Palworld Ultimate Beginners Guide, Tips & Tricks! - The Best Way To Start Early Access Walkthrough

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we've been playing a bunch of pal world and the start of the game is perhaps the most overwhelming as you're going to need to do a lot of gathering and building and get your base going before the real fun starts which is adventuring out further in the world so let me save you a bunch of time and headache by basically going over what you want to be doing most effectively early on as well as all the beginner tips and things that we figured out along the way and what you should look out for and if you want to look out for us drop a like below cuz it really helps but let's start off by making a new world so I can streamline what you want to do in the first few hours so that you can skip the trouble and get straight to the fun without the mistakes that we made along the way and put in the comments below if you have any additional tips or Pals to look out for particularly early on so we can all learn together as a community so when you're first creating a world of course you can name it whatsoever you like but perhaps the biggest decisions that you make here is whether you want it to be a multiplayer one in other words you can play it with your friends in Co-op or you can go down and adjust the difficulty normal I think is where most people will play it's kind of like The Sweet Spot probably the way the game is intended to play by the developers but there is also casual which I will highlight because it's quite important if you want a sort of more easy less farming intensive experience because casual basically means pals are easier to catch you get additional XP you gather resources quicker eggs incubate faster battling isn't as hard and when you die you don't lose your stuff it doesn't get dropped on the floor whereas on normal you lose all of those additional like farming speed benefits and when you die all your equipment basically gets dropped where you died and then you have to run back to your body to pick it up so this is like the more standard survival experience whereas casual is there if you want to sort of have a bit of an easier time farming and you don't want to lose your stuff when you die so it's kind of up to you what you want to play but for the rest of this beginner guide we're basically going to be playing on normal so that and you can customize it if you want but we'll just be playing on normal default uh but again casual is there if you want it so then you get the character sort of Creator you can really make the character how you want I'll just really quickly go through and sort of show you uh you know actually let's make let's make a female character cuz I made a m male character my previous playthrough that a lot of you guys have probably seen in the actual review that we have so if we just pick the default uh you can change the body the skin type you know you can really sort of make a crazy looking character if you sort of max out some things and fully and fully minimize others so you can make a really pretty wild character but again that's all just up to your preference I'll just make a sort of standard looking one and uh you make it how you want but then we'll load into the game so once you've made your character you're going to get this sort of intro cut scene it's a bit of a weird cut scene it's a bit disjointed and will basically spawn in a cave afterwards so you can more or less ignore this starting cut scene it sort of it gives you a hint to go and explore the towers out in the world and you will be doing that later in the game but for the beginning of the game you're going to want to get set up with some resources and building your base and all that kind of stuff and there's a few tips and tricks that you really want to know along the way to sort of save you time and headach and just to get a better sort of grip on the game as a whole so here we are we spawn in this cave basically and immediately what I would recommend doing is just running forwards and basically picking up this fast travel point so this will allow you to fast travel back here so run up we can press square boom it is unlocked the second thing that you want to immediately do is go and talk to this person because they'll actually give you a sort of little care package of resources so there you go you talk to them you can see we immediately got 10 wood from them which is kind of nice and we want to start picking up wood and uh rocks on the floor as well so you see we immediately leveled up because we've already done a few things really quick so I'm immediately just picking up all of the wood and rocks and then we'll go over here and we'll pick up these berries um as well we can pick up this uh skill ball that was actually kind of lucky we got a fruit there which lets you train your pals to have a certain move so we'll pick up all these berries because we will have hunger we'll pick up all these rocks and wood on the floor you could also just start punching a tree to get some additional wood as well but we will be crafting some tools in a sec that will basically let us do that even quicker so really focus on getting some rocks ignore the pals for now we will be capturing a few of these and I'll tell you which ones are the best ones to grab early on but for now we just wanted to pick up everything we could and then we'll build that primitive workbench it doesn't actually matter where you put this you're literally right in the starting area so we just want to build this so we can immediately get some tools going so with that built you can see we can immediately make a pickaxe so I will get that going and you do have to manually like craft using handiwork to make the actual tool and later on the powers will do this for us so you can see here we've only got three Rock but we got 16 Wood so let's get a bunch more Stone since we've got the pickaxe now so we can actually start mining so what you're going to want to do is basically mine the resources pick up some wood until you have all of the sort of beginner tools here so you can see here for the uh for the axe we can start making that once we have the pickaxe the uh the pickaxe the stone Axe and also we want to get the the wooden Club because that will just make fighting a bit easier then we can again gather more resources because we will need more we'll go and capture a few Pals and uh and we'll basically get our base going so we've now got the initial things that we needed we can go into the technology tree so press pause here you have your inventory screen a really really thing that's going to help you out so much early on is as you level up you actually get stat points you can see here on the side you get these different stat points so we've already got two stat points that we can assign and we want to enhance skills and use those points there's literally only two things that I would worry about leveling up the first thing I would just basically pump everything into weight so you can carry more because you will hit that carry limit very quickly but outside of weight you could also start putting some in stamina because stamina will let you basically run for longer Glide for longer all that kind of stuff later on in the game so we'll just max out our weight for now then we'll go across into the actual technology tree and we'll immediately grab the pal sphere and we're pretty much going to want I would say everything on these first two lines but you know depending on how many points you have you might want to prioritize different things uh I'm