PALWORLD ULTIMATE GUIDE! 10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner! // Palword Beginners Guide

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yo guys what is up Max in a power world video and today we're talking about 10 things that I wish I knew slash thee game doesn't tell you when you're getting into it uh now I've been playing power world for numerous days now I've had put in well over 40 hours uh and these are things that I've discovered along the way that I really wish I knew so hopefully they help you get into the game and have a little bit smoother start uh and progression throughout the game hope you enjoy the video let's get right into it at number 10 spot I wish I had known that there's no stat respect at least I'm 40 hours into the game and I have not found a way way to respect your stats meaning that every time that you up level up and put a stat somewhere that stat is going to be permanent and obviously you're going to want to be optimal because this game does get a little bit challenging later on now I do want to drop some suggestions on where to be putting your points obviously you could take them if you want um but I found it really helpful to put points into HP stamina and weight um you do not need work speed at all in my opinion because you can catch Pals that have bazillion times better work speed than you ever will have and it's not optimal to ever be sitting at a bench working on something when you can just have your pals do it so I think work speed is a dead stat uh also I really don't recommend putting any points into attack as you play the game and you're starting out attack it only upgrades by two points every level versus like HP you get like 100 HP a level um and once you play more and more you'll find out that your pals are just going to deal way more damage than you will uh so I think attack is also kind of a dead stat I've been dumping the majority of my points into HP when you die you drop all of your stuff on the ground uh which is a big pain in the butt and you're not going to want to be dying especially if you're fighting something and you're almost catching it and then it gets a hit on you and it one shots you or uh some of the enemies the later ones especially the hard ones can two shot you I'm now sitting very comfortably with my HP amounts at over 3,000 HP I've been increasing my weight and my stamina and so this is something that I wish i' had known before getting into the game is that there isn't any Respec and putting points into attack and work speed I just in my opinion are not worth it the next thing I wish I knew has to do with these TM trees now you can find these trees scattered throughout the maps they're not that many of them um and they will have skills on them that you can teach to your pets here we've got sand tornado fruit uh Shockwave and spirit flame now these are one-time uses and they allow you to teach your pal a move which can be really nice when you're starting out this is a 75 power uh dark flame skill or Spirit flame skill that's dark type which is really nice and I can teach this to any single pal in my party there is no this pal can't learn this move so if you want to make a water type and give it electricity types or or let's say yeah water's weak to electricity then you could teach your water Pokémon things that will be beneficial to against electricity like ground moves you can teach your water type ground moves um there isn't any restraint and it doesn't mean that you have to equip them so for example um I could teach my rhound this or my um they already know Spirit flame let me teach my War Spirit flame so my War SEC just learned Spirit flame looks like I'm currently getting attacked sorry about that um but my War SEC now learned Spirit flame that doesn't mean he instantly equips it it just means that it is now in his available roster uh as your pal level up they will earn more and more moves and as you can see now if I wanted to swap War sect to Spirit flame now I can have a dark type on him a stone type and a fire type I actually taught him this fire type so you can diversify your list you're not going to want to have a Pokemon or a pal that's got three of the same types just because uh doesn't mean that you're always going to be needing those type Effectiveness speaking of type Effectiveness I wish I had understood this a bit earlier um you can find this in your Survival Guide this is the type effectiveness of all of the types of Pals in the game or their statuses that they do and it's very like one to one meaning that there's not multiple things that are good against Grass there's not multiple things that are good against water every type in this game has one thing it's good against and one thing that it's weak to so for example neutral isn't good against anything but dark is only going to be good against neutral water is not going to be good against ground only grass is going to be good against ground so it's a very similar typing to Pokemon which you may be familiar with but it's a little bit more simplistic and then once you kind of learn these new types uh because uh Elemental effects are significantly stronger when you're like doing the damage that they're weak to um for Bo doing bosses or the boss fights or the dungeons you're really going to want to try to have Pals that are have matching elements or the elements that deal more damage uh and so understanding this chart is is a massive help the next thing I wish I knew has to do with swapping out your pals now this is kind of a bit of a strategy but um your pals while they're in your inventory or while they're like in your party passively regenerate health so if you're doing a fight against a boss or an enemy and they get low it's much better to pull them back and put them back in your party and wait to use them again because they will regenerate Health if your pal dies in this game you have to wait either 10 minutes to respawn them or if you sleep with the pal in your inventory like you go to bed in a bed the pal will actually just get its Health back and revive overnight um but if as long as you're like fighting a boss or an enemy if they're getting low you can just pull them back into your inventory swap them to a different guy and that way you can do these harder boss fights even if you're underleveled by just constantly swapping out Pals another thing to do is if you see one of these bosses or an enemy that you're fighting doing a strong attack cuz there's a lot of signs of like a big attack coming you can just withdraw your pal before the big attack hits them and then put them back out right before uh after