12 Advanced Tips You Didn't Know About PALWORLD

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hello everyone my name is swanie and today I'm going to be teaching you something new that you didn't know about pow world now I've been playing this game non-stop every single day since it came out and I've been learning new things on The Daily and today I'm going to be passing some of that knowledge on to you so at any point if you learn something new then please consider giving this video a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated and it helps me out in the algorithm and if you're new here consider hitting the Subscribe button that way you don't miss out on any future power world videos and at the end of this video if you're still in the need for more power world tips and tricks then consider going back and watching my previous video that has even more tips and tricks for you guys and with that said let's go ahead and jump right into it so did you know that you can go out and capture any of the black market dealers and then bring them back to your base and use them at any time in my last video I talked about how you can go out and capture just any Merchant and bring them back to your base to have a portable store well with the black market dealer they will sell a variety of illegal Pals but the really cool thing about the Black Market dealer is that if you store them in your PO box and then pull them back out it's going to refresh their inventory every single time so if you're struggling to find certain rare Pals just go out and capture a black market dealer which is easier said than done because they're pretty high level so they are going to be a bit difficult to capture but once you do capture one you can just keep recycling their inventory over and over and over to help you fill out your pal deck and using this method I was able to purchase five rare Pals that I didn't previously have so the next tip is one that I feel like you guys are definitely going to enjoy and it's one that can help you out with a ton of different boss battles now once you upgrade your base far enough that you can unlock a second and third base location instead of setting down a third base for example I like to have two bases and then I keep a third one stored because what you can do to help you out in boss fights is to build a pow box right outside the boundary of a boss encounter now it's not going to let you build too close to a boss fight because cuz it has boundaries and they don't want people to like Camp the bosses but you can go just right outside of the boss's boundary and set up your base right there and then just shoot at the boss get their attention have them come to you and then you can just go into your pow box and unleash all of your best Pals to help you in the fight and the best part is that if you die in the boss encounter well guess what you can just respawn at your newly formed base and just rejoin into the fight so I've been doing this for a while now with all the bosses that are outside now it doesn't work with the bosses that are like inside of Dungeons and stuff obviously but any boss encounter that is outside in the environment you can do this tip with and it's really handy with the late game because some of those late game pals are extremely powerful so I highly recommend this strategy if you're playing solo because it makes capturing and defeating those high-end Pals just way way easier so the next tip is a building tip now let's say you're in a guild and you're sharing a base with your friends or you're playing online and you know you know you want to help out the guild but you don't want to share everything with your guild you want to have some secrets well a good way to hide things from your guild members is to build yourself a secret room now as you can see here I just have a simple house it's just got a downstairs and then it's got an upstairs I haven't decorated it or anything yet but this house has a secret room because if you lay down stairs and then you lay down these slanted walls and put stairs on top of it with this game's wonky mechanics you can actually just jump J onto the wall and then climb yourself over and clip through the stairs underneath and then you can hide a chest back here and you can set a lock on it and then you can hide whatever good items you want in this chest so that no one can ever find it so in the future if you find yourself building a base and you want to hide some special rare items from your friends or Guild members then keep this tip in mind so the next tip is a bit embarrassing because I didn't realize it until today and I've been playing this game for over a week but I'm including it because if it helps any of you guys then it's worth it but the tip has to do with quick stacking items at your base I couldn't tell you how many times I've been over cumbered I've had just thousands of pounds in my inventory and I've got to put them into a chest and this whole time I've been manually clicking on things and then hitting the Y button to move them over just one at a time and I never once realized that there's a quick stack option so if you are playing on a controller it's right bumper and if you're playing on mouse and keyboard it's the r key and what this does is immediately takes any items that are in your inventory and if you have those same items in your chest it will take all of those items and immediately send them straight to your chest in one push of a button saving a ton of time and effort and headache and