literally just going to start picking all of these up because we will want all of these anyway we can even make a bow so I can't make the arrows but that's fine we'll get another level up pretty soon as well so you can see here we can make uh one Power Ball which or po sphere so we would do actually want to do some farming now you've got your tools so you can actually start farming quicker so let's go and chop a bunch of wood a bunch of stone and then we'll come back and uh we'll see where we're at all right so I've mined some of the Rocks as you can see chopped down bunch of the trees and now we have sort of a nice little pile of resources again this isn't going to be enough we will have to get more but for now it will do the great thing about mining the uh the actual rocks with the pickaxe is that you can occasionally get some Palladium fragments as we will need those to make these pal speres so let's make a few more pal speres you know as many as you can make 5 or 10 is going to be a good starting point so what we want to do is basically run over here to these ruins and usually you will see you have the cataa poers here we've got a level one and two level threes and these are going to be the best ones for us to capture early on I would recommend capturing at yeah at least all three of them you know as many as you can get early on like three to five cuz these are going to be extremely good for our base and I'll go over why once we actually start getting our base set up so for actually capturing what we're going to do is just literally start beating them up and then throw a power SP at them so we'll get them to low Health you can see here 100% capture rate cuz he's low easy peasy and then boom we've got him now he's going to be low when we first capture him we'll go into our party but he has no health so we won't use him just yet but but but just by having him in our party you can actually see he has the cat helper level one while in our team he helps carry supplies increasing the players Max carrying capacity so this is another reason why you want to capture some of these early on they increase your carry capacity they're going to be really good in our base so it's an all around good thing to have you can see here we actually have the uh the Lambs these are pretty cute looking they're not fantastic but we probably do want one for our base quite simply because they will produce wool for us which we can then craft into cloth and make that into armor so we will probably want at least one of these you can actually see here if we just throw one at its back we get the back bonus but it's only 26% so I would actually recommend since we already have the club and they're pretty weak anyway we just get them low and capture with that 100% this way you save your spere so the back bonus is good but I wouldn't recommend wasting your precious pal speres that you only have a few of at this very early stage on a 26% chance when you could easily get a 100% chance so we're basically going to look for a few more of the uh the catas um and maybe pick up some resources along the way as we're looking it looks like the other ones that were here ran away but that's fine we'll be able to get a few more but if we actually run back towards the ruins here and we start heading down the hill a little bit I'll show you a couple of things that you don't want to miss out on there's a couple Collectibles uh there should be a chest I think as well as well as the actual ores you see these blue shiny ores we're going to need to mine a few of these because they will give us the fragments that we need so we'll get our pickaxe out we run up to these ores and I recommend you just basically mine these out because then you can craft a bunch of power spheres we're going to want to have a nice supply of power spheres so mine a bunch of these fragments it's super worth it and you can see here the Little River what you're going to want to do is basically go under it and you can see there the chest and there's also one of these to pick up these journal entries so we'll grab that we'll grab the chest which gave us three p spheres some gold coins as well so the gold coins will be good when we have a base setup Traders will come to our base so we can trade with them but we just basically got a bunch of P SPS extra as well so not too bad but I would recommend grabbing some more of the sort of blue nodes so let's mine these nodes and then we'll go on to the next steps so something you that you may notice when you're basically in this area with these blue ores is that there is this shiny ore a shiny node sorry and this one will give you straight up ore which you can see here I already have two pieces these weigh a lot and you literally don't need you'll need loads of them later on but you don't need any of them early on so for now I would skip this because it will basically fill up all of your weight but later on you're going to need a lot of or so that will be a focus for later but for now you can skip this node you see here we found another cattiva we actually found two of them and a chickp pea so what we're going to do is just try and get these caters but they are running away from us but we do want to capture like I said three or four of these so uh I'm just going to chase them down beat them up and capture them and we'll have them for our party and boom we've got another one there 100% chance and we will just keep a lookout for them as we're basically continuing to farm in these early early sorts of areas the uh chicky peas you could get them because they will generate eggs in your base for you but early on I didn't really have a problem with food and therefore something like the cataa or even the um the lambor will will be better in your base cuz they can actually help you with production and building so you see here there's another cataa it's only level one but it will still be able to work in our base for us so boom we'll capture another one there you can see here we've already got three of them now and one Lambo not too bad a couple more would still be nice but again you want to be M mining these blue nodes as you go keeping it stopped up on your wood and your stone obviously within your weight limit again we've leveled up so we can put more into actual weight you see our weight is now 600 because of the C so we can just keep building up on those resources before we actually jump into the base building you can see down here as well there's going to be a little collectible that's going to be important for later on in the game it's that glowing green thing so uh there is full damage when you start falling from very high heights but it's not really enough to actually kill you so I think you'll be okay but this actual area is where we're going to move to next so we started off uh basically up there as you as you know and we've made our way down the tree there's the Fast Travel point where we started at made our way down we've gathered these resources we've captured the uh the correct Pals that are going to be good for our early game to help us out and now we find this water area with this green collectible that we'll pick up but we're looking for a base location right and essentially I would recommend building your first base just here you know it's a suspiciously nice open area with loads of trees and several Rock nodes and even an or node nearby it so for me this is the perfect starting base area just to begin the game and get you geared up before you can Adventure out so what I'm going to do look I'll show you we'll take a little bit of damage from the fall but not really