the big attack is done um and so you can actually increase the power of your party and your ability to kill some of the bosses in the game by constantly swapping your PS around and pulling them out when you see a big attack coming uh this will help you clear the bosses uh which I'll have a video on later uh because the bosses are incredibly efficient EXP experience Farms but you need to be able to kill them efficiently the next thing I wish I knew has to do with base placement um now once you make a base and start putting things down there uh it becomes incredibly difficult to move uh your stuff around uh when for example if I like built this and then I didn't want to have this here uh there isn't an option just to basically move this my only option is to break it down and when I break it down then I get a bajillion materials in my inventory cuz they all go to my inventory uh and then you can't move and you need to grappling gun around which by the way is a tip if you are encumbered uh and you can't move you can use the grappling gun to actually move around so that's a way to move when you can't actually move um but building your base in the right spot uh and kind of being confident in the spot that you're building a base is really really important um so this was our first base and this one was a bit of a mistake uh and I want to explain why so that you don't make the same mistake that we did uh we found this really cool area um and we're like oh it's really interesting let's place our little pow management box uh which is where dictates the area of your base and we placed it right here uh looking over the water which we thought was really nice however because we did this it part of our Circle that encompasses our base is in the water uh as you can see this like blue line that's where we could build our base however this game doesn't let you build overwater um so even though that we're above this water and we've got this area when we tried to build these planks out over it to kind of like expand our base it wouldn't actually let us um and so one of the biggest tips for making a base that I can give you is to build it in a large large open area you are going to need all of the space that you can get um so don't try to build it where there when you're where like the main center of it is going to be overlapping with a lot of water uh as you're just kind of shooting yourself in the foot doing that the next tip of advice for Base building is try to build it on a flat surface uh as flat as you can get it if possible um just to show you an idea obviously like some of these uh things can be built on on um on inclines so like if I try to make this bench the bench will adjust to the incline uh which is just fine however there's a lot of times where uh you're trying to build things and there is an incline and things will not snap larger things will not snap to that big incline so as you can see you just can't really build this Ranch in this entire top part of our base so we're also wasting not only space in our like lower area where the water is but there's also a lot of things that we can't just build on this hill um or you can just kind of build up on top of this to try to flatten it out uh which we do need to do but just it'll make your life easier building on a flatter surface um and the last tip with Base building is you you are going to find that the limiting ingredient or the limiting material for your base building the number one limiting thing is going to be or rocks uh you can build these Mills uh where your pets will go and farm trees for you you can build these things where you can build stone reserves we've got 1,200 Stone here uh right now in this like wood chamber we've got over 4,000 wood uh so getting wood and stone isn't hard at all however getting ore is incredibly difficult now the best thing about ore is it respawns so because you can't actually make a store or basically build something in your base that would Farm ore for you finding a location where you're putting your like base that is near or deposits will allow you to start getting into metal working uh and building tons and tons of like ammunition and all of the things you're going to need uh metal to start building the better uh Rarities of the like pal spheres or the pokeballs um so the base that we have I know it's kind of dark here uh but we built this base because we found this hill that just has all of these or deposits and you can see that there's three here right now but this entire top of the hill they're broken right now but they'll respawn is just or rocks um and we've set up our base so that uh our guys are just farming tons and tons and tons of ore uh which has been really really fantastic for us the next thing I wish I understood has to do with work suitability so every pal comes with a specialization um in terms of their typing in terms of the moves that they have in terms of their passive skill um but they also have work suitability and this work suitability will determine what they're going to be doing on your base when you deploy them to your base um things with handiwork are great for building things that you would be building yourself such as making arrows building pal spheres um things like that if you need a bunch of wood um you're going to want lumbering if you need to make medicine you want medicine production and when I first started playing this game I was just ignoring this entirely and I didn't really understand it um now one thing to note here is getting some generalist uh guys that will do a ton of different things on your base and will just go around kind of doing all the tasks is fantastic um and I have a video that I'll link in the description of my 10 best recommended Pals that you should be catching in your first like 30 hour of playing guys that I couldn't live without um however one thing to note is when you have someone that is a like generalist uh that they do a ton of stuff it's hard for them sometimes to stick to a certain task um so for example um getting something that just does one task like this aerobe for example just does watering and so if I really need a lot of watering to be done getting guys that do multiple things like do one watering and do other things uh sometimes they'll start doing watering and then they'll walk away and do something else cuz something else needs to get done and then they take way longer to get that actually thing done um so finding guys that are specialized that only do one thing can be really nice such as these dig toys is only do mining meaning that if they're deployed in the base the only thing that these guys will ever