The Perfect Base Design For INFINITE Refined Ingots | Palworld Max Efficiency Guide | Coal & Ore

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today I'll be showing you how to turn this humble little Hill into an Ingot printing monster of a base how to automate it step by step and exactly where to find it if you made it any decent bit into power world I'm sure you found yourself constantly bottlenecked by the number of ingots and refined ingots you can produce and most importantly for crafting weapons ammo and higher tier pal spheres once you have this base set up the only time you'll ever have to check on it is to reload your furnaces with hundreds of ingots and a crafting request for all the bullets and pal spheres You' need to get back out into the PO world I'm sure many people have flown by this bot on the way to the second trainer boss battle and thought the same thing about this being the perfect base bot so I wanted to share what I think is a highly optimized take on how to organize it that gives it the flexibility to serve as a production base on top of Simply a mining Outpost as it's obviously much more convenient to have everything located in one spot rather than shuttling thousands of ingots back to a base with production capabilities I'll let you be the judge by the end of this besides being an obvious gold mine for refining it production there's a laundry list of other benefits to stacking up your base here that I'll touch on throughout the video before we get started though it's important to discuss a couple of prerequisites you should consider before going here and getting ready to set up an entire base at this spot first I wouldn't bother doing this until you have the ability to set up a second base which happens to be at base level 10 and will also give you the ability to have 10 Pals at your base at any given time which is the perfect amount to get things started here at level 34 and base level 15 this spot becomes incredible you're also going to need Pals with level two mining in order to mine or rocks anything below that you'll find they just stand their AFK and do nothing for those that are still in the early game I recommend prioritizing tomats as they're extremely easy to obtain early on and are very close to the starting point in the game where your first base likely is just keep in mind that this has to be done at night for them to appear a big plus with these guys is that they'll also work through the night as well in case you're someone who doesn't sleep as soon as it starts to get dark dud is not too difficult to obtain either in the mid-level desert area but pen King is probably your best level two mining option since the pen king boss is is not particularly difficult to defeat and capture and he's only level 15 and can also be reached quite early into a playr because all of these guys have multiple role affinities however you're going to want to minimize activities like farming on your base and manually bring them food from another base unless you have adequate support Pals to cover that so that they can keep focusing on mining I'll discuss the higher tier Miner options later on and you're probably going to want to opt for those and it's not too hard to get set up next you're going to need to be at a minimum minimum character level of 10 to process ore into ingots and preferably level 15 so that you can ride Nightwings to the location as walking here is not going to be fun if you've got your base to level 10 you'll hopefully have both of these by then all right let's talk about getting there and then we'll get this base prepped automated and optimized the location of this spot is almost directly north of the plateau Beginnings if you were to fly north for a couple of minutes three fast travel points for reference are the sealed Realm of the Guardian Snowy Mountain Fork and the free P Alliance Tower hopefully if you have any of these it should be very easy to get to the spot personally I think it's easiest to start from the sealed Realm of the Guardian look directly north of you to the tower in the distance and then slightly to the right you'll see our destination at the highest point of the green Rocky Mountains you can take a look at the map for reference here as well take whatever flying Mount you have and head on over to the top because this spot is circular and falls off at the edges we want our pow box as close to the center of the circle as possible to maximize flat space coverage and this elevated lump of land is about as close as it's going to get for a good starting point that doesn't interfere with our or rocks or coal rocks you can work with a 2x2 or 3x3 framework here but I opted for a 3X3 because it gave me a little more room to work with if I decided to throw extra chest down and your PO Box can't have anything too close to it on either side so a 2 x two felt a little too cramped for my liking you should always drop stairs or roofs down along the foundation side so that pals are less likely to get trapped if they path through the center of the base and this applies to any other foundational buildings that you build in the area another tip that could save you from an timely disaster is if you can carefully line up the foundations to match the top of that ground Mound you can instead not put a foundation piece at the very center so that your pobox isn't sitting on top of it the reason this can prove extremely important is because if you start building things around this area and then decide to do some remodeling if you accidentally knock out that Foundation