a lot this will be our base area it's nice and big and open it's literally the perfect spot to start making your base there's also a few uh a few more catas here so I'm just going to I'm just going to grab these while we're here since we've got the P SPS these are going to be so helpful early on and I'll even take the second one cuz we will need a Workforce in our base there's a few more here I wonder if I can catch one of them before they run away there we go and we take another one boom and we've still got two power SPS left and we've still got 20 of this padium fragments it's not just used to make p fiz by the way there's other items that are going to be uh using it as well so you just you just generally need a lot of it I'll pick up some more berries so now that you've kind of got to this point you can start to see the bar under our health bar the orange bar is uh about halfway so you can see on the right side under our player level it's our food bar it's on 55 out of 100 we've already got a load of these berries we can cook these to make them better but for now just make sure you are topped up on food uh so you don't run out but now that we're here in our sort of starting base location what we're going to do is go into the technology tree and we'll pick up a few extra additional things that are going to be massive for us so we will make the arrows because the bow is going to be really really good we will take the cloth outfit cuz then we can actually make some armor which again is going to be really good for us I do really like the parachute as well so I will grab that we'll take both the berry Plantation and the the ranch and like the spear I don't think is that good I mean we already have the club which kind of functions just fine has a bit longer reach but I wouldn't say the spear is massive but the shield is going to be a really good pickup early on as well so we'll definitely learn that so the first thing that you want to do when you're making a base is essentially building your pow box uh this makes the whole area around you become the base so think of the pow box kind of like your strong box that you'd have in Rust it's the item that you place that makes an area your own for your base you can I believe build other things first so it might be best to start making your house first because then you can place your box you know if you just plunk your box in the middle then you're building around the Box whereas you could plunk the box after making your house which then you could put in a more aesthetic place so we'll put some foundations down and I'll just make a a 2X two sort of house now we've got some rock nodes here at the back so you can really make it anywhere you want in this area I might just make you know we've even got some like padium or there so I would recommend putting the house somewhere that isn't going to interrupt your poers basically mining these nearby these nearby nodes so I'm just going to place it sort of over here and you need a base with a roof to actually have a bed and there is a few nuances in this for example these slanted roofs uh in my experience they don't actually count as a roof for your bed so we want to be basically making something that has a wooden roof even if that isn't super aesthetic the slanted roof doesn't count if you have a bed below it and the bed won't literally work so what we'll do is we'll put a few uh put a few windows in and then we'll put some normal walls in and we'll build the rest of the house so now that you've got like a basic sort of house layout you could always put in some wooden stairs and essentially make a second floor obviously it will use more wood to do this and what I will say is at least at the start an area like this is going to be big enough for what you need but if you want to make it look a bit nicer and have more space then you could put some stairs down and basically expand the uh the base out a little bit further sort of like I'll show you here now when you get to the roof if you want to make a very aesthetic roof you probably want to use these slanted ones and then use these slanted roof tiles to make it look a bit less boxlike but if you do this beware to not put the bed below the slanted roof and I'll show you what we mean as we go all right so now we're just doing the last touches on our base again this is a bit more elaborate than it needs to be if you don't want to farm or use as many resources you don't have to make it this big but the emphasis I wanted to make is that when you come to put putting a bed down which you do want to do as this allows you to sort of skip the night uh and heal you and stuff like that obviously you want to have a bed in your base uh you need to put it below an actual flat roof so if we put it in one of these Corners below the slanted roof it literally doesn't work so just a sort of quick note there put the bed below a flat roof another quick not is since we have a lot of catas they will actually help us build so you might as well have one deployed while you're building in these early stages but we're basically getting to night time in the game you can see everything is starting to get a bit dark now we've got our base set up on our bed we can go to sleep and basically skip this nighttime and start fully pimping out our base so in our actual house what we'll do is we'll put down a wooden uh chest I'll just put it by the door this is going to function in for two things one we can put excess things in here that we don't want to carry and two when we start to uh basically expand our base our powers can fill this box up with materials that they gather nearby from the trees and the or noes and the berry bushes and all sorts of stuff like that so here we have our very basic house but it is big enough to function and keep us going for a decent duration you can put down the PO box which lets you start building an actual base so the interesting thing about the PO box and you can see this as we actually rotate it is it has a massive box around it and this area around it needs to be completely free in order for you to place it and you can see here when it starts to rotate and overlap lap with my player character it counts myself as an object and therefore can't be placed so it's a really weird object in that it needs a huge space around it and I recommend rotating it so it goes blue so you can actually place it and if we actually rotate it into ourselves you can see on sort of the if you look at my house there you can see there's a sort of circle that encloses us as we're moving this around and that's sort of the build Circle that will will mean we can basically have that all of that land claimed as our own so it has a pretty big radius around it again put this where you want obviously aesthetically you might want to put it sort of flush to your base or something like that but the circle the building Circle will be sort of Center pointed around this so do consider where you're putting this down as uh you you basically can't move it after it's already down so what I'm actually going to do is try and place it just outside the front of the base so it's in a sort of accessible area I actually quite like placing it over here on the side and uh we'll just get a little blue spot and then boom we'll place it there pull out our our cataa and we'll build it up together and this is literally the starting of your actual base see here the color changes as you build it boom it's made now we actually have a proper base and any excess Pals you can see like the extra caters that we've already made will go in here so what we're going to do is