Palworld - You Ignored The STRONGEST Pal In The Game - Best Pal Tips Guide

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yeah you read it right you've all been sleeping on the most powerful pal in po world but how upset are you going to be when you realize it's This Magnificent beast that's right ladies and Gentlemen The Magnificent sweeper is the most powerful pal in pal world you know what they always say bigger mustache bigger damage I know I know you probably don't believe me but I wouldn't have caught 492 swe and 220 Sweeper for no reason this bad boy is currently sitting at 2,351 attack with a passive skill bonus of plus 184 1423 defense and we've Tau at every skill Under the Sun to take advantage of all type advantages in the game this thing is an absolute monster in a cute fluffy package all right maybe it's not that cute the only downside is he's thick and slow but other than that this thing puts out a ton of damage it's incredibly tanky and otherwise just a ridiculous pal that can destroy pretty much anything yeah I've pretty much spent the last 2 days completely losing my mind doing nothing but hunting swe and breeding sweepa like a madman but you know what it was worth it now let's go over why sweepa is so unbelievably powerful when I was going through the pal deck I realized this thing had a partner skill called King of fluff this allows it to be ridden but it also has the added bonus of while fighting together stats will increase the moreu are in your team and that made me start thinking okay if we haveu on our team what does s give as a benefit nowu on their own they look pretty inconspicuous not really much of a threat until you run into about a hundred of them out in the wild but they have a partner skill called fluffy while in team sweepa stats will be increased and I was very intrigued by this because you can level up partner skills and this got me thinking this is what made me wake up and choose violence so I've got a level six sweepa here it's currently got Legend lucky and Swift but let's go ahead and just grab a regular one with absolutely no passive skills and let's grab a s with no passive skills as well now if we view details on on sweeper you'll notice we have a boost to our attack and defense we have a 12% increase to our attack and we have a 12% increase to our defense and this is due to now this is due to the passive skill thatu has every s that is in your team is going to boost sweepa stats now the way this gets super overpowered is with the pal condenser if you don't know you can unlock this at level 14 and this allows you to basically take the souls of other Pals and put them into a pal that you are trying to make stronger so let's use the s for instance this is a garbage s but we're going to use it you'll notice that we get increased HP attack and defense but we also get fluffy level two now the first level only takes fouru we're going to condense that into this one and we could do it again the next one is going to take 16u and then 32 and then 64 I believe you need like 116 total s or some kind of math number to be able to completely max out a pal in the pal condensation menu now there is a bug in the game where sweep of stats won't update automatically you can see we still have a passive skill increase of 12% for the attack and defense so what you need to do is remove the PS from your party you put the sweeper in and then you and then you add your s this is going to update the bonus stats and you can see instead of a 12% we have a 133% now the first level gives basically nothing so you really need to max out the Star level of your s we have one here that is five stars and if we add this one to our party with sweepa and go into view details we now have a 24% passive skill increase from oneu alone now let's add another now we have a 48% passive skill increase for both attack and defense and guess what we can keep adding more my other two sweet are only three stars but if we go into here now we have a 86% increase to our attack and defense that final level of star is actually huge so getting your s to five stars is going to be how you unlock the maximum amount of damage which means if you're going to use four SW in your party you're going to have to farm up about 450 50u do I have a problem maybe but you know what I could be doing crack or something so at least this is better than that right with a three staru from the pal condenser we get a 19% skill increase Peru but with a level 5 one you get 24 instead so that last level is a pretty significant boost now I am still breeding up the perfect sweeper I am still working on breeding up the perfect sweeper so let's go over all the passive skills that we're looking for for all of our Pals for this party setup my best sweeper at the moment currently has Legend passive skill which gives a plus 20% attack plus 20% defense and a movement speed increase of 15% I have ferocious on here I would prefer muscle head but I haven't caught a single sweeper with muscle head on it I could transfer it from another pal and we'll get into that in just a second I also have lucky on here for work speed 15% and attack 15% which ideally this is where muscle head would go and then power of Gaia is on here at the moment for a 10% Earth attack increase now what I would like to do is add Swift on here since this is going to be my main mount a 30% movement speed increase I think is worth it rather than going for more damage so I currently have these two breeding up in the breeding pen which