Palworld Ultimate Starter Guide: EVERYTHING You Need To Know To Get Started!

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po world is a massive game filled with lots of overlapping systems things to do and bases to maintain then you have exploration catching Pals crafting defeating World bosses all of that all on top of all of those systems so it's incredibly easy to feel overwhelmed and a little bit lost when you first visit the palpo islands so in this guide we're going to take things step by step and explain everything you need to know to get started welcome to the ultimate power world St guide so to start things off let's step outside of the game and talk about servers and settings so when you first launch power world you'll need to create your game server now this does come with some preconfigured settings that you can choose between you have casual normal and hard and Each of which will adjust how difficult your life will be these affect things like whether or not you drop items on death cranking up damage that you take or how hard it is to capture Pals you can also choose to blaze your own trail and just create a server that fits your needs so let's say you don't like the survival system and you want to minimize hunger and deterioration sure of course you can just adjust a few sliders for that and next thing you know it's not really that big of a deal anymore if you want to level up faster you can adjust how fast you earn experience and you can also get into the nitty-gritty about how hard it is to capture different Pals whether or not pals will spawn in enemy density all of these settings can be set when you first create the server and then you can change them anytime after so once you get your server created you'll also need to create your character now there aren't any important choices here other than what you want your character to look like so feel free to create the character of your dreams now pow world is going to drop you into an open world with a very light tutorial Quest chain to get you started so first things first we need to cover the basic mechanics of the game starting with stamina so stamina is essentially your energy level this is going to dictate how far you can climb CL Glide swim and how long you can Harvest materials so this does start off pretty low and if you spend skill points you can actually increase it if you run out of stamina you're going to need to stop whatever you're doing and then rest to recover it so for instance let's say you're climbing if you run out of stamina you're going to fall and you're going to continue to fall until you hit the ground sometimes you die sometimes you take damage or let's say you're mining some ore you're going to stop Mining and you'll need to wait until it regenerates if you're swimming ever you'll slow down and you eventually you'll take damage and you'll drown now there is a key thing to understand here when it comes to stamina and that's your Pal's stamina is separate from your own so if you're riding a pal whether it's sprinting on a ground Mount or flying in the air they're going to use their stamina and once that's out you can Dismount and begin to consume yours so this makes for some great methods to consume all of your pal stamina then Dismount and let's say fide your glider using your own stamina to safety it saved me multiple times including swimming where I was swimming swimming swimming I ran out of stamina and then I jumped on one of my pal mounts and then I was able to continue getting where I needed to go and utilize their stamina meter as well now the other thing you need to keep an eye on is hunger So Hunger is a meter that's going to slowly fall over time and it needs to be refilled by eating food now you can cook food at a campfire at first so very basic but eventually you can work your way all the way up up to an electric kitchen now each time you unlock a new cooking method by going campfire cooking pot electric kitchen you're also going to unlock new recipes to craft now not all food is created equal obviously there are some that only provide like a little bit of nutrition While others provide much more nutrition as well as even providing stat boosts so you want to keep an eye on what foods provide because it's going to help you in your adventure if you need extra defense then you can eat a defensive food same thing goes with work speed or even for your pets you can have a sanity food that increases their sanity so that's just something to keep in mind but another thing to keep in mind is that your food will actually rot as well so there is a timer on food and as that ticks down it's going to slowly go bad now you can use things like coolers to extend the life of food but right now that's sort of where we're at now there is a bug in the game where if you Resort your inventory it actually restarts the timers all of your food in your inventory so you can utilize that right now at the time of this video but I I'm assuming they're going to fix that pretty early on into the life of the game but your hunger isn't the only thing that you need to manage you also need to keep track of your Pal's hunger too because your pals will get hungry you'll get notifications that say your pal party is hungry you'll also need to keep track of the hunger of all the pals working in your base camp so it is almost a full-time job trying to make sure you have enough food food to provide to all of your different Pals including yourself so outside of hunger and stamina you're also going to encounter temperatures so at first these aren't really a huge deal other than nighttime night time it gets really cold so you do have to prepare for that but during daytime it's not really a huge deal but as you travel further and further into the world you're going to find yourself in incredibly hot and cold environments and these are going to require new clothing so this is where unlocking and crafting new armor definitely comes