pick one up and put it at the bottom you see it says Pals at the base this is going to be really important because as soon as we do that you see here he spawns in the world and now he's going to start Gathering helping us build and all that kind of stuff but what's important to note is as you can see on the uh on the right hand side they have different icons that correlate to what they can sort of help out with and actually do so if I expand their details you can see here cataa is extremely good because its work suitability covers handiwork Gathering Mining and transporting so handywork is to help you with crafting transporting means they'll move rocks berries and things like that into boxes mining means they will literally start attacking or nodes nearby so you can get stone really quickly and easily and Gathering uh again is for like harvesting your berries and stuff like that also they have the punch flurry which is a very strong move compared to the other sort of three basic uh PALS like the lambo and the chickp peas uh so again C is probably the better one for combat for protecting your base and for working but don't sleep on Lambo as well it can do handiwork and transporting but also farming which is where we can build a ranch and start getting some wool so that's the basics of what you want to look out for in capturing Pals is what their actual work suitability is because that's going to affect how they function and what they can do in your base forew you can see here he's basically the one that I've put down and the one that we've deployed in the base they're already mining the stone goes on the floor we can just run over and pick it up and boom we got 16 Stone two Plum fragments and we didn't even do anything they just do it passively for us another super important thing at this uh PO Box is when you go up to it and you see missions with Y this is massive because as you complete these things so build a wooden chest and deploy the power box we've already done that we can then upgrade the base and that increases the number of Pals that can work at the base so if we go in here again we can actually deploy a second one now he drops into the world he's going to start doing mining or whatever he's going to start mining that node there absolutely brilliant so you want to do these level ups but as you start to deploy more and more Pals you can see on the right hand side it's in red Pals without beds will get stressed so you do actually want to make some uh go to infrastructure these straw po beds for every pal in your base you need to build one of these so find a nice spot where you can make like a row of these and put them down so that your pals can actually sleep so what we'll do is we'll uh we'll make a bunch of these insufficient materials so again like I was saying you want a good stock pile of wood earlier after my massive house and the things we've built I'm finally out of wood so let's get chopping some more wood so we got our beds going now we want to set up a few workbenches because we are going to need these for all kinds of crafting and all that kind of good stuff so again I'm just going to going to actually put one uh maybe just here by the door so I'll try to keep everything sort of around the base and we do want that repair bench as well because the devs actually have thought it through with the sort of tool crafting in normal survival games you use a tool until they break whereas the really nice thing about power world is you can make this repair bench and you can just use resources to repair them so they don't break and you don't have to build new ones you can just come back here every now and then and sort of top up their durability so you see here we've made it we go in here we can simply we click on like our axe which is almost broken for the cost of two wooden Stone we can instantly repair it to full the UI doesn't fully update but we'll repair all of them we'll go back into the menu and you can see here now they are fully back up to maximum so the thing is as you start expanding your base so again look if we go back to our base you can see here we've leveled up again uh not too bad but even the next objective here is what we need to make anyway which if we check the uh the technology tree we do need the feed box next so I don't have the Tech points because I've bought these other things but the way to get Tech points is basically start just fighting and capturing more powers and we're going to need more anyway for the base so uh we didn't actually catch a chapi yet I'm not really too bothered about them but the caters are going to be really good workers again for the early game as we know so I'm going to go out and get another level up so we can get that technology point and to do that I'm just going to capture a bunch of these uh [Music] catas so we can use the technology points to buy the uh the feed box and we've got a few extra technology points as well so out of everything here I would say you're going to want to pick up the statue of power and the pal gear as that's going to come in super handy later on so oh here's another thing as well the wandering Trader has finally showed up so once you've set up your base at some point this Trader will come along you see if we go up to him he's basically going to we can sell stuff and buy stuff we do have uh some money because we uh got that chest so you see we can buy arrows buy eggs buy seeds and milk there there's nothing really here that we want so I would probably advise you just sort of save up your gold coins cuz you will get more of them as you go uh later on so what you can do is for items that you're not really needing to carry and you don't want to go out adventuring with and potentially lose if you die like the gold coins or like our electric skill fruit here maybe even the berry seeds the fiber the ore the wool this stuff can go in the box and the great thing is there's also a sort button here which is really helpful the great thing is that the boxes are actually p from when you do crafting so we have a box in the house but if we go into crafting here we can actually so you know what let me show a good way to show this is if we go in the box and we put in all of the fragments the Palladium fragments if we go to the workbench here you can see the pal spheres that need those fragments I can still craft them so there we go boom just by putting them in the box we can pull for them and craft them so as you pick up a ton of rocks just like this that have been mined you don't have to Lug them around and carry them you can just put them in in your base so really carry weight is going to be most impactful when you're out in the world away from your base but we made a few more pal speres uh what are we missing we need wood again it's a constant need for wood this is where you really need to be farming a lot so I'll get some more wood and we'll continue expanding the base all right so I've got a bit more wood so again the very first thing we're going to need to do is put down that uh put down the feed box this basically means the pals that are deployed at your base can eat without you having to effectively like be near them and do it manually you can just dump food in here and as we go through some of the extra building things that we're going to make they can actually automate this process so you never have to worry about feeding them but just for now uh I'll actually split the berry stack in half and put half in there and they can start uh they can start munching away if they want to we'll go back to the missions level up our base again and you can see now