be doing and all of their effort will be towards breaking rocks and giving you stones and ore uh so that you can get into your like metal crafting the next tip of advice I have has to do with laying out your base now the pals will follow the most direct path uh to get the things done that they need to get done so for example uh this war sect is good at planting he's good at lumbering and he's good at transporting now when War breaks down a tree or something like that um they are going to put that tree that Lumber in a box if your box that you put Lumber in is really far away then they going to path very far away to carry that Lumber um and then put it in there and if you put Lumber or wood in a chest next to or if you only put wood in a chest then the pals will know that that is the wood chest and they will put the wood in the wood chest um and so as you can see this is currently just going up I'm not touching anything the pals know that this is a wood chest because only wood is in it so they will be depositing all of their wood here and you want to put the wood near where they're going to be breaking down wood because otherwise they're going to keep constantly pathing um away from the wood uh and going like across your base if you have wood in another chest um so they're going to become inefficient the same thing goes with food the pals are going to go that are working really hard they're going to go from their workstation to their food station so you want their food station with like bajillion berries right next to where all of them are going to be working really hard um because if your food station is across the way from where they're going to be working they're going to be slowing down and this is just tips to kind of maximize productivity in your base is putting chests down where they're going to be gathering so that they don't have to transport that Gathering and putting the food near where they're going to be breaking down things because those guys are going to get really hungry and you don't want them going across your base and pathing so that they are taking extra time to get things done the next thing I wish I knew has to do with the passives of the uh Pals that you can catch now certain passives do different things um and there are certain tiers of passives so for example um you can find a passive that gives something 30% movement speed and it's called Swift or you can find a passive that's 20% movement speed and it's called Runner um if you can find guys that have a maximum passive and synergized with something that they're doing that's going to be fantastic for example this verd Das that we have on our base is three handywork three into Gathering two lumbering two planting two transporting this is a fantastic palet to have around on your base and the one that we have working on our base is Diet lover which means that they're going to be consuming less food but more importantly they've rolled with Artisan which gives them 50% increased work speed getting passives like this on Pals that you plan on having around your base is going to make your life so so much easier um you ALS also want to avoid putting Pals on your base that have bad passives um something like coward isn't going to affect how well this pal works on a base um but there are things like lazy um let's see what pacifist pacifist is minus 20% attack um slacker there it is slacker minus 30% work speed this is obviously not something that you'd want to put on your base because they're just not going to be doing their work that they need to be getting done um and you can capture a lot of Pals in this game it's very incentivized to keep capturing more and more and more because the more that you can capture you can actually condense them and level them up which we're about to talk about in a second so that leads us to our next point with the condenser now this is something that you get to build a little bit uh further into your playtime uh and it is a really important part of leveling up your pals so if we take my foxy Sparks here my foxy Sparks I need now if I want to level up his like or uh Power I need to CT capture 32 more Fox Sparks uh which is a ton the first level uh to level them up to one star is four then after four it's 16 and then it's 32 um so it's going to get increasingly difficult to level up these guys um but as you can see when you level them up they get more HP they get more attack they get more defense uh that can vary depending on the person um like how much attack they're getting as you can see my shadow beak if I can this up who is like a higher level guy he's going to get over aund like almost 100 more attack and almost 100 more defense versus the foxy Sparks is basically like a starter Pokemon guy he not going to get that much from leveling up however all of them will get their passive leveled up and this is where it gets really important so for example foxy Sparks Passive A Huggy fire allows me to pick up foxy Sparks and use him as a flamethrower um all of the pals that have a damage passive when you level them up the passive also levels up meaning that when I pick him up at a level uh one uh flame versus like a level two flame he's going to deal significantly more damage from level two to level or from level one to level two I went from about doing 160 damage per tick with the flamethrower to about 200 damage per tick with the flamethrower so it is quite a significant amount um and guys that you get um you're going to want to CT capture a lot of for mounts I haven't found that increasing their like Mount passive actually increases their move speed or allows them to be like mounted more uh so this seems like it's really just important for Pals that have a damage passive uh Manda for example would be a good one to level up you get Grenadier Panda which allows you to shoot a bazooka basically on their back and if I wanted this bazooka to deal more damage I would need to level up Mand through the condenser because actually leveling up manda's attack I don't think benefits the grenade launcher the next thing I wish I knew has to do with how to best capture the pals in this game now some of the pals are really difficult to capture um even when you get them down to like very little Health they can be really difficult to capture um but you can employ some tactics that will help you capture them way better so this is a hypers spear uh this is a very highlevel pal ball and if I wanted to try to catch this Mist at high level if I throw it I have A.1 one% chance of catching it basically I have a hardly any chance to catch it however if I throw it from behind the my Mist all of a