PALWORLD Ultimate Guide | Beginner - Advanced Tips and Tricks

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how's it going everyone my name is swanie and today I'll be going over a crap ton of pow World tips for you all now these tips are going to range from beginner level tips clear up to some more advanced tips and some of these might seem a little bit obvious to some of you but here on my channel I like to make tips for people of all ages and skill levels now this video took me a very long time to make and the goal is it hopefully after watching this video you'll have left learning at least something new and if you did at any point then please consider hitting that like button and subscribing so that you don't miss out on any future power world videos all right so for the first tip it actually comes before you even start your first game and it has to do with your server settings this is a survival game and with most survival games they let you have the freedom of changing your own custom settings so you can actually do this every time you go to load up a game if you have your own server you just select what server you want hit change World settings and then you can change any of these as you see fit so if you want the the Daytime Nighttime speed to be faster or slower you could slow down daytime and make nighttime go very quickly if you wanted you can change the rate that you gain experience points so maybe you hit a spot where everything sort of slowed down and it feels like a grind and you're just not having much fun anymore you can always just exit the game and increase the amount of XP you get at any point but one setting that I can't recommend enough is changing the death penalty Now by default it sets so that you drop all of your items on death meaning that every time that you die if you want to get your loot back you have to physically travel all the way back to the location that you died now I've been playing mostly on the Xbox game pass version and it's been crashing constantly like this game had a pretty rough launch it's pretty buggy and with the amount of times that I've crashed I know yesterday me and my friends were all playing together I crashed I think 12 to 13 times and just throughout the entire day I mean that's a lot of crashing so if you're in the middle of a fight and you crash or you just get kicked out of the server you know you know you're going to die and it's not even your fault so turning this off just saved us a ton of headache and we were having a lot more fun so next up one of the first things that I recommend you guys do is build yourself a glider ASAP trust me like I went a couple hours before I even thought to make a glider and your life completely changes in this game once you get the glider because the gliders are useful for a number of different things like one you can obviously Glide from place to place that's useful two you can pull out the glider at the last second and stop yourself from taking fall damage so that's always a huge plus when you're out exploring and climbing mountains and stuff and three it's actually pretty useful to help you dodge and avoid attacks during combat like you can always just Spam the jump button and you'll briefly pull out the glider which will kind of help you dodge and get out of the way and since we're talking about combat my next tip is to build yourself a shield as soon as possible because I went multiple hours into the game before I even thought to build a shield I unlocked it in my technology Tab and then I kind of forgot about it but if you don't have yourself a shield you're going to be finding yourself dying left and right but if you do have a shield it is going to save your life so many times just trust me especially in boss fights the boss will just completely take out your Shield but it will leave your health still intact so when I'm in a boss fight depending on the arena I'll like pop my head out take a couple shots at the boss it'll damage my Shields and then I'll go hide and wait for my Shields to recharge charge and as you progress to the game there are multiple variations of this Shield so every time you unlock a new variation I highly recommend you upgrade your Shield trust me it's going to make a big difference and don't be like me and go seven or eight hours into your playthrough wondering why you're dying all the time and then realizing that you know you don't have a shield equipped so next up you have yourself a shield and you have yourself a glider you've gotten pretty good at dodging attacks with the glider but now let's talk about the Dodge button well you actually have a Dodge or roll and this is really handy in combat anytime you see an enemy launching an attack at you make sure to hit the B button and roll out of the way plus if you lock onto your Target and then hit the Dodge button you're going to have a lot more control out of your Dodges and you can even do front flips and back flips so the next tip is that when you're starting off in your playthrough I recommend you go around and find as many of the Fast Travel points as possible this map is absolutely massive and trust me you're not going to want to walk or use a ground Mount to get around everywhere so I recommend one that you find yourself a flyer that should be close to the top of things on your to-do list because getting a flyer is going to just help you get around just way faster so get yourself a flying Po and then I recommend you get yourself up as high as possible because with the graphics in this game I don't know if this is something that's going to get patched out in the future but when you're up high there's like no Cloud effects and there's no like fog or anything and you can see everything clear as day so when you fly up high you can easily spot fast travel points out in the distance you can spot Treasures you can spot the Effigies and getting this bird's eye view is going to unlock just so many Collectibles for you guys especially at night time now you wouldn't think that flying around at night you would actually see more than you would at the daytime but it kind of works as like a night vision like all of the Collectibles and stuff are actually lit up and everything else is like pitch black so I found it was actually easier to go around getting Collectibles at nighttime flying around on my Mount And if you're a player like me where you like to turn off the death penalty so you don't have to worry about going and finding your loot every time you die you can actually use that to your advantage to help you discover new locations early on on my playthrough since there was no death penalty I would sometimes kill myself on purpose because when you die it gives you the option to spawn in multiple random locations throughout the map and all these different spawn locations are going to have fast travel points located nearby so when you die you don't lose any of your loot you don't lose any of your pals so you could basically just teleport anywhere you want pull out your pal and then ride them to the nearest fast travel point and then boom you just saved yourself a ton of time and effort so turn off the death penalty let yourself die spawn somewhere you haven't been before and then pick up the Fast Travel point and while you're out on your travels looking for different fast travel points keep an eye up here on your compass because it's always going to point you in the direction direction of the nearest fast travel location so the next tip is that while you're out scouting on your flyer if you're up really high and your Mount runs out of stamina and you know that you're just about to make it to whatever your destination is you can always just bail from your Mount and then pull out your glider in midair and then you know you have a fresh new stamina bar and you can glide the rest of the way so next up you may or may not have come across these figes that are scattered throughout the entire map now these are extremely important because if you didn't know you can take these to these statues that are scattered throughout the lands or if you have enough ancient technology you can craft yourself one of these and store it at your base but at these statues this is where you level up your individual Pals but it's also where you level up your character to increase your catching skill so treat the fages as if they are the most important currency in the entire game because they probably are and having the ability to capture the highlevel creatures is going to be essential for the late game content so next up is a pretty basic tip but it's one that I wish I did way sooner in my playthrough and it's to have some sort of organization with your PO box when you're storing all your different Pals you're going to very quickly accumulate just a ton of different Pals I know I'm over like 50 to 60 Pals now and it is just a complete cluster in my box it's completely unorganized and it's a mess now you can go up and sort by different types and you can sort by like the number that they are in the pal deck but I feel like there's just not enough ways to sort them so what I've been doing is that I've actually been putting them in different boxes based off of what they do so like I'll have an entire box for like electric Pals or fire Pals or like grass type Pals and then I have another like junk box that I have just full of Pals that I plan on getting rid of or maybe selling or butchering or you know that kind of stuff so I have kind of like a a trash box but when you're early on in your playthrough and you start to get a couple of them try to have some sort of idea of how you're going to want your boxes to look like otherwise it's going to be a complete jumbled mess and it's going to make it very difficult to find the specific pal that you want so next up if you didn't know you can actually capture humans with the p speres so if you come across these Syndicate members or the cult members or you know any of the NPCs if they're weak enough and you're high enough level and you have a high enough level P sphere you can actually throw it at and capture humans now your odds of catching a human aren't as good as catching just a regular pow buddy and they don't really come with any ability ities but they do come with weapons so if you want to have like personal bodyguards kind of Stand By and protect your base or you know maybe you just want to collect a bunch of humans and have them as workers you know what whatever floats your boat uh but you can capture humans and you can pet them and you can feed them and if you're going to be capturing humans I highly recommend that you get yourself a merchant because you can take them back to your base and have your own personal Merchant at any time so if you have an abundance of junk and normally would throw it away well now if you have your own personal Merchant you can sell it at any time and make yourself a ton of profit so for the next tip be sure to take advantage of the XP bonus that you get for capturing 10 of each pow buddy early on in my playthrough you know I didn't want to capture multiple of the same one cuz I didn't want my inbox to be a jumbled mess and I had no need for multiple of the same creature but I very quickly realize that you know capturing 10 of them in a row actually gives you a massive XP boost so this is a great way to level up especially early on where you see tons of the same thing like the little chickens or the sheep or the little pink cats you can easily capture like 10 of them right off the bat and then boom those are going to be some very quick and easy level ups for you so the next tip is that when you're at your camp and you have all your pals out and they're building your Camp up and they're working and you know whatever always be sure to release one of your party members as well while you're there because that is an additional hand now unfortunately there's a cap of 50 Pals that you can have per base which is probably Capp just for technical reasons that you know they don't want your game crashing all the time for having so many of your pal buddies running around so the cap limit at your base is 15 but you can throw down your extra buddy that you have in your party and they will immediately just jump straight to work helping out around the base so anytime you're at your base just chilling always be sure to deploy one of your pals in your party so that they can help out so the next tip I have for you all is about hatching eggs now the eggs can be a bit picky some of them like like the cold some of them like room temperature and some of them like it to be very very hot so to accommodate the eggs preference you can lay down a bunch of campfires beside the egg and that will make it hot enough to make it incubate faster now for the scorched eggs they require it to be extremely hot so if you want to hatch the Scorch eggs as fast as possible I recommend taking them to the volcano area and trying to hatch them there because no matter how many campfires you lay down you're just never going to make it hot enough so next up is an XP tip maybe you're struggling to level up I know with the default XP settings it can definitely become a bit of a grind I played for hours and only leveled up like a handful of times total so once you beat the tutorial and you beat the very first boss fight at the tower you can actually go back to this Tower and do it over and over and over as many times as you like and farm XP I had a bit of a wall and I wasn't able to level up just from exploring and I needed to upgrade my base a couple of times so things started to slow down for me around my my like mid 20s like the XP grind just was getting really crazy so I went back to this boss fight once I had a party of like really strong Pals and I went in and you know once you get the pattern down and you learn the boss mechanics you can easily burn through this boss fight in no time and it's a great way to force out a couple of quick level UPS if you're in a quick pinch so for the next tip let's say you're trying to capture a pal and he's just way stronger than you and maybe you need a little bit of extra help or maybe you made an enemy mad by accident well one really cool thing that you can do that has helped me out a ton is turning the enemies against each other I couldn't tell you how many times I was trying to capture like a highle pal that was just way out of my league but then I used the environment to my advantage like these big bosses like to do big AOE effects and they do tons of damage will position yourself so that the pals will actually hit each other so what I like to do is that while I'm getting shot at I'll run behind a different pal it'll get shot by the thing that's attacking me piss off the pal and then suddenly there's this big fight going down and I can just sit back and watch so anytime you're about to enter combat make sure you know your environment and keep an eye out for any situation where you can make the enemies potentially fight each other so the next tip is pretty basic but when you're at your base and you're building and you have these different plots like the plot of trees or the stone quarry or the farm and your pals are going and collecting resources make sure you put a storage box down beside each of your farming locations that way when your buddies are chopping down trees they'll immediately carry the wood over and store it in the box and then all of these storage boxes within the Camp's radius are actually linked to the crafting tables so all of your buddies will store the stone and the wood and the storage crates and then you can use that directly to build whatever it is that you need so the next tip is that I highly recommend that you craft the food pouches as soon as possible now to get the food pouches these are actually going to require some ancient technology you get ancient technology by going around and defeating boss battles and then you can use the ancient technology to craft yourself one of these food pouches now once you have one of these food pouches you can then store food in the food pouch and then when members of your party become hungry they will immediately just eat the food and then you don't have to worry about their hunger before I use the food pouches my creatures were constantly starving to death and I wouldn't realize it until it was too late they would be starving and then suddenly they would just fall over dead and then I'm stuck out in the wilderness without my flyer because he starved to death so definitely craft yourself one of these food pouches cuz feeding your party is just going to be one less thing that you have to worry about so you're probably wanting to go out and capture all the pals possible right I mean that's what everybody wants to do like everyone wants to catch them all well some of the pals can actually only be found at nighttime and if you want to know which Pals can be specifically found at night time then check out your pal deck because it will give you info on every pal that you've encountered so far and it will tell you where they like to spawn on the map and it will tell you if they spawn in the daytime or night time or or both so if you ever come across a PO but you weren't able to catch it you can always just recheck the PO decks and it will tell you exactly where you can find them on the map the next tip is a quick one but it's to use momentum with your glider now normally when you hit the B button it just causes you to dodge well if you hold in the B button when you're going down a slope you will actually slide and doing so will increase your momentum and you can then hit the jump button and then pull out your glider and then the momentum will take you way further than you normally could go so if you want to get around the map a lot faster and you don't have a flyer you can always just slide and then pull out your glider so the next tip is that all of your pals actually share XP so you can have five Pals total in your party and all of them are going to get XP every time you do something so if you pick up an object or if you get a kill that's going to give XP to everybody so if you hatch an egg and it becomes level one you can easily just slap it into your party go farm some XP go do a boss fight or something and then that level one is going to immediately shoot up to be basically the same level as all of your other pow buddies just take a look here I was playing on this server with boosted settings and I did just one boss encounter and my pal immediately just shot straight up to the same level as everybody else so for the next tip if you find yourself in the dark without a torch or a lantern just throw down a pal that is a fire type and they will light up the area for you so when I go around in dark caves I like to pull out my little fox and you know he lights up the whole room for me and I can see so next up you're chilling at your base and you're farming resources and maybe you just cut too much wood or you have too much Stone in your inventory and you're over encumbered and you can't move well if you have the grapple hook unlocked which you get with ancient technology the grapple hook will actually pull you if you're over encumbered so if you're chopping wood for example and you want to take it to the nearby chest but you're over encumbered just use your grapple hook and it will slingshot you over to whatever you're aiming at so next up don't forget that you can aim your weapons while you're on your map mounts so I was playing for the longest time and I was just using my mounts abilities and I didn't realize you can actually still cycle through your weapons and then you can select whatever and use it so if you have a bow or a rifle or a pistol you can actually pull out the pistol and you know shoot while you're on your Mount so you can use your mounts abilities and you can help them with weapon support at the same time so I personally like to use all of the abilities and then while the abilities are cool down that's when I pull out my weapon and I do some damage so the next next tip involves dungeons now there are a ton of dungeons scattered throughout the lands they don't show up on your Maps they're just sort of there and you have to go out and find them but these dungeons provide a great opportunity to farm resources and to farm different creatures and normally inside of the dungeons you will find a lot of The Syndicate soldiers and these soldiers will all drop ammo so if you're ever low on ammo you can just go in a cave and continuously just kill all the soldiers and that is a great way to farm up ammo instead of manually making it yourself and then when you get to the very end of the dungeon this is where a random boss fight is going to spawn and this is where you're going to find a bigger beefier stronger version of a pal and the cool thing is that you can Farm These for whatever creature you want so if you go into the boss room and you see it's a pal that you just have no interest in what you can do is turn around and leave the room go back into the previous room before the boss encounter and then turn back around and go back into the boss room and it will refresh the boss fight and you will have a completely different boss encounter so you can just keep doing this over and over and over until you get the variation that you want to capture so the next tip is just a really good base building location when I was exploring for a second base location I needed a lot of ore and I needed a lot of coal and the location I found on top of this hill has both which is perfect so I highly recommend this spot right here this is where I built my second base and I turned it basically into a mine like the the the ore will keep respawning and your pals will just keep mining it and mid to late game stuff where you need tons and tons of ingots like you need ingots for ammo and you need them for weapons and buildings and you're going to need so many ingots this is a perfect spot to farm a ton of ingots so the next tip is a good way to get rich fast and all you have to do is get yourself these little cat creatures I think they're called mouss or something Ma and there's different variations of this cat creature but all you have to do is put down a ranch and then fill up full of these cats and they will endlessly just collect gold for you so the more cats you have the better you can have an entire base location just fillter these cats uh let them do their thing come back later and there's going to be so much gold that you're going to be rich in no time and if you want to know where to find these cats uh this is where you can find some of them on your map and then to end out this video the final two tips that I have for you all are kind of glitches SL exploits uh and the first one is actually a Skydive glitch if you need a quick way to launch yourself up in the air for whatever reason maybe you need to you know just get a height advantage or there's a cliff you're trying to climb but what you can actually do is throw a ball at any nearby creature and then as it's capturing the creature you hop on top of your ball it's going to launch you straight up into the sky and then you can glide to whever it is you need to go so I don't know why it does this but yeah if you need a quick way to get launched up in the air just capture any nearby creature and jump on top of the ball and then for the final tip in today's video is a bit of a duplication glitch so at any point maybe you want to duplicate resources I myself was duplicating iron ingots because I needed so many iron ingots what you have to do is be in your base and you want to head to the very end radius of the base where you see the blue circle walk to the very end of the circle and then you want to build any item in your inventory and you want to place it right outside of the circle so what you want to do next is simultaneously walk outside of the circle and hit the place down button at the same time you will then place place the object outside of your base but it won't cost any resources so you can then break down the object and those resources will get refunded back to your inventory now it might take you a little bit of practice it took me a while to get the hang of it but it does work and it works with any object so bigger costing objects are going to be better to do this with I recommend putting a chest nearby too so you can store the resources but if you build something really big and it costs like 100 stone or 100 ore or whatever and then you place it out of bounds you can then blow it up and get all those resources back so it's just an endless duplication glitch you can do this with pretty much every item that I tested it on and it's a great way to get yourself unlimited resources if you don't want to go out and farm them so that is going to do it for all the tips in today's video hopefully you guys learned something new and if you did then please consider giving this video a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated I have a ton of power world videos planned for the future so if you don't want to miss out on any future videos then be sure to hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications and that is going to do it for me guys and I will talk to you all in the next [Music] [Music] video
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 654,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pokemon, palworld best tricks, palworld early game tips, palworld secrets, palworld dungeons, palworld mistakes, palworld best pals, palworld tools, palworld farming, palworld farming tips, palworld speed up eggs, palworld best settings, palworld world settings, palworld unlocks, palworld base guide, palworld, pal world, palworld news, palworld update, palworld patch, palworld tips, Pokemon, SwanyPlays
Id: PpxiPYHaK7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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