we can actually get some more powers out so I'll deploy them and I'll actually finally put the lambo out as well so got a few more Pals deployed we're feeding them so not too worried about that they're constantly mining nodes so uh Stone as you can see is no longer a worry thanks to uh getting a bunch of those uh CS we don't have to literally worry about Stone anymore we are sorted so for now I'll just dump basically all of these resources in here because we just don't need to carry them while we're building stuff you can see in the uh in the bench uh we can now make the common Shield so the really great thing about the shield I'll let our guys build that is that it will give us an additional health bar on top of our health bar that Regens automatically so it's just going to help us be a bit more survivable uh for when we actually go out and start fighting some stronger poers to capture them also this green collectible over there we might as well we'll go all the way around but we do want to pick that up so you can see here this shiny green thing we can uh pick it up and these Effigies we will then use at the Statue of power you can see here that we can build in our base and it'll basically give us like straight up upgrades to our our characters as well as our Pals but think of them as a collectible there's loads of them around the map the first upgrade cost one so we have that the next one I think is four and then it increases and increases so I wouldn't worry too much about them but since we have one there we can basically immediately get an upgrade so our Shield has been made for us as you can see here we'll pick it up it automatically equips it and you can see above our health bar or in the pause menu We have basically another 100 on top of our health bar that will regen automatically separate from our health so that's going to be pretty good remember as you're leveling up to keep using those points we're pretty good on weight now so I'm going to start putting a bit more into stamina as well just so we can run and mine and do things a bit more often and more commonly so we need more wood and fiber to make a ranch we probably we don't need to worry about the pow gear workbench just yet because we need to unlock the recipes for them anyway but we will basically want some Berry plantations and the ranch necks so again it's pretty much a wood problem so I recommend since you've got a Workforce making Stone it's now time to go and chop a load of trees all right so as you can see I've chopped all of the trees here so hopefully we're good on wood for a little bit and again just to save our inventory space since we don't need to be holding it 120 Wood all of the stone all these extras I can just put into our chest we might need to start making a few more of these chests as we go along but now that we've got some resources we can actually start to make a bow and well some arrows which is going to be really good cuz they will uh be a massive bump up in terms of how quickly we can fight things and capture them with the bow since we can do ranged attacks with it so while that's being made we also want a berry Plantation it doesn't really matter too much where you put this and initially I wanted to put like a whole load of these down but I'll tell you right now you you literally only need one to begin with uh because they don't function as you might expect where you uh plant some stuff and then you have to wait for a certain time it's all about manually planting and watering and harvesting which is done through Pals that have different uh effects like we looked at before so we will soon be going out and getting some Pals that have more of these sort of um Workforce tasks available to us because right now uh we we will require some manual stuff you see here it requires planting so we need to get a pal that has that and we will go and get one soon but this will automate the food process for feeding our poers and we need it for the the level up of our PO box as well anyway you can see here next we just need a campfire so a campfire is going to be really good because it allows us to keep warm but also allows us to cook so if I just put a campfire down let's let's see where is a good place to put let's just let's just put it down here next to the plantation so we'll build this and this actually lets us cook the berries and the problem with cooking is that it can take ages if you do like a massive stack like if we do you know all of our like 306 berries it's going to take ages for it to do it so we want to wait until we have a pal with fire that can do it because right now the berries as you can see that're they're literally serving us just fine we don't really have to worry about it too much but again we can now level up our base we're up to five Pals we just need to put the pal workbench down and the statue of power which we've already got the thing for the Statue of power to make us stronger which is pretty cool so we can put another cataa down and let's get building these things for the next upgrade so the statue of power it's literally just a giant statue like this I'll just plunk it down near our actual base they'll get building that and I will put the ranch down because this is going to help us with the lamb ball for getting wool so that we can make cloth so that we can then actually make uh some armor which is what we've been waiting for so not really too sure where to put this one down cuz it's pretty big uh and I don't think it really matters all too much so I'm just going to plunk it down like right there but this is going to be the next step for automating uh like resource gathering with the uh Lambo so once this is made we can then assign the lambo to it and I'll show you how to do that because you can actually assign these guys to just build to just craft and all that kind of stuff which is going to be even better later on as you get more pows and you have sort of the need to divide them into different areas so they're not just running all over the place uh because as you start to expand your base bigger the poers are just going to start like abandoning projects as you place down other things so assigning them is going to be really really good all right so in the Statue of power as as you've uh seen we've now finally managed to place it if we go up to it we can then do enhanced player stats or enhanced Powers if we do player stats you can see here we can increase our capture power because we've got that effigy so if we enhance ourselves yes boom we've got that upgrade and then the next one we need four more of those figes so since we already picked it up and we made our base right next to that first one that was over there we've got a nice little buff from the statue of power you can see the ranch is now finished so if I pick him up with square and then throw him down inside of it you see there it says fixed assignment to Ranch so now Lambo he's not going to do building or crafting he's just going to stay in the ranch and what will happen is inside the ranch it will fill up with wool that we can just run in and pick up and then craft into cloth at the workbench and then we can use that cloth that we've crafted you can see here the cloth which requires two wool to make one we can then make that into a cloth outfit when we have two and we'll actually have some armor we also made our bow so we can start making a bunch of arrows I like to make quite a lot of these so boom 60 they'll get working at that and then we'll be pretty much good what I'll do here is you see here he's going to be doing it anyway I'll pick him up and he can