the pow boox sitting on top of it will be destroyed without warning along with any other structures tied to it this doesn't mean everything but it will destroy a lot all of your pals will also instantly turn into a pow ball that you can collect but you'll have to go and manually pick them all back up they're not going to go back into your pow box now if you're smarter than I am it'll never happen to you but it's worth considering setting up at the center of your base like that instead because it did happened to me and it was not a welcomed surprise so now that we've got our PO box set up and the base officially exists our key objective is to get enough Pals housed here to not only mine and store the ores but to process them into bars I've talked about using the lower tier miners but by deploying what I like to call the an newbie Noob makes many an newbie Strat will be able to clear this island in no time at all at level 19 you can unlock the breeding Farm but with the right combination of Pals and Cake you can make close to any pal you want in this case we want at least five anubis's Anie anbi I don't know what the right pluralization is here honestly let me know what you think it should be I won't go too in depth on breeding here but I'll probably make a video on that shortly but to keep things breathed make a breeding Farm make some C I just bought most of my ingredients for the cakes from the merchant at this settlement because I'm lazy then catch a celer which are all over the place then catch a relaxa orus which are also pretty easy to find and catch make sure one is male another is female throw them into the Stables make sure there's a cake in the food storage box that's connected to it and then go hide behind the stables and watch through a little hole that you cut out as you witness the miracle of inters species breeding of a mantere and a blue dinosaur as they somehow late an absolutely humongous earth type egg now these eggs normally take an eternity to hatch using an egg incubator but for your own sanity especially if you're a solo player just do yourself a favor and Turn Down The Hatch time to zero which will make this only take 30 minutes to hatch you are more than welcome to do this the honest way but it will save you a ton of pain it's probably worth just changing the settings for this brief moment congratulations you now have some anubis' to assign to your base now watch them tear apart the rocks and then respectfully clean up their mess too while helping around the camp alternatively you can seek out any of these Pals with three mining or hire for similar results with dig toys probably being the easiest to find but they don't have any other additional abilities to help around the base because the anubis's have level four handiwork and two transporting they're extremely versatile and valuable base supporters on top of being a miner with five anubis's and two tomats you'll have enough mining power to easily clear all the rocks and then throw in some secondary tasks for the anubis' to take care of after they've helped pick up all the or chunks while the tomats can help Farm farming patches if you've opted to add those capabilities to your base for full automation assuming you're only starting with 10 Pals at this base for now you're going to want to use two of your three remaining slots for your highest level fire Pals preferably something with two or higher fire Rank and two furnaces for them to constantly manage what you put in that final slot is up to you hopefully you'll have more slots than that to do full automation you'll need to be level 34 for access to the refined furnace but hopefully you have that if you're building a base here since one of the main reasons for setting up this base is the presence of coal after a couple of days of harvesting at this site you'll have hundreds of bars being cranked out every day refined or otherwise I like to keep these furnaces in the direct center of my base with a chest near each of them so that it's easy to dump the bars and if I need to bring the bars to support another base they're close enough to my pow box that I can simply pick up a stack of like a thousand bars and then fast travel with them with ease I do like to do a mix of refined and normal bars to keep some of my Coal stock piles for making carbon fiber don't get Noob trapped into making carbon fiber with charcoal you want to save that for gunpowder I make an effort to get a deep understanding of any game I play and extensively test everything before I start posting videos to give you valuable research-backed information that I don't just pull out of my ass if you Vibe with that hit the Subscribe button and help appease the algorithm Gods our secondary objective is for our Pals to do this fast enough that they have downtime to support additional tasks like making ammo spheres and whatever other craftables we need normally this wouldn't be easy given the number of rocks they need to clear every day but it can be done with the right po combo and strategic object placement the first and most important thing we can do to help ensure our goals are met is to tactically place chests across our base to minimize the amount of time our pal spend picking up and depositing resources as this is actually the number one time suck for Pals by placing chests in these spots you reduce the deposit time from what could be multiple seconds to less than a second per deposit in many cases and this makes it possible for you to never have to visit the basee to do cleanup runs of the ORS yourself you can