into play because starting out you're going to have access to kind of simple cloth gear but soon you'll unlock Pelt armor and then metal armor and so on and so forth until eventually you reach pal armor now in pal World armor comes in two flavors heat resistant and cold resistant so you need to make sure to craft the right one for whatever expedition you're going on now you can view what resistance a certain armor has by looking at the bottom of the tool tip there are three levels to resistance and each one allows you to survive more and more extreme temperatures now at the start really the only thing you need to do is make sure to craft a basic cloth outfit just so you don't freeze to death at night literally you will freeze to death but if you don't have enough resources to craft that cloth outfit and you need to survive you can always craft a torch the heat from the fire will keep you warm until day so those are the basic survival mechanics that the game will throw at you from day one it's very important to keep your vitals in check and then craft some Gear in order to protect you but let's shift gears a little bit and let's start talking about leveling up which is something you'll be doing quite a lot in power world and let's talk about what leveling up means so in power world everything gives you experience you have crafting capturing Pals killing Pals clearing content you name it by the way capturing Pals gives you more experience than killing Pals so if you have the means and you have the Spheres make sure to try to capture Pals instead of killing them you get the same resources the same materials but you also get a big boost in experience so as you're earning your experience once you earn enough you're going to level up and then earn one stat point and also a handful of Technology points now these stat points can be used to increase your basic stats Health attack stamina work speed and weight now defense is handled by your armor and can't be like directly boosted via points now here I recommend boosting your weight and your work speed first these are going to be very important early on as you're crafting a ton and you're harvesting lots and lots of materials by being able to carry more that reduces the amount of trips you need to make and by being able to craft things faster via your work speed you're going to get the things you need more quickly then we have our technology points so technology points are spent on unlocking new things to craft these range from structures to weapons to decorative stuff now they all require different amounts of points and honestly I would heavily suggest prioritizing production structures like workbenches production lines all of those things first that way you can actually make the stuff that you're unlocking then after that unlock weapons and then pal gear proficiency boosters and then lastly the decorative stuff unless you're like going for all decorative then obviously you can flip that around but in terms of like value to me personally decorative stuff came last now that's my preference always but you can do you so once you unlock a new crafting recipe using your technology points you can access them through the build menu which we'll touch on here a little bit there are also things called ancient technology points now these are gained by defeating bosses Towers all of that fun stuff these allow you to unlock like new features or key items in the game such as a grappling hook a sphere launcher a Feed Bag the power statue these are all like big ticket items and things that are going to be impactful going forward so speaking of the power statue let's talk about this really quick because this is the last key place where you can upgrade your character and your pals this statue can be crafted and then placed in your base or you can also just find it in churches throughout the world I opted for the churches because I needed the resources but if you have the resources you can always put the statue out there for you now the statue will allow you to trade things known as pal souls in order to boost your pal stats now your pal stats are attack defense stamina and work speed you can also trade LIF monk statues these little like green squirrel looking statues to boost boost your capture power which allows you to capture more and more powerful creatures this is going to be very important so as you're going out and you're exploring and you're doing all of those things you're going to see those glowing life monk statues make sure to go out of your way to get those because as you're going in your leveling up you're trying to capture more and more powerful creatures you need to have that extra boost to your capture power so it's always going to be a net ad rather than a net loss and sort of to round this whole thing out pal souls are found throughout the world because I know that's going to be a question where do I get pal souls to boost my pal stats these are found throughout the world you can find them lying on the ground you can find them in chests life monk statues like I mentioned are green and you can find these really just sort of anywhere so let's move on to the next thing and that's going to be gathering resources so crafting in power world will have you traveling all over Gathering things in order to fuel your projects this means harvesting wood ore Stone fiber wool you name it there's a ton that you need to collect as you slowly unlock more complex recipes now first you need is some tools the game's going to instruct you on how to create a mining pick and a wood axe now both of these are going to be key in gathering what you need and over time you're eventually going to refine them into more and more effective tools by unlocking better variants from the technology tree as you're out Gathering resources you're going to slowly fill up your maximum weight that you can carry this is your gatekeeper in the early game because you won't be able to hold very many