be our designated like craft so he's assigned to that workbench so he'll just stay there whenever I need crafting stuff the other guys will do the running around the mining and the building for us so something to note is that since our base is just here and I'm not sure if these are random but I think they're in set spots we can just quickly run over here I was just doing some wood chopping anyway you can see there's a chest up here and these chests can be really good they'll give you more power spheres and other items obviously the coins for the merchant so might as well just grab that chest 500 coins and some bread not too bad especially since you're going to need to be chopping these trees down for the wood anyway so make sure to grab the chests when you spot them you see doing this with the lambo is also quite important because the next upgrade for our village is actually the PO gear workbench which also needs two cloth so by having this sort of automatic wool generation we're in a pretty good spot we could also go out and just actually you see he's already just dropped another one but if you wanted to sort of speed up this process early on you could actually just fight and defeat some of these lambor I'll show you here if we actually defeat him we'll get some meat and we'll get some wood as well so our 60 arrows are complete that's great we're almost ready to go adventuring out in the wood and capturing some cooler Pals but now we can actually make some cloth so with all of that that we've just made I'll produce some cloth he's going to get on it and we're almost ready to go out and start getting some even cooler Pals that will also automatically do our cooking and our planting for us and will'll be bettering combat and is where the real fun of the game sort of actually starts so your whole base here is almost set up to be sort of a bit uh self- sustaining which is really nice and again thanks to these caters everything can be done for us the transporting the building the crafting it's absolutely great because to be honest like no one wants to be sat here you know having to hold square for a million different stacks of whatever material it is that you need in the moment so we've made our cloth we can now actually produce the cloth armor which again we're going to need as we start adventuring out and we can make the power gear workbench which I'll just plun down here something interesting to note if you have massive stacks of things produc using in the workbench it sometimes is actually worth creating an additional workbench because then you can have two things going at the same time and again with things like caters they will just make them for you so you could have arrows being made here and you could have cloth being made here so having multiple workbenches is actually pretty good in of itself but you can see here our cloth outfit boom is finished so now we're looking a little bit cooler you know we're not just running around in underwear we have we have our armor we have our bow and arrow we're pretty much ready to Adventure out and get get some much cooler Pals but since that workbench is also being made we can level up our village one more time so boom level up the village we now have six of them good job we made all of those beds right since we already have six beds we're pretty good already all right so in our workbench boom pal let's make as many as we can we can only make 15 at the moment we need more Palladium fragments we know how to get these you can see here there's loads of these blue or noes around so if you want to make some more we can just go and mine them and start crafting it's also worth looking out all around the place sometimes you will just find Pal literally on the floor like this so boom we'll pick that up that's great because it saves us a bunch of resources actually having to mine and and sort of make one so make sure to keep an eye out and sometimes you find green pal speres which are meas spheres and they're even better they have higher capture rate and they're good against the bigger uh powers that we'll be capturing soon so they're pretty good to get you might also if you have the cloth for it want to make a normal parachute this is literally functioning as a glider and it just makes your sort of life easier when you're jumping off of a cliff or you want to cross a gap so I definitely recommend making the parachute early on just cuz it's literally your glider and it's just fun to have all right so our parachute is finished all of our pal spheres are finished you can see in the bottom right hand corner I have 29 pal spers we have our bow with a ton of arrows we got 60 arrows we got our cloth armor on we got our Shield we're ready to go out and actually start fighting other poers that we haven't seen before see we can use the glider it does rapidly lower our our stamina it helps uh so we're ready to go and start getting some actual cool poers and you can see in the distance one of the ones we're going to capture down there is this little fire guy who's very good for two purposes because one he can do the cooking in our base with his fire and two we can use him to craft a harness and use him as a literal flamethrower which is really strong for attacking other Pals and again we got another pal spere just on the floor so we'll just grab that while we're there this guy's level six which is pretty good it's the same level as us we'll just hit him with a bunch of arrows try and Dodge his fireballs again we have the shield so it doesn't matter too much if he hits us anyway 44% up to 63% that's pretty good odds he broke it we'll just immediately throw another one so if they break and fall out just immediately throw another one this is why we crafted around 30 of them so it doesn't matter if we spam a couple boom we've got him and look straight next to us we have the uh the Water Ice one this is going to be really good for watering our plantations as well so we do actually want to get these guys to so at least one of these guys maybe even two to have in your party but we will just Capture One basically right now start capturing the other one too while we're at it good job our Shield is absorbing everything looks like we no we got threee we'll capture him again oh we've been frozen but again good job we have that Shield we're not losing too much health boom will capture the other one there we go we caught one looks like we're going to capture the second one as well boom now we're getting some actual cool Pals and the Reason by the way I'm not throwing a pal down to help me fight is because I don't want them to actually kill the pal I want to capture them right now a chest over there that we'll grab too but we'll get this guy as well because he's got uh planting so he can also help with our berry so he can plant and the water one can water and then our catas can Harvest and we'll have a self- sustaining way to feed the uh Pals in our base so we definitely want to get this guy so we basically got as you can see in our party we've got uh the Water the fire and then back in our base it's gone to our box we've also got the uh the Earth one we'll pick up this chest here while we're at it more coins and arrows perfect so now that we've got those guys rather you could capture a few more if you want to you know you got the you've got the arrows and the resources so you could capture more if you want to but for the sake of the video I'm going to go back to base and show you what we're going to do with them all right so now that we're back in base what we can actually do is put a couple of these CS away because now