customize these chest placements however you want but I found these spots to work especially well with no Pals being caught on them especially the mega-sized pals that are notorious for getting trapped on objects I've also confirmed that these placements will not prevent the respawning of the or nodes which is also critically important for moving into the late game so that you have enough resources for yourself and other team members especially if you're playing on a higher difficulty where the amount of resources are ner since the game pulls from all chests in your base you don't have to be concerned about having a smattering of a dozen chests that all have a portion of your total ore and coal amount next we need to make sure we're providing adequate care to our Pals so that they don't realize they're nothing more than cogs in the capitalist power world machine that exists solely to provide you with more food bullets spheres and money we're not heartless slave drivers here so we're going to want to make sure that we have at least one bed for each of our Pals two hot springs preferably of the higher tier quality if you have the resources to spare but tier one of either one is going to be fine when placing your beds you'll want these to be away from the or nodes and for that matter anything you build as a rule of thumb as you don't want to prevent them from respawning and you want to minimize the traffic area where pals are actively working this should be applied to all other structures you place in this base with assembly lines farming patches workbenches and the like being placed on the Outer Perimeter of the base Circle not overlapping the or spawn locations all of those special structur in the other category when you're building that boost pal abilities like the pickaxe and helmet and the flame cauldron should all be placed on the furthest edges of your base or better yet on an elevated surface I chose to build up the structure where my pal sleep and place most of those boosters my bed and any other structure that didn't require a pal to interact with it higher up so that it kept things as clear as possible on the factory floor for example every single day one of these dinguses would climb up onto the top of the sil no matter where I put it on the ground they just have an affinity for being on top of this object so I finally gave up hope on keeping the silo on the ground and now it's joined its friends on top of the base if you have the ability to unlock the mining handiwork and fire booster I would do that immediately with the other ones being optional but of course recommended as well if you have the means to do so and you're planning on adding other functionality to your base like farming and cooling also for the beds it's usually smart to keep them one buildable tile apart from each other and half a tile away from any walls so that larger Pals don't get trapped or stacked weirdly a pro tip if you also want to push your pals a little harder that I think a lot of people gloss over is the monitoring stand you can definitely use it to push your pals a little more if you have the right food supply and sand replenishment pools or food available I would test this for a few in-game days once you have your base set up to see if there's slack that needs to be picked up and if so you can up this one level at a time and see if that changes the results my current setup with mid to high TI your pals is more than enough to get on normal difficulty without touching this a final optimization is to put two pal feed boxes here and here so that Pals mining or don't have to run back to the other side of the base to eat from that one and the ones farming if you have a farm set up or mining coal don't have to run over to the other side of the base if you are only running one feed box just make sure to keep the one further from a farming site topped up every once in a while so our base is now successfully mining all ores and processing them so let's talk about some of the additional pros and cons of this base location for you to consider and how you can get around those and then we'll talk about the remaining base purposes it's capable of supporting for more complete automation the biggest con about this base location is the evident lack of stone Paladium and sulfur all of which are also important ingredients for making our pal speres ammo and other upgrades for stone you can easily throw up a stone pit for a day instead of putting your anubis' to work on Crafting tasks so that they can stockpile Stone after mining all the ore and all the co coal or you can designate another base to supply your stone and then shuttle it back which is probably going to be easier and more consistent that's what I typically do for sulfur you can do the same thing at another base with plentiful sulfur rocks or if you aren't in desperate need of sulfur you can hop off the side of this Cliff once a day to grab this rock for a solid chunk of sulfur but that'll probably not sustain anybody playing late game and definitely not a full team the same can be said for palum personally I just make a point of mining sulfur and palum anytime I see it out in the wild because they're both relatively low weight compared to ore and stone so it was easy to carry back in an exploration boat and dump it at my base whenever I hit fast travel spots dungeons are usually the best place to find giant rocks of Paladium so mine as much as you can whenever you come across those larger rocks and that should usually be a decent supply for spheres once you find a spot with