I feel like such an idiot for not realizing this was a thing until today but I'm glad I found out about it because doing it the way that I was doing it moving things one at a time took forever and it was a big pain in the butt so hopefully this tip helps somebody out so if you're like me and you didn't know about this tip either then let me know down in the comment section so I can feel a little bit better about myself so the next tip might be obvious to some of you or it might not be it kind of just depends on how far you are along in your playthrough but early on you don't really have to worry too much about cooking cooking isn't really that big of a deal you can get by without it you can just have your pals eat berries and you can get by with berries you know you don't have to cook anything crazy well as I played throughout the game I started to realize hey all of my pals are getting sick they're irritated there's always something wrong with them and I couldn't figure out why and it's because I was only feeding them berries berries is the cheapest thing that you can get for your pals to eat you can get them by the hundreds or the thousands like depending on how much you're growing them but the problem with berries is that they don't give you any mental stability points or S and when all your pals start to lose their mental stability that's when they start to get sick or break their bones or get depressed and and then you have to go and make a ton of medicine so what you want to do is make sure that the feed box always has something that will increase their sa in points cooked berries are a step up from regular berries but cooked berries give at least one s point which is better than nothing so having at least cooked berries in your feed box will slowly improve your Pal's mental stability now obviously you're going to want better food than berries cooking different food items will give you better results I know cooking full-on meals that have different ingredients such as flour and meat and eggs and milk and that kind of stuff are going to give you more mental stability points per stack of food and this kind of Segways me directly into the next tip which also has to do with the feed box and it's that all your pals eat food in the feed box left to right don't just throw random food into the feed box and expect them to eat whatever all of the food that they eat goes left to right so you want to put whatever the most important item is in the leftmost square and then fill the rest of the slots up with something that's not perishable such as cotton candy so if I want to force all my pals to eat something to improve their mental stability I would put it in the left most Square so for example I made 60 of these jam filled buns and they each have six s n points so I put those in the very first slot and then I put some cooked berries in the second slot and then I filled the rest up with cotton candy the cotton candy is never going to disappear because there's no timer on it and then this is going to force all of my pals to eat the jam filled buns first and then once they get through all the jam filled buns then they have to eat the cooked berries so you always want to have some sort of food item that increases their mental stability in the first slot and another reason that you want to have all of the slots filled is because if you don't have the slots filled and you have different Farms going on then all of your pals are going to take the food from your farms and put them into the feed basket so say you're trying to grow a lot of wheat well the pals are going to take all of the wheat from your farm and then put it directly into the feed box but if the feed box is full then they have no choice but to put it at the second best thing which is a cooler so make sure the first two slots are designated to whatever you want to increase their mental stability points make this some sort of cooked meal and then the rest of the slots need to be filled with some sort of food item that is never going to perish over time such as cotton candy and then all of the pals are going to stuff the cooler full of the perishable food items and then the cooler will make it so that those items last even longer so this is the ideal way to set up your feed box and if you don't do this and you just randomly throw food items in then it's going to be a complete mess and all of your pals are going to get extremely upset and they're all going to get sick and they're not going to work and then you have to make a ton of medicine and just trust me you don't want to do that making all the medicine to make all of your pals happy again is just not worth it it's going to add a whole lot of extra headache that you're not going to want to deal with so the next tip is pretty simple but it's one that I've not seen anyone talk about and it's to take advantage of the stun baton now you unlock the stun baton at level 22 so it's not too far in your playthrough in the description says that it's a Clos range weapon that sends out an electrical jolt upon contact pals are easier to capture when electrocuted requires high quality workbench to craft so it's not too difficult to obtain and it is going to make capturing any pal just a little bit easier anytime they're electrocuted I've noticed it go up a couple of percentage points let's say you're trying to capture a PO that's a levels higher than you hitting them with the stun baton first can be the difference of capturing them or not capturing them every percentage Point counts