we have some alternate options here we can put in our water boy put in our fire boy and we can put in our Earth boy and now we're going to have so much more self- sustaining here you can see the earth guy is already going over and started to seed our Plantation so once this is complete then our water penguin can come over and water them and then once they've been watered they'll be ready to harvest and our caters can basically then run over and start harvesting them so with this we now have an automated way of producing the berries and feeding all the pals in our base so we're in a really good spot just by capturing those additional Pals and an additional thing that you can do in the technology tree now that we have the fire guy is that we can actually learn this harness as you can see here with some leather and Flame organs which allows us to use him as an actual flamethrower as you've seen from capturing them we've got things like flame organs ice organs pal fluids we've even got these leaves these are materials that we will need and we tame them by defeating those new powers that we've just got for now I'll put them actually or I keep the uh keep the gold coins together in the other chest but all of these new materials we can put away for now and uh we can actually get more of them by going out and defeating more of them so another thing I recommend doing is actually going into your power box and you see here I have one of these penguins in my actual party I recommend keeping him in your party because he's actually really good in combat because of the ability that he has so if we go over to him uh you can see here he has the ice missile and this is pretty good in fighting especially this early on so he's actually a pretty pretty he's a little bit of a beast in combat and you'll see why but what's going on here now is that we have a really self- sustaining base where everything's being mined being gathered being fed on their own and all this kind of stuff and if we cuz we have the fire guy we can actually now start uh making a ton of berries here you can see here he's going to start running over and cooking these for us so now we have a fully self sustaining base which can do all of these things and it's absolutely great because now you're in a position where you can basically go out in the world and start capturing some of the bigger and cooler Pals we'll capture another one of these flame guys so that we can have one in our party and make the flamethrower harness as we go and gather those resources so we'll just capture a few more of these for the XP and see we have one for our actual party you see when we capture and defeat them they're also giving us the leather and the flame organs which is what we will need to actually make that flamethrower so by defeating these we're actually getting the resources we need you see here we've got two leather we had an additional one in base we've got more flame organs we've captured one for the party so after capturing a few of these we can go back to base make that harness and then use the flamethrower which is again going to help us massively with capturing some of the bigger Pals which is where the game starts actually getting fun so we've made it back to base after defeating and capturing a bunch more of those fire boys we can now actually make the harness which will allow us to use him as a literal flamethrower and then we'll go and Hunt some additional poers that will be great for your base for your party and just for General things like Gathering and then you'll be in a great spot to actually go out and enjoy the game on your big new Pals you can also see here 29 baked berries we didn't even have to do anything our Fire pow just cooked them for us so boom we can pick them up and now we have a whole stack of food that will last even longer and is even better so pretty good stuff but we've now got our fire pal we just deploy him what when you've deployed him now that we have the harness we can hold down Square we literally pick him up and we can use him as an actual flamethrower and it does a lot of damage so we can use this to basically capture and weaken some other bigger to our advantage so a great thing to note is that because we've made the glider we can actually quickly cross this Gap and get another one of these Effigies and a bunch of these ability fruits that are on this tree and you can see here we also found an egg and this is my new world that I've done this in to show this to you guys and these are in the exact same location so I believe they're set so we'll pick the egg up we'll jump across this Gap grab the Fig and grab the fruit off of this tree because these are these are going to be really good later on in the game to give specific abilities that we want to to Pal but you can see here if I open the map our base is just here we started off here our base is just here you literally just go sort of North uh West and then cross this Gap and you can get these sort of goodies pretty early on but what we're doing now is we're basically looking for some cooler bigger Pals because we have the combat capability we have the bow with the arrows shoot them and we've got 14 pal so we're on the lookout for some cooler and new Pals again every time you see these fast travel points if they are orange it means you haven't activated them yet so anytime you see these you will want to go up and activate them it will just make your life easier later on in the game so pick them up if you ever see them if you're wondering about another FG location just next to that additional fast travel point just across this water here you can see there's an additional one and we can actually swim so you might as well pick that up and once I get over to it I'll show you the map as well just in case you are a little bit lost but it's always worth picking these up because they do increase that capture chance which is actually really quite good so you can see here boom here is another figg fud to pick up just north of that extra fast travel point that we just unlocked again near this same fast travel point on the map you'll find these ruins and there's another FG in here for you to get obviously you know now these are really good to get for the capture R so you might as well pick them up but boom here is the other location for that next figg so here's another big pal that's only level 10 so this is definitely achievable for us to capture I've not actually got this one before but it looks pretty cool so I'll show you sort of the general flow for what you want to do when you find a new power like this that you think is going to be good or you just want it so we'll throw down our guy here and we'll immediately pick him up for the flamethrower it looks like he's trying to run so once we tag him he stops running and we'll just keep pelting him with the flamethrower to try and get him as low as we can obviously be aware of the burning we'll keep ticking in lower and lower he is going to hit us pretty hard you see here we're only on a 14% going up to 33 when it lands but this is decent enough odds to give it a go we got we got lucky on that first one oh we got really lucky and got it first time brilliant so you can see there by using the actual uh flamethrower ability we could super quickly get a level 10 we're only level six right now and that was level 10 low and then capture it obviously we got lucky but you could just keep throwing spheres when it pops out if you didn't and that's sort of the gist for how you can uh get new bigger PS now that we've got this nice setup going but I'm just going to keep adventuring