a couple sulur rocks you could definitely consider moving your original base there or your third base once you unlock it if you don't want to have to deal with the trouble of a full rebuild on the flip side I'd say the biggest additional benefit aside from being an Ingot printing base is the fact that this location cannot be raided as far as I can tell I spent a few dozen days of in-game time here and have never once been raided now don't get me wrong sometimes raids are nice for some quick Looting of a pile of NPCs but they're probably more of an inconvenience than anything so if you're playing with raids on this is effectively a way to disable them without toggling the setting off completely there are also a few treasure chests in very close proximity to the base for quick cash and item pickups if you for whatever reason need them in a pinch and there are also two egg spawns within 10 seconds of the base as well and many in the surrounding area I'd say the final con is there's a small portion of wasted space on the outer edge of the base but it's very minor however because you're prioritizing the cleanliness of the middle half of the base for optimal mining efficiency you lose a lot more of your workable base area which will make activities like breeding and using ranches a lot less practical with the remaining space that you have but even even more so because you usually need to commit a large portion of your pals to Mining and smelting and you won't have enough free pal slots to make use of those systems effectively you're better off making your first or third base be more dedicated to those activities instead which I think is a smarter practice anyways I'd also say medicine activities are best reserved for another base as well so let's wrap up by talking about how we can milk more out of this base area so that we get more value out of each visit to it and why it can be a suitable primary base location for all your crafting activities this assumes that you're at a base level of 15 or higher which shouldn't be far off from where you are progress wise in the game if you're ready to start using refined ingots which starts at level 34 for Farms I found two Berry patches was more than enough for 15 Pals with reasonable food consumption rates plus two wheat patches so that I could slowly process jelly toast as well if you store one honey in each slot of your feed boxes you can force Pals to transport wheat to a cold storage unit so none of it degrades by having the two tomats in your base they can handle just about all the Gathering needs for your base while supporting Mining and transporting plus two Pals for planting and then two Pals for watering mandas are great because they can plant transport craft and wood cut as it can be nice to chop the trees in the area to get wood for charcoal production which you will need for gunpowder and most of the time your pals will completely finish mining all the Rocks anyways so they can help pick up that wood too one pen King is great as a water supplier as he can also support mining when needed but also transports and helps craft too technically he can cool things but never count on a multi-action pal to do any cooling it probably won't happen I then like to have one pal exclusively provide water so crops will never get ignored and my Mill can always process flour when needed so my jelly toast can keep getting cranked out same goes for having one dedicated cooling pal so that my food never goes bad and finally one pal with electricity generation so that I can add Advanced crafting to the m if you haven't noticed I've made sure that almost every single pal has handiwork as part of their core skills in addition to their dedicated task and this is so that when they inevitably clear all the rocks and the trees in the area that they'll always be on deck to help crank out a load of crafting for me in their downtime so make sure you drop down your highest level spear bench weapon production facility and then crafting assembly line and throw a chest nearby to offload your intermediate and finished products and have your Palace go to town when you need the crafting done you know Anubis are disgusting fast with rank four Helping Hands and we'll craft things at an insane rate which is why having at least five of them is favored over having other mining Pals as it's usually overkill for them to just be focused on mining plus these guys run super fast in comparison to some of the other larger mining Pals assuming you have a similar load out to what I've got running here this base is pretty well fully automated and self- sustained and you'll technically never have to check on it other than when you want to collect ingots and start a new batch of them and if you've got anubis' as your miners then it's also great for getting new batches of crafting going it's also just a beautiful spot in general and you can definitely play around with the rest of the Outer Perimeter to make more decorative structures for yourself so go crazy I hope you found this guide helpful and informative I've got plans for a lot more in-depth analysis videos and guides that don't just rehash the tutorial and tell you that everybody already knows so be sure to stick around for more if you're interested in that I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: UncleMumble
Views: 934,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld walkthrough, pal world, ingot, efficient, palworld builds, builds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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