resources and with that you need to make lots of trips back to your Camp to empty your inventory and then head back out if you overfill your weight capacity you're going to walk slower and slower until you cannot move and if you're encumbered you also cannot jump or Sprint and this is why I suggest that you spend some stat points to boost that weight and help yourself out these resources that you're Gathering are going to be unrefined will need to be used at a production workbench in order to refine them into usable assets so for instance when you harvest ore you're going to need to use a furnace to refine that ore into ingots which are a key resource for nearly every craft throughout the game now one pro tip for dealing with encumbrance is to take advantage of the grappling gun this is going to allow you to shoot a hook into the ground in front of you and then pull yourself to that location no matter how much you're carrying this way you can overfill your inventory and then just use your grappling gun to pull yourself to either a fast travel statue or to a workbench to then dump your resources Pro tip number two don't feel like you have to build your base in the exact spot that the game tells you in the tutorial feel free to look for a really good spot that has a lot of really strong resources for me I moved my base to a area that had just a ton of ore that way I can build my base around all of these ore nodes and then use my pals that have mining cap abilities to just mine all of that ore as I'm going out and working and exploring because Ingot ore all of that stuff is going to be a huge bottleneck early on especially if you don't have easy access to or nodes so you need to make sure that you're in a place where you don't have to travel very far in order to get or to make ingots so that's just something that I learned the hard way and I'm passing that on to you guys so speaking of building a base building bases is going to be a huge part of your power World Experience now this game allows you to have multiple bases that you can create and maintain or if you just want to focus on one base you can do that too don't feel like you have to have multiple bases because it is a lot of work and upkeep to try to take care of a base now bases in power world serve as a home for both you and your pals and it gives you a spot to do some work now when you first begin you'll need to place a pal box this is a hub for your base that allows you to manage your pals view missions and then fast travel to different places in the world setting a PO Box will also set the area that you can build in it's a pretty large area so you want to make sure that you can choose an area that gives you good spacing and the one that will also be easy to defend against attacks you want to make sure to give yourself enough space to account for very long production lines power generators housing and beds for all of your pals now crafting in power world like I mentioned earlier it's a very simple process you gather the materials you need head over to the production workbench that you're using and then craft the item now when you begin crafting you're going to be starting to kind of do the work yourself at first however other Pals will kind of join in and help finish jobs faster which is why you want to look at pal proficiencies now you can leave and you can let your pals do the work which is great if you want to go out and have an adventure come back and then everything is done but it really just kind of depends on how quickly you need that item because if it's ammo for a weapon and you can't go on an adventure without having that ammo then you need to sit there and help put it together or wait however you want to go about doing it so there are going to be some times where you will have to go Hands-On and actually craft but for the most part you can always depend on your pals to jump in and help now the other thing you need to be ready for when it comes to bases are raids so raids are either groups of Pals or humans that are going to launch an attack against your base and it's up to you to defend it so you can place defensive precautions things like landmines sandbags walls turrets these are going to help thin out the attackers But ultimately you'll most likely need to get your hands dirty and get into the fight yourself you can summon Pals to help you out you can even change the behavior of your working Pals to switch them from work mode to defense mode using something called an alarm Bell now this is a really good time to see some new Pals and this is a really cool thing I like about raids is because when they raid your base a group of Pals raid your base you can potentially capture ones that aren't normally available in that area of the world so early on I saw a bunch of like relaxasaurus and they're not available in that area of the world and it was a brand new pal I've never seen them before so it gives you access to those kind of higher level Pals that you might not be able to go out and capture on your own because they're in a higher level area so this is just something take advantage of the raids make sure to obviously protect all of your stuff but don't feel like you can't capture these things that are coming into your territory now the other thing about raids is that these raid parties will destroy your workbenches your walls they knock out your pals these can be extremely destructive so when you get the alert you're being raided it's all Hands-On deck and make sure to put up some defenses and get them out of your area and speaking of defending the base that's the perfect transition to combat so fighting enemies in power world is a pretty layered experience so the first layer is what you the player can do which isn't much you're going to be able to craft melee weapons like a bat and Spear and you'll be able to craft other things like guns like a assault rifles rocket launchers you can also Dodge attacks and you can jump