sudden that 0.11 goes all the way up to a 2% uh which I know 2% isn't a lot but when you're comparing that 2.11 that is a massive Improvement um and this works for any pal any pal that you throw uh a a Pocus sphere or a pal sphere at from behind or while they're sleeping will give you a a significantly higher chance to capture the foxy Sparks 97% chance to capture from the back um now that he's aware of me he's probably not going to turn around um but I as long as he's not facing me uh I'm going to get that back bonus which is going to increase your chance of capturing them and this kind of leads me to my next point of kind of instance resetting some Pals this is only really important for the ones where you get like really later um but sometimes you get a pal really low Health it's like 10 HP and it's still a basically impossible chance of catching it like a 0.1% chance um and that's going to be because it's aware of you if you get a pal really low and then sometimes you can leave the area or walk away the pal will reset then it is no longer aware of you and then you can get it the low Health bonus and the stealth bonus and then you have a really good chance of catching it uh so that's a great way of doing it also later on you unlock traps uh and particularly the stun baton if you stun a pal with the stun baton your chance of capturing it goes up by 30% um not flat 30% 30% of what it was um so if we look at with our uh megasphere right now I would have a 82% chance of capturing this kativa if I um oh he's attacking the deer if I hit him with my stun baton now he's stunned now I have a 100% chance of attacking of capturing him um so building the stun baton when you get it can help out a lot so that you are wasting less pal spheres the next thing I wish I knew has to do with XP and drop chances SL increases um there's going to be times where you are farming a lot of guys in this game for their resources um and two of the best ones that you can get early are catris and I cover this in my like 10 best guys to have but catris when you're fighting with her neutral Pals drop more items when they're defeated so when the elk will drop more meat and they'll drop more uh leather which is fantastic resources that you're going to want to have uh pening you can get around level 15 um the fire panels will drop more items when you defeat them when panking is out in your party uh which is fantastic because one of the best Farms early on uh for leather is just killing the little fox Sparks uh which are usually like level four and five you can kill them really easily and they drop one leather if you have the pen King in your party you're going to get more from them however if you capture something uh you're still going to get that material and you're going to get increased experience you get more XP from capturing something than you get from killing it now I'm not saying to go out and capture everything uh because creating the pal spheres and throwing them is uh expensive and it only gets more and more expensive ensive um especially once you get into the higher tier balls but just not that if you're trying to get experience um a one one way to get a ton is catching highlevel uh Pals you'll get like thousands of experience if you're capturing some high level ones that's not the fastest experience Farm I will have a separate video on the fastest way to level up very quickly um that I'm not going to be able to cover fully in this video but just note that capturing Pals will give you more experience than killing them and you'll also still get the materials and my very last tip is to use your map markers now I have not done a good of job of this and I wish I did better but when you're exploring the map you'll see multiple icons these icons are going to be boss fights they're going to be towers of the gym leaders and they will be um fast travels one thing that will never ever ever get marked on your map is Dungeons and dungeons are a great spot to farm ancient civilization Parts which you need to craft some of the crazier things in the game um such as uh crafting the pal Essence condenser the grappling guns anything on this right side in purple the sphere launcher you're going to need civilization parts and one of the best ways to get them is from dungeons um dungeons are not ever going to be marked on your map so if you come across a dungeon entrance I strongly recommend just dropping a marker uh it takes 2 seconds uh you can put like a little boss icon or whatever you want to Mark where that dungeon is and it will stay on your map when you leave and come back turn on the game the next day all of your markers stay and it's a really great way to uh keep track of where dungeons are so that you can get some cool resources uh there's lots of resources in the dungeons there's cool monsters in the Dungeons and there's ancient civilization Parts um so doing those dungeons is great and it's a real pain when you're like oh I've seen three of them I just have no idea where they are and then you got to spend an hour looking to find where those dungeons are where you could have just marked it on your map immediately guys that is going to do it for the video I hope you enjoyed these are things that I wish I had known before I had sunk like 30 to 40 hours into this game um and now hopefully you know them I wish you guys the best of luck on your pow World adventure I've been having a ton of fun on this game it's very addicting uh and it's a surprising hit for me I wasn't really expecting to be having all that much fun in this and I definitely have been uh so if you're checking out the game I hope you enjoy it and I hope these tips helped if you are looking for more power content I will have a linked uh comment where I'm going to be posting a bunch of videos uh and I'll have links to those if you're looking for the 10 best Pals to catch the best XP stuff um and so much more and that's it going to do it for the video guys I'll catch you on the next one take care peace
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 1,534,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld early access, palworld trailer, palworld review, palworld release date, palworld game, palworld pokemon, palworld guide, palworld news, palworld tips, palworld xbox, what is palworld, palworld new gameplay, is palworld real, palworld multiplayer, palworld preview, palworld ep 1, palworld ps5, palworld download, palworld info, palworld gameplay trailer, palworld how to, palworld update, palworld tips and tricks
Id: zQDfsSWkmNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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