I'm hoping will result in a sweepa with Legend ferocious lucky and the Swift Allon one now if you really want to maximize your damage you would go with Legend ferocious you would replace lucky with muscle head and you would either go with an elemental damage increase like if you want to go with ice attacks you could get ice Emperor which is a 20% increase to ice attack damage or you could go with something like hooligan for a plus 15% attack we can still go with lucky now muscle head is really what I'm missing on my sweepa currently for a massive boost which is 30% attack increase now I mentioned the passive skill ice Emperor which comes from a legendary pal and I have transferred it down to this aagon through the process of crossbreeding and now we're using that aagon and a blaze hell knocked to create sweepers I do have a full guide on the crossbreeding process in the game I highly recommend checking it out it's going to make your life so much better when you're trying to make powerful Pals now I got a sweeper with Celestial Emperor here which was causing me to realize I was using the wrong aagon Celestial Emperor is a neutral attack damage increase I needed to be using this male aagon with ice Emperor you can see we also have the legend skill which you can pass down from legendary Pals as well but essentially this whole part was to showcase the crossbreeding mechanic and how you can take legendary passive skills and pass them down the line to some of your favorite Pals now if you want to know more I highly recommend checking out that video I'll leave a link in the description because it's really going to help you make the most powerful Pals possible I finally got all of my S to level five I upgraded my sweepa to level five as well and at only level 39 we're sitting at 1,370 attack 889 defense and 80 work speed that is pretty phenomenal we have a total of a plus 159% attack and plus 16% defense now this attack could get significantly higher if I was able to get muscle head on here but I wasn't able to and I still haven't been able to get Swift either but for now this sweepa is pretty dang amazing the passive skills we've decided to put onu I think are going to be really beneficial for the setup as well I've decided to go with Vanguard and stronghold strategist which do stack this provides a 10% increase to player defense and a 10% increase to player attack now since I have four in my party that means I'm getting a 40% boost to my attack which puts me at 142 and that brings my defense all the way up to 632 making me significantly more survivable than I was before my original plan was also going to have each of them with motivational leader which is a 25% increase to player speed but it doesn't seem to work I've tested this a bunch not only does it not work it doesn't stack either I think this passive skill might be broken I've stacked five of these on my player and I didn't see a movement speed increase at all now by the time you're watching this video this may be fixed and if it does get fixed or there is actually a noticeable difference in movement speed I would definitely recommend having on your s stronghold strategist Vanguard and motivational leader so that way you're completely buffing your player as well which would be really really nice now we can do the final step to truly bring out the rest of the power of this sweeper we need to go to the Statue of power and we're going to consume some souls to be able to boost the attack HP and defense even without fully upgrading we can still get another 3% out of here we're already at 1,737 attack and we're not even max level yet this is the sweepa stats at level 50 but I kept breeding and I actually got a better sweepa but this one currently has 2,16 attack 1,200 defense and 80 work speed absolutely bananas now to Showcase why passive skills are so important I took my new sweepa fully leveled It upgraded it and everything and now we're sitting at 2351 attack 1423 defense and there one more really cool thing you can do with any pal in the game is you can actually teach them any skill of available so I have every element available on the sweeper so I can take advantage of any fight in the game it's not strictly just an ice pal now I can do whatever I want now you can do this by getting skill fruits I've got an entire video on all the skill fruit locations and this comes in super handy not only for sweepa but for any pal you might have so I definitely recommend checking out that video I'll leave a link in the description now I have mentioned that the sweepa is pretty slow so if you don't put Swift on this and you go for full-blown attack or a little bit of extra defense it might not be the worst idea to at least bring a good mount with you whether it's a flyer or a ground and flyer Mount like the frost alion knocked or Frost alion just currently one of my favorites if we switch out oneu we still have 2152 attack 1265 defense that's really not bad and that gives us two Pals in addition to our s which quite frankly can still be really useful but regardless let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you all on the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 845,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld pals, palworld best pals, palworld strongest pal, palworld tips, palworld guide, tagbacktv, palworld tagbacktv, palworld gameplay, palworld pal guide
Id: fJlRdIsbO_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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