around to avoid damage you'll also need to craft yourself a shield and an outfit to gear yourself to prepare for anything that the game throws at you so while you don't have any real complexity in Weaponry you will be able to defend yourself so all in all combat from your perspective as the player is pretty simple you whip out a weapon and you start blasting but adding in Pals and pal gear is where things do get more interesting now one other thing about your gear it has a durability so as you use an item you will need to repair it every now and then to keep your things fresh and impactful because once they break you lose those bonuses this counts for crafting tools Gathering tools and this counts for weapons and armor as well now during a battle you can have one pal out at a time and these Pals will fight alongside you and they'll use their skills to deal damage now some Pals have passive partner perks which give you stat bonuses While others have active skills that you can control so for instance War sect has a passive that increases my defense and then adds fire to my attacks whereas this Gob fin that I have has a skill that I can use to command them to use a particular attack so there is a difference in what Pals you bring to fights and how interactive you want battles to be this also plays into pal gear which are special key items that allow you to handle certain Pals or give them Weaponry now the first one I unlocked was a LIF monk SMG this is a castable skill that'll give my LIF monk pal an SMG and they'll sit on top of my head and shoot wildly at enemies so whatever I'm shooting at they'll shoot at them too then you also have the Vol hog gloves which allows you to throw a vol hog like a shot grenade which is pretty pretty cool now there are multiple pieces of pal GE you can unlock and use such as shoulder mounted missile launchers grenade launchers so there's a lot to choose from and while not every pal has this particular combat capability some do and it's up to you to decide if you want to use them or not and lastly when fighting Pals each one will have an element or two that you need to take note of because there are Elemental advantages in this game and exploiting those will help make battles much easier so this follows like the standard approach right fire beats Grass Grass beats ground ground beats electric now there are some curve balls things like dark normal ice and dragon but those sort of follow their own little kind of side pyramid so it's not exactly difficult to understand so whenever you're assembling your party of Pals make sure to keep this in mind and cover up any weak spots and I think this is probably a good time to talk about the process of capturing Pals out in the world so when you find a creature you want to capture you need to whittle down their health and then throw a sphere at them in order to attempt to capture them sort of like a Pokeball right if you want to use a Pokemon comparison it's a very basic process however there are some complexities here as well so one let's talk about the different types of spheres so you're going to start with a basic sphere then you have mega Giga hyper and legendary each one gets more costly to make but their capture percentage is much much higher next the level of the pal and their percentage of health will determine what type of sphere you'll most likely need to use so for low-level Pals the basic sphere will be enough but for Pals that are higher levels you'll need to whittle down their health and then use more powful spheres like a hyper or a legendary sphere and then once you reach a certain level the basic and mega spheres will no longer work and you have to use Giga and up if you want to even have a chance at trying to capture these things and then lastly you can do things to help your capture percentage things like applying ailments such as shock or freeze these can boost your chances of capturing a pal so try to remember that when you need to capture a pal and it's a higher level or difficult one then try to freeze them or shock them that way it sort of paralyzes them and stuns them and you can use a sphere to try to capture them so one pro tip here I know because I've ran into this multiple times make sure to withdraw any Pals you have out so they don't accidentally kill what you're trying to capture that's happened to me a few times it's very frustrating so as you're sort of whittling down their health and they sort of Get Low make sure to withdraw your pal that way you're not going to have a like a big nightmare ball coming out of nowhere wiping out the thing you're trying to catch so once you've captured a handful of Pals you can assemble them into a party now these are the pals you'll be able to bring out into the world with you and you need to make sure you understand what value they bring to your adventure so the first thing we want to look at are the passives what passives does this pal have these are essentially perks that affect the pal the party and yourself they do come in three tiers they can be positive or negative and theal can have up to four passives and these can be minor or major impacts to how they operate these include things like boosting movement speed increasing defense having reduced hunger for positives for instance now for negatives we have things like reduced defense less attack takes more damage from certain types so it's important to look at all of these because you don't want to have a party with a glaring weakness but you also want to make sure that you're maximizing any bonuses you might have your disposal as well now the next thing to look for are partner perks these are the same ones that I referenced in the combat section when I was talking about like War sect giving extra defense and fire attacks now these perks aren't always combat focused but instead they can provide things like riding so you have a chillet which is like this freret Dragon looking thing you can make a saddle