have him the other other thing you're going to need is you are going to need to get yourselves an Anubis now if you guys have been following this guide you guys should already know how to craft the Anubis so once you have the Anubis and once you have the van Ram now it's time for us to go ahead and bring them in here to have the mate now once they're done Ming they're going to give us an egg which is going to give us a very interesting pal now the reason I recommend this particular pal is because he is extremely extremely good guys at being able to do a lot of handiwork and as you guys know right now one of the current problems in the game is that the pals do tend to kind of glitch a little bit and they get overlapped and the great thing about this one is that he does two things really well which will allow you guys to be able to uh you know get that mining done now the pal we picked up from that combination is feris now fer is a very interesting pal because like I said he not only is a really good Mount uh so if you're looking for a really good Mount is but the reason we want to get him is because of the kindling and the transporting now he is extremely really really good at kindling level three so if you guys got to make cakes he's going to make them really fast if you don't have the level four ones for transporting really good guys so if you guys are trying to move rocks or whatever you're trying to move really fast for transportation now the great thing about him guys if you guys did happen to watch my video on the best spot which everybody copied on YouTube but no one gave me credit for uh if you guys use that spot he's going to be crucial for moving stuff around so definitely one day you want to pick up and he comes very viable as you get into the late games on being able to just kind of focus on two major things and if he's not doing kindling the transporting will pretty much get covered by him all right for this next one that we're going to get guys this combination is going to make the best grass pal you could probably get for fighting and not only that but the best pal when it comes to work stability so what we're going to need we're going to need to get ourselves a Patia in order for us to get a Patia guys you're going to be have to go to this portion of the map here it's a little bit almost like mid game but you're going to be able to get yourselves one of ptia uh in this area now I would recommend trying to get this as quickly as you possibly can due to the fact that this particular area has some really good loot now apart from that you're going to need to get yourselves this character over here called mosa now he's really he's one of the cutest ones and the crazy thing about him is he is a I don't know he's just a fun character in my opinion uh but him you're going to be able to get him a little bit towards later in the game so once you're like level 15 level 20 around there but you can actually nav yourselves one really good you can also breathe them but I personally think he is going to be very obtainable uh especially for you know early game you know level 20 once you pick them up all right so once they get done fellas you're just going to grab yourselves the egg here but let me grab it and we're going to go and hatch this egg here and put it right here we're going to hold this down and that is going to give us guys a lyen now Lyin is extremely important in the game because not only she look really really dope all right so she looks really really dope but when we look at her she has some amazing stats when it comes to work so she has handling level three medicine level three planting level four and Gathering level two so she's extremely good at working but what makes her even more special is the fact that she is amaz she's the best character you could have when it comes to grass ability so if you're fighting a pal that is takes a lot of damage against Grass abilities this is the character you want to go ahead and pick up highly recommend you get to get yourself Ain as quickly as you possibly can to better the efficiency that you have at work and just to give you a good pal to fight with all right so the next combination guys is going to have us picking up a Banshee not only he like a really cool looking character but he is going to be able to get picked up relatively easy what I would suggest guys is go to the volcano area even though you're under level you can kind of do like a driveby and get yourselves one of these and uh you will be doing really good now so the Banshee is going to be required for this one uh theoretically guys you could kind of go to this far area as well but I would recommend you guys go to this area right here so it's going to be a little bit easier now apart from bans you're going to also need this guy guys the tooto or t i just call him Taco bro you're going to need him uh and you'll be able to get him pretty early in the game as well in this top portion here you just kind of just drive by with your you know with your bird and just pick one up a really fun character to to have and uh once you have both of them together all right so after you guys get those two together you guys are going to get your hands on this character right here uh which is Vash now vdash is a really good character really good for your base and he does a ton of stuff so he's multitask planting level two handywork level three lumbering two transporting level two and Gathering three I pretty much like him for the handywork of the Gathering because you'll be able to keep your base not filled with a bunch of stuff just laying on the floor he's able to move really fast there and when he's not doing that he's able to do lumbering transporting not so much you're using this character for fighting you're mostly going to be using this for your base and once you have a couple of these you kind of pretty much just relax and not worry about your things getting planted or stuff getting done he's pretty much takes everything care of everything within your base all right so for our next combination guys we're going to need a rhound now if you guys have been following this video you guys should already know how to make one and you should make a couple of them because this is going to allow you guys to create a really powerful character that you really want to get your hands on now in addition to that guys we're also going to need a Manda to be able to do this breathing and what we're going to need to do is we're going need to grab them right here so you guys have been following this guy you guys should kind of already know where they're at and you should have yourselves a couple of these cuz remember you do need a male and female sometimes you just catch the same sex and you're like bro come on I need a male I need a female let's get it done so you're going to be able to get this guys right here so once you have those two together once again same thing guys you should go here and wait for them to hatch the egg relatively slow so you this is definitely a really good way to actually get them so what we're going to do is we're going to put this egg in here and we're going to go ahead and hatch it and once it's hatched it's going to give us a grit bolt yes guys a Gris bolt this is definitely one of the coolest characters in the game not only is he have a really cool ability he just