Palworld How to ONE SHOT and INCREASE DAMAGE Over 100% - Advanced Tips to Increase Damage

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want to be able to do the maximum amount of damage in power world and want to make sure that you're able to one-hot the boss without a problem well today I'm going to show you guys exactly how you're going to be able to do that and what you need to do to get it done but before that let's go ahead and aim at go take on every single boss available in the game and see if they're able to ones shot like we just did grisol this is going to make farming so much easier and you're going to be able to not only level up fast but increase the efficiency of getting loot without being said Gris is down let's see who's next all right so here we are with L like for L I think we're going to have to combo the rocket launcher with the assault rifle just to kill her really quick but I'm going to tell you this is so effective as long as you have the weapons and you guys are a high level to get these guns you guys should be good to go so let's see if we could one shot rocket her I think she might take a little bit more damage I think she's over 30k so uh let's no she's like 70 actually yeah so we're able to take her out really quickly here so now we just got to make sure sure we reload and we should be good here all right and down she goes easy peasy lemon squeezy boom bada bing all right on to the next boss lyan is down all right guys so now on to the other boss the brothers of Eternal prior we're going to go here and let's go see how well he fares off with this one now we're probably going to have to get some AR shots in here too as well just because um you know we just want to have consistent damage here but you see how much damage this thing this thing's outputting it's crazy all right let's go get this guy here did I not have a rocket launcher no way dude way to come prepare a laser all right so that's 100 plusk damage here this guy has 130 Health the reload is the only thing that's kind of messed up a little bit here but either that we should be good here all right let's use our AR here oh dude I need to reload on the this one too all right let's reload the gun and you're able to do this with any gun or weapon or melee weapon if you have make sure reload here I'm using the rocket launcher because the rocket launcher slaps it actually hits pretty hard all right we're going to go try this with uh the harder bosses you know like uh jet dragon uh Frost alion as well so you guys to see how much damage you need to put now you know you do need a couple bullets you need a couple uh a lot of bullets actually and you're probably going to definitely want to watch my video on how to get the you know a limited amount of bullets which you shouldn't be having a problem with bullets anymore so here we go take him out now I'm pretty sure we run a shotgun that shotgun would do a lot of damage too but the usually the AR in my opinion and the uh the rocket launcher are pretty op all right so this guy's dead eliminated all right now we're going to do challenge jet dragon cuz uh he's uh he's pretty close right here so we're going to see how far how well he does against him once we get out of this spawn right there cuz he is a level 50 boss we just got to make sure we're you know we have it's reloaded because you saw what happened last one so this guy's going to be I think he's on right here he is all right let's go ahead and bring them out and we got a go this way so here we made it a jet dragon let's go ahead and get off of off of our thing here let's make sure we aim at him correctly we got to make sure we get that initial shot right off the bat here all right and oh we straight up flipped them over boys all right come on make sure we hit that reload all right where's he at bro where you at oo all right I like how fact that it flips him over that's kind of funny I didn't know I didn't know it did that it's actually pretty funny all right and oh okay okay where'd he go where'd he go no that I hate those woof and woof so this this should make the a little bit easier due to the fact that you're doing a lot of damage with him now theoretically if you guys didn't spend some points uh on your attack you're probably going to be doing even more damage than I am but this just goes to show you bro um the amount of damage you're able to Output without the pals you know all right so here we go get that reload what's he doing what's he doing he's trying to Juke me here all right so we almost have him dead usually like you know people take like three minutes to kill this one this is a lot faster than three minutes and I missed a couple shots there all right let's go here and what's he doing bro he's trying to get up close and personal yeah I wish this rocket reload was actually a lot faster than than what it currently is all right I like the fact that it throws him in the ground I didn't know that dude that's kind of funny all right he he's he's dead all right there you go and he is down too much weight what do we have bro and he is down for the count so jet dragon taken out so we're doing a ton of damage and you're probably wondering laser how are you doing that amount of damage because that's pretty crazy so I'm going to show you guys my base damage and I'm going to see how I'm going to show you guys how much we're able B to boost it up all right so guys I'm going to show you guys my base damage and then I'm going to show you guys exactly how to increase this how to boost this up okay so you notice right here guys my attack damage is 119 I believe the default damage on here is 100 and you're able to I think every time you spend a point it goes up two so I spent a couple points I think I spent over nine points on this attack so I would recommend don't even spend points on attack because if you follow this method you will be perfectly fine without