when it comes to capturing pal so do yourself a favor and take advantage of the stun baton so the next tip is for those of you that don't have a good flying po just yet and you're still trying to get around just using a glider well if you unlock the grapple hook there's actually a cool little glitch that you can pull off to get yourself some crazy momentum and get around the map a lot faster just using the grapple hook and glider so this is going to take a little bit of practice but once you get the hang of it it's going to be a night and day difference so all you have to do is pull out the grapple hook try to aim the grapple hook really close to an edge or maybe up a little bit higher on like a tree or on a rock cliff and then as soon as the grapple starts to pull you in you hit the B button on controller I'm not sure what it is on keyboard and mouse but whatever button it is to cancel the grapple animation and then as soon as you cancel the grapple animation right when you're at Peak height that's when you cancel and pull out the glider and it's going to slingshot you and give you a ton of momentum and you're going to be able to fly around the map just way way quicker in some cases I found that this is even faster than most of the flying Pals in the game so even if you're mid to late game this is still a pretty useful thing to do so play around with it a little bit it is going to take you a little bit to get used to the timing it took me about 15 minutes to sort of get the pattern down but once you get the timing down you're going to want to come back and think thank me later so the next tip has to do with farming around your base now mid to late game you're going to need a lot of ore to make a ton of ingots you need ingots for ammo you need ingots for armor you need ingots for everything and at my base I don't know if it was a problem with my game and my base was just glitching but my pals weren't doing a very good job of mining they were just taking way too long I it didn't matter if I assigned like four or five of them to mine they were just doing an awful job at it I had like three or four dig toys assigned to my base and they're really good at Mining and they were just sucking they were doing very little damage to the ore and it was just awful so what I realize is that if you have dig toys in your party and you summon him out and then use his special ability that ends up doing way more damage to the ore and the stone or whatever it is you're trying to mine and it will completely Farm up all the ore in just the matter of seconds so if you're in a pinch and you really need a lot of ore really quickly and you're tired of your pals just take taking forever to mine it just pull out a dig toys and manually use his special ability doing this has fed up my Mining tfold and I have just hundreds and hundreds of ingots all over the place so make sure anytime you want to use mining I found that dig toys's special ability is probably one of the best ways to mine in the entire game so this next tip is for those of you that are playing in like a public server or you're playing in a guild or maybe you're just in a private server with your friends and let's say that your friend has a pal that you yourself haven't captured yet and vice versa well what you can do is if you look in your pal menu you can go to your pals that are in your party and you can click in on the right stick and it will give you the option to drop your pal once you drop your pal though anyone can pick it up even including people that aren't in your guild so be careful of where you do this but if you pick up a friend's pal and you don't have it yet once you pick it up your pal deck is going to update with the new information it's going to show you where you can catch more of them so this is a good way to share po back information with your friends or if you have just an extra pal or if you just want to gift one to your buddies this is how you do it so up next I wanted to include this tip because you know this is something that a lot of people never it never even Dawns on them to think of this but when I play power world I've been using a lot of like third-party Community made resources so for example I have two monitors on my setup so I have power world on one screen and then on my second screen I have this power world interactive map it's at map genie. they're not sponsored or anything this is just the one that I'm using it shows you the entirety of the map and then you can turn on things like locations you can turn on like individual dungeons or points of interest or Towers you can search for merchants and it will show you the exact coordinates of where the merchants are uh or you could search for like statues of power like you can search for all kinds of things and this has been a huge help so if I ever get confused at any point I can just look over at my other monitor and at the Press of a couple buttons I can find anything I want in the entire game so it doesn't have to be this interactive map I think there's a couple that have been made in the community but this is the one I've been using and it's been a huge help and then the second website I want to mention is palp pedia this is another fan-made website uh and this one is really handy because you can search for individual Pals you can search by like water type so it will show you all the water types uh let's say you want grass type you can search by grass or by both you can search by things like nocturnal and then there is a second tab just for breeding