looks cool guys he just looks cool and he does a really good uh uh job when it comes to pretty much working on your base going to keep the lights on 100% uh you know electricity 3% transporting three lumbering two and handy work too he's just a really good character guys I I just love this guy there definitely one that you want to make sure you have and in addition to that you're going to need one to make yourselves a really really good pal so let's go ahead and make sure you guys get a couple of these all right now to this combination so you're going to need a grisol yeah so we just literally just made one and this is going to give you access to the best pal when it comes to electricity uh especially for your base you're going to need a Gris bolt if you want to know where to get one you're going to need to grab on S either one right here or you just do the the option where I showed you guys where you're able just to put uh you know two together and make yourself a Gris Bol which is the more viable option because it's a little bit harder to get so once you have yourself a Gris Bol you're going to need yourselves a other character which is the relaxasaurus now the relaxasaurus is going to be located early in the game so you'll be able to get him as well now that you have yourselves the relaxed sorus you have yourselves the grisal it's time for us to come and grab the egg and hatch us our next character right here which is going to make our base efficiency for electricity extremely really good and that's a Orin now the great thing about him is he is a very very high level when it comes to generating electricity so really really good and one thing to note about him that a lot of people don't know know is that when you guys have them with your when you're fighting alongside with him water Pals drop more items when defeated and this is extremely important because when you get to the late game you're going to need a lot of the items that the water Pals drop and he is a very good relatively character to have to be able to get you know kind of farm that material really fast but apart from that really good at work at handling and really good at transporting so definitely a character you want to get pretty relatively fast to have uh you know build uh you know prettyy much your efficiency in your base all right so now to make one of the hardest characters to obtain in the game and you're going to need yourself again a relaxasaurus so remember guys whenever you're farming these you're going to want to make sure you make multiple of these or you get multiple of these once again you're able to get them really early in the game right here okay or you can just go ahead and breathe them uh apart from that you're going to also need this character this is definitely one of the coolest looking characters and that is by getting yourselves a Saku now this one is a really interesting character cuz he's going to be located kind of like in the almost late game area right here and the great thing about this one you could actually breathe them as well so that would probably the be the best Rod I would go with but if you guys notice this like bottom portion right here of the map not not not crossing over but the bottom portion they're usually able to like get them in the water and it's really good because you kind of just kind of do like a little driveby and pick yourselves one up so that's going to be the option I would suggest and once you have those two together guys and we're going to pick it up and we're going to go hatch it and once it's done here we're going to put it right there hatch the egg and that is going to give us guys this guys a esate now this by far is one of the coolest looking characters in the game and the great thing about him is that he has some really good abilities not only does he have dragon ability but he has dark ability and he is very efficient when it comes to mining a great thing I like about him is the fact that you are able to do um a lot of good mining and not get stuck which is pretty good right so really recommend you guys pick him up not only one of the coolest characters but one of the hardest characters to get early because he's level 47 if I remember correctly uh or 45 so you're going to want to make sure you get this one as quickly as you possibly can to have yourselves a really op pal early in the game all right so now to make the most powerful pal in the game a lot of people consider this to be one of the best if not the best Pals uh I personally have a different opinion but we're going to that's a different video for another day uh remember the first pal we kind of did which is this guy right here the kitsen you're going to need him and and ironically uh this is the best way to get a kiten so you know you're going to want to make sure you get him this way and ironically guys you're also going to need the last pal we just did which is a aagon and you're going to need to get both of these Pals to get yourselves the most powerful pal currently in the game to you know based on some people and what are we going to be able to get when we put these two beautiful beasts together cuz not only are they goodlooking but they're amazing well let's go grab the egg and see what we're able to hatch with this egg all right so here we go guys so we're going to put this right here and then we're going to hatch it and once we hatch it guys we get access to this amazing character called Shadow beak now Shadow beak is by far to some relatively one of the best Pals to have because he has some really amazing skills not so much when it comes to work but just overall doing ton of damage he's only dark magic which is the reason why I don't have him as the best pal but he has some really really crazy abilities that allow you guys to do a lot of damage and when you have the right passive skills with him he does so much damage that he pretty much One-Shots the majority of things and and the great thing about this is that once you follow this guide you'll be able to get a bunch of these to make sure that you get the most powerful one but the thing here is you want to make sure that you get the most powerful pal in the game now in order for you guys to know that after you guys went ahead and have them readed you're going to need to know what stats actually matter and for that you're going to want to check out this video that's popping up right now on the screen telling you guys how to get the max base stats for every character that's made it so make sure you check out that video and I hope you found this video helpful informative if you did hit me with that like hit me with that sub and I'll catch you guys later
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 163,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld ultimate guide, palworld how to get op pals, palworld how to get op pals early, Palworld breeding farm, palworld breeding guide, palworld rare pals, palworld best pals, palworld breeding, palworld breeding combo, palworld best breeding guide, palworld bredding combinations, palworld breeding base, palworld best base breeding, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld breeding explained, ultimate palworld breeding guide, palworld breeding tips
Id: hZi6Cj7QDC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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