and ride a chillet same thing with a vanor worm which is a flying mount a mamores which is a giant Mammoth all of these can be ridden and when they are ridden they provide some bonuses to attacks while mounted so these are incredibly important and honestly it makes movement faster and easier so being able to take advantage of these is something you want to do especially early on if possible now let's talk about skills so pals are going to come with some skills that fit their type however there are things like skill fruits that are in the game you can find these out in the world you can find them on skill fruit trees and you can feed your pals these fruits and it'll teach them a new skill and once they are taught you can open your pal screen click on their skills to swap to the newly learned skill you can really kind of use this to create some really unique synergies or combos between the pal type and the Damage that they can deal so one of of the other things I want to talk about is rare AKA shiny however you want to approach this uh Pals so out in the world you're going to find special versions of Pals that are larger they're glowing these are rare variants these are going to come with a special perk called rare rare is going to greatly increase your attack and your work speed in addition to any other perks that they are going to spawn with now these special Pals they make a shimmering sound so you want to keep your speakers turned on and listen for them because it makes them very easy to find when you can hear them kind of shining they're incredibly valuable to have and once you capture them put them to work and they will not let you down so before we move to the next section I did want to touch on Crafting with your PS so when you deploy Pals to work in your base they're going to handle any task that they're proficient in so if you have a fire pal they're going to smell ingots they're going to cook meals and this is all things they'll do as long as you've loaded up the resources now your role in the crafting cycle is to provide the resources to the production workbenches and then help craft or let your pals craft now please be aware that early on your pals will not be super quick or efficient at crafting they just will not be they'll be very slow you'll most likely need to help them a little bit to speed up production but as you go out and you capture more powerful PALS like a lunaris for instance which is very powerful to have at your base they're also going to come with higher proficiencies which means they can create things more quickly so while that lamb ball is super helpful early on you do want to replace them with a more efficient worker down the line so let's talk about what you do with all the pals you capture right so as you're going out and you're collecting Pals you're no doubt going to have duplicates this is where the pal condenser comes into play so this is a base object that allows you to take duplicates of your pals consume them in order to boost the stats of a similar pal so for instance let's say you have this cmace and you want to boost boost this crises stats you can capture additional crises cremisi crises cremi and then consume those to boost your main kemis stats you can use this to boost stats of powerful creatures do not sleep on pal condensation because it is super powerful so let's talk exploring the world a little bit so power world is a massive game it is a huge world to explore you're going to be doing all of this on foot riding Pals and you can do all of that by taking advantage some of the fast travel statues that are placed throughout the world as well and getting around can be very slow at first but as you unlock mounted Pals including flying it gets much much easier but let's talk about some of the things you're going to be seeing while you're out and about starting with dungeons so dungeons are instanced areas that can be accessed by looking for these dark entrances throughout the world they vary in level and inside you're going to find PALS quite a bit of mining resources and then it all comes to an end with a boss battle after you defeat the boss there'll be two chests containing accessories schematics and Tech manuals so accessories are a type of gear they often give you little boost to things like stamina and resistance schematics are blueprints these are kind of a cheat code so as long as you have these in your inventory you can craft that item it still costs the resources but allows you to craft things you might not have unlocked yet and then lastly is Tech manuals these are consumable items that Grant you a technology point to spend on unlocking something new in the tech tree now these dungeons don't have much variety but they're a very good source of materials you can find ore palum and then once you kill the boss you'll get some ancient technology Parts which can be used in crafting now one of the first things you're going to find out in the world outside of dungeons are World bosses these are boss level variants of Pals that can be found out in the world now these are often a higher level than the surrounding Pals they typically have more health and sometimes they'll come in a subspecies like for instance an electric ver version of a relaxasaurus which is usually a water pal so you can get some really cool subspecies from these fights to help augment your team now whether or not you capture or kill one of these bosses they will respawn in 1 hour and you can take them on again they're great source of rare materials and it's a really cool way to kind of level up your pals if you need to outside of that in each area there will also be a tower now towers are tied to the story and they let you challenge boss Pals so while you can't capture these they are tough challenges they do give some great materials some ancient technology points and an extra fast travel location you can challenge these multiple times they sort of serve as a progression