alone so if you want to pick two different parents it will tell you what will happen if you breed those two Pals together so uh let's breed an Anubis with a gzz bolt and that will give us a ragn hawk so for those of you that are really into breeding I highly recommend palp pedia it is pretty much going to tell you everything that you need to know and this website is just extremely useful and it's really well made uh and palp pedia ALS also has a map as well and it's pretty interactive and you can pick whatever pal you want so say you want to capture a Gob fin you just click it and it will tell you exactly where the gobin spawns and this map will tell you what regions are designated for what levels so the volcano area is recommended from 30 to 40 uh this little island is 40 to 45 and then up here we have 40 to 50 35 to 50 like these areas are a bit more dangerous and then this here is going to be the starting like beginner area so I absolutely recommend popedia it has been a huge help to me in my playthrough and it's definitely going to make your guys' life way way easier and I will have links to both of these websites down in the description down below if you want to check them out for yourselves and then the final tip I'm going to leave you on is probably going to be a little bit controversial for some reason there's a ton of gatekeeping in this community people are like no you got to play it the exact way that I want to I don't know why that is I guess it's just the thing with most survival games but every person's different not everyone's going to have the same settings not everyone wants to play on the most hardcore of difficulties they just want to have fun so I'm including this glitch and if you don't want to use it then don't but you know it's here for those of you that want to use it so this is a very simple glitch it might be fixed in the future so if you're watching this video and it doesn't work I apologize but what this glitch does is let you stack multiple sets of armor or accessories and this glitch is extremely simple all you have to do is hover over top of whatever accessory and select it so I will select this shirt then you take the shirt and you put it over top of a an armor piece or something so I want to wear this pow metal armor and then you just hit the a button and boom I just selected a whole another piece of armor and then you can do the same for the shirt so I will take this shirt and I will attach it to this armor and and if you look over on the right side you can see that the stats went up so if I take off the armor the stats go down so to equip them back we just put on these shirts then we select that and then the stats go up and then we can select this and the stats go up so you are going to be a lot stronger cuz you're wearing like three sets of armor and the same thing goes for Shields too and you can even replace the glider so I will select the glider and I will select this hypers Shield so boom I have two hypers Shields equipped and then if I want to replace the helmet just select the helmet go over here to another hypers shield and boom I'm wearing three hypers Shields so you know this is a little busted your stats are going to go up but you know for late game stuff maybe you're struggling and you're just you know you're tired of grinding and you just want a fast simple way to make your character stronger and be able to tank more damage and this glitch is is an easy way to do so so you know I have three freaking Shields that are the highest level and I have three sets of armor so my defense has gone up quite a bit my health has gone up a lot and you know you're going to be able to take a ton of damage and you can mix and match in any way so if I want to put back on my helmet and I want to take off this armor piece well I can just select the shields so now I'm wearing three Shields and I have a helmet and yeah so you can mix and match like that so this is a very simple and quick way to beef up your character and like I said this glitch will probably be fixed in the future this is not something that I imagine the devs want to stay in the game but until this gets fixed there you go use it don't use it I don't care I've been using it in my busted server I have like three servers going on I don't use it in my like legit playthrough but in my busted server where all the stats are insane and I'm just trying to capture all the different Pals I use this glitch and it's made me extremely powerful so that is going to do it for all the tips and tricks in this this video like I said earlier in the video If you learned anything new at any point then please consider liking this video it helps me out in the algorithm and if you want even more tips and tricks then consider checking out my previous video if you're new here hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications and I will talk to you all next [Music] time
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 663,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pokemon, palworld best tricks, palworld early game tips, palworld secrets, palworld dungeons, palworld mistakes, palworld best pals, palworld tools, palworld farming, palworld farming tips, palworld speed up eggs, palworld best settings, palworld world settings, palworld unlocks, palworld base guide, palworld, pal world, palworld news, palworld update, palworld patch, palworld tips, Pokemon, SwanyPlays
Id: V8Ey9kUS09U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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