boosting your Tech but for those of you guys who don't you know kind of sometimes you get a little bit bored of using the pals or sometimes you don't want to use Pals you want to use weapons this is a very effective way to actually Farm bosses kills them really quick and you guys saw there you have that one shot potential with gisb which theoretically you could just Farm over and over to get that XP or just to get materials and start getting stuff so what are we doing the first thing we're doing guys is we're adding this pendulant which uh I could um I have a video or I could make a video where it gives you the exact drop locations so you can get this blue one but basically the these go from gray green and blue um and every time you put this one you'll see the attack this one got boosted 10% and if I put this one this is going to boost it uh a total of 15% so if you get to Blues that's going to be 30% uh but with the way I have it set up that's going to be a a boost of 25% right and that is only 147 boost now the question is with this amount of damage you do good but you're not going to be doing a ton of damage because there's another way that we're actually boosting this and that is by going into our P box and within our pile box we are going to be adding Goin now the great thing about him is that he's able to boost your stats pretty crazy he's able to boost it up to 30% per character now I'm going to explain how this actually works cuz if we actually go into our character now and we see our attack damage it's all the way to 277 that's a total of 135 passive skill damage additional damage that we're getting on top of that so remember we started with 118 this is 277 it more than doubles it it's pretty pretty crazy and and pretty op now theoretically here I could actually get an additional 10% to make this to go to 145 and I could even go all the way to like 160 if I wanted to uh sorry Di 170 if I wanted to uh but I think this is actually pretty op already so how are we able to get this right well let's talk about this so for example when you guys go ahead and have one of these he's going to give you a 10% increment of X of of Base damage so each of this are 10% now the tricky part becomes when you actually level these guys up to uh uh you know level star five you know to angry shark level five and that is by you know getting a star every Star is going to increment the damage is able to output and in total when you get it to level five it gives you an additional 10% so that boost this this up to 20% that's what I'm saying this video took me a while to make because I had to farm this a lot okay um so anytime you guys want to go ahead and boost it basically all you got to do is for each one if you just apply one each it's going to get 10% if you level it to level four you know level five stars or I mean it's four stars but you get it to level five that's going to boost it up to 20% but in addition to that guys I'm able to get 30% out of each and every one of them and you're probably wondering why the reason is because of the skill this vard skill this vard skill gives you a 10% increased player attack so for each Goin that I have within my slot I am getting 30% now I was only able to do three cuz it's a lot of farming uh this one doesn't have Vanguard so I'm missing 10% right there this one does have Vanguard this one does have Vanguard and this one does have Vanguard but the infusion is what actually makes it pretty op because you're actually boosting that stat and uh it's basically 30% for each of them so just out of these three I'm getting 90% plus the additional 20% that's 110 now it could be 120 and then with my pendulant the stats just keep going up and that is how you boost the attack damage in power world and makes it really powerful now if you guys are like well that's pretty awesome but the bullets are so hard to come by well guys that's why you want to make sure you're subscribe to the channel so you guys don't meet this videos because I actually have a video that shows you guys how to get unlimited amount of ammo so you guys can just go ahead and wreck havoc you know sometimes Pals they'll die in the field sometimes they'll um you didn't bring the right pal for the right fight and you know your AR and your rocket launcher actually kill you know kill the enemy a lot quicker than you would theoretically do with your pal so it's a very good viable option to have now the great thing about this is that you're actually able to do this really early in the game because Goins you're able to farm them really fast and they're in one specific area where you can just Farm them really quickly and as soon as you have him that's an additional 10% boost every single time now if you guys want to see where to get the guarant P let me know in the comments section down below so I can drop a video for it if you guys are interested let me know that way we'll put it out together for you guys but that is how you increase your damage over 100% in power I hope you guys are enjoying your content if you do me a huge favor guys drop a comment drop a like but most importantly subscribe to the channel turn on those notifications so you guys won't miss when our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 3,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld high damage, palworld one shot rifle, palworld one shot boss, palworld one shot, palworld increase damage, palworld how to increase damage, how to do more damage in palworld, palworld advanced tips, palworld advanced tips and tricks, palworld advanced gameplay, palworld, palworld easy pals, palworld tutorial, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworlds best start, palworld best base, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pals, laserbolt, palworld how to, palworld tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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