check these are always really fun because it sort of lets you explore the story a little bit in a very light manner but towers are cool you can see them you see them all over the world uh make sure to challenge these and when you go in you try challenge you fail that's okay just go level up and then go back and try to do them again so one of the things you're going to interact with out in the world are Merchants so they're going to be wandering around or they'll be in various settlements now these Merchants will sell materials and Pals in exchange for gold so if you're in a pinch and you need something you can check out what the merchants have now there is another Merchant out in the world who moves around and he's called the black marketeer he specializes in rare quote illegal Pals they're more expensive but they're much more powerful than the one that you find at the other Merchants like I mentioned he moves around the world and he'll need to be found each time but if you find him he has some really really cool Pals to look at so another big thing out in the world are chests and eggs so chests are found frequently out in the world they offer gold materials ammo now there are locked chests that require certain keys to unlock and these are pretty pretty nice they contain more of the same but they also drop schematics so they're definitely worth checking out these chests do respawn and you can Farm them so go back the next day go knock out all of these chests and then you can continue to farm those using keys that you have now like chests you also have eggs these are just as common as chests and they come in four types normal large huge and massive and they also come in different elements so if you find a Frozen egg you're going to get an ice pal if you find a verdant egg you're going to get a grass pal so on and so forth now these eggs can be collected and then put into incubators and they'll hatch after a certain period of time now finding eggs is a great way to collect Pals that you might not have access to yet this is how I got some really cool fire Pals early on like an r sox and a flamb bell now the thing about eggs and incubators is that if you put an incubator in an element that is going to match that egg so for instance a cold environment and a frozen egg then they're going to hatch much quicker if you put them into an arid environment that's dry and hot then they're going going to hatch much slower so this is just something to keep in mind if you're in a neutral site they're going to just kind of follow their regular hatching cycle and it's not going to be a huge deal I haven't ran into any issues with eggs taking forever to hatch outside of a huge dragon egg that took 30 minutes but besides that most of them are on 10-minute timers and it's not a huge deal so we have two more things to talk about the first one I want to touch on are Bandit camps you can find these out in the world look for a giant kind of smoke signal and these are going to be completely overrun by Bandits whenever you get close they're going to aggro you and they're going to start shooting you with weapons and you need to clear out the entire camp and usually in the middle they're going to have a pal that's captured in a cage by letting this pal out you're going to collect them and they are your pal now now one of the other cool things is clearing out these Bandits they're going to drop ammo usually it's coarse ammo which is a lowlevel ammo but when you start to unlock your first like makeshift handgun this is going to be really really powerful full because you don't have to go and craft ammo every time you can just go farm it at these Bandit camps so again this is just a really great way to farm you know ammo Pals gold all of those things and they respawn fairly frequently now the last thing I want to talk about before we wrap this thing up is The Wanted status so there are these special areas in the game that are wildlife sanctuaries these contain rare and uncommon Pals but it is patrolled by essentially military if you're caught on the island you're going to get a wanted status of trespassing if you attack the military you're going to gain more and more wanted status think of like stars in GTA right and you'll continue to acrew a higher wanted status which will cause more and more military to spawn at your location and at this point I don't think there's a way to clear this status other than finally dying but try to keep that in mind if you end up in a sanctuary just know you don't want to get caught however you can capture all the pals you want to capture and you can do all the fighting you want to do as long as you don't get seen by that military so guys I know this was a longer video but I feel like this is everything that sort of encapsulates getting started in po world I hope if you're somebody who's just finding this game or looking to get started in it this contained everything that you need to know to sort of hit the ground running so let me know in the comment section below what did I miss are there any other tips and tricks that you would give to other players who are just starting this game that way we can all share our knowledge and make us all better as a whole thank you guys so much for watching this has been Vulcan and I'll talk to you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Vulkan
Views: 441,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vulkan, vulkan arpg, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld tutorial, palworld early access, palworld beginners guide, palworld best pals, palworld ultimate guide, palworld advanced tips, palworld beginner guide, palworld game, palworld how to, palworld review, palworld walkthrough, palworld before you buy, best palworld guides, palworld level guide, palworld tips base, palworld tips for beginners, palworld tips and tricks for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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