cuz there's a couple more powers that you definitely want to get that I'll show you where they're from so a quick note if you actually manage to reach one of the towers these are basically boss battles and you only want to go in here when you are fully ready for combat you have 10 minutes to basically beat the boss so I would ignore these towers early on until you have some bigger Pals uh that you're ready to basically go in and actually fight with you may also find these sort of I don't know Syndicate Thug settlements and there'll be some loot in here for you to get so it looks like they're already fighting some things but not only can we beat them but we can also free these Pals inside which will automatically become ours so we come in here and we just start taking these guys out again the flamethrower so op early on the interesting thing with the Syndicate thugs as well is you can actually capture these and put them to work in your base if you want to you can see here the chance is really low but if you get lucky you can literally capture them oh my gosh we might actually get luck what is this luck boom we just got our own Syndicate Thief to put in our base how funny is that all right let's just finish off these these last few you can see we can hold this to release the pal and we'll actually get this little guy in our pal box back at base for freeing him which is pretty cool so you can see we just found a chest a statue of power and another Effigy and so what we can actually do is again enhance our player stats now that we've got enough these figes for more capture power boom it's done and the reason that we've uh come here as you can see so I recommend actually coming here because the next power that we're going to want to capture is in this kind of ready area on the map so make your way here grab the Effigy upgrade yourself and then let's look for this new pal all right so this Rush ore is the one that we were looking for and the whole reason we came into this biome he's going to be really really good for us so we're just going to get his health a little low and capture him as normal but this is a one that you definitely want to look out for and the earlier you can get him the better so let's Whitt his health down and capture this guy and then we fast travel back to our base so 47 not too bad with the back attack let's get it 66 surely we've got it surely we've got [Music] it all right so after getting our pal that we really wanted we can just run back to a fast travel Point like this go up to it fast travel and literally just boom go back to base cuz there we can go to our PO box and we don't have to like run across the whole world again so the fast traveling is actually pretty pretty nice you can see here we've got the uh the little guy that we actually rescued from inside of that base with The Syndicate Thugs and you can see here we've actually got a Syndicate Thug itself so what I'm going to do is just show you that you can actually use these Syndicate thugs to uh defend your base that they actually have guns they can also if I go into the box you can actually see the the different skills that they have so you can see he has uh I think handiwork so he can actually help craft stuff but he's also going to be pretty good cuz he can just shoot things when we eventually get raided because our base does get raided every so often by like a wave of enemies so something like the uh the flamethrower skill that we have with uh our fire po here or having these kind of thugs guarding us is just a good way to sort of defend your base but the whole reason that we uh went out on that massive Adventure was pretty much to get this Rush ore so we're going to immediately slot him into our party all right so with that Rush ore if you actually open up and go to your technology page you can see pretty early on by this point you'll have it just like I have next to the harness for the flamethrower we can now get the rush or saddle we will need one more leather but this will allow us to ride him and use his special power which is absolutely phenomenal so let's go out kill some more of our little fire po buddies to get some leather and then come back and make that saddle all right so just like with the previous saddle at the pal gear you can actually craft this one boom and we'll start making it and this will allow us to ride him so not only will we have faster traversal but the custom ability that he comes with actually lets us mine both ore and rock nodes super easily and effectively and this is why it's pretty much the rush or is pretty much a must have pal and getting him early like this is going to be super beneficial not only for Speed but also for getting those stones and ores that you'll need a lot of later on all right so now that the saddle is made and crafted you can put him down we can go up and just press hold square boom we are mounted we can even run as well we can obviously shoot while we're mounted we can throw pal spheres so you can just literally fight things and capture them while riding it's obviously faster to ride especially as you sprint so this is a massive just quality of life Improvement but but if you hold down right trigger and I'll do it on this or node here he charges up and then runs forward and boom we hit a node and that immediately gives us a ton of resources so if I do it again you'll see we'll get a ton of resources just by doing this boom 10 or instantly obviously it's not breaking our tools it's much faster than just standing there and Mining it boom 32 ore already we can hit the stone ores as well so this is really good in areas that have multiple nodes like you can see here boom we'll hit that stone boom we'll hit that stone 76 Stone just from doing that I'm actually I'm actually uh encumbered now so uh what I have to do is drop a few of these rocks just so that we can keep moving but you can see there we've got tons of stone we've got tons of ore just by using this Rush ore it's an absolutely fantastic amount you can also just use this to attack things in combat so rush or is super super good to get and by grabbing him early you're going to be in a much much better spot and again the way the way that we basically found him is by just going around in this sort of red area on the map which isn't too far away from our starting base as well so definitely capture rush or uh as well as just any sort of powers you know how to do it now you've got the flamethrower you've got your Mount you've got your bow you got your arrows you know how to stock up you got a very self- sustaining base so now you're basically ready to go out into the world fight the bosses capture some cooler Pals and enjoy the game because you've got this initial sort of survival aspect sorted and again you're going to expand this base as you build but for now you're in a really good spot once you've got to this point in the game to basically go out and enjoy the game and do the actual battling and creature collecting so do subscribe down below if you enjoyed this video and hit that like button cuz it massively helps us out but that's it for this one
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 1,101,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pal world, palworld, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld beginners guide, palworld gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld review, palworld trailer, gameplay palworld, guide palworld, pal world guide, pal world tips, arekkz gaming
Id: 0yL8DyrkKP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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