The ULTIMATE GUIDE To Starting Strong In Palworld

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palor is more than just Pokémon packing  and Arsenal it's also an open world RPG   with survival elements Base building base raids  World bosses crafting automation monster taming   and Monster breeding you can go into this game  entirely solo if you want or in a multiplayer   Lobby if you have some buddies since I was able  to play this a little bit early there's tons of   stuff I've learned during my playthrough that I  wish I would have known dozens of hours before   I did so I'm going to pass those things right  on over to you I'll show you how to get your   base up and running efficiently ways to harvest  materials faster a few powerful monsters you can   snag early on and um we'll we'll get to that  this is palor I'm Alex and let's dig into the details all right first off let's talk about one  of the most important creatures you should get as   soon as possible rush or this guy is not only  a pretty easy to get early game Mount but his   Reckless charge ability can instantly mine things  just by running into them look at that 28 stone   no pickaxe required this works just on regular  Stone also works on these ores which you will   need a lot of I'll splice in some footage here of  like getting a combo move when you're mounted you   can still zoom in and use your weapon up here you  can also throw capture spheres so you don't even   have to Dismount to use that also when you're  mounted it gives you immediate access to the   creatur special attacks which you can manually  aim like there I have power bomb and stone blast   this is like a earth shotgun sorry depresso to  get yourself a rush ore if you head Northwest   from the starting location let me zoom in here  so you start down here if you just go Northwest a   little bit in this section you'll easily find one  there all right right there is one and there's a   few ways you can capture things you can either  Whittle down their health the lower the higher   chances or you can go for a back bonus if you kind  of stealth them uh it's only 24% chance let's try   it with the back bonus you can also increase the  chances if you inflict status ailments before you   try to capture them as well who's a good boy who's  a good boy yeah he's a good boy now before you can   use rush or as a mount you do need his hard head  ability in the tech tree you'll find that down   here at 6 then you'll have to go to the pal gear  workbench and you'll assemble that here with some   leather Stone and Palladium fragments and a little  bit later on you'll be able to get an even better   mining creature the Dig toys this thing is pretty  awesome so it'll automatically start to mine stuff   also it's drill Crusher move will'll just send  it into fullon mining drill mode if you want to   get one of these you'll need to head pretty  far Northwest of the starting location up in   here that's that's probably my favorite creature  design in the game his drills even spin around as   he attacks love that guy you can also put down  these traps to help you capture I'm going to   put down one of these basic hanging traps and if  you get somebody to walk into it come on come on   chickpea come on chickpea so you can either try  to capture them like that or you can actually   continue to whittle down their health beforehand  get them as close as possible and and I got   them you don't have to worry about wasting these  because if you don't use them you can always just   go in here hit disassembly mode and you get all  of your materials right back that applies to any structure so when you're first starting out one of  the most important things you need to put down is   a logging sight and a stone pit these are going to  automatically get you some Stone and wood with you   doing pretty much nothing your creatures are the  main automation of your base and they're going to   assemble things they're going to work on things  they're going to fire kils all kinds of fun stuff   I also recommend you put a storage chest right in  between right in front of both of these because   there will be a point where you go to pull out  some of this wood or stone and you all of a sudden   have like 300 Stone in your inventory and you  cannot move this allows you to extract it put it   in your storage and then your base can pull off of  any of your storage if you want to make a certain   creature just work at one single spot you can pick  them up and throw him at it as you can see over   there on the left fixed assignment to logging  site now that guy's permanent job is to smack   that wood this will work with pretty much anything  like I made a defensive bunker here so let's pick   this big old guy up throw him at that and now  he is our permanent defensive Lookout because   your base will get attacked from time to time oh  I'm getting raided by fan girls who can't contain   their love what this game's weird guys if you're  not manually assigning your creatures they're   going to do one of these things they're good at  listed over here in work suitability kindling is   to power fire sources planting is to plant Fields  handiwork is to help construct and build things   lumbering is to chop down trees and stuff medicine  production will help you construct medicine at   that workbench transporting will move drop items  into a nearby storage chest watering will water   plants generating electricity will Power electric  devices Gathering will get things like seeds and   berries mining will mine Stone cooling will power  things like refrigerators and farming is creatures   at work at the ranch I'll get more into the  ranch later cuz that's a important mechanic   also you need to make sure you have plenty of beds  for everybody in your base and some food in your   feed box which I have none none of at the moment  so let's throw some fried eggs in there then   creatures will stop by and have a little snack  when they're hungry depending on the type of egg   you put in these incubators they're going to have  different requirements like it says seems a little   cold and if you try to satisfy those requirements  like I'm going to put a campfire right next to   this it'll speed up the time it takes for the  egg to hatch I took it from 8 minutes down to   5:30 it's still a little bit cold I could uh put  some other fire sources near and speed it up even   more if I wanted to that's fine for now once you  get to the point where you start having some guns   you're going to need a lot of ammo and ammo takes  forever to craft that's where the rib bunny comes   in I like to get one of these and permanently  assign them to one of my weapon workbenches they   have the skill skilled fingers where when they're  in the base increases work efficiency when working   at the weapon workbench so I make sure I always  have some ammo in the works because they're going   to rapidly build that overtime and have a nice  little stock when I come home you can find one   of these over in the East section of the map the  Northwest and also just the kind of Southwest over   here now let's switch over and talk about some  combat creatures you can get towards the very very   start of the game here we have Fox Parks Fox Parks  Fox Parks but you can pick this thing up and use   it as a freaking flamethrower kind of ridiculous  but I kind of like it you can find one of these   really early on if you just go Northwest a little  bit from the starting area you will need to unlock   and build its harness though before you can use  it as a flamethrower it takes a long time until   you get your first gun but you can get a creature  that kind of gives you a gun this will get on top   of your head and when you hold aack you can use  its assault rifle it doesn't even have to be a   weapon in your hands it could be something like  a pickaxe but just hold down swing and there you   go you got an early gun you can get one of these  lift monks if you just go Northwest a little bit   of the starting area you will have to be at 11  Tech to get the upgrade to be able to shoot that thing you probably also want to get a flying  Mount as soon as possible so let me show you   how to get a Nightwing this let you ride it for a  little while in the air it doesn't have a ton of   stamina but is pretty useful for getting around  if the bird's about to run out of juice you can   actually jump off and use your glider using  your own stamina so you can travel a little   bit further these can be found in a lot of  places again the very popular spot Northwest   of the starting location there's a big spawn of  them over there there's some to the Northeast the   Southwest and the Northwest you will need to  get their saddle at technology level 15 this   next one is going to change how the Glide works  with the Gil claw you actually use that instead   of a glider this is a bit faster and you can  shoot while you're using this this is a good   combat ability because you can have an entirely  different creature out and still be able to use   this Glide mid combat and it's just a really fast  way to get around and you can shoot you can also   combine this Glide with the built-in sliding  momentum so if there's a slope you can slide   down it in this game and gain much faster speeds  than normal so if you use this before initiating   that Glide it's going to give you a little bit of  a speed boost and you can travel even further I'm   hungry you can find some of these in the Northwest  section from the starting area you will need to be   at tech level 23 to use this as a glider though  now I'm going to hop over to my secondary base   and show you what I've done here this is something  you can consider doing with the ranch mechanic so   over here this is purely just for farming items  I have some ranches here and specific creatures   that are just going to poop out all this stuff in  the ranch I can just run around and collect it so   over here on this base all the creatures here  have the farming work suitability and what that   means is when they go into the ramp they're going  to spawn some of their possible drops like I have   one of these things making me flame organs so I  just collected some of those I got eight from that   round but that's how they're able to just hang  out here and spit out useful items let's talk   about the meat cleaver this thing's mean beware so  you know how when you capture a creature they drop   their materials well you can get a double dose of  materials if you use the butcher knife to butcher   the creature that is not my censoring that is  the game censoring but doing so will yeah drop   you whatever that creature drops again that one  used to be a boss so yes I got the boss materials   again and the final thing I want to mention is  these Elemental horses you can ride these and they   have a special property where they modify your  attacks with their element so on this guy all of   my attacks are going to be Electric so if you're  really trying to exploit the weakness of a boss   or something uh you can use these as a mount and  all of your attacks will change to their property   if you need to know what the elemental matchups  are you can find that in the survival guide here   towards the bottom so grass beats ground ground  beats electric electric beats water water beats   fire fire beats grass and ice ice beats dragon  dragon beats dark and dark beats neutral neutral   of course is neutral so I think that pretty  much covers the basics guys uh there's tons   more to this there's creature breeding there's  uh creature combining if you have multiples of   the same type you can also enhance Pals where you  can modify their stats somewhat this game's just   chalk full of systems mechanics things to do so if  you like the creature collecting and Base building   and some survival mechanics uh check this out it's  pretty fun all right guys thanks for checking this   out let me know what you think of this and I'll  see you next time oo that's new I haven't seen [Music] that
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 358,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld trailer, pokemon like games, palworld release date, pokemon game with guns, pokemon gun, pal world, palworld fusion, palworld review, palworld, pokemon with guns, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld best monsters, palworld best pals, palworld flying mount, palworld base building, palworld advanced tips, palworld important tips, palworld ultimate guide, palworld tutorial, palworld elements, pokemon, palword mount, palworld xbox